It's night on a friday, instead of getting drunk by yourself, get drunk with us and play TF2!

It's night on a friday, instead of getting drunk by yourself, get drunk with us and play TF2!

We've added some new features, including RTD, and got rid of that god awful train map. We've added default maps to the list, along with 16 new maps, some whacky, and others more serious for those fags
Password: the usual

Attached: TF2.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread: Maps.rar!to9ViKIQ!1QqFIbgwtw--eylr0L3WWQ

Come play faggots

If you need to download individual maps rather than the zip they are here

why not. what's the password? is it literally just "the usual"? never done this before with any of you faggots
also how to install maps?

steamapps/team fortress 2/tf/maps
password is the same its been for years on Yea Forums servers


i've only ever browsed /k/, im a newfag here so i have 0 fucking clue

it's what Yea Forums used to be

We got 10 people in the server right now, come join and have fun

better? good?


an emotion
and thats all the spoonfeeding im giving you newfag, cause you can find it if your smart enough

password: rage

Attached: 1529632862896.png (335x295, 112K)

imagine spoonfeeding the newfags


Joining right now

wait this is the old one?

spoon fed thanks


Attached: 1541117359597.jpg (250x209, 9K)

Not old, but we hosted yesterday

what awful train map

We have 16 people right now, come join we have like 32 player limit

Time for TILTED TURBINE boys

what happened to the one with saysounds?

>not wanting to be able to spawn sentries right at the player spawn
its almost like you just downloaded tf2

>hating the best feature to come out of an FPS game

heres ur bump

play the video games bois

Bump for great justice

Reminder: If you have "duplicate" or "mismatch" version of maps you need to go into your map directory, and look for any map with (2) next to the name, move the original file somewhere for safe use then rename the secondary file and get rid of the 2. It should work after that. If it doesnt you probably still have the wrong version somewhere.

Died a while ago

20 players right now! Max is 32, come join us and have fun


heres yer bump

its time lads

ms.Obama get down

bump, its the newfag still downloading the maps. save a spot for me :(

Theres room for 32, we have 20 in game right now, your still good user.

Map list?
Last i played it was nothing but meme map

All default maps, plus some extra meme maps, plus like 6 more serious maps

There are actual maps this time, along with arena maps

maplist is the second link posted in the thread, has every map named. You can cross reference with gamebanana or steam to see what they are

are the default maps included in the download? i dont want to go in and replace every single one and weed out the specific ones, i just wanna be able to paste into the maps folder since i pretty much have the defaults only

Default maps are default maps, anything you'd have apart of a normal TF2 installation.

>want people on your server
>be a dick when asked the password

Make sure your putting them in the right directory user, they should be Teamfortress2/tf/download/maps


>unremovable sapper
what the fug

>wanting a removeable sapper
What the fuck, thats the most cursed thing i've heard in a while.

bump how will red ever recover


join guys

don't forget the maps:

i dont have a maps folder in the download directory, is it fine if i just make one and paste the maps there? note im on an *mac

I think you can just make one, or might as well google it cause that wont hurt


desperation bump

Attached: drwahwee.png (538x448, 320K)

blu couldn't fight there way out of a paper bag

Attached: crabBattle.png (742x560, 558K)


We've got 20 players, come join and be apart of the fun. We got a 32 limit

fuck you bob

you mean Convoy or Trainsawlaser?

i havent connected via command prompt in a while, how do i insert the password? i write "connect" but it tells me bad password

The shitty train map we played yesterday. trainsawlaser is a redpilled map

;password (insert password)

24 players and we could always use more! Current map is wacky races

you better not be talking shit about convoy

It was a convoy ripoff map, that had a neat asthetic but had a door that would crash peoples games.

one last question:
red or blue?


was it the halloween one?

it was this map:

we're nearing player cap! If your gonna join do it now fellas


w0ah a Reminder

Attached: 9hj2e0kj5lb11.png (899x570, 161K)

could be fun or could be disastrous

Attached: 1460948866586.gif (250x229, 1.7M)

>trump tower crashed my game

>Map missing

never mind it immediately got rtv'd out

>missing map

Map link is in the top.
This is a good time to remind everyone, that we do no playtesting whatsoever before the server goes up. Maps either work or they don't. in this case, trump tower was advertised as a KOTH/Arena map on gamebanana, but was infact deathrun

or Maps.rar

>half a gig of maps
have mercy everyone here has 56kbps

24 players, all roleplaying on the next SS13 on source

I downloaded ss13 but it says i dont have it

Does this have the SS13 map?

Changing level anyway, but yes.

>losing so hard at whacky cars they vote to destroy the server


If I take off that Gibus, will you die?

Does SLAM work yet?

Lavender town doesn't work either

>had lavender town aldready downloaded
>game tells me I need another version


whats the error your getting senpai, if you put all of your shit in the right directory
it should work

us or eu? probably us right, is the ping playable for someone from EU?

Spoonfeeding is gay and all, but if you actually want people on the fucking server you're going to have to tell newfags the pass

It says i'm missing the maps despite having them all in the right directory
Looks like i'm fucked

F, i'll miss you user, no idea whats happening. You could try to verify cache

US but ping is playable atleast

Oh now I gotta get lavander town.

In the OP, theres a link for the ZIP, just copy and past all maps in that zip into the map folder

Looks like I'm sitting this one out
this also works for most of the maps

imagine having shit tier internet

Why can't I download maps from the server?

nice list, but the steamed hams version is different then the one we got.

>Map is missing
What's going on bros?

Attached: 834275j.png (512x384, 232K)

Why the fuck hasn't OP setup fastDL for the server

Why would you toss the new maps in the same download link so I have to redownload the archive every time you add a new map?
Why would you even bother hosting a server if you don't know how to set up fastdl?

Attached: what (3).png (226x204, 6K)

>Missing map. Disconnecting...
What the fuck did I download all those maps last for then? Join this server instead

Attached: dennis.gif (250x186, 1.7M)

fast DL wasnt working
t. server host

bruh add me, i can help you get it setup
t. old party van admin

Holy fuck why cant i download the maps like other community servers. At least i got on the server

Check if there is a maps carpet inside your maps carpet if you extracted the rar wrong

Join us!!

i'll add you later

>being this much of a brainlet
got in pretty easily desu. it's one of the few things filtering faggots out

You gonna cry, boah? Piss yer pants, maybe?

i love u guys

servers full but you can still join! Come join us on Tilty Turbine

sergei mosin needs to stop being so good at sniping :^)

>missing map
Apparently not in the map pack.

How do we dl the map

delete system32

Map pack, though some people are having issues, probably from being brainlets but I dunno

It's in the full pack and not the mediafire zip, pick what you need from here

The map pack doesn't include tilted turbine you fuck. I'll see shortly if the Yea Forums workshop items fixes this.

Attached: Capture.png (720x523, 45K)

What an inconvenient way to download maps

You can always use the zip on the OP to be sure you have them all. It could be slow though.



Is it an american server?

Play overwatch

the map pack does include it, youre just a brainlet. use the one op provides and put it in >steamapps>common>teamfortress2>tf>downloads>maps



bump for map change


>entire server filled with children being retarded on vc.

>implying Yea Forums isnt full of retarded children



bump were not bumping cause its dead but because we're having fun



Attached: 1543862074996.jpg (685x737, 67K)

based and hampilled

Attached: 1529746901778.jpg (1024x1024, 66K)

>missing the map

Attached: 1539842082521.png (427x573, 416K)

Just give the actual IP address, fucktard

we've had several this is number 5 or 6

that is the ip fuckwad

party van is the most fun I've had with this game for a while. I wish Valve would roll back the matchmaking bullshit already, it would've been for it to be comp only while leaving pubs as they were.

Attached: klk and mm.jpg (640x640, 45K)

How long was Scotland again?


Are you guys playing custom maps only or custom gamemodes too?


Attached: 1526404050390.png (379x415, 234K)

>two scotland micspammers at once while some guy spams the shrek movie script

Attached: 1549865283953.png (554x554, 47K)

I love that he doesnt even fucking use the whole script, nigga is going line by line



So, while people are still browsing the thread. Give us your map suggestions for further maps to be added, also we're probably gonna make this a Thursday/Friday thing, or a Friday/Sunday thing cause I got shit to do on Saturdays. The server will go up between like 8 PM EST and 10 PM EST, if it's not up or theres another Van happening its not gonna go up.

Also, as long as we keep getting players, we'll keep hosting cause these Vans have been pretty fun so far.

Mario Kart is a must. If you have the version with the cake room, even better. Also, and I'm going to regret suggesting this, I'm sure, but Mandrill Maze would be nice for about 5 times before getting old.

Attached: mortal kumbat.jpg (859x807, 239K)

Warpath (pic related), and Lumberyard.

Attached: 113324.jpg (1600x1260, 223K)

We have mario kart, only map we couldn't find was mandrill maze

if you've got map suggestions shoot them to pomf @ ss13 dot moe

>download map pack from OP
>changing maps

Shouldn't servers auto-download maps to clients?
I'm having the same shit happen.

heres a bunch it should be in general maps!to9ViKIQ!1QqFIbgwtw--eylr0L3WWQ

No idea why it does that user, I wish I had an answer but so far it seems the only answer is that you did something wrong.

he updated the zip from yesterday i see it in the current zip

working now just redownloaded the frickin map pack

Attached: rarecarl.jpg (210x240, 15K)

I will join if its warpath or mandrill maze

we'll have those maps next thursday when we host the next van cause the servers kinda winding down right now

goodnight everybody


i guess its nite nite for op

after everybody leaves I get fastDL working finally so no need for downloading hueg zips next time.

night everyone

I have a copy of Mandrill as well as a special reskin of it I did for the previous van. I can send it later if you want.

send it to me next thursday, and i'll have it in by friday

It's already dead? I just fucking got home