Why is he so likeable despite being a whiny bitch?

Why is he so likeable despite being a whiny bitch?

Attached: Alistair.jpg (308x434, 48K)

he's a bro

hurf durf feggitz get off mai vidyer

hurf durf faggotz git off mai vidyer

hurf durf faggots git out mah vidya

hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer

hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer

herf derf feggitz get off mai vidyer



I actually didn't like him precisely because he was a whiny bitch. Not to mention most of the characters in the game mostly due to the writing style. I never finished the game I never really understood all the love surrounding it, it was incredibly boring and generic to me. Do people like it because there was barely anything close to a crpg out at the time?? I just don't get it.

I need 91 reasons to why I shouldn't harden Alistair. No homo


it's just a well made RPG with a shit ton of content and replayability with some fun written characters
it also gave a lot of room to be whoever you wanted to be within the constraints of a linear story

Whiny self-deprecating manchild who is occasionally funny? He's Yea Forums personified.

his VA is good

Also a creedy douche

No I'm with you user, if Demons Souls had gotten an earlier release date no one would remember this series, I only played it because when I was looking for something from the genre it was the first and only thing available.

Why is so she perfect bros?

>TFW Morri will never step on your dick and mock you for believing in Andraste

Attached: Per.jpg (468x642, 68K)

>whiny bitch
most of Yea Forumsirgins relates with this

Attached: Tent_cold.jpg (1920x1080, 351K)

Because despite the fact he's a whiny bitch he's also a fucking bro.

I've got an irl friend like that too.

*literally does anything*
>Morrigan disapproves (-10)

hurf durf feggitz get off mai vidyer

>it also gave a lot of room to be whoever you wanted to be within the constraints of a linear story
That's what a ROLE-PLAYING game is supposed to be about, not minmaxing skills or pwning monsters for teh XPs.

Because she is a manipulative liar who wants to bring into the world some kind of new, possibly unheard of unholy abomination right as you are trying to end a literal existential threat to every sentient species?

it`s called positive projection, you see traits which you have to and like yourself for make you sympathize more with charakters or real people.

just like hating people without really knowing them because their act like a old part of you would but this time its vice versa

It's cuz he's actually a cool dude at the end of the day, despite being a big nerd.

Shame that gets fukin deleted

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I wish to save her from this awful series.

I treat really shitty sequels like they never existed. So not for me.

and that's exactly what origins does, what's your point?

>Gaider's personal own DnD character turned vidya
fuck outta here

He was supposed to be a teenager but he looks like he's in his 30s, so he comes off as a manchild instead of a kid. Same thing happened to Morrigan.

That's why it's your goal as a big dick Cousland Warden to break her ice shell and help her realize that being a good mother is all she ever wanted.

Just give her jewellery and she'll like you.

Then you are blessed indeed

>once upon a time gaider wasn't a total hack fraud
What happened?

Attached: __morrigan___by_Kanoe_v2.jpg (360x591, 138K)

good voicework and morrigan snarks at him constantly

demons souls is literally nothing like dragon age origins they appeal to two different genres of RPGs.
i don't understand how you can compare them

>>>it's just a well made RPG blahblahblah
>>>it also gave a lot of room to be whoever you wanted to be within the constraints of a linear story
People are so used to "RPG=increasing pretty numbers on a charsheet" that I could not restrain myself. Don't mind me, I'll go back to pretending I don't give a fuck that the vast majority of players consider role-playing a nice addition in role-playing games.

Reminder that Morrigan isn't atheist, she just doesn't believe in what the Chantry preaches.

how the fuck do your complaints apply to origins?
how is it not a good RPG?

You're missing the point. I'm complaining about that user's post. Read his post.

gaider and bioware were always bad.

black isle bois represent


Because sometimes he makes jokes and they're funny in real life and not just in universe

>tfw you are that friend
I'd ask you to kill me but I don't want to be that much of a hassle.

He's the comic relief other than Oghren

I'm not surprised, given that her moms a god.

HEs not likeable, he’s just a whiny bitch

I'm a mage, fuck that guy. I have to beg some woman to marry this man. The dude has no game.