Why did everyone seem to forget about/move on from this game almost instantly?

Why did everyone seem to forget about/move on from this game almost instantly?

ICO and SOTC had rabid fanbases, SOTC even managed to spawn a ~5500 post secret hunt thread years after it was released, yet TLG gets nothing?

No big secrets have been found in this game yet despite the infamous secret garden in SOTC and secret mace in ICO.

TLG also seems like perfect bait for weepy bearded game analysts to talk about how it emotionally effects them or how it inspires empathy or some shit but it's almost never featured in analysis/discussion of games.

It's like it never happened.

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because it was honestly just plain shit

It sucked.

I was ungodly hyped for it and It was pretty boring. ICO and SOTC are some of my fav games of all time.

It will come back as a cult classic. It was solid but flawed.

I liked it better than ico or sotc

>SOTC even managed to spawn a ~5500 post secret hunt thread years after it was released,
Anyone got an archive for this?

Uh, not that guy but, you can check Reddit’s sotc section, there is a coin and mystery hunting megathread, otherwise you can always watch nomadcolossus content on YouTube
>inb4 Reddit
Ima sory

eurogamer article:


but the guy was cute

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I enjoyed this game fuck all yall

You can enjoy it all you want, but it was shit.

What went wrong? Went in excited. Stopped playing after an hour out of sheer boredom. Was ICO this bland?

it came out too late. it was honestly alright, on par with ico and sotc, but those were ps2 games

Because is game about a kid and his fucking big dog sounds like a preschool game

Ico was better

>"My favorite game of 2016 is The Last Guardian, and its not even close"
Once based Mathew finally does a video on this masterpiece, people will start sucking its cock endlessly. TLG is quite possibly the greatest pleb filter of all time.

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It was in development for about 30 years and everyone was sick of waiting and moved on.

SotC was the only one that made a splash. People didn't give a crap about Ico until Colossus retroactively made it sought after.

>it's a you need a ps4Pro to not have sub 30 fps game

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Ico never had a rabid fanbase, it was always just SOTC that did. The reason TLG didn't catch on was because it was more like ICO 2, and everybody was expecting it to be like SOTC 2.

SoTC & Ico are literally the only good Sony games and Ico is the 2nd most influential game of the century. Which lead this game being hyped to the moon, only to end up being a gimmicky piece of shit with no redeeming value

>TLG is quite possibly the greatest pleb filter of all time.

this is probably true on some level

the game isn't pleb filter though, pleb filter is where you need a level of intelligence of sophistication to enjoy something while most people are put off TLG by stuff like the camera, glitches etc

i feel like people didn't give the game enough of a chance, really hope someone makes a video on it that retroactively makes people appreciate it more since it's a genuinely god tier game when it clicks with you

But you never played the game, let alone best it. Your opinion is shit.

Sony doesn't make replayable games anymore.

why this dude look like trico

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>pleb filter is where you need a level of intelligence of sophistication to enjoy something while most people are put off TLG by stuff like the camera, glitches etc
The MAIN complaint people had with TLG is that Trico didn't perfectly respond to your commands 100% of the time. People actually complained that Trico acted too much like an actual animal, and that you had to treat him as such. One of the game's most innovative and unique strengths was its biggest weakness to these idiots.

>Why did everyone seem to forget about/move on from this game almost instantly?

I didn't, I fucking loved the game and still do. It was everything I could of hoped for. I just wish it had a better frame rate.

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I think the big problem with the game's emotional thru line is that the giant dog monster isn't in danger that often. It feels like the dog is in danger because it's a dumb dog, not necessarily because it's a dangerous situation. I'd say in the first part of the game it's perfect, but when it tries to switch up the dynamic it isn't as compelling. By the third act you don't have any input, which removes some agency from the story that the previous two games had. Overall it wasn't built as tight as the previous games, which is understandable for game with a 10 year development time. There's a lot of good ideas in TLG, some if fleshed out even better than the previous two, but for now it's disjointed and doesn't impact the player as it seeks too

What's a secret hunt thread?

a thread where people collaborate to find secrets in the game

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Did they ever patch it so it wasn’t bringing up “Press X to jump” prompts litterally every time a Platforming section appeared? I know modern audiences arw casual, but surely 5mins is not enough time to forget the basic control scheme.

You couldn’t even disable prompts in menu when I played.

Honestly disliked it a lot.

Definitely an oversight, and a pretty glaring one too. Did no one playtest it? Or did they think the player literally needed to be reminded how to jump.

That bit where you're running around in circles hitting switches and dodging guards was horrible? Is there some way to defend yourself that I just missed?

patches toned them down a bit and there are methods to completely remove some of them:


i can't believe they tell you how to jump 5 hours into the game but never explain that r1 + triangle/x/square/circle are used to give context specific commands to trico

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To be honest I wanted an ICO remake. It's the number one feels game for lonely people like me.

There wasn't a reason for replayability. Trophies were affected by glitches or were a massive pain in the ass to obtain. It was a one-and-done game.

Regardless, I still enjoyed the game.

this arguably true for ico too, sotc is the only one that really incentivises replays

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>tfw have to speed run ico in two hours

lost all patience for it

There's tons of small shortcuts you can take and from what I recall you could pause without the time counting to consult with a speedrun. It's still quite tight but you have about 20 minutes of leeway.

I literally have never gotten motion sickness before playing this game

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I have a save about 3/4 way through. I just fear the last sections (platforming) and final boss part because there's no save benches. Playing Ico this way ruins all sense of its appeal and atmosphere. The enemies can sometimes just take forever to take out too. Maybe one day I'll finally get that platinum.

The developer delivered the product instead of taking the easy escape route a la Xbox. I'm grateful for that fact alone.

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After so many delays and years where it looked like it was cancelled (particularly in those couple of years after Sony liquidated Team Ico), people hyped it up to something it was never going to be.

Also Ico gets shat on relentlessly here, it's just SotC that's popular.

>only on Playstation