Worst Vidya Fanbase

Can we all agree that this is objectively accurate?

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did nothing wrong
Autistic but self contained, more so than smash or sonic

name one single fanbase of a popular game/console that isn't cancer

what's wrong with the playstation fanbase? it's all normalfags that don't bother talking about games online.

Metroid, Mario, Resident Evil, Pokemon

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They're fine, they mostly fight among themselves
kind of autistic but I can't be mad at their passion
As a fan of both, holy shit stop making every discussion about them you pompous faggots
>Autism levels unreadable
Consolewar shit, who cares unless you are 9.

The worst fanbase of any game is Pokemon

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Sonyfags are literally the "dindu nuffin"s of Yea Forums.
Day in and day out they relentlessly antagonise everyone, and the moment people start to get a little annoyed with them, they go "stop bullying us awaaa Yea Forumsintendogaf :(".

that's literally all one shitposter. also Yea Forums isn't a representation of reality by any means.

>*forgets the Ratchet/Sly/Parappa furries, Katwaigufaggotry and AE loli/shotafags because that goes on pair with Nintendo fans*

For a fanbase to be a contender, they would have to intrude upon you in many ways as someone who browses and talks about games in general rather than just being involved within the 1 community (at least I think so)

Which of these fanbases are truly cunts everywhere outside of their own game discussion?

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On this site? Nintendo by far

In term of Nintendo, this is how the fanbases are

The holy trinity of Autism
> Smash
> Pokemon
> Fire Emblem

Pretty Autistic
> Splatoon
> Mother
> Xenoblade
> Animal Crossing

> Zelda
> Metroid
> Kirby
> Kid Icarus

Rest of them are chill

legitimately awful


on Yea Forums sure, outside it's just normies

normie shit that'll be forgotten when ESVI comes out, worst part is most of the fanbase didn't bother with 1 (the only good one)

the most out of the way fanbase, there are far worse

PC, Soulsborne, and Witcher are the only one's who do that. I vote PC

I'm pretty sure the question mark is SMT/Persona

>Which of these fanbases are truly cunts everywhere outside of their own game discussion?
Souls, PC, Smash and Sony

How did SMT even get on there for you? The only way I can see it is if you think Persona is more entertaining or appealing as a sub series and constantly debate with SMT fans. Outside of that it is self contained

>insecure witcherfags make another self reassurance thread to remind each other of why the Witcher 3 is "DA BEST GAME EVER"
Why are they like this? Not even Ocarina of Time fags were this obnoxious back in the day. Is it mostly just polishfags that are proud over the fact that their country finally made one (1) well known video game?

Dragon age more so than Witcher. What dragon age lacks in elitism it makes up for in embarrassment

Metroid fandom is genuinely awful, haven't met a fan I didn't hate. Pokemon is pretty sonic tier honestly.


Gotta compare every game to Souls
Gotta let everyone know that they are PC gamers by either shitting on consoles or begging for ports
That insuferable smug fucking attitude

Souls is the worst by far, its fucking tragic what that series of games has done for the industry. Fans of the games eat it up too and try and make Souls the pinnacle of game design. It'll continue with Sekiro too, fuck

Games are trash, fanbase is brony tier cancer.

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i don't think anyone gives a shit about sekiro after das3, the formula is tired as fuck

>it comes out this month
holy fuck

Remove witcher and add FGC fags who hate fun
KH is autistic but doesnt leak, add furfags instead
Switch Sony to Nintendo

>FGC fags hate fun
>not witchertards with the garbage combat systems across the trilogy

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Even witcherfags admit tge combat aint great
FGC fags are cancer, if a fightin game just wants to be fun and not competitive it gets shitposted to death

Not even the porn saves.

weird, I don't see SCVI getting shatpost to death

Metroid lost all their good boy points when they had the freak-out over Federation Force.

>nintendies make threads advertising the games and telling people to buy them

>say sonybros are shills just for making a thread about an upcoming exclusive

Warframe, although I guess most of them are trying to convert you.

>Being this much of a blatant, seething Xniggie

Go beg Uncle Phil for a crumb on Twitter, faggot.

>expecting quality out of a title means the fanbase is shit
nintendies never cease to amaze me