>accuses THQ Nordic of endorsing pedophilia
>username is 'Phantom Thief', a reference to a game where an underage protagonist can date their adult teacher
Why is this allowed?
RetardEra strikes again
Other urls found in this thread:
Persona 5 didn't invent phantom thieves
If you don’t like it, don’t go there.
It's weird how FaggotEra loves Japanese developers despite them not cowtowing to politically correct sensibilities.
So what, at least 8ch plays games.
Seems like you are a jealous tranny because 4channel is on the same level as Yea Forumsesetera and Yea Forumseddit.
Resetera and Twitter caps should be a ban-able offense.
Go back to Kiwifarms, faggot. Who gives a shit about ERA.
>blah blah blah Nazi blah blah alt-right blah blah bigot
Somehow I get the feeling this guy's take isn't entirely objective, so can I get a cap of what THQ *actually* said?
for liberals non whites don't have to be PC, diverse etc. liberalism is about destroying whites.
I don't fucking care about outrage culture. This shit should be banned
So is there a link to this eight channel thread?
based eight chan, fuck resetera and fuck spam system
I'll drink to that, good sir!
Good riddance.
You know who I hate more than the person in the screenshot? OP, for taking the screenshot and then posting it on Yea Forums. I would never ever have seen it otherwise. It's just the ramblings of some NPC.
I never noticed until now but why do some Tuxedo Pepes have tumors on his head?
It is only bad when whites do it. Pretty much the same way they are okay with brown muslims stoning women who step out the line. They have been indoctrinated to target whites and no one else.
>destroys a country just to inherit it
>to incompetent to make it as great as once was
>left a shithole to make a shithole somewhere else
whitey is waving at you from the tropical island you abandoned to get at whiteys culture
Long story short: they love finding at least the bare minimum connections needed to warrant a narrative of evil, thus allowing them to witch hunt.
Don't drag resetera nonsense here though
Fuck off Josh
Anyway if you make an account and check the people who actually write on the retardera thq nordic thread you will see that lot of the people are ones who are not actually even posting on any game related forum or threads. They live on retardera to post on the political topics and spam their agenda there. It's either very hard larping or something else. It's fucking disgusting anyway. They have demanded that Microsoft should cut all ties with THQ Nordic and demanded that Jason Schreier make a boycott article on Shitaku etc. They are just insane. But to re-iterate: these people do not even play games.
the chinks won't be anywhere near as kind, enjoy being stepped on by the yellow boot.
That's not pedo though.
>tries to make an intelligent statement/argument
>dangan avatar
>wrong every time
>these are the kind of people that moderate on TrannyEra and condone this mentally handicapped raids
But resetera is made up of people whose faggotry and lust for bannings and child ass was so great not even Neogaf could contain them.
>"Hey we made a mistake and took shit down and apologized"
There, that's it. That's why the gaming media doesn't even care, the story was over before it could even begin. Fuck these faggots, I guess they're used to their own people doubling down on every single controversy but when people they hate acquiesce to their bullshit it's still not enough. Imagine caring enough about this shit to pursue it after it's over.
Who is the cutie on the right?
I will.
>complaining about associated with site that harbors pedos
>has been known to organise swating, doxing, GG bile and host CP
Funny enough the same can be said of RetardEra. Far more so than 8ch.
use the dark theme holy shit my eyes
They had fun, people were pretty well behaved. Seemed like a good time was had by all that were there. Maybe Retarderror shouldn't be such jealous, cancerous little fags about everything and people might want to talk to them.
Same reason why women love rape fantasies.
trannyera isn't even in top 100 viewed sites and is in the 500s why are we still mentioning it when the neoGAF fallout killed these mentally ill trannies? The ones we should be worried about are Twitter and reddit.
an internet forum can have a fight or flight response?
Why doesn't the whole video game industry share my seething political resentments?
The same weird reason they come here to bitch about people being bigots and sexists, instead of going to the millions of sites that push their agenda (because those sites are gay)
Reminder that we're being raided by cripplechan autists.
>cripplechan calls us cripplechan
The real question is, did anybody ask them what they plan to do with timsplitters now that they have the ip?
maybe I'm just tired, but I don't understand that sentence and I'll be damned if I'm giving it a second read
goodnight gentlemen
They are a personafag.
>muh child porn
I've never been to 3+3+2chan, but I find it hard to believe they actually allow child porn to posted. Also many people have said that "3+3+2chan is like Yea Forums but with no rules!", but I also find that hard to believe. Is it actually that bad or is this just yet another case of leftists not actually doing any research of their own before throwing a tantrum?