Absolute Кинo

Absolute Кинo

Attached: MetroExodus 2019-03-02 01-29-32-91.jpg (2560x2880, 2.6M)

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i was going to be sad but that retard almost got us all killed at that fucking russian rip off of NORAD


I was talking with a friend.

We both agreed that all your equipment from the last game would be so radioactive along with millers corpse that they would need to be burying him in a lead lined coffin along with all your gear.

>Absolute Кинo
isn't it aбcoлютнo кинo?

So it's worth playing?

Yeah just don't support Winnie Pooh

Attached: winnie.jpg (355x236, 60K)

>So it's worth playing?
Well, Yeah.

Did you really believe Yea Forums that its not?

i enjoyed it, although its obvious they scaled down/cut some of the later game. the tagia section was supposed to be another huge open world but instead it's pretty much a linear corridor

Why is the Soviet Winnie so much cuter than the Disney one?


It's way better overall. Seriously.


I just finished. Teared up at this kino.


Aбcoлютнoe кинo

the quick save system is fucking bullshit. game automatically saves over your last quick save based on progression

Yeah. Whether or not it's worth full price is up for debate and depends on your amount of disposable income though.

>enemies respawn
>resources don't

tried to playthru on ranger hardcore but had to bump down the difficultly because i was getting fucked too hard. i'd clear an area of enemies, walk 50 feet, then walk back and they fucking respawned

Damn, this is soul overload.

I think theirs a system with auto save at least, where it wont save if youre currently running out of oxygen.
There were a few times that I was fucked because I had no oxygen, but the auto saves saved my ass each time.
That being said - youre right. This game severely needed more that two save slots. That was a really poor design choice.

Never noticed this, and I quicksaved alot. What I did notice however was that there was one load latest savepoint and one load latest quicksave. There were times I would want to quicksave but couldnt due to the game doing a autosave. To work around that I just had to stand still for a few sec so I could make a quicksave after it was done.
There were also one time where I couldn't load my quicksave, and I think that was because I had switched map.

My problem was mostly that I choose to load the wrong save.
>Load latest quicksave
>Load latest savepoint
had me confused at times.

You don't get anything from killing them, you can always avoid enemies almost completely (by running away like a bitch, scaring them with your oneshoting shotgun or just turning off your light) if you're talking about monsters in openworld

The ending itself was eeh, not that emotional or well put together. But that fucking scene when you drive back in the car with Melnik and the kid from Novosibirsk is pure fucking kino holy shit. The best moment of the game hands down.

I still don't get why would they go with silent protag in a game without a lot of dialogues

I didn't feel anything throughout the entire game.
Shit felt like it was either trying too hard, or sometimes not trying hard enough, there was legit no fucking reason for me to get attached to any of the characters, especially since Miller doesn't even look the same as he did in the previous games. I wouldn't even have known it was him if not for some user who pointed it out in one of the threads. Maybe I'm just jaded to this shit, maybe it's my fault but fuck if I know. Everyone on YouTube comments about how sad the ending made them and I'm just sitting there wondering if they're too quickly to get impressed or if I'm the one that's burnt out on this shit.

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>he didn't beat the game on ranger hardcore the first time
C'mon bruh, the game is easy as fuck. It's a bit tedious if you want the good ending, but there isn't a single even remotely difficult moment when almost everybody die from a single headshot.

i quick saved before hitting a bandit camp in the volga. fucking up and accidentally killed a captured religious villager and got that karma flash. went to reload and my save and the last checkpoint was overridden to right after i killed the fanatic. fucking bogus

Bпepвыe в жизни я пoчyвcтвoвaл кpaткyю эмoцию

eh, artyom?

quick saves aren't overwritten your an idoit and loaded the wrong thing.

The game gets checkpoints and quick saves confused just load the oppside and you'll find your quick save assuming you haven't overwritten it.

Yeah I had this issue aswell. Are you sure you loaded your last quicksave and not the games auto last checkpoint?
I know I did. Too many times.

there were times when the quicksave would be overridden to the same time as the last checkpoint

>playing on babby difficulty that even allows quicksaves

Attached: MetroExodus 2019-02-24 23-58-10-52.jpg (2560x1440, 911K)

>not playing on the easiest difficultly so you can finish the game faster and have more time to play more vidya

>cannibals haven't seen a woman in years
>capture anna
>want to eat her instead of fucking her

immersion broken

>playing videogames is about finishing them as fast as possible
That's a surprisingly retarded way of looking at your hobby

>doesn't get bored by playing on easy

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This. The game is literally about shooting guys and if you're immortal terminator with infinite quicksaves, it's just fucking boring.
Also resource management is absolutely fucked in Exodus. On ranger hardcore if you're exploring even a third of the locations you're already fucking swimming in ammo, medpacks and gas filters simply because one mag of AK can kill 20+ enemies and AI is braindead retarded

You don't even need ammo. Throw a can, sneak knock out/kill and move on. Or just use a throwing knife.

Anna best waifu!

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>tfw bandits start calling you a dumbass when you start throwing cans when they are already alerted

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That also, but admittedly it takes a bit more patience and expertise to even mention to a filthy casul. Especially considering that the game basically forces you into non-lethal playthrough where you only get to shoot mutants

>if you were the best fighter in the world and could beat anyone and fuck any woman you wanted you'd be bored


how come the dead city in the ass end of siberia got far more radiation and everyone in their metro died while moscow (nuclear target #1) had radiation levels not so bad to be outside and their metro population survived okay?

Apperantly they got hit with a cobalt bomb, probably some important military infrastructure in Novosibirsk.
I kinda wish there was more diaries and lore

It's one of those arguments where I'd first have to explain to you that crayons are not for eat and only then continue with why you're wrong. Just kill yourself, it'll save us both time and frustration

>some important military infrastructure

wouldn't it make more sense to use conventional nukes to destroy said infrastructure instead of a radiation bomb that leaves the structure intact?

Yeah, makes sense, it is like the 3rd largest city in Russia.

Why waste valuable resources when you can occupy the territory later and claim it for yourself?

it's a full nuclear exchange. no surviving NATO forces are going to bother to capture an irradiated city in siberia

Try this too

Hipster-favorite cartoon, really good too, but Winnie and Cheburashka are top-tier soviet social commentary and alcoholism.

apart few Кинo and Ayкцыoн - Дopoгa songs on the radio, are there any others?

>Especially considering that the game basically forces you into non-lethal playthrough where you only get to shoot mutants
No it doesn't. I got through fine on RHC shooting or knifing every dirty fucker who dared aim a weapon at me.

And you got the good ending?


Fuck. I was trying to subdue bitches and sneak through the game. Now I feel like I made the game unnecessarily tedious for myself.
Though I did kill almost every bandit in the swamps and in the desert, so I guess that works too?

You can basically kill bandits/thugs and cannibals at will though. The only time you're penalized for killing them is if they're surrendering or a special circumstance (tied up, burning to death, Saul). I'm 2 for 2 on good chapter endings so far, and I've killed every single bandit fuck I've seen except in the cases that I stated.

Same here.
I killed a bunch of dude. Forest dudes aswell as desert dudes. Freed the slaves, didn't kill saul, didn't kill unarmed or surrendering dudes. Knock out is fine aswell. Good ending.

>oтдaвaть чecть
>c нeпoкpытoй гoлoвoй

Actually, I remembered the one place I snuck through without killing was in the church to get the boat. Everything else was fair game as long as you don't shoot slaves.

I think you need 2/3 of the crew being present to get the ending.

That's reassuring. I was really worried that the game would penalize me for killing evildoers in self defense.
I guess I missed the tone cue where Ana slits the mad doctor's throat mid-sentence.

He's not silent, he speaks during loading times, reading his diary

Usually, your companions will warn you about killing people, like in the church and the bridge assault in Volga, or when you're near slaves in Caspian. Though when you get to Taiga, pretty much all the humans are pioneers/pirates, and you don't want to kill anyone from those groups.

Oh also having subtitles on helps a lot with identifying who's who. In Volga, there are a couple small areas with 2 or 3 random fanatics/villagers who you don't want to kill.

>playing ranger on 1st playthough
How's your E key doing?

wut? i got the bad ending because duke got killed and alyosha got crippled because i killed the locals despite them shooting at me first.

He said bandits and thugs user, not innocent forest dwellers who want to defend their home.

Right, QTEs fucking suck and there are way too many of them. But I have a durable keyboard, so no harm done.
Still I stand behind playing Metro on hardest difficulty every time, it's just no fun otherwise

I killed the pirates and got good ending. Didn't harm any pioneers, though. Requirements seem weird.

>come in peace with my weapon holstered
>scream that they're going to torture me and hang me up by my guts and start shooting at me
>hurr durr how dare you shoot back


I killed pioneers/pirates up to the point where they reveal their ture identity. I think it was after the first point where I was "huh, maybe they're friendly". But I had already killed them, thinking I was screwed anyway so I carried on, only killing pirates since they were acting like bandits according to the pioneers. Then Olga told me not to kill them either. But I did anyway.
I didn't kill the pioneer crazy dude in the forest with the small waterwheel.
At the end of the chapter Olga and Alyosha left eachother on good terms. No one else died.

Got the good ending.

>Kazakhstan is enslaved by superior white people
lmao based 4A games showing kazakh subhumans for what they are

literally waste 15 hours getting your friends laid.

>only good parts are linear parts, because there is only one per area, and you fee like your doing something.
dessert is only good cause there is two linear parts.The Forest seems like wasted potential it was open world empty linear.
novosibirsk, feels like they didn't have time to open world it just like the forest.

>try an explore
>world is empty
>get an upgrade, no iterations
>side npc that are just randomly there, are interesting, yet they are both fishermen...

>suspicious as fuck guy on the radio who is evasive and asks probing questions while not answering any of your questions
>entire surrounding area is bombed and irradiated as fuck
>tons of rusted broken down vehicles outside the entrance with no sign of settlement or life at all
>entire crew saying this doesn't look right
>inside looks abandoned and empty as fuck
>no one from the government meets you at the entrance
>go down the elevator

what the fuck was miller thinking?

Probably unrelated but what's the best way to play Shadow of Chernobyl? It looks pretty appealing but I've heard it's garbage if you don't mod some aspects of it

To all people arguing about requirements for good and bad endings, here's a cue
>screen flashes RED when you gain bad karma
>screen flashes BLUE\GREEN when you gain good karma
Nothing else matters, the survival of your crew members depends purely on your good or bad karma actions. You can shoot everyone and fuck geese in the open, but if you do the right thing in the key moments, the good ending will come.

If Duke was killed it's because you weren't just killing bandits. Bandits =/= the cultists and random villagers. The cultists themselves are just afraid and defending themselves. It's only their leader who's a shitbag, but even he isn't wholly bad, even if he is a fucking nutter. I killed every single bandit in that mission and none of the cultists or villagers, and Duke lived.

With Taiga, you weren't supposed to hurt pioneers OR pirates. They aren't evil either. If you paid more attention to the dialogue, you'd know why the pirates act the way they do. The children of the forest had their camp raided by bandits some time back. A lot of people went on a revenge murderspree on the bandits, and those people became the pirates who are now a bit trigger happy because of what happened in the past.

He's not the one who made the game that way. Why are you blaming him, you fucking child?

Ah. I'm not done with Taiga yet, but from the beginning, Olga is asking you not to hurt anyone. I'm sure there's a certain amount of leeway there since there's usually a bit.

the taiga map was supposed to be the biggest open world map in the game but it got cut drastically (they didn't say why). shame because it was the best looking area

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Don't mod it on your first run. Just fucking don't, trust me. And even after you've played it, stay the FUCK away from "complete" mods as they fuck up the core gameplay mechanics that make stalkan good in the first place.
Just play patched vanilla on Master difficulty, it's the best first-time experience, any stalkanfag will swear on that

No weapon targeting reticle is my favorite thing. No HUD and having to rely on a laser dot is much more immersive.
I just think that guns are degrading a bit too much/fast. Especially in water section. If you miss step and fall in, your weapon goes from 0 - 100 really fast.

Remove crosshair. Set difficulty to master. Everything else is optional. /sg/ probably has an image for your exact question in one of the first few posts.

try it vanilla first. there's console commands for cheats if you're getting flustered.

I don't swear on it. People just say that to avoid people complaining on /vg/ about some problem on their first playthrough that's introduced by the mod.

Oh, also there are side missions to do like getting the teddy bear for the girl and freeing slaves. Do all of those; they're free karma boosts.

I really hope they will end up adding a New Game+ mode or something similar with more replayability

after doing a while, are the slavers supposed to have tons of ambushes set up along the road? i'm playing on ranger hardcore and i can't get from the aurora to the steal the water tanker truck mission because any road i take has multiple slaver ambushes blocking the fucking roads both day and night

>shame because it was the best looking area
Word, though Volga's atmosphere is top notch too.

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.03.01 - (1920x1080, 1.28M)

after doing a while in the caspian*

I didn't run into any, but I took the shortest route, which didn't involve a whole lot of road. Can't you just kill them? It's open season on the slavers.

This ending was horrible compared to what we got with the past two games. "Morality" is totally fucked, you could shoot bandits and thugs in thugs before but thats not ok now for some reason. Cheesy, cliche action movie ending. The endings of the other two games were riddled with uncertainty about the future and even in the best possible scenarios shit was still dark, you might've prevented a slaughter but the future was still mostly unknown. Here you either get a "heroic sacrifice" or you get to be king of the Rangers, you fixed everything great job Artyom now lets bring out the cake and streamers. I haven't been this disappointed with a game for a very long time. The "bad" ending at least had some nice call backs and is far superior, the "good" ending was almost insulting.

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idk... i thin Novosibirsk was gonna be the big kino, but they never got to it.

military was being protective, and there was a metro like city in there.
I though they where going to take that last car by the entrance that looked fine, and had guns.

I really enjoyed the game, but I agree, the bad ending is superior desu.

>expecting anything meaningful from hobo shooter simulator

>you could shoot bandits and thugs in thugs before but thats not ok now for some reason
Actually read the thread.

>you could shoot bandits and thugs in thugs before but thats not ok now for some reason
It's still fine. I'm pretty sure you actually got punished for killing bandits in 2033, though they may have changed that for the redux that I never played. You just didn't pay attention and assumed everyone who didn't suck your dick on first contact in Exodus was a bandit.

I didn't like that to get the good ending you had to constantly sneak and knock people unconscious. Also where's my fucking vintorez, previous games had it and I loved using it.

where the anna porn at

Because communists are unironically better at producing art.

>stephan's wedding
>miller basically telling you to creampie his daughter and give him grandchildren in front of everyone
>anna says you two will work on it that night


>hobo shooter simulator
This is not Condemned.

I'd say generally you should first play any game unmodded and only then change it as you see fit. It both lets you experience the game as it was intended by the devs, and then appreciate mods for how they change the original experience. It just makes sense

Don't lewd my wife!

>wanting to have kids with a guy whose been exposed to so much radiation he needed multiple blood transfusions

it's like they want mutants

Kinda, but beware the Caspian sea, it will destroy your soul.

can't say how many years ago a game could bring me to tears at the end


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Right, that came out wrong. I didn't mean shooting hobos, but you literally just fish the trashcans and shoot people the whole game. The shooting hobo simulator? I'm a slav, how do I English it properly?

Do you consider fan patches mods, then?

he was just an old servicemen who was blinded by his dream user.

If they just fix bugs that devs missed and improve stability, then no, because devs didn't intend their game to be a bugged out mess that crashes and just doesn't work properly.

>caspian satellite bunker
>recording saying that there's lights all across america meaning several american cities survived
>artyom doesn't mention it to anyone

that was kinda stupid

even if he did so what, you have any idea how hard it would be to get to them?

>other side of the fucking ocean
>America being okay is somehow an important message to convey

you are fucking retard. Who is just mad he got the bad ending, if you even actually played the game.

Ok, how about weapon retextures? The default models are actually pretty bad.

What would Russians survivors want with leaving their homeland to go to the place that blew them up?

Sam has the best reason, he's from there, everyone else, not really.

they're near the fucking pacific ocean. just go to the coast and repair a boat

Kino and feels at this part

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.02.19 - (1920x1080, 2.13M)

These are mods and you should't install them on your first run.

and go where? they don't even know the state of that side of the world other than there are survivors, and from the looks of it there are even less.
For all they know they could all be dealing with moscow levels of radiation

You're either retarded or trolling, and I can't tell which.

Why? The dev's vision depends on guns looking weird?

i liked exodus but i think they missed an opportunity to branch out while still keeping its metro routes

instead of going on an asspull trans siberian journey, they should have gone to st. petersburg. it has the second largest metro in russia with 67 stations and was also designed as a nuclear shelter. they could have had some open world sections traveling from moscow to st. petersburg then you go back to metro exploring in the st. petersburg metro

>flamethrower cut
>semi auto valve mod missing
>no mods for the gatling
>no saiga
>no VSV
>no lolife

when you hijack the aurora, you see radio transmission signals from the pacific northwest

>that moment that you think kirill is gone cause you passed out, though he gave up on our story

There was thing one weird radio transmission during the "spring" chapter, its hard to understand, but doesn't seem russian thats for sure.


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that doesn't disprove my point. They know they are survivors but that's all, getting satellite maps was the best call.

it would have been a priority target because of how close it was to america

why did hansa/the invisible watchers kill all the survivors that went to moscow and why did they pretend the war/enemy occupation was going on?

i mean, the area outside of moscow isn't irradiated and there are settlements there. they can use the rail line to travel to the settlements outside of moscow and back. they can set up a trade route and bring in food and supplies and laborers from outside of moscow in and if the metros are getting overcrowded, they can ship people out to settle and farm the land outside of moscow

But they don't? I never understood the gun retexture mods for stalkan. But even if you assume they do, how can you appreciate the improvement if you have no base point of reference?

>Enemies ignore you to fight a miniboss and you fight alongside them

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hansa didn't kill "all" the survivors? not even close

control you nigger, imagine if people knew of the outside, the structure and stability of the metro would get fucked, people would open doors, and mutants would enter.

Because you don't need to have that point of reference to know if you think the modded ones are good? You could check beforehand anyway? You're making this more complex than it needs to be.

I thought either they were misled (just like Melnik) or they are trying to just get more money and power in Metro, control and money.

the group can either:
>continue taking the train
>find radiation maps (they know where to find these)
>find somewhere that's actually on the same fucking continent to settle into based on said maps
>take the train to the coast
>search ports for a serviceable boat/ship
>spend many months stocking up on all the supplies for the fucking voyage
>obtain the necessary maps and/or navigation tools for a naval journey
>try to cross the ocean safely
>(hopefully) make it to NA in one piece
>find a means of transportation
>wander aimlessly trying to find maps of any kind or attempt to find non-hostile humans
>hopefully don't get anyone killed in totally foreign territory (hope Sam's an East Coast fag)
WTF Artyom, why didn't you tell them about Afclapistan's survivors immediately!?

wtf, is this modded? I didn't saw this in my playthrough

unlocked camera limits with cheatengine table

oilrigs mate,

the ocean would absorb radiation.

>objectively the best place to survive a nuclear holocaust would be the open ocean as the water doesn't retain fallout like land does
>exodus should have been a waterworld game where the gang gets to the coast and repairs a boat and travels the seas finding other boats and floating atolls like waterworld

missed opportunity

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Not only does that have no bearing on the previous discussion, but why the fuck would they even want to settle down on a fucking oil rig? Sure, you get the security of isolation. In trade, you lose out on access to food other than fish, readily available fresh water, wood for fires, and your one means of getting to and from the land is probably a single ship. It's also a depressing as fuck place to spend the rest of your lives compared to some sparsely populated area in the middle of bumfuck nowhere Russian countryside. It's not like all of Russia has a high population density.

I'm in love with Anna, I need to find her used panties after a wet fart so I can lick the shit stain out of it

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thanks! need to take a look at their effort to model her nipples without the intention of showing during gameplay

The boat part sucks though. Clunky janky shit.

Still, pretty good AA game.

>2 women on the train and both of them are married
>10 guys on the train

so what are the other 8 guys doing for sex?

why did you blow up the other train? you could literally hijack it, where you placed the bomb.Felt like such a waste.

The same thing your average Yea Forumsirgin is using.

the game is about you getting them laid user. ever map feature a ladyfriend for them to get laid with.

>tfw no battlebuddy waifu to go innawoods with

should have pulled a pirates of the Caribbean and everybody on the aurora should have snuck over to the armored train and left the hansa guys on their shitty aurora

fuck that really annoyed the shit out of me, I thought once you get the first objective done the game would open up like the previous two open maps, but that's fucking it? It just keeps going in a straight line until you're back on the train out, what a waste.

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.03.01 - (1920x1080, 1.46M)

>duke doesn't get laid
>damir and alyosha get blue balls

you only get stephan laid

I haven't played this Metro but the previous too are stupidly unfair on harder difficulties. inb4 git gud. The accuracy of enemies, stealth and how they all get alerted are things that are completely broken.

Metro is also a game where story is the focus of the game and not the gameplay IMO.

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.02.28 - (1920x1080, 1.21M)

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.02.25 - (1920x1080, 906K)

uncensored link now, my dick needs it, it's too swole already!

its not bad, heres a link

Attached: Metro nuke.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

damir and alyosha do get laid, and get laid in the future too.
one of them already has a fiance. two are old men. so the rest at least 2 of them are gay.

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heres the unlocker

Attached: n9patI3.jpg (3251x1440, 650K)

>a game where story is the focus of the game and not the gameplay
then you don't need to play it, just watch on youtube/twitch, fucking zoomers/late millennials and their fucking " muh game storytelling"

Thank you my good Samaritan! Will have to try it out

the song that plays in Krests safehouse

Not bad indeed, I almost forgot but there was actually nude breasts on the caspian boss tower, so they probably used the same textures/mesh

One thing is for sure these are definately newer ones that were present in Last Light.

I really like this one, sad but very good


found this corpse in the caspian

what the fuck?

Attached: wut.jpg (2448x3264, 464K)

There are plenty of games where this is the case and they aren't bad. Catherine, for example, has plenty of fun gameplay but story is still the center of the game.

Watching twitch is fucking stupid though. The whole twitch experience works in complete opposite. The game's story is trying to immerse you into the world and if you're some faggot typing Kappa in chat you're doing yourself a disservice and you have no right to ever complain about anything relating to that game.


>find a baby carriage
>body of a baby is breathing while by the looks of it, heavily decomposed

Where is this exactly?