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Other urls found in this thread:

jisho.org/search/ ノリ

Based and CricketPilled

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>last in popularity

I wish you the best too monkey-kun

going to get the least amount of porn because nobody likes niggers


lil monkey feller

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Well >patterns declare that it's stage 3 Grass' turn to be shilled, and it'll be a waifumon.

>starter theme is sports
>sobble will turn into a bara rugby player
>scorbunny will turn into a twink soccer player
>grookey will turn into some ugly baseball dyke
i feel for grookeyfags. truly you've been given the short end of the stick.
or i guess in this case, the baseball bat

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sobble is water polo you mong

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Hit the left button

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also baseball is an american sport, grookey will be based on cricket

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Bunnelby is the cutest bunny

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'ate sobble
'ate scorbunny
simple as

stop online pokemon autism.

I can't believe Gamefreak finally made a pokémon based on brazilians

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evolves into niggersby, the niggerbait pokemon.
if you ever use one everyone will know you're an ape and never respect you.


hopity hop

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>more wojak
Had your chance to make some unique oc

Scorbunny will be a cute tomboy

that's not a wojak you fucking redditor

Turns out... Little Mankey fella

The irony in this post


Fuck you, faggot, Diggersby is cute.

Are you fags actually this retarded?
>Grookey may be a combination of groove and monkey.
>Sarunori may be a combination of 猿 saru (monkey) and ノリ nori (excitement, rhythm).
>Grookey's name in French, Ouistempo, is a combination of ouistiti and tempo.
>Grookey's name in German, Chimpep, is a combination of chimp and pep.
>Grookey was banging on a rock with his stick.
He's a drummer.

do you people not realize /vp/ exists or something

nori is a reference to seaweed

shouldn't you be posting in a wojak thread right about now?

I agree

fuck grookey too, actually. they all suck

>4. (getting into the) mood; (entering into the) spirit; energy; enthusiasm; rhythm; feeling
jisho.org/search/ ノリ

why do you frogfuckers have to ruin everything?

That's a monkey you inbred

Based and groovepilled

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>Multiple definitions don't exist.
Based retard.



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Monkeyfucks have cemented themselves as the most obnoxious fanbase already, its quite impressive.

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Don't even pretend you don't know exactly what I meant, bitch

Sobble is clearly the best

>its quite impressive.
Scorbunnyfags are the worst of all. All of them a furries that want to fuck it.

I don't speak retardese, sorry

Not possible when rabbitfags immediately flooded everything with furporn
And no one really cares about not-froakie so that's probably a good thing overall

>Scorbunnyfags are the worst of all
Nah, you're just jealous the monkey is the least popular and the rabbit is the most popular, with the lizard close behind.

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Have fun with your 82636th Fire/Fighting furbait starter then, you fucking furfaggot.

Shut the fuck up about Diggersby you swine

I haven't decided if I'm going fire or water yet, but fire is guaranteed to be good. Its a fast fire type starter, those are ALWAYS good. Water is pretty consistently good too.

Meanwhile, grass is really hit or miss.

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>my definition is more truer than your definition
Based double retard.

only the third evolution matters.

We all know grass is a baboon or a gorilla, so you can't really fuck it up

Bunny looks like it's gonna have some kind of gentleman boxer theme with it's bowtie-ish formation and the nose "bandaid"

Chameleon is the real hit and miss, we really can't see anything special in it except the fin on it's head

>We all know grass is a baboon or a gorilla

Also I see the rabbit looking like that thing from Summer Wars. Its going to be the 'sleek' one of the group if its the fastest. Chameleon could be really fucking cool with typing like Water/Ghost or Water/Poison, and has the biggest potential for a cool hidden ability.

Either way I don't see fire or water disappointing. I just want all three of them to be pretty distinct in final shape from each other, their base forms all share the same head shape and its a little distracting.

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Grookey looks like an ugly nigger baby, especially with that shitty little tail on its head

>definition that is consistent with the theme of the pokemon and other definitions is the wrong definition
refer to >OuisTEMPO
>Grookey comes from the words groovy and monkey.
>It's safer to conclude that "nori" is referring to rhythm than fucking seaweed.
Based triple retard.

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I like the theory of it being