Is pic related worth $60 or is it just a shit-tier port?

Is pic related worth $60 or is it just a shit-tier port?

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it's not even worth $30

It's not as pretty as the others but the fact it has Gyro-controls legitimately make it the second best version to get if PC is not possible.

If you travel a lot or aren't in a place to set up a full console often the yea it's pretty good for being on a tablet

It's legit, if you're not a princess

Gyro controls is cool, plus portability is cool.

>paying 60 FUCKING $ for a game that released 4 years ago and can be bought for $5 on pc

Absolute STATE of nintendofags

It's 3x the price as every other version while running at half the framerate and looking like mud.

have fun carrying around your jet engine and TV

Have fun paying a premium for lesser software.

More efficient technology. cry more

I'm sure it is efficient to wait 2 years to play a game for 2 hours on a tiny 720p screen with shit controllers.

Get glasses

First person games on handhelds are so nauseating.

Get taste

>get taste
What should I play user?

Literally any other version of Doom 4.

Shit tier port.
Remember that Switch owners on this board generally have shit taste and next to zero standards of game quality, I learned that the hard way.

Don't like it don't buy it. Keep crying that it meets objective market demand.

It's like playing D44M in dvdrip quality 24fps

>Keep crying
Excuse me for holding anything up to a high standard.


>the fact it has Gyro-controls legitimately make it the second best version to get if PC is not possible.
Gyro controls dont help when you need portable mode for that, portable mode has severe input delay, runs like absolute shit, is so blurry you can hardly tell wtf is going on.

I can't believe retards really think like this.

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Ok I did and I liked it now what?

Look at me and my impossible high standards, i'm going to whine all day about the pea under my mattress.

meant So the delusional ass hat sees it, it seems like any excuse is used to make this garbage console look better than it is.

Now you don't need to bother with encouraging Nintendo's greed of selling downgrades at a premium.

>60 fps minimum is an impossible standard

I'll handle 30fps and 720p if the game's fun

That webm you've been spamming is pre-patch. Gyro doens't need to be in portable mode. There is no input delay. The game is perfectly sharp now.

It's definitely worth the $12 I spent when I got it at walmart last black friday. I'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be the same price as the other platform versions, but they dun goofed. If you're lucky they'll fuck up again this year.

So where can I play doom handheld at 60fps?

Is Doom only good if you enjoy shooter games? I tend to not enjoy the genre but am aware sometimes games stand out in their genre and can appeal outside the usual fans of the genre.

Who cares? Handheld doesn't make up for the worse graphics, worse framerate, and cut features.

>Pre patch
Still runs like shit

>Gyro doens't need to be in portable mode.
Sure it does, no one wants to tilt their wrists holding a controller. Gyro controls are also shit.

>There is no input delay.
Yes there is, most Switch games have severe input delay.

>The game is perfectly sharp now.
Nope, not only does it only reach base 720p, it still drops into a blurry mess more often than not. But keep lying you fucking faggot, Nintendo will top off your eshop coins.

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This, so much this. It';s literally the only version that isnt 60 FPS and so blurry you can't even fucking see in front of you. Who would willingly played a FUCKED version? Only Nintendo Switchlets.

It's a shit tier game, not even worth the space it takes up on your hard drive

something something you're a faggot spam more false shitpost images for me to filter.

I triple dipped for this game on PC, PS4, and Switch. I love my switch but the nu-DOOM port on it is garbage. I can live with downgraded graphics but the sub 30 FPS makes it pretty unplayable. Lord forbids you turn your screen a bit too fast and everything turns into a jittery mess.

I enjoy shooters that aren't cod or battlefield it's just good, gory fun

OK precious

I'm usually two feet away from them with my supershotgun anyway

If you really think that for everything the Doom port cut and downgrades, it is worth a full $60 purely for its ability to play handheld, you don't deserve that money in the first place.

Yup its a pretty great port and gyro controls make it sweeter.

People like (you) blow the difference out of proportion, because you're a finicky pedant.

Just have fun you performance cuck

If they're going to sell the game at a 300% markup, I expect it to be better than the other versions. Handheld does not make up for this.
I already did, and I didn't have to spend $60 on it.

Why would you pay $60 for this game when you can get it for $10 on steam or for free if you pirated

just try a demo. Its fair enough long to decide. For me the demo was enough to satisfy my urges to be brutal. if you want more you buy it on discount.

>If they're going to sell the game at a 300% markup, I expect it to be better than the other versions. Handheld does not make up for this.

This. If you want it handheld then just go and buy a nvidia tablet for $150 and install Steam Link.

No demo on the Switch.

steam link is terrible for anything but turn based.

>bbbut my input lag
Every time with the switch fags. I wonder how many of you actually own a nvidia switch and have used it extensively to stream games. I use it almost daily and the lag is negligible.

>nvidia switch

>If you want it handheld then just go and buy a nvidia tablet for $150 and install Steam Link.

lmao its more likely to burst into flames trying to run DOOM.

Digital Foundry tried to build a desktop PC based on Switch specs and couldn't get DOOM running anywhere near as good.

This user is right DOOM on Switch is one of the best versions of the game.

If you want performance, play on PC.

If you want a portable version with silky gyro aiming, play on Switch.

Other versions offer NOTHING over the PC/Switch versions.

>t. has shit-tier third-world internet connection

Even with a fucking 100ms lag, the Steam Link version on android would start run smoother and better than the switch.

Heck I bet you could buy a decent android tablet and doom for $60 and it would run better than the shit-tier switch port.


>more false shitpost images
Imagine refuting facts with delusion. Fucking idiot. Why are Switch fanboys such low IQ retards?

>DOOM on Switch is one of the best versions of the game.
>If you want a portable version with silky gyro aiming, play on Switch.

What the fuck are you talking about? Nothing about the experience on the Switch is a positive. Gyro aiming is as shit as Wii waggle. I bet you, 100%, that someone good with a controller on a 60 FPS version of the game will always outperform your shit gyro aiming skills as if they offer anything. Legit, not even including the obscenely low resolutions the game runs at.

Its embarrassing that the Switch has caused so much butthurt that seething shitters have to indulge in all kinds of laughable mental gymnastics and straight-up bullshit because they can't handle the system's success.


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>25 fps average
>Reduced enemies over console and PC versions
Gee I wonder

>Gyro aiming is as shit as Wii waggle.

No it isn't you dumb fuck. Waggling in place of a button press is shit.

Gyro aiming is 2nd only to a mouse. Cry more.

>Even with a fucking 100ms lag,
The Switch has input delay up the ass. This board is full of Switch defenders that get paid to shill the shit tablet.

I personally have played DOOM on the Switch, and its basically unplayable. The opening drops to 25 FPS early on and I remember being unable to see 10 feet in front because everything looked like a pixel show. What the fuck. I'm honestly amazed people defend this, and for shit reasons too.

No one is arguing gyro>mouse, but gyro is fun as hell and is the only reason to play it

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>Its embarrassing that the Switch has caused so much butthurt
No one's butthurt over the shit console, I have it. People are butthurt over the retarded fanboys like you that pretend its okay to have a shit version of the game because its on a platform you shill daily.

You know what's pathetic? The fact that you have used that image 25 times already, not including other images you flood threads with, since January defending everything about the console as if its part of your identity. Imagine being waving a flag of virtue for a fucking toy company.

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>Gyro aiming is 2nd only to a mouse. Cry more.

Proof? I've seen controllers flick better than Gyro. Gyro is only good for minor aiming adjustments, if that. Doesn't make up for the awful performance of the game.

Seething shitter lmao. And no, you don't own a Switch Eric.

Who the fuck is Eric?
And yes, yes I do. I barely use it but it doesnt sit on my shelf. Again, the fact that you attribute "boogeymen" just means you do this like a job. Fucking pathetic.

You have a point, i use sticks for large movements and then fine-tune aiming with gyro. Its fucking great. Gyro is the one good thing to come out of motion controls.

Not for 60. The port team is doing a great job trying to boost the FPS (those fucks that ported VC 4 should learn from them). IF you can find it for 40 and don't have a PC capable of running it on high settings then I think it's worth a purchase.

This not to mention that the PC version can be played on 4K 144FPS on a budget tier for 5$
Meanwhile the switch version cant get more than 360p and 30fps with drops

I mean, I'm more than certain it's the same for snoys as well.

The PS4 version was 60fps and dropped in price alongside the other versions.

what the fuck is a snoy? a cereal mascot?

Meanwhile I played DOOM on Switch last summer sitting in the shade by the pool while sipping cocktails.

Hope you had fun festering your bedroom with your cum-crusted bedsheets.

Play it on PC. Why the hell would you play this on anything but PC? It's fast-paced FPS

>Port team doing a great job
doing something that should be done before release date and still cant achive 60fps or at least keep the game for beign a blurry mess

>being actually proud for spending $60 for a game that was released in 2015 and runs 360p 25fps on the switch

Are nintendofags really that sucked or are they just trolling us?

Meh, I'm pretty sure they rushed it out on NOA's request. It could be better, but having played VC4, I've seen what true inexcusable shit looks like.

its a really good game but switch controllers are trash so dont bother

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To be fair the 3ds is still a thing and that was 240p 20fps so at least they are improving someday perhaps they can experience 720p and 30fps on a few years


Imagine needing to bring your videogames outside because you have social issues.

Nothing looks worst as doom for switch

It wasn't rushed at all. Wolfenstein was by the same team, and is actually worse. AND it was delayed by over 6 months post release.

where is the anti-shill in this thread?

It's okay, but I feel like that game just doesn't work that well on a controller.

Haha Switch is great retard

>DOOM port runs like shit and looks awful
>Switch fanboys defend it
>Tons of indie games look and run like shit
>Switch fanboys defend it
>Xenoblade 2 looks and runs like shit
>Switch fanboys defend it

And I remember too, as we continue to get more shit performance games that look awful like Pokemon, how Switch fanboys were saying they need to "learn" the hardware that's from 2015. Reminder it hasn't got better, even Daemon X Machina runs worse than ZoE on the PS3 pre-patch. It's not just a one off, the majority of Switch games look and run like shit. This should make you wary of any Switch recommendations on this board, you are dealing with a zero standard fanbase.

t. Switch owner.

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the fact that it runs on switch alone means it's a great port consider how good that game looks. must be a fuckload of dynamic resolution shit

I've never had a problem with the bluriness but a lot of people seem to have. Basically, do some research first.

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Every switch owner is not a retarded who thinks that a game its going to run on a fisher price tablet

I own it its perfectly playable to be honest, the engine they use is pretty well optimized. All this bickering about frames etc to me is console-war faggotry from people who have nothing better to do than scour DF videos trying to glean ammo for their shitposting. The real issue with the game for me (I play online mainly) is the shrivelled playerbase - it's hard to find a lobby now. So I wouldn't recommend it now. On day one, and for about the first 7 months, it was very active - and a lot of fun.

Having said that, the campaign was enjoyable to me also. didn't it win GOTY 2016? Not much replay value though as with any first person shooter campaign.

If Doom2016 was anything to go by, I'll be also getting Eternal on day 1. hopefully it will be a repeat scenario, and just as lively online. I've got my fingers crossed.

It's a shit game and a port.

No, absolutely not. The only thing it has over the ps4/xbox versions is gyro, and even then it's only 30FPS with no snap map. PC version clobbers it. Pay no more than $15 for it (the base price it's at on steam is $20)

yup, same here as an idort. the scenario with XC2 was hilarious, everyone chocked it up to monolith being at half the manpower and the game being rushed. Turns out it's still the most impressive game on the system, a full team with pokemon/fire emblem looks far shittier and runs just as bad, if not worse. The switch is just a pile of shit

>b-b-but muh portability!
yeah I'm sure playing on a smaller screen is worth all this garbage

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>the fact that it runs on switch alone means it's a great port
That's not true at all. Plenty of things have been ported to things that can't run the software properly, like Doom on calculators. Doesn't mean we should be impressed with a shit tier port of a game that is better literally anywhere else. This isn't fucking 2005.

>must be a fuckload of dynamic resolution shit
it is

>All this bickering about frames etc to me is console-war faggotry
How is being objective console war shit?

OP, ignore the rest of this thread which is sure to be a heap of stale shitposting, and read this:
paying any money for the switch version is retarded considering you can get the superior PC version for free. What you SHOULD do, is get a paperclip, an SD card, and hack your switch. It's easy and fast. Then just pirate the rom and enjoy your free portable version of DOOM.
PROTIP: if you already have DOOM on pc, there's a homebrew app that lets you stream games to your switch. You can now play the best version of the game from the cozyness of your couch/bed while still having a portable alternative handy while out of town.
PROTIP2: If that's not enough DOOM for you, don't forget to grab the ports of DOOM 1, 2, 64 and 3 while you're at it!
Here's a handy link with all the info and files you'll need to get started :
Boom, your switch is now 300% more valuable. Have fun!

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fps is a massive factor in a game like doom

Depends what you mean by objective, ironically. I'd say DF are objective and they have a lot of praise for the port.


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I'm honestly surprised retards still pay for Switch games.

>Pay no more than $15 for it

Yea good luck with that. Its $60 on eshop and even used will cost you like $45.

>Nintendo Switch games STILL cost 20% of the overall console even years after the games have been out and their original versions sell for $10 brand new on consoles and PC

What a fucking joke

It's the second best version, gyro may not be as good as mouse but it shits all over stick.

that's what shit people say. I consistently have best K/D ratio on Switch

Almost as bad as people who throw their controllers.

You can still use gyro in tv mode retard.

A game is always worth a dollar per frame.

It's a joke of a console, period.

I fell for the meme, it's really not worth it

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Nintendies will still eat it up, just look at the RE games being ported for more cost, capcom knows. I fucking hate how monolith soft/retro studios are stuck on nintendo's garbage hardware, so I'm forced to shell out cash for one, I only buy used so shitendo doesn't get my money though. I hope the younger Furukawa realizes how important technical specs are in this day in age instead of the toddler tier shit we got during Iwata's reign

yeah because the bar is lowered

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>playing a FPS on console

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perfect image

If that were the case then they wouldn't be a Switch owner now would they?

where have you been?

>Is pic related worth $60
Its not worth more than $20 on any platform, let alone on one where it runs at 30fps with visuals so low-rez you can barely see anything

>30 fps

It wishes it could run at 30

heres ur port bro
its the one u wanted

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Even 12 fps would be better than stick aiming.
Worst part is PS4 fucking has gyro in the controller but nothing fucking uses it.

first day, reddit?

This. Nintendo needs to get their heads out of their asses and start pushing studios to make AAA games for the switch. Children and teenagers don't play fucking Mario and Yoshi.

The switch needs games like BFV, Call of Duty, Destiny 2, Apex Legends, Fallout, Assassins Creed, Far Cry, GTA etc. or it will die just like the Wii U.

>t.switch owner

>Even 12 fps would be better than stick aiming.
That's not true at all. Even 60 FPS with pure stick aiming would be better since less inputs are buffered with poor frame pacing.

But I wouldn't expect someone that plays games on the Switch it understand desu.

It has sin's creed coming, and guess what? It runs like shit.

They need to worry about getting games out in a timely manner first. There's 3-6 month gaps between first party games, with the only third party support being ports of games that came out last gen.

If it's anything like the PC version then it's just a shit-tier port

PC version wasn't a fucking port

>t. has shit-tier third-world internet connection

i tried playing gta V, infront of it, just lol, no.

>ps3 games
>still runs like shit

I don't give a fuck about any of those, I would be more than fine with nintendo keeping up their IPs if only THEY'RE ON NON-SHIT HARDWARE. Switch sales are going to dip hardcore come the ps5 when no one will bother listening to port beggars since the gap in power would be unworkable

>last summer sitting in the shade by the pool while sipping cocktails.
>his family took him on summer vacation
>this baby played his toy all this time

Nintendo has done an amazing job in lowering expectations and dumbing down their fanbase. Nintendies think pic related is acceptable, xenoblade on the wii had better foliage

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>I don't give a fuck about any of those

No one cares about your fucking opinion. You are a literal nobody that plays Nintendo games. How pathetic can somebody get.

>60fps game
>I do not have problems with playing it in 20fps, it is console war faggotry.
Current state of switchfags.

Foliage. Of the utmost importance in gaming.

i'm an idort you dumb bitch, If I can play third parties on PC/PS4 why would I give a shit about playing them on nintendo consoles? Nintendo has always been powered by their first parties with the only exception being the SNES, but unlike before the hardware is at an unacceptable level. Remember when metroid prime was released and it was so unreal on a technical level but also ran at 60 FPS?

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QED nerd

Again. No one cares about your opinion. Kindly remove yourself from this thread, and hopefully remove yourself from life. Im sure your parents would be thankful if their 35 year old viring son that still lives in their basement and plays nintendogames would kill himself.