I'm an adult!

>I'm an adult!

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Other urls found in this thread:


What do you think is adult?

You think your dads hobbies and interests are not childish things from his generation?

Hello "An Adult"!

hello, manchild

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Why do people especially grown men buy those stupid POP! toys they're not even cool looking. Fucking beanie babies.

If your keyboard has backlighting and you use anything other than plain white, you're on the spectrum.

Hello edgey teen.
>Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
>C.S. Lewis

Nice argument oh wait there was none fuck off retard

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Isn't all that backlighting shit for the eyes? How can he turn the lights off in his room at night time and just get by with those neon lights?

>Reading childish books
>Listening to childish music
>Browing childish websites

Sounds like you're just as much a manchild as the people you rage against faggot.

lmao u mad mandchild?

>Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
>C.S. Lewis

Grow up.

>needing someone to justify your manchilditis


He was an edgy manchild you twat

lmao i hit a soft spot

If he bought all that with his own money that he got from his job, then yeah he is an adult.

>Funko pops
>"collectible" souvenirs like the 8-bit mario and fabrikations you can literally just buy at any wal-mart or Best Buy.
>Bobs Burgers
>South Park

Attached: yoshi.png (1920x1080, 888K)


not really

>be a toy enthusiast, already questionable
>buy and collect toys
>never open them, just set them up still left in the fuckin box
I'll never understand adult toyfags. Playing around with them was the best part as a kid

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Why did people buy beanie babies?
Why did they buy whatever cheap collectable garbage came before that?

About to drop 2k into a gaming laptop, 24 yo, still living with parents, only pay the internet, ama

Does he seriously store his 360 controller like that? What the fuck is wrong with this faggot
I can overlook the funko faggotry but what the fuck

There was some weird belief that the Beanie Babies would be worth something over time. They tricked themselves into thinking they were making an investment.

>gun collectors often jokingly refer to their collections as barbies

burn in hell nigger motherfucker bitch asshole cunt aahhhhhshs fuckkkkkk going into games machine nigaaaa

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Beanie Babies just made collectible toy weaseling mainstream. They were the Bitcoin of the 90s, except they never turned out to be worth anything for most people. Funko dolls don't have that kind of "they'll be worth something" promise, so yeah, I don't know why anyone wastes money on them either.

>playing with funko pops
I mean, I guess you could tie them to the ends of a rope and make nunchucks or something

Honestly you nigger, as long as you have friends whom you like to gather and pc vidya with or are at least in college with tons of extra cash, this is fine.
If you never leave your house with it, you're kind of a dip though.

Yea Forums has fallen to the sois

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Im a manchild and even I cringed at this holy shit

I’m an adult...

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What if a person reads adventure, fantasy or sci-fi?
Are they still trying to be sophisticated?

I hate you man, I do have friends and am in college and also a part time job, fuck you man

An average kid wouldn't be able to afford a room like that.


>gayman router

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>sunday night HBO
Grow the fuck up

The only thing that bothers me is the nonsensical lamps on each side of the desk. One lamp is under the headset and getting in the way, the other is face across the wall and provides nothing to the lighting scene. You can still see fine because of all of the LED everywhere and removing both lamps wouldn't hurt the visibility.

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>light theme

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It was free.

I had all 3 of them in my 20s.

>Having a TV so shit that the light theme sucks.

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Nowadays, the college age children concerned with this sort of thing couldn't name three classic authors if confronted in a used book store. Young generations have been faking sophistication with books long enough that the mere act of reading is the only merit judged; the actual content is irrelevant because no one actually knows what content used to be considered sophisticated.

>MULTIPLE bookshelves full of vidya gaymes, dvds, and boxed sets instead of actual living room furnishings

Dad, you know everything is digital now, right?

id probably think this person was cool if it werent for the fucking rise up poster and zero taste funko pops

>using the light theme at all

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>no one actually knows what content used to be considered sophisticated.
But they do, it's the shit that schools force you to read. Respect for the classics was stripped by the education system.

Collecting CDs, DVDs and books is just as bad as collecting Funkos and posters. They sit there untouched for decades, only as a reminder of things that you consumed, or in other words if you're an NPC, of who you are.

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You can see the soi emanating from all this shit

>schools force you to read
Not anymore

>Desktop is set to twitch
>everything else is shit from Wal-mart
You may be an adult but your still a loser

Bitcoin is a bubble.

The furniture is what im sitting on.

>Paying for something you have no legal rights too.
yeah no.

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What's wrong with south park?

Its shitty poop jokes.


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>Paying for something

Because it doesnt look like shit on a good TV and im not some dollar store goth who needs everything dark.

South Park isn't just about shitty poop jokes

See the thing is showing your peers and prospect mates that you are a slave to your dopamine receptors to the detriment to your species subliminally conjures resentment

You may very well be comfortable in your own skin, but what does that even get you? Drug addicts are comfortable in their own skin once they've had a hit..

>he thinks this is some tv issue and not the theme looking like shit

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>Participating in a capitalist economy is bad.

Fuck off commie.

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>anything that can be considered fun is childish

God damn this board has the saddest sacks of shit on the planet.

cs lewis is trash and wrote christian books for kids, why on earth would I give a shit about his opinion

It isn't just this board.

If he/she bought all that on his own paycheque and can sustain his/herself financially, they are an adult

>being this out of touch




>G-gaming is n-not a real h-hobby!!


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>This world-renown author, World War Vet, Oxford Grad, Chairholder at Cambridge, and all-around scholar is inferior to me because I'm euphoric.

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Laughing at soibois is fun and extremely mature and sophisticated. Just look at this faggot.

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>Panty and Stocking

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>iron maiden poster
This guy's a pretty cool du-
>Why so serious poster

>gaming laptop
for 2k you're going to get about 1k worth of parts and 1k "woah it's a laptop!!!"/brand upcharge. are you really going to bring it places with you and game in public? are you going to do that often enough to justify the extra money you're wasting on portability? also consider those "gaming" laptops are gigantic and not all that portable in the first place, defeating the purpose. basically, gaming laptops are fucking retarded but if you're stupid enough to spend 2k on one i want you to buy it so i can laugh at you

Wearing headphones everywhere in public makes you look like a fucking faggot though. And why the fuck would somebody be playing a switch in public anywhere besides a waiting room or bus?

It was literally the last anime I ever bought before I fell out of the fandom.

>I'm an entertainer, my stream gets over 10 unique visitors a week

there are better others with more accolades than that that say cs lewis is trash so by your appeal-to-authority logic you proved yourself wrong. way to go champ, you learned why appeals to authority are considered fallacious now and have to come up with another argument. i'll give you time to try again

I go out a lot, I already have a gaming desktop, haven't touched it in months

I love my Family and Friends, I like playing vidya, and I like going out walking my Husky.


We are talking about gayming here. Not streaming.

>cheap kid shit like funko pops and frameless paperless borders are the only shit you can find fun
yes, the state of this board indeed

Why do you come on a videogame board to shit on videogames user? Did you not get enough attention as a child? Its not very mature to do this

>there are better others with more accolades than that that say cs lewis is trash so by your appeal-to-authority logic you proved yourself wrong
The only appeal I'm going to make is for you to take a fucking grade-school English class.

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no childish things are childish. there's a clear line and if you can't tell what's what you're lost

I bet you call it a pupper and kiss it in the lips you filthy normalfaggot.

That's clearly not what I was talking about.

0/10 this is your last chance sport

>what does that get you
Why would they care? They are comfortable not to give a fuck.

I mean, is that your house? Did you pay for all those things with money you received from a job? Sounds like an adult to me, you're a contributor to the economy.

nice setup user

oh really? because that's what the OP is talking about, and you didn't reply to anything in particular. learn how this website works you faggot, op was calling that shit childish. that's what this thread is about. what the fuck you talking about, cuz you aren't talking about what everyone else is talking about

I call him Lobo and let him run around like a maniac

>there are better others with more accolades than that that say cs lewis is trash
>[citation needed]

shit taste

I grew out of cars and guns after I turned like 16. Guitars are sick though, love learning to play.

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You're the equivalent of faggots and their "pride".
Taking it up the ass or wasting thousands of hours playing shitty games is ok. The moment you start parading it like something great and making it into your identity you deserve a noose around your neck.

what the fuck kind of autistic shit is this

Daily reminder that ADULTS RUIN EVERYTHING.

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What's a mature hobbies then?

>all these newfriends getting triggered by Quentin
>no one recognizes it
2016 election fags, resetera trannies, gamergate faggots, go fucking back.

It's not what you consume but your behavior. You can collect funko pops and other trash figures and you'd still be an adult. Curling up with a blanket and sucking your thumb would make you childish.

Oh no... What ever will I do...

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It's a furry that wants to erp with you.

>that fox plushie
I think I remember you, did you move out recently?

You're just mad you don't have a boy's name.

>>no one recognizes it
maybe read the replies to that image, chum.

Someone post the computer box, that's my ideal battlestation

>You can collect funko pops and other trash figures and you'd still be an adult.

That's funny.

Because I refuse to replace something that isn't broken.

bikes/cars (moderatly)
movies (no fantasy or capeshit)

Smelly manchildren ruin everything, including Yea Forums. This site has always looked down on that type of fan devoid of self-awareness. Every single hobby board has cringe threads, or used to have them before r*ddit hijacked the term.

Why did you buy it in the first place?


>I grew out of cars the year I was legally allowed to drive them
>I grew out of guns before I could even purchase them
I think you mean you grew out of browsing boards for hobbies you didn't even partake in

>having somethings
goml fags

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all things I did when I was kid/teen except drinking

Why do all these faggots use pink and blue synthwave lighting? It's so tacky looking.

Who ever did that to the tetris blocks should be ashamed of themselves.

Because I didn't have one at all before.

and you can do them as an adult
difference being gaming and other retarded s o y activities should've stayed in your childhood

Nintenbabies are embarrassing.

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>listening to a guy who wrote children's books about talking animals and unicorns tell you what constitutes maturity



Yeah, it's called citing a source.


He's sponsored by them, right? It's the only plausible explanation.

We play switch games at our dev society.
Play with others in public. That's the whole point.

>no one wants to hang out with you because you collect knives
Why does everyone think I'm a serial killer or something? I just like knives.

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I am an adult!

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Fuck you man, bobs burgers is good. The man gives his all in a restaurant that barely survives to support his family while teaching his kids the importance of work and responsibility.

If not for the Funko Pops that's honestly fine by me. How people buy this shit is beside me.

>Drug addicts are comfortable in their own skin once they've had a hit..
Thats why they hide and smash all their mirrors?

CS lewis was completely assblasted at chads for bullying his soi ways so he made that huge fucking wall of text in a way to justify his autism, little did he know it had the opposite effect making him look like an even more desperate incel
people quoting that nowadays is even more hilarious

kill yourself

South Park isn't bad as a whole. It's been ridiculously unfunny for 6 years now so I don't know why you'd keep up.

what year is this

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No, I just stopped being a teenager. I drive a car to get me from where I am to where I need to go and I own a gun and CHL so I'm able to protect myself. I practice at the range but most often when some guy tries to talk to me about guns I just ignore him.

But he was married.

Money sink
no opinion
Literally everyone can call music a hobby

I really don't understand the Razer fandom. It's so strange.

i wouldnt mind if they werent all gay as fuck
at least get some elk or wooden grip knife

I bet he's reading some pseud shit

They are cheaper than any other figure or your favorite shit.
Also they look like better togheter than a little Gundam next to taller Asuka.

But yeah, they look like shit.

I feel sorry for you because you will die alone. It's not too late to change, I have faith and hope that you will dig yourself out of this hole. I'm not even talking about the gay thing, that's not the problem here. You already know what the problem is.

That isn't my collection, I pulled that off google.

Nah everything you listed is kid shit including drinking, if children participate in the hobby it's childish.

And just spouting "cringe" and "yikes" at everything is what Yea Forums did in its entire existence? I want /pol/tards to fucking leave.

I don't get it just because Razer isn't even all that amazing of a brand.

It's lame. Like using the word "badass" unironically.

Fuck off faggot

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If you can afford to take care of yourself you're an adult and can buy whatever you want desu.

So you're still interested in guns if you go to a shooting range, and you were never interested in cars to begin with. Got it

nice mental gymnastics my dude
whatever helps you cope

Because they're really cheap, it's the only reason. Actual statues cost serious bank.


I agree with that but in my opinion it's the only long running comedy series that still holds up, even if it's starting to get stale with the last couple of seasons.

>washer and dryer in kitchen
>that carpet
>those walls
>those cabinets
Jesus, just how poor is this guy? He also spends what little spare cash he has on stupid shit like a Vive too. No wonder he lives so close to poverty. Is that a trailer you're in, bro?

Sounds like a gamer desu

You're just too young to remember when using badass was cool.

t. manchild

>Yea Forums threads full of people talking about how awful video games are and how childish you are for liking them

Threads like this always remind me of those white people who walk around saying that white people should all die because they're pure evil and how they hate white people so much.

those people are based because it's true though


leddit is that way fag

>So you're still interested in guns if you go to a shooting range
I'm interested in being able to competently shoot niggers before they shoot me. And yeah, when I was 16 I thought Corvettes and Mustangs were cool, now I drive a Lexus and don't care about cars.

Based in CA you mean

Playing videogames is a thousand times more socially acceptable than posting on Yea Forums.

>he says while posting on a video games section on Yea Forums
>these people are the overwhelming majority now
We've really fallen haven't we.

Well the overwhelming majority of Yea Forums is white so the self-hatred makes more sense when you consider that.

Try liking games that don't suck, on systems other than Nintendo.

Based killers poster. The non Bruce albums get no love

Attached: and this is our son's room he's quite the numale soyboy.jpg (1024x768, 91K)

If I was actually as fixated about this shit as you guys are, combined with my mental illness I probably would've bombed a place by now because I don't know how I could take giving a shit so much about a shitty world.

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That's funny, jews are provably the most self-hating people on the planet.

This is how zoomers are. Get used to it.

where are some good paces to get lights like these? these fucking LED or fluorescents make my eyes bleed. I need some dimmer, not-blazing-white light.

You got me I am poor.
In a year or two when the market drops I may buy a house. I can only save around 15k-18k a year.
For now I just live in a crappy two bedroom apartment with a den next to my University.
Being a poor wage cuck sucks.

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Just because you had a sports car calendar doesn't mean you were a car hobbyist. Did you work on cars? Did you street race? Drift? Did you do anything with cars besides think they're cool?

That's less self-hating and more heaping onto yourself guilt for things that aren't necesarily your fault.

whites ruin everything

Just ignore him. He probably has all of his IRL friends and/or Fartnite buttbuddies posting here with him because we've become extremely open borders in whom is coming here. Even if it's the worst kind of normalfaggot trash.

>Brad Jones
Guys like 5'6" and got divorced from his hot wife and almost immediately got an even hotter wife. He's far from an onionsboy.

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Yea Forums becoming as popular and well known as it is is the worst thing that could have ever happened to it.

T. Blue checkmark

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Amen. I may have to finally start posting on /vg/ now. I hate generals but I'm starting to think it's time. Which ones aren't full of overtly contrarian underage children?

u mad white boi?

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>caring what other people do
But why?

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There's a reason "jewish guilt" is a stereotype among jews. It's the basis behind 90% of self-deprecating jewish humor, the idea of "if something bad happened to me, I must've deserved it"

>Mr Goodbar

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Stopping people from doing to their body as they wish is anti-freedom, kys pinko

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Nah I'm cool

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>Iron maiden

>never liked music, tv, cinema, posters, material goods, etc
>expressed self through pure effort, so enjoyed video games and athletics
>grow up and have no more energy and willpower
Damn. What do I even have to show for myself anymore?

And the less and less its userbase knows how to use this website.

I wage slave so I can have my creature comforts.Yes, I am an adult.

>black woman

You can keep them. Shits nasty.

It's actually the complete opposite. They're constantly wondering why the entire planet hates them, while continuing their genocidal habits in pursuit of shekels. "The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."

Zoomers are extremely self-conscious and self-aware. It's their zeitgeist and it became the norm on a fucking anonymous imageboard of all places that once shunned blatantly obnoxious normalfaggotry.

Unaesthetic and retardpilled

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Jews aren't a monolith, not all jews are like that.

Fpbp. These insecure kiddies need to be told

Bet all that is broken now.

They are, and you can't prove otherwise.

My dad was a Woodstock-attending hippie that to this day is still obsessed with Hendrix so he's probably not the best example to use.

>he thinks dark themes don't still have a shit-ton of blue light
The leds behind your screen are white nigga. You're still basically staring at a flashlight.

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No group is a monolith because humans can't truly know anyone other than themselves.

Fuck you, it's even one of the good albums. If he had final frontier or book if souls I would let you slide.

Just f.lux my shit up pham

fpbp ngl

Nice non-answer, Freud.

Pretty much. That, or he normally uses 2 mice at the same time

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>middle school faggot starterpack

Oleds blacks are essentially turned off pixels. So the only blue light is coming from the white text

Based anti-humblebrag poster

It's not a non-answer. We can only group by similarities but as long as we can't read each others minds then we will never be able to have monolithic thinking.

Why the fuck do these pics always have Funkopops? They are the worst figurines you could possibly purchase.



Because they're cheap and there's one for every minor character or variation of a main one

If Jews were all the same then how are there Jews that openly state Israel should be dissolved as a state because it doesn't deserve statehood? Before you ask, Noam Chomsky.

I didn't realize middle schoolers were legally allowed to purchase guns or vehicles. Only in america.

Only stopping those who don't actually suffer from the correct condition

We really dont.

Because they can't agree on certain things. Meanwhile, they all can, 100% absolutely agree on the extermination of whitey. You can't prove this wrong, and I really don't want to have to start posting infographics.

Chomsky is a communist, he puts his ideology over anything in his blood.

Why so serious?

what do you think of benchmade?

mines dull red doesn't come with any other settings. am i faggot sir?

>Because they can't agree on certain things.
Then it's not a monolith. A monolith means everything is exactly the same with all members. That's what makes it a monolith and not just a group.

>Meanwhile, they all can, 100% absolutely agree on the extermination of whitey.
All humans deserve extermination regardless of race

>bike on the wall
this is actually retarded, ur walls are gonna get scuffed up with with and shit

not stabby enough.

>Instead of buying all those funko pops you could’ve bought something actually good looking

That mighty Khorne may revel in their bloodshed

>Throw away book
>Want to read it again
>no book
Big brain.

>All humans deserve extermination regardless of race
An exceptionally jewish point of view.

>Owning TWO copies of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
What on earth for?

They will not be spared either. The blood will flow until all drown in it.

Reminder that this guy is suicidal after his wife left him with nothing, and he's practically begging anons to bully him into suicide.

>i'm an adult!
>buys $8,000 doohickey that does basically nothing

just boomer things

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>making fun of a gang weeder
You fucked with us for the last time, normy.

>OW the EDGE

>needing approval from Yea Forums of all places
Literally why

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>not pretending to be normal and slowly turning them into knife nuts themselves
Apply yourself.

we name them girl's names, but that's about it. post your guns, /k/ommando.

>muh conversation piece

t. Charles Walz

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>that tiny ass bed

Sounds like your average poster on /int/


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Cars are pretty childish to make a hobby out of.

>I have hobbies

out of all the replies only two show signs of non-newfaggotry

That part is obvious b8. Sunday night is usually pleb hour.

Didn't he hate weedfags with a passion?

i've never heard that
also post guns or proof of experience fag

Attached: california.jpg (4032x3024, 2.7M)

Never knew a normal queen sized bed was small...
Maybe you didn't know the adjustable frame had the headrest raised.

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>poor college student
can't relate

This place is fucking tainted

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He also got arrested for threatening to shoot up his own school.

Im at work, they are mostly aks and a few shotguns and glocks. Ill check in a minute but i dont think i have a photo on my phone.

gay retarded fucking traitors

Kill yourself.

please tell me its not anything by century or RAS

*Cough* My TV doesnt use LEDs *Cough*

>acting like a huge faggot
>I-I'm not looking for approval or anything, I'm doing it for myself
You're worse than roasties.


>"being an adult means not caring what other people think"
>*shits into my little pony diaper*

If you care so much about approval from people who you will never meet under the age of 18 screencapping posts for a Facebook group or a Subreddit there is something completely wrong with you.

>a comic someone made of his insecurities to make the person believe secure
Gaymers everyone

It's the same as people who bring dakis in public.

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BASED and straight edge

It's an hyperbole, and it is perfectly valid.

Seeing so many serious replies to Quentin in 2019 is kinda depressing. This whole site needs a serious purge.

How long since he has been v& anyway?

Why can't you all just act like the piece of shit in pic related? Do whatever the fuck you want at home, but be a functioning member of society in public. It's not difficult.

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Nobody gives 2 shits

Its thanks to the internet
>all those I'm 12 but I like *insert your thing here*
>gets praise
>opinions change to fit the popular opinions

>Spends thousands on a PC and accompanying setup
>Skimps out on shitty 4 inch speakers with an xboxheug bass reflex


No one ever thinks I'm into weebshit unless they ask me about it.

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>not childish

>not extremely childish

Cars can only be an adult hobby if you're into ones with high safety ratings to ensure your potential kids will be safe.

Guns are never an adult hobby, and should be treated with respect. You should not be proud to own a gun, you should feel bad that you might have to use it someday. Until then, you're only shooting at the range or have it locked up in a safe.

>an hyperbole

Attached: beats-by-dad-29404967.png (500x521, 126K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-02 v - I'm an adult - Video Games - 4chan.png (419x111, 4K)

Eh, that watch isn't a bad deal though. Shit will outlast your grandkids. Your $1000 phone on the other hand won't survive the decade.

It makes sense to spend $8000 on something that will survive forever. It doesn't make sense to spend $1000 on something that won't.

Is it weird I don't care about electronics that much? I love video games, but I also use my money for stuff like exotic reptiles and snakes (herping). I never got the idea of why so many young men collect toys either

Wait, he's still in Jail?

Edgy teens on the Internet need validation from their fellow Redditors and "friends" in their Facebook group.

>MULTIPLE bookshelves full of vidya gaymes, dvds, and boxed sets
>instead of doilies and vases and other old man garbage

Who sounds like the dad?

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>money sink

What? Shit can be done on the cheap.

Utilize secretflying and skyscanner correctly, stay in hostels (in most countries), not hotels, go to places with dope streetfood. If you're white you can use Tinder in most countries to stay at QTs houses for free, assuming you look somewhat put together.

Hell, domestic travel can be done even cheaper. Right now I can get to a flight to Vegas or Miami from Houston roundtrip for like $90.

I don't think so. ED say he was literally b& from using the internet by his parents so there's that.

I work at a store that sold those tertris blocks that light up as lamps. They sold them before I started working there and after a few days where I was cleaning up I found an old (and very dusty) package of them. I thought hey, I could probably take these home and no one would be any the wiser. I put them out to bring home and then went about my day at the store.
Throughout the day I started to think about why would I take it home. I like tetris but why would I need it. To use at lights? no they are shit at lighting things. As decoration? no they come apart and they would need their own place where I couldn't place anything else.
Then I looked around the store and came to the conclusion that most of the shit we sold at the store was indeed shit that would be sold to someone who would say "Man i love star trek I gotta buy this coffee mug or man tetris is the shit I'm a gamer I need this." I was so repulsed by this thought that I put the box back down and It hasn't moved since i put it there and it serves as a reminder not to waste money on things that showcase what I like and just buy things that I like instead.
I see the funko pops and it goes to show the guy who owns the business is a genius because he knows the people who buy those things (which I've never seen one outside of the box by the way) will waste money on lights that look like tetris blocks because they are morons and need to show what the like off with their purchases ( my theory is they are insecure about liking something so they need to be reassured by looking at things that do with their own interests).

Any and all escapism is for emotionally stunted man-children. This includes video games, reading books that will not advance your career, playing rudimentary guitar, and pointlessly tuning up your car because you just watched Inital D.

Imagine being a manchild and looking at a room like this and thinking to yourself:"Yeah, that's a completely normal room that a normal, healthy and mentally sane individual would have".
How do these people even live with themselves?

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What's with every faggot having a huge microphone on his desk?
Are they for playing or is every redditor streaming himself

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I sure want to know what you'll look like it 10 years.

honestly i hate r/PCMR for promoting Corsair and Razer garbage just because "MY RGB DUH, FOR THE GLORY OF THE PCMR" god these companies must laugh at these retards for buying their garbage

Well, who knows how long it's been since that page's been edited. ED's no longer as big a gateway for Yea Forums and some of the pages are really dated. The Deus Ex page hasn't even updated past HR.

>"Yeah, that's a completely normal room that a normal, healthy and mentally sane individual would have".

I mean, it's no worse than the cliche "Live. Laugh. Love." shit normies have on their walls.

My brother got one of these from a friend and I can hardly tell the difference in quality from what he was using before.

Full on weebs deserve respect. The guy in the OP is just a sheep, the one in this webm is challenging society.

A retired father of 3 at the age of 42, all because I wasted no time with escapism.

Yeah cool but how about you fuck off back there instead of posting here

Probably not you, but in the case it is. You should unironically consider killing yourself.

And a heart attack victim at 43

Staring directly ahead in his chair, tapping his finger on the arm of it

>being old
>not being fit enough for fun
>having 3 kids and having to find money to afford college for them
>having 3 kids and having to watch them marry negroes or lgbtqs folks in 2030
>thinking you're superior because your semen produced disgusting filth that will continue to pollute and ruin the planet.

This, I'm a huge fan of Banjo-Kazooie, but I'm having a hard time considering buying the statues they're selling. Why do I need it, it's just a statue that will be there and then just left there for its whole existence

>posting this while on Yea Forums

Attached: 1506097940869.png (734x1110, 231K)

>these things are acceptable because society says so, these things aren’t

No its worse because they have the one sign and isn't sold on fandom. Almost everything in OP's pic is marketed at him being a fan so he will buy it.

>"Hey do you like _____"
>"Then buy this useless and meaningless piece of plastic for 29.99"
>"OK, man I really love _____"

fuck off guilt tripping fag. I hope to shoot another nigger.

You can smell the overweight tears on him.

Attached: fullsizeoutput_bcf.jpg (780x767, 50K)

I'm a NEET, and I'm waiting for the normalfags to wake up to the fact that the jews are literally enslaving them. Until then, I won't move a muscle.

Quentin is that you?

>huurrr career is life
Ya ok you literal boomer
People who are "career oriented" are just too boring to fit into social groups with interesting people so they use it as an excuse to cope and fill their soulless lonliness with money and pride.

>not sold to the Christian fandom
>not sold to the pinterest fandom
>not sold to the instagram moms fandom

okay, if you say so buckaroo.

Having kids is magic. Playing vidya is just time wasting between actual life events.

>trusting society to judge what's normal in an age where it's socially acceptable to mutilate your genitals

top lad

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Are you homeschooling them? If you aren't, you're allowing the jews to poison their minds.

Cavemen and Neanderthals could have have kids, shit don't mean nothing.

Cavemen and Neanderthals couldn't play vidya though.

Doing anything is just wasting time before the sweet embrace of death takes you.

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based neet. fuck those capitalist jews

Unless you already have 1, don't count on the 3. Being all FIRE'd up doesn't make you interesting automatically,

>Numale anime posters absolutely seething at obvious bait
I guess anime does lower IQ after all

I am Jewish.

And my wife is Mormon.

Fuck the communist ones, too.

Attached: US National Home Price Index.png (1164x566, 48K)

capitalist jew detected

Hippies were the original manchildren.

Attached: 1544268670684.jpg (630x933, 184K)

>Cavemen and Neanderthals could have have kids, shit don't mean nothing.
Having a strong immediate family that you worked and cultivated is far more fulfilling than anything vidya will ever be.

Capitalism and communism are two sides of the same jewish coin, you incomprehensibly stupid fuck.

>TFW when I actually have a GF
>TFW we both play games and have decent jobs
>TFW live comfortably without having to worry about fucking money sucking kids.

If you are really being truthful (You arnt) I pity you for falling into the jew trap.

Attached: IMG_1241.jpg (210x240, 19K)

>and pointlessly tuning up your car because you just watched Inital D.
Shut up, I make a lot of money doing that for morons who spend tens of thousands of dollars so they can go to the track once a month and get beaten by shitbox Civics on slicks.

I'd hang out and talk about knives with you user.


pick one faggot.

No one cares about cars, you stupid fucking normalfag.

I was calling it out as bait but ok

I pick both.

This mostly stopped me from playing video games at night.

Not him but both have yielded power to an elite class

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You cant... the communist system is the most anti "Jewish" systems out there. You sound like you are confusing communist and socialist.

I bet you cant drift

you do realize the dark theme is grey and not black, right?

So what exactly is wrong with a guy having a room they can decorate and use as they see fit? I would kill to have a mancave.

Are you azn or indian?

>holds on to his "golden years" from hs football, is armchair quaterback now
>still collects baseball cards
>fixes his car all the time
yea my dad is a boomer manbaby

Just some seething fellers

Nothing user. The ones getting all pissy are just jealous.

Attached: CCAM6I2%QEa0P+TDg2vv+w.jpg (4032x3024, 2.8M)

>the communist system is the most anti "Jewish" systems out there

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as long as you dont call it that its ok

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This, the term is strictly "my wife allowed me to decide things in this space only"
Absolutely disgusting

dolls were always kids toys and always will be kids toys. pretty simple

>Marx, Engles, Hess and the bolsheviks
>not jewish

One is mine and one is my Gf.
Very suicidal

whats the jap shit on the top left?

Because community and culture has been replaced by vapid consumerism. Instead of identifying with a place or people (which is not allowed unless you're brown) we now get to identify with brands and corporations. Welcome to 21st century tribalism.



Beatmania They are my GFs.

>drives a rebadged toyota
>implying you had any real interest in cars in the first place

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I don't have a bunch of shit on my desk or decorating my bedroom or anything like that, but why should I care if someone else does.

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Wizard powers are fake

t. Former wizard

He probably only drives an automatic. You literally can not say you are a car guy if you don't at the very least understand how a manual transmission works

>t. Former wizard
Your memory got overwritten upon losing wizardhood
t. Actual wizard

>scuba diving
>traveling the world
Yeah sorry guy but your post is retarded, and a case of first post most idiotic post

I wonder how much cum is on the carpet

People need to get some culture and stop just putting entertainment brand shit all over the place. Maybe set up a piece you got from an art show. Or maybe some photos of your family. Christ, geek fandoms are like religions except even more all-consuming.

I wonder (((who))) designed that to be the case.

>he doesnt know about the failsafe

bitch I am literally floating as I type this

>what are parents

I had a car and a gun when I was in middle school and I didn't buy either.

Bull shit. Learn Python.



Attached: I thought I heard a girl's name, but that kid looks like a boy..jpg (580x472, 62K)

Do they lose the soigrin once they transition?

Does being lusted over by Stacies cancel the onions? Ezra Miller and Trudeau are pretty much chads by that standard.

I'd say he's pretty wealthy
t. brasileiro

Attached: 22.jpg (692x577, 73K)

>I make fun of people on the internet! I'm an adult!

Attached: 1492376364781.jpg (535x560, 32K)

Bullshit is one word. Learn language.

Is there any red flag more certain than Funko Pop dolls that someone is a complete and utter waste of oxygen?

Believing that the jews aren't the number one sociological problem in the world.

pop culture/videogame tattoos

Owning consoles/videogames cartridges release before they were born

generic nintendo merch, especially zelda (shit with the generic royal family triforce crest , heart meter, 8 bit mario, nes controller, etc. slapped on it)

>Citing a source for opinions

Imagine being this fucking braindead you can't actually think for yourself, holy shit.

How has nobody posted this?

Attached: 1548279421121.jpg (1500x884, 388K)

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

are you a mom or an anime protagonist? in either case get the fuck outta here lmao

remember the 2.3 trillions

Attached: pentagon tomahawk.gif (852x568, 1023K)

Maybe on your skull when you tripped down the stairs little boy

They got laid tho

>OP pic
>pic related
>"Perfectly and completely normal and socially acceptable. "

Attached: 07XX_sports_dolphins-fan_KL_01.jpg (640x480, 49K)

Is it?

Attached: killl me.jpg (102x97, 2K)

Ouch you got me.

Classic, I forgot about this. I have the Chinese one somewhere.

Nah man that's pretty cringe too.

dont you mistake reading, even fairytales, with dedicated portable gaming. going through a hassle to buy and constantly charge a portable game device so you could enjoy your bing bing wahoos everywhere you go strongly implies you cant exist without it which strongly implies youre some kind of, well, undeveloped person who is unable to exist without his delusions. Passable for kids because they are kids but not quite for adults
having a book and reading a bit in a spare minute is another thing entirely, no matter the contents of the book. well, maybe not erotic, thats about it.

What went wrong with your life?

Yes, goy, be sure to work 60 hour weeks. Hobbies and relaxation are for manchildren

i have a shit tons of guitars, have a 200+ coin colletion ,and of course vidya

that make an adult or a child? ,iam 19

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

Imagine being on your deathbed having lived a meager but ultimately lonely life of restrained enjoyment as to not seem unusual or undesirable by people you can no longer name and for reasons you can no longer remember.

>Thank goodness I hid my hobbies from the other kids when I was a teenager
>Thank goodness I never told anyone I play videogames in my 20s so I'd seem attractive to girls
>Thank goodness I never told my work colleagues about the music I enjoyed in my 30s
>Thank goodness in my 40s people stopped asking and caring.
>As I reached my 50s I had stopped caring too.
>Thank goodness by my 60s there were just 10 more years
>To reach my 70s, when I could tell myself "It's too late".
>And now it is. Thank goodness.

Attached: 145.jpg (640x480, 37K)

It's funny because there's a high chance this guy is richer than everyone here

Who cares? I live on passive income, I pay the least ammount of taxes possible in order to not support the state and I wont breed because I dont give a fuck about the future or the white race. Stay mad on videogames pol. The abstractions you live for are mere concepts that dont exist in the real world. Its all a plausible lie you tell yourself because you cant fuck prime white pussy. Shaming people for their hobbies wont change anything. Why bother?

Its time to stop brainlet

There isn't. Everything in that picture is poverty-tier.

>feel like people my age are older than me

Attached: just.jpg (700x456, 95K)

there is. giving a fuck about it.

Absolutely and utterly based

Based and adultpilled.

It's always the same, fear vs love. When you narrow these things down to their most basic emotion it's fear or love. Racism, violence, misogyny, entitlement, superiority, authority, control - all products of fear. People afraid of the future, afraid of others, afraid of change. They choose to bolt themselves down and they attack others so the fear doesn't get them.

One day they may (or may not) realize the power of love. The strength of a relationship, be it platonic, romantic or familial, the importance of positivity, of security and of kindness. Fear runs blindly forward afraid of being caught up, love marches onward embracing each step.

>bro check it out I bought a $50000 rock, it will last forever :)

Attached: 1546938790087.gif (700x704, 295K)

I don't think the person who has this set-up is going around telling people that. when you get to that level you know you're a man-child

Just bought Phillips Hue bulbs, and I can set the mood for any game i'm playing. What are some colors you associate with particular genres? 1st/3rd person shooter is red, I'm assuming, but what else? Also, if you can't think of just one color, what's a 2 color combo?

As if we haven't had blue fucking light in daily human life for all of our existence.

>making a shrine of cp
I hope this pedo gets jailed.

I love his set up, really organized, love the dual monitor, never imagined one to be vertical, love the desk and headphone mount, printer, it's the best workstation/hobby station ever

Hate and despise the Pops and posters except Iron Maiden's

that bed has me curious because honestly I need a new one

>all of those DVDs and VHSs
You're never going to watch these things more than one more time each, and that would be a big stretch.

Basically this is junk that just sits around taking up space. The era of single pieces of physical media is over. Throw that shit out.

Attached: Kenshiro_b[1].jpg (604x453, 63K)

>Mom is a huge weeb and her room looks like this but Anime instead.
I love her but... I don't know, it feels weird.

>giving a damn whether you have the legal right to watch something or not

lmao I can sympathize. A few years out of college and people I know are already starting to get married and buy houses and things of that nature. But on the other hand it's weird because outside of 'domestic life' I feel like none of them have really accomplished much - no skills or achievements to write home about, working decent paying but dead end jobs, not trying to get in shape, stuff like that. Different values I guess, while I'm young I want to try and live in a bunch of different places and explore my interests to the fullest. I feel like my buddies got defeated by the wagie lifestyle, they just come home and play vidya/watch netflix all day and they're not even good at the games.

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>You literally can not say you are a car guy if you don't at the very least understand how a manual transmission works
This is a correct statement. But, as someone who drives a manual, and understands how it works, people that say shit like "it isn't real driving unless it's with a manual" are complete fucking retards. It doesn't matter what you drive. Just drive what you want.

I swear you have no life. You're on Yea Forums like 24/7 you mentally ill.

man the only thing worse than buying Funko Pops is displaying them in the box

At least the Iron maiden poster Is cool

Why is everyone so aggressive towards this píc?
What's the story here? (besides all the anime shit)
Sorry, I don't frequent battlestation threads.

It's a collection of items which draw certain negative stereotypes about the person who owns them. Ultimately, it doesn't matter, it's just people complaining about other people living their lives in ways they would choose not to.

I've never actually paid attention to the details of this image before and it just constantly gets worse as I continue to do so.

So you're a self-hating black man that wants to "purify" himself by mating with a white woman? Makes sense.


rad gf

I really really really hope your a girl otherwise...

>a trap (even though they're imitations of the originals) thinking they're better than actual girls


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>I don't know how I could take giving a shit so much about a shitty world.
The goal is to make one nice place for yourself in that shitty world.

But then why would you want to fill your house with cheap junk? There's only so much room in a house.

I swear to God, everyone has those fucking IKEA shelves, including myself.

Nah. I just don't fuck std ridden nasty shit. Which is most black women.

Questions: What is your occupation and how much do you get paid?
I just want to know if you're legit.

If That was my room I would change the posters for loli ones.

Attached: 1551494362488.jpg (1024x576, 67K)

Got sick of the shit quality mics on gaming headsets, bought one so I can just choose earbuds separately and also saves my buddies from having to hear low quality audio.

t. Kyle’s mom

Reminder that there’s nothing more childish than desperately trying to convince people you’re “mature”

This, only betas care about approval from other men, true Chads do whatever awesome shit they want and get away with it.

Spoken like a true manchild.

Attached: soy boy and i must scream.gif (500x368, 3.03M)

>I let other people dictate how I should express myself
How embarrassing

t. manchild

>Everyone is the character represented by their background and not simply a murderer biding their time for the moment that will force their hand.

you get it

>he doesn't have a bookshelf of everything he's read
>he throws away perfectly good books

Late reply but fuck no.
Super Vepr 308
1966 Romanian wasr
Saiga 545 converted
Saiga 762 unconverted
Amd65 sbr
Slr104ur sbr
Zastava m77 308 converted to tabuk clone
Polish Tantal still in parts but original barrel

Russian Baikal side by side 18inch 12ga
1944 m44 mosin
a couple glocks
And a few random assorted rifles

Feel like im forgetting an ak or 2. Haveng opebed the safe in a while

Attached: 20190203_084912.jpg (3264x2448, 2.12M)

The word adult is directly linked to your age, so yeah.

Did he died?

I will never stop using blue LEDs, and white LEDs are literally worse.

Bush didn't do 9/11, it was (((them)))

are y

ou me

>made in abyss
based and caradhinapilled

Needs more cum covered edits.

