It's Claire

Claire Redfield

Attached: 1551071400366.jpg (484x675, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

And with the incredible smell of my asshole I will conquer the world!

Attached: 1550841408546.png (639x553, 424K)

I see why Leon won't tap that

Claire made Resident Evil great again

Attached: claire_cute_012.jpg (1080x1080, 157K)

>that back

Shes ugly and the majority of Yea Forums approve.

dicklet won't reach her asshole?

>pre mod claire

Attached: 1551386584112.jpg (559x517, 51K)


I need Claire to sit her just-shat-and-didn't-wipe ass on my face so I can tongue clean it while receiving some asshole blinking, the taste of her asshole must be amazing if it's either clean of just shat a hard log that didn't left too much material behind, how can I have this feel pol? My life depends on it, will printing her face and gluing into regular girl suffice my needs?

Attached: oa0SNBe.jpg (1080x1080, 268K)

Yea unfortunately

Well jordan is pretty much claire but idk how to get a jordan gf

Attached: 1551389004658.jpg (1080x1080, 49K)

Attached: 5354ie.png (798x636, 600K)

Yeah I guess she is alright, kinda slow and funny looking, haha
Where's Ada tho, guys?

Attached: 1551407692549.gif (268x268, 2.89M)

>Time to take the "air" out of "Claire"!

Here Leon

Attached: D0YalWEWkAAdQmn.jpg (1334x2000, 202K)

Ada is a chink, no bestiality here

But this thread is full bestiality user!

>when the adafags start infesting this thread like the insects they are

Attached: claire_face_smug3.jpg (614x579, 69K)

>no bestiality
>It's fetal alcohol syndrome baby faced autistic goblina mutt's thread

Attached: how to nwf.jpg (494x531, 109K)

Today I will remind 56% discord virgins

Attached: This post destroys goblinafags.png (1139x375, 56K)

Claire watch out!

Attached: POW!!.jpg (1920x4334, 1.72M)

She doesn't even remotely look like she has FAS
You are thinking of the "fix" mod for her face

Claire is life, Claire is happiness

Attached: 1551056891961.jpg (1500x1500, 275K)

Based. Triggered a dumb mutt above lol

Attached: Best RE nude mod.jpg (657x1080, 181K)

But Leon chose this
Because Ada is love, Ada is life.

Attached: k9Iwaht.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

Nobody looks like that
She is of an alien race

What's going on in this thread

Attached: 20190228_231939.jpg (850x478, 127K)

Whatever helps you to cope. Call her dumb /pol/ names, won't change the facts. Ada is superior in every way

Attached: ada_wong_by_yupachu_dd0fp91.jpg (900x514, 143K)

No I just mean in RE6. She looks Asian in the other games

But she looks good. Actually RE6 cast is very handsome

Attached: ADA-WONG-RE6-resident-evil-31112567-448-585.jpg (448x585, 58K)

god I wish I were a zombie

I need webms of naked Ada getting overpowered and eaten by zombies


Attached: ada eats lickers.webm (1280x706, 2.98M)

No, think of the advertisers you selfish prick

Attached: edd324b4c9dcda260fd4ec3293cd1a4c.jpg (640x480, 28K)

Attached: 1550690059033.jpg (184x184, 5K)

I would unironically watch a porno of that.

Attached: 1550954632779.jpg (736x948, 355K)

The Ultimate Dab on clairkeks.
Clar is basically useless.

Claie is for bullying and being canonically raped by Wesker
Ada is for loving and being canonically chased by Leon

Attached: sherry wet after getting rescued by ada.jpg (3820x3780, 1.2M)

and you must be the lovely Claire Redfeild

Attached: clairexwesker_meet.webm (1280x720, 1.51M)

How did they get away with it?
The amount of Claire abuse is just insane in CV.
Not to mention Chris....

Attached: 1411094639976.png (256x207, 46K)

I hated CVX when I played it, but now I am starting to want to see a remake just so I can have realistic versions of these scenes with nu-Claire

Attached: manhandled.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

she can take it. and wesker never meant to actually kill her

Attached: clairexwesker_bully2.webm (636x360, 312K)

She looks fine there (still not Asian), but in most pictures of her face in-game RE6 she looks weird and nothing like Ada Wong. Not really in a bad way necessarily, just in a "nobody actually looks like that" kind of way


Attached: 49722023_528445654334476_2684666729767287672_n.jpg (1080x1350, 119K)

Attached: claire_CV_intro2.webm (1280x720, 145K)

same desu senpai

needs a slightly bigger bush, desu senpai

as always

How could something so Wong, feel so white?

It's Apex Legend

Attached: Best-Apex-Legends-cosplays-Wraith-Lifeline.jpg (1600x900, 189K)

>no bush

Fucking acceptable.

i keep glancing past this and thinking the op is a live action picture of goku or something

Yea Forums is Jill territory

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Leon is 10x hotter. I would fuck him in the ass then suck his dick and let him fuck me in the ass.

Attached: file.png (800x504, 520K)

Sorry but Claire abhors body hair anywhere on herself

Attached: womb.jpg (1920x1080, 722K)

dios mio.......

>I am gay so I would prefer to fuck the dude
Okay. He is very attractive though I agree.

I want to take a zombie bite right out of her pubic area.

Go back to your own board, gay

Ass too large and made for bbc

Even as a trap Leon is hotter than Claire.

Her design tho. Those leatherpants were destorying my dick. Also the most practical one in the series on par with RE4 assignment outfit

Attached: Ada's fucking ass re6.webm (1280x720, 1.15M)

This pic with Jordan and the cat is calming for me

Attached: 47018034_271973160096244_8106069113292990539_n.jpg (1080x1350, 126K)

>very dumb spy got stuck in the vent

Attached: 423643425.jpg (3412x1920, 1.82M)

Why not both?

Yet this is ok

Attached: jordanmcewen_-1100448242603618305-20190226_123121-img1.jpg (627x851, 72K)

Capcom sure does hire beautiful people

Attached: 47266_291395820965134_1575276452_n.jpg (701x960, 86K)

When you grow up you'll realize that unemployment and underemployment among beautiful people is zero. It is really easy mode in life.

never knew brazillians would be so pretty

There can be only one

I didn't realise how green the game was before REShade. I really like the new effect.

Attached: re2 2019-03-01 14-43-56.jpg (1920x2160, 2.83M)

True, even in DMC5 they are picking godly facemodels

Attached: kyrie facemodel.webm (640x1136, 2.09M)

I don't even imply they are unemployed. Ada's face model Adriana was in hundreds of fucking beauty/model magazines and shit
She is Japanese-Brazilian who portrays Chinese-American lol
And Leon's face model is Romanian

Attached: 5439854.jpg (683x960, 113K)

Which one are you using friend?

>Moded Claire
Found the NPC

good lord that tummy

Easy Just purge the Hue genes with based jap dna

Damn she CUTE

Attached: 1547972936057.jpg (802x615, 66K)

There is plenty of pretty us here in the clean areas of the country, most of it look worse then the mutt meme though

Attached: dasdass.jpg (2624x1080, 551K)

It can be overly blue sometimes, but I prefer it to green.

Attached: hnng.jpg (850x846, 77K)

knowing I will never fuck her or a girl that looks half as good makes me want to anhero

how did the fuck up claire face so badly in the new resident evil. and the old costume is missing half of the clothing.
did you hire the ME:A modelers just to down-syndrome her face.

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god that's a nice body

Attached: 1551099531868.jpg (400x400, 12K)

The problem with that though is that the color grading changes for each room. Areas like the RPD main hall, much of the Lab, and the library all have that green color grading like The Matrix, but then there are all these other areas where the colors become very blue instead of green as soon as you go through a door. The reshade can't really account for that

Attached: blue.jpg (1920x1080, 179K)

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i wish that were me.

Did she really say this?

Cool mom

Attached: 1549396096-20190203144806-2.jpg (1600x1067, 688K)

God fucking dammit. I just want to smell a woman's asshole. I fantasize about a woman smothering me with her ass.

Attached: Marvin eats Claire.webm (848x940, 2.99M)

>hurr she looks like Ryder
Show me a single picture of Sara Ryder ever looking attractive

Real question: do people actually think her model looks bad? It looks great to me. She's a hot college coed that can hold her own. Her model did a great job.

he's not irish

show me a pic of claire looking attractive

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why is this turning me on bros

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Re2 isnt canon anymore

Is it weird that I want Claire to get eaten by zombie Leon and Sherry?

ada still saves leon more than claire does in remake 2 so

I never understood why she gets an eagle tattoo.
No buttchecks 2/5.
Why is she wearing botty shorts?

Why is that hot?
I feel nothing.

You are not canon anymore.

Attached: 1548770418773.jpg (600x849, 93K)

She is also a huge whore

Do you have to do something specific to get the full nude mod working? I placed the natives folder in my directory and I have the dlc, but it doesn't appear in game at all.

Which is epecially wierd because the topless military one works fine.

for Leon haha!

not like leon chases after her to marry her. And even if he was, purification is patrician

I think I installed it with Fluffy's mod manager. It replaces Elza btw.
At first I didn't want the mod manager, but its actually really convenient with backing up and installing / uninstalling mods, and lets you model swap anyone to anyone pretty easily if you want to keep it on as a trainer.

Attached: 20190301014526_1.jpg (1920x1080, 715K)

I never understood when zombies double teams one of them go after the stomach instead of the neck.
I like the fact that Leon can get shoot but it doesn't affect his health.

He obviously would and being a whore makes her gross

>potato face
>pancake tits

why does Yea Forums have such shit taste?


Attached: file.png (435x456, 233K)

kingdom hearts
final fantasy
mobile trash


How come i cant see the nude mods on nexusmods?

I wish there was an action button/Quick time events instead of hoping is getting at your side.

why do all the people that are good with 3d put extreme depth of field into their images

Is she going to say something racist?
Can I more of that?

is it just me or are claire's weapons really shit compared to leon's?

>never knew brazillians would be so pretty
There is one here and there.

Attached: file.png (1080x608, 884K)

Who does she portray


just by looking at them you can tell they sucked a minimum of 500 dicks each

I think some people are mad she doesn't look like a supermodel, or that she doesn't look like she used to. Also the game stretches her face out as it nears the edges of the screen, even at minimum FOV. And the lighting sometimes makes shadows that outline her eyes and lips and makes her look like a clown. Pic related, top she is stretched and has the ugly shadows. It's all just bullshit that has nothing to do with the shape of her face.
The truth is she is very cute just like you described

Attached: FOV and shadows.jpg (1916x1104, 480K)


Attached: dogfucker.png (1012x1136, 1.44M)

link me the nude mods pls

Why did you post a picture of thots?

Why are people calling her goblin?

Nice joke user.
It's true though

I like Ada but that version is pretty ugly.

Attached: 20190227155628_1.jpg (1273x932, 375K)

Its a joke though

It's a retarded /pol/ meme. She looks like she has Hispanic features mixed with white features, so they call her a goblin. Just ignore that shit.

I feel like her butt gets bigger everytime I see this

Attached: 59c04ec61306f898b476bb3b13184115.jpg (399x401, 28K)

Ay dios mio

I don't get it.
Bookmark please.

At this point it's a meme because she is obviously not ugly, but it was probably inspired by this pre-release screencap from an awful animation in a cutscene (and is still in the game). And then the meme was perpetuated anyway by people who call Americans "mutts" and / or who hate remake Claire for other reasons

Attached: my precious.jpg (1200x675, 77K)

Attached: ClaireEyes.png (770x470, 611K)


>she is obviously not ugly
I genuinely find her unattractive

No ass. Has to stick it out at a ridiculous ankle to notice.

Attached: adathong.webm (720x1280, 1.34M)

That looks weird.

What Hispanic features?


Attached: 20190227062219_1.jpg (1920x1080, 584K)

>refuses to have sex with Claire
>and Ada
>and Helena
>and an older Sherry
Leon is gay.

Wide mouth, over bite and messed up eyes. She does look like a goblino

So you can't see the low poly no textured environment , stupid.

You're not feeling me again this time Redfield

Attached: 38465365365.jpg (376x179, 12K)


It's crazy how women can look good with a recessed jaw.

see So basically insecure faggots.

>seething leftypol retards think everything they don't like is pol

My cousin looks like her and I cant handle this anymore. My dick is very hard.

Attached: IMG-20181213-WA0003.jpg (720x960, 93K)

>wide mouth
Shit taste, big lips are a positive

>over bite
Nothing wrong with an overbite like hers on a girl. It's feminine looking so it's shit on a guy though

>messed up eyes
Explain, they look great in the very post you quoted

Attached: 1.jpg (828x808, 132K)

Make Alabama proud user.

Attached: Season_1_Character_Promos_-_George_Michael_Bluth_02.jpg (300x300, 22K)

You know what you have to do.

Yes, very low volume in my ears

If your cousin is the hot who gives a fuck you need to go for it

t. goblino

Have you tried fucking her yet? You'd be shocked how many cousins are dtf.

She looks okay in some screenshots but my first playthrough was with her and it was distracting how ugly she was. You might be fine with a toad face but I have higher standards for my fictional game characters


>just ignore how ugly she is and pretend she's pretty

Attached: diosmiogoblina.jpg (305x409, 38K)

I guess you have to be a member to see it.

Attached: 20190227154526_1.jpg (1920x1080, 491K)

Get out of the pc and go get a woman than god dammit, if it's clean it just smell like the same woman slightly sweaty and taste a little sweet (clean but not done enema, with enema is just skin...), it's about the act not about the smell by itself, get out of this faggot anime ridden website and go get some fucking, you look like you need it

Attached: 1551219430168.jpg (2072x1641, 473K)

What's with her showing her pits on nearly every outfit?

Attached: 1549661360670.jpg (1920x1080, 253K)

She is a result of fucking pedo gooks trying to model a 11 years old girl out of a 18yo one, they changed her nose, mouth and cheek in this disgusting attempt when compared to the actual model

I don't believe thats your cousin probably some thot you found online

my cousin is married to mattpat and it hurts cuz i've slept in the same house as her and wrestled with her when we were younger

Why is her neck red?

zombie jizz

What you mean the hot who gives a fuck?

Attached: IMG_1543171510312.jpg (234x490, 26K)

She doesn't even look like that in-game at any point, that's like a pre-release render that they kept as her picture for some reason even though they changed her face

It is all bullshit. Look at her, she's fine

Attached: idle animation.webm (782x958, 2.99M)

A vampire's kiss.

Attached: 952234617_preview_g.jpg (1200x674, 188K)

Damn,she looks even better then claire to me

she got a surprise hickey

Attached: 20190227154245_1.jpg (1920x1080, 172K)

Pre-release screenshots made her look ugly, I agreed with them and even joined in occasionally.

The screenshots and webms on the other hand she looks quite nice and even though I'm still annoyed at the massive change in art style and her design I'd still fuck it.

I got an S rank in Clair A Standard, why didn't I get my infinite sub machine gun? Did using the infinite Samurai Edge stop that from happening?

she looks derpy as hell

I never found that hot.

*Claire Kennedy

Attached: 1550870893000.png (904x975, 245K)

Yes. The only infinite weapon you can use is the unbreakable knife.

You need to do it on hardcore, without infinite knife or guns. You used to be able to use infinite knife but they changed the rules recently on You need an S+ too, so 3 saves only.

Fuck, I thought that only happened for Hardcore
Well, guess i'm doing Hardcore with only the Edge, since I don't care about S ranking that

Plus its on hardcore not standard

Leon was kinda rough that night

Attached: 156345.jpg (1024x997, 501K)

Sherry's got our back.

Attached: 20190227185948_1.jpg (1920x1080, 256K)

Is there a mod where Sherry have the death animations?

Post more

I don't believe you


she looks really cunty

The game is trying to make it look like she is looking behind herself because that is the direction the camera is pointed, but it doesn't know whether to make her turn her head or if its just too far to try so she flicks her head and eyes around a lot.
She looks like she's standing in front of a pond watching a flock of birds taking off and flying around in front of her

Men I get crazy with the girl sit on my chest, eating her ass and watching the view of her ass turn into small waist back, but like that picture with the guy going out if air and not seeing anything is not that fun though, probably more hot for people with those being-dominating fetishes...

Maybe I have a chance then

Nice try buy Leon belongs to Ada.

Nice try, chink spywhore.

Attached: One_fear.jpg (680x468, 63K)

whats with the constant conflict between claire and ada?

do people really like ada that much?

Not sure why you guys want it but ok

Attached: IMG-20190129-WA0016.jpg (960x1280, 644K)

My nose hurts just from looking at it.



It's been a thing for 20 years and it'll never change, user. Clairefags and Adafags are destined to go at it forever

Attached: ada_and_claire_by_jontaigus-d34la2j.jpg (600x759, 120K)

yeah, user should pound the cunt out of her


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Attached: 1549436319821.jpg (986x385, 159K)

She looks like she _____ _____ ____

Revelations 2 Claire > any other version of Claire > garbage > RE2 Remake Claire

Pats black dogs

any other version of Claire>garbage>Revealations 2 and Remake 2 Claire

Shut the fuck up you little bitch. Dont ruin the nice atmosphere because you are insecure

t. lil dick white boi

i only played the remake, so i dont know about the history much

my understanding so far is that leon canonically likes ada and they go so far as to kiss
but leon gets more story nudging with claire, with sherry asking if they are together, if they went on a date, and if they will jointly adopt her, and leon flirting with claire whenever he can
i guess it leans more to ada, but it can go either way

does the other games really put anything to rest?

your arrows are pointing the wrong way

Attached: HELLO? .jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

Create an account and disable the filter

Her boobs looks very big here. Theres any mod to make them bigger? We need it.

T. Insecure nigger

Not gay but if Leon tried to kiss me I'd absolutely resist at first but eventually I think I'd give in.

Attached: tumblr_mbw4moUKGz1qarjj0o1_1280.jpg (1280x848, 83K)

There is no such thing in our country.

Attached: IMG-20190129-WA0013.jpg (962x1280, 476K)

>fake eyebrows
>photoshopped ass
still would tbf

>lives in a country with no niggers
where? i wanna move there. lemme guess, asia?

A lot of aggressive energy over a random girl you'll never sleep with

Attached: 20190227155406_1 censored.jpg (1920x1080, 417K)

You're supposed to say “no homo”. Now everyone thinks you're a fucking faggot

Leon has actual yellow fever and a huge oneitis for Ada, as seen in 2, 4 and 6
His relationship with Claire was always purely platonic. They were good friends, occasionally partners and that's it
Chasing Ada for 20 years led him into a life of loneliness, depression and drinking. They'll probably never settle down
Clairefags think that Claire was the right choice the entire time since original RE2 released (even though their relationship had no indication of romance back then)
RE2Remake releases and Leon and Claire are kinda flirty at times. Their relationship can now be interpreted as at least one-sided romance
Clairefags hope that, because of some differences in the plot, RE2 Remake takes place in a new timeline in which Leon will bang her.
Adafags deny that and say that his oneitis shall continue forever

Why is she wearing pants that have holes in them?

I think its the same timeline but its a possibility for re8 when Ada really does die

so that you can see her succulent thigh meat spilling out

is a nice person

Is not Photoshop. Truste me. The thing is huge.

She is a woman and women have low IQ.

Attached: IMG-20181223-WA0006.jpg (968x1280, 123K)

>Not sure why you guys want it but ok
You know exactly what you're doing, don't act like you don't


I changed the quotes. Looks like I have low IQ too.

Reposting because one redpill a day keeps the uninformed away

Okay, so apparently, newtimelinefags got BTFO and kinda validated at the same time.
RE2:R is NOT canon. At least not to the events of 3/CV/4/5/6/7. It's a revisiting/reimagination of the original, NOT a remake. The CURRENT games (including 7 and futurely 8, i'd guess) are based on what happened in the ORIGINAL RE2.
At the same time, the fact that it's not canon to the current events gives the "new timeline" some validation, because RE3:R would follow up on it, and then maybe wrap it up so things don't go further from there (Sherry being possibly free of the G-Virus, making RE6 impossible, is an example of that). That "new" continuity wouldn't be canon, but it would be an alternate retelling of the events that led into RE4/5/6/7/futurely 8. You can make that your headcanon if you're an autistic shipfag.
They also make it clear that they don't mind retconning shit as long as it's entertaining.

Attached: notaremake.png (275x159, 67K)

Dude your cousin is MUCH hotter then Claire but you shouldnt do it. Its just wrong. Find someone hot that isnt related to you and protect your hot cousin from pervs

do you think she works out

Attached: Claire midsection.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

This guy gets it. It's a feminine looking trait and I'm tired of these man-jaw Instagram bitches like the Kardashians and Kiera Knightly.

In sharing my daily suffering with you guys.

Attached: 1551236652014.png (1793x1213, 2.13M)

Its not that complicated. Its canon now but wasnt before.

She is religious and right wing, lol, I hope this protect her from degeneration, because I wont.

Attached: IMG-20190131-WA0001.jpg (640x960, 75K)

Black guys are the gayest boys posting shirtless men lol

fucking cucks

>perfect girls don't exi-

Real talk though WW2 was a Rothschild conspiracy on both ends

Its a black guy user. These fucks are that pathetic

Attached: 1549312270173.jpg (1704x2934, 663K)

That's their normal size w/ the regular costumes.
I don't want them to be bigger because there cant be jiggle physics anyway. They look great regardless:

Attached: comparison censored.jpg (2100x1080, 783K)

Yep. Chris forces her.

Why is her neck so tender?

it was made to be bitten by zombies while they stick their rotten cocks inside her pusy

You will not be welcome in the INTERRACIAL BREEDING GROUNDS

Attached: louis-ck-leaked-set-parkland.jpg (2000x1333, 237K)

It's a sign you've lived an interesting life filled with car chases, explosions and drunken fights with Somalian pirates.

why do you have pics like this of her

pc with a pinch of autism

An user said that there is a mod that transfers Ada jiggle physics to Claire. Is it real?

it's her weak point

Attached: Claire's neck.jpg (1920x1080, 717K)

She sends to me when she is bored. To make me suffer, probably

Attached: IMG-20190119-WA0001.jpg (1063x1280, 83K)

Dude just fuck your cousin.
No pussy 1/5

do you feel weird that a bunch of random strangers are saving pics of your cousin

>can't fuck dis DUN DUN DUN DUN

just see

That isnt very religious, young man and lady

>user wanting to bang his cousin
>cousin goading him on
Are you not that close? or is it because lmao WHITE PEOPLE?

How thick is her nipple?

>tfw no games with these girls because of sjw devs

No reflection shame.
Okay and?

yeah she definitely knows you wanna fuck her

You are my friends.

Amazing they got one chick in that game who doesn't look like a man.

>Reshade saves the day once again

>No pussy 1/5
that post solved your problem didn't it?

pretty damn thick, I mean you can see them right there in the link

Attached: 20190226085246_1.jpg (1920x1080, 208K)

Japan is by our side, at least.

What is?

if you actually fuck her, guaranteed it's going to be awkward and you might ghost each other later on. Dunno if it's already awkward or whatever now so maybe there's no difference though.

made my cousin orgasm with a massage chair while i played around with the controls on a sleepover, we both grew up and I guess we kinda realized afterwards how awkward that was and now we don't really talk to each other. I was the older cousin by a bit so I feel more guilty, on top of the fact that i fapped to her after tickle fighting before.

still awkward and basically never going to be close again for the rest of our life.

We are all seeing Jordan naked and there is nothing that her or the sjws can do about it.
That's why PC is better than consoles.

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meant for

Attached: 2x grab.jpg (1916x963, 484K)

You lived the dream, bro. Tickle fights are the best trick to fuck your cousin. Very nice.

Remake 2

Give me Leon's succulent schlong sauce.

Attached: 20190225173810_1.jpg (1920x1080, 209K)

Yeah bu that pussy look infected.
Were you underaged?
I don't get that meme.
Shouldn't both Zombie try to bit your neck instead of geting the intense?


Not with a tummy that flat no

Attached: image1.jpg (460x452, 48K) d

Attached: hnnnnng.jpg (600x478, 31K)

No outline of her nipples shame.
Also is there a mod Claire is wearing then her bra and panties?

Nice photoshop.

be rich or a chad, preferably both

you unironically sound like you have a sub-90 IQ

The pic? Its inspired on Blacked, that swedish site created by a reddit guy.

Leon and Ada have hapa baboes sorry

Maybe he doesn't have a sexuality, since it's a fucking videogame afterall.

Attached: fegfseffgfghty.jpg (346x622, 200K)

>Were you underaged?

dunno if that makes it better or worse, I guess if you're both adults and want to fuck each other at least you both have proper consent and won't let it grow awkward.

She had an eagles tattoo because she’s a Philadelphia native ya big dummy

Why don't try you talk to your cousin?

Really? They are the most race loyal though

It's not guaranteed to be awkward, you're just a pussy who can't keep a relationship going.
It's not wrong at all. Cousin fucking happens all the time. The anti cousin sex propaganda is made by mutts who want others to do miscegenation and make others do interracial, the complete opposite act.

Attached: Claire raw.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

I got a whole folder

Attached: Dt22p7-U4AAHMaT.jpg (749x921, 160K)

My penis is out.

No it's not, the guy is just memeing and that shit is owned by a fucking jew, who would have thought...

ideal woman right here lads

>no good porn with these type of girls
>porn muscle girls are hulks
>only good one is legendarylootz

working out =/= bodybuilding

>Yeah bu that pussy look infected.
Absolute shit taste. It's called an innie btw

Thanks that webm is making me diamond.

every girl has a price

This man has seen enlightenment
GOD I feel the pain
Yeah but it's hot though. Who cares, it's a video game just make it hot

Attached: Bottom_up_lower_body_muscle.jpg (720x720, 36K)

You need to take some affirmative action right now.

Should I try to be funny and say "why we never had sex?"?

>He doesn't know about Santa Catarina and Rio Grande Do Sul.
lmao-ing at ur life

Attached: 1532918082442.jpg (413x395, 61K)

Jaime Koeppe was who got me into bodybuilding 12 years ago, not that ripped but the perfect point of " it's perfect, giant ass and quads, just don't get even more muscular"

Attached: LOzyrFZILAZ6ftacvT.jpg (533x800, 49K)

The yellow bitch isnt from there.

Like if whoever lives in Europe or white state in US actually needs to know about our southern whiter states...

Doesn't matter. The south has highest concentration of germans and pale italians.

Fuck it, I'll end up spoiling DMC5 for myself if I'm allowed to post. Here bros, don't forget me.

Attached: t_celine_farach5.jpg (200x273, 17K)


Raise your hand if you wanked to her nude mod

Attached: CR2.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

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What does Claire's shithole smell like?

Should've had properly red hair honestly. Still cute though.


The hair colors are so weird in this game. Half the time Ada and Leon's hair looks white.

I highly doubt she's actually your cousin, I've seen her posted here before


You earned this vacation you hero

Well now that's just nice. Those are my ideal tit and nipple size


Nero taps that every night.

Who's model is this?




>>and Ada

Crap, now the ants are gonna ban you.

>Kyrie's model is a whore

Here's your JIll bro

Attached: z22-2112.jpg (1080x1349, 136K)

Claire... will you marry me?

Attached: Leon.jpg (1920x1080, 534K)

Why are Clairecucks so pathetic and desperate compared to Adafags?

Both are bad.

underrated post

Because 95% of Adafags killed themselves after remake

Not ONE person in this thread has ever had sex. Including me

I never realized I was gay until I saw it. The way Leon looked in the camera: completely helpless--a deer in the headlights. The pensive tempest of his sapphire eyes... the groans of the monsters in the distance. He was telling me he needed me. And in my heart, I knew I needed him too.

Her eyes tell the story.

Attached: 20190223163459_1.jpg (1920x1080, 234K)

Dow did you put the default hair on sexy Leon? I copy the "c.pfb.16" hair file from another Leon mod with default hair over the installed Sexy Leon one and it crashes the game or gives him a bald head

Based and truthpilled.

Leon's dick juice

I have no idea, sorry.I think I still have drag and drop mods installed in my directory, after which I moved to mod manager and installed sexy leon at the same time resulting in the default hair.


Attached: hugesmile.png (463x1030, 290K)

you sicko

Attached: 20190227060141_1.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

>leon can get shot
really? how?

Ostensibly by Annette, but it changes in no way his total health or behaviour after the fact. Somehow.

>there could've been fixed camera angles
damn, would've been so cool to have both

Wesker bullied not only his sister, but Jill too. How pissed is Chris gonna be when Wesker eventually returns again?

Pissed when he found out Wesker also ate her "strawberry".

Attached: tumblr_o83t69ts0M1u97r8do6_640.jpg (540x960, 107K)

REfags, how come there isn't a game with Claire, Leon, Jill and Chris in it? Do they all even know each other?

Probably RE8.

Attached: 2326545445.png (338x897, 266K)

Leon wouldn't want to see Chris for reasons, of course.

>leon dunks his open wound in sewage

when can this happen?

You think they'll drop Mia and the whole Connections thing for RE8?


smells pretty nice. Never understood it and now I cant get enough of my gf's swamp ass

they'll introduce green umbrella

Probably keep it for further use and explore blue Umbrella in other installments.

Ada kissed it better, its not a problem. Reminds me of the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot where Lara wades in blood and shit filled water with a gut wound.

bro go get some pussy godamn

tell her "it's no sin if we do it in the ass"


>That uterus area

Attached: diamond.jpg (299x168, 6K)

RE2Make literally gave me a WMAF fetish. Why is Leon so fucking hot?

and I am the AF

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>RE6 Ada

Attached: 1489725669106.gif (280x240, 1.68M)

say sucky sucky five dorra and I'll believe you

i'm genuinely impressed by his tongue casting a moving shadow on her

me rove you wong time

all niggers must fucking hang

Nu Claire looks like an attractive version of Jennifer Lawrence

go make some hapa babies asap

I discharged so many times to Lootz I lost count...

I don't know shit about RE but I'm rooting for leon to smash ADA.

My pillow.

probably a projected texture.

I literally want to lick every bit of skin I see on there.

source please??

Leon is crying

Attached: 1551511016110.jpg (1920x1080, 847K)

>made my cousin orgasm with a massage chair

Attached: 1511377884448.png (645x729, 82K)

he so good looking me he makes me feel like shit, is this how women feel all the god damn time?

>Why did Capcom decide to ruin LeonXAda and open the door for LeonXClaire in the reboot of RE2 ??

First, they ruined the kiss scene :
Ada kisses him mid rant to get him to focus and do what she wants. At least in the original it seemed more of her way of saying goodbye to him and that she did actually have feelings for him. In this its just clear she's using him (manipulation)

Second, Leon believed Annette over Ada and pull a gun on her face, while in the original Leon never trust Annette.

Third, the interactions between Leon/Ada are just (bitchy - manipulation - betray) while the interactions between Leon/Claire (flirtation - romance - boyfriend/girlfriend - first date )

Fourth, Claire having better moments with Leon than Ada, and Leon confirmed his first date with Claire

Fifth, Capcom changed Leon/Claire's endings motivations from the original to both they want to "live together" ending

Capcom can stick with the original and didn't include anything for LeonXClaire or change LeonXAda dynamic but they did that on purposes

Attached: claire_and_leon_by_sonikalien_dczxycm.png (1600x2000, 3.92M)

it officially approved by Capcom Japan

Attached: Capcom_Japan.jpg (570x1170, 160K)

Attached: claire skin.jpg (1920x1080, 489K)


That ass is made for smooching.

Attached: 1550562403090.jpg (980x1021, 135K)


Attached: CHRIS1.png (820x461, 204K)

>young and horny
>hook up with my twin sister
>grow up
>"haha that was kinda fucked up"
>no awkwardness

she's your twin so you can't just avoid her like you might a more distant relative like your cousin.
Anyway, story?


there's really not much more to it, we were in my room chatting, it's a hot day, we're both young and horny, joking touches start lingering longer and longer and the next thing you know my twin sister is my first kiss and the first person to get a hand in my pants
it was hot desu but ultimately not a good idea probably


>get out of this faggot anime ridden website and go get some fucking

Well I'm not sure about fucking, but I'm going to Japan in a couple months and I plan on using a service that lets me smell women's asses all I want.

Which one? See You need to be a member of nexusmods to download it it seems

>Ada with that hair

Attached: 1549436754598.gif (385x243, 2.44M)

>He's so dreamy!

>with that hair
you just admitted that my sister has best hair style

Attached: 1550643047370.png (570x600, 288K)

>it's clearly Leon is in love with Claire

Attached: leon_flirting.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

this gives me hope

Attached: 1526549332367.jpg (900x900, 44K)

Attached: horny look.jpg (1120x630, 77K)

more like this?

As it should be. I'm not even a "shipper" or anything, but Ada has always been a mediocre character and the "romance" between her and Leon is even worse. Just my opinion of course, not *the* truth.

>Leon believed Annette over Ada and pull a gun on her face
I think that was a good idea to make Leon doubt. He got another version of the story from someone that is about to die and, as a cop, he considered every option. Despite being young and idealistic, he still use his brain. I like that change.

Also, he pulled his gun in self-defense, repsonding to Ada threatening him. He gave her a chance to explain herself and she proved Annette was right.

Attached: -901.jpg (1920x1080, 296K)

What the fuck happened to Venom

Poor Claire. She look on her face says she knows she's gonna die

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Why Marvin became pervert when he is around Claire?

Attached: 1549696004440.jpg (1796x1440, 413K)

Is he fingering her while sucking her boob?

Attached: DzE0rfMUUAA4Lz3.jpg (862x1200, 146K)

>deepen the relationship
>claire immediately thirsts after leon amidst a zombie apocalypse
10/10 writing

He can smell her sweet stank and it drives him mad

Attached: 20190301003301_1.jpg (1920x1080, 700K)

re story is at its best when it's campy as fuck

Hahahaha sure

they only saw eachother like 3 times for a few minutes total

>claire immediately thirsts after leon
well it's mutual between Leon & Claire (not one side)

Attached: Leon_Claire.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

REmake2 comes out and Claire actually really does want Leon's dick now
They went from OG RE2 Claire doesn't give a fuck -> Darkside Chronicles Claire is kinda jealous (also banters with him a lot which is why i like their relationship in DC the best) -> RE2Remake Claire just dripping wet for him at every possible moment
Next time we may see Claire rides Leon's dick.

Capcom what are you doing to Claire?

Attached: 1550577589204.jpg (1080x1080, 267K)

>eachother like 3 times
they actually have romantic chemistry

Attached: LeonClairelove.jpg (472x1250, 167K)

Someone needs to make a thread somewhere to dump pictures and webms like this

Attached: 1382821079749.gif (350x270, 1.34M)

This, Everyone all the links you got

>all men dying around her
>suddenly find one that's not only a pretty boy but can also survive in a situation like this
It's just natural instincts, user

Do we have chest and butt mods yet?

What if zombies did that instead of biting when they grabbed her? Wouldn't that be weird haha

Attached: 20190227154649_1.jpg (1920x1080, 457K)

That ass's shopped but that's fine.

There are a bunch starting here:


wesker will just bully Chris too, doesn't matter how mad Chris is

Attached: weskerxchris_002.webm (640x360, 1.43M)

based wesker

Attached: clairexwesker_bullystep.webm (1280x720, 1.8M)

Full body shots of Jordan are weird because her head looks too small for her height.

Attached: 1549579441448.webm (708x400, 2.93M)


Is that Ayanami Rei?

claire redfelid's face model looks like a normal human

Attached: jordan_smoke1.webm (662x718, 1.21M)

>bro fuck this naked hoes let's go to the beach

Attached: 1526761542800.jpg (2560x1440, 278K)

Because it's F A S H I O N my friend
fuck this society

Attached: 1528570371093.jpg (437x431, 28K)

Who will Leon choose?

Attached: vznez8obh1j21.png (1032x510, 488K)

Attached: zombiegirl_05.jpg (2160x3840, 550K)

Claire (RE2) is younger than Ashley and more badass than Leon !!!

There's something special in Redfield family

Attached: DzkyYUQVsAAJrL-.png (636x865, 379K)

s a u c e

Those hips are so fucking wide jfc. Built for breeding

I need to have sex anons

Attached: becca_face_96.jpg (569x583, 49K)

No, you don't

Attached: 8932498.jpg (676x960, 111K)

Good grief, those hips and that tummy

Attached: 1545397670329.jpg (400x400, 20K)



I am Jill's territory, desu.

Attached: 1550103166419.jpg (203x608, 14K)

At least let Leon fuck my sister.....

youd be lucky just to get stomped by Jill's boots

Attached: jill_legspits1.jpg (640x360, 31K)


No, Chris. You are a shitposting gorilla writing pure fanfiction crap ITT about your superior Redfield genes and stuff.

Attached: _MG_6731.jpg (670x1005, 166K)

imagine the smell

Why do that to gooks though? It will smell like fish with no doubt

anyone got that meme where Leon real thicc?

God damn she's perfect.

I fucking LOVE ponytails

Any good RE erotic fan fiction?

just fuck her bro, me and my cousin do it all the time

You are too good for this board, user.

i just want to have deep passionate sex with claire

Attached: 1551115319861.jpg (1024x663, 139K)


His surname indicates otherwise.

Why do so many of these women do this? I heard its a back condition called larsis or something. Can't spell the exact word but someone has to know what I mean.

Twincest is more common than you think, especially with females.

is that claire? also is it just me or am i seeing some pubes there?

Attached: 1544310846845.jpg (706x703, 219K)

Stop samefagging fucking incels sheesh this is pathetic


Attached: Wesker.png (628x244, 24K)


RE4 is in the future user. Leon has to just wait 7 years to get a much younger and bustier wife. Also being the Prez's son-in-law has its benefits.

Maybe NWF will become YWF in the remake

Attached: 1485127444058.webm (864x480, 2.57M)

>Still has the ugly face.

Nice body on this dumb fuckslut.

I love that these whores objectify themselves for our pleasure.

i'd be interested to find out how common it really is, but i wouldn't admit that it happened outside of anonymity and i doubt anyone would

>Risking your job to bang a busty loli when chink perfection is available to you
Come on

So who made that excella x shota porn? I can’t find it anywhere

If you think what Leon said at the end was "confirming" a first date then you obviously didn't get the sarcasm behind it.

She knows soft pits are sexy