Can we have a Sonic thread?

Can we have a Sonic thread?
Post your favorite/less favorite games

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Other urls found in this thread:

no, faggot

no u

Sonic CD/ Tidal Tempest.

Can we have an amy thread?
Post your favorite/less favorite amy pics

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Sonic 2, the soundtrack is fucking unbeatable
>Less favorite
Sonic 2's Metropolis Zone

sonic mania
>least favorite
Havent played all games but from the ones I played, shadow the hedgehog

Sonic games user, not Shadow games

Rate the list

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One of my favorites

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Patrician taste.

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Favorite is Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Least favorite is Secret Rings

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We are NOT going to /vg/

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>OG Sonic, Top tier and not Ok tier
>Sonic 4 on Ok tier
>Sonic Spinball on Good tier

Yeah no mate, 7/10

>Sonic never got to smash that furry pussy
I almost feel bad for him

>not liking Spinball

Sally is the shit. That cartoon was #1 top tier.

Please, I cant go back to /sthg/

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Spinball was better than it had any right being.

I know, it's a shame that it never got a story continuation, not even on a game.

in this case then sonic riders 2 despite liking the first so much. I havent caught up with sonic games since past ps2 era, except for mania, are any of them worth it?

*crunch* *crunch*

Sonic 4 wasn't an atrociousness. Just a half ass mediocre 2.5D Sonic game

If you continue to post the same shit every day /sthg/ will come to Yea Forums

Generations is great, Colors is great. Neither are worth seeking out unless you have the time and money. You should be able to emulate the Rush games...maybe.

Colors is great, it's obviously a 3d Sonic game but it still has a lot of 2D platforming which is fine by me.

so when are we going to get new sonic info since it's now march?

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And that's why it should be in Bad tier

Mediocre is mediocre. Bad is bad.

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Most of the Top Tier doesn't belong there and Sonic Heroes is absolutely not "good" by any stretch of the imagination. Sonic Chronicles is not "OK" either, jesus christ what? Meanwhile 3D Blast is in "Bad" instead? Give me a fucking break.

Who do you think populate these threads already? /sthg/ is so shit that they've colonized Yea Forums. We have at least three Sonic threads a day now whereas before /sthg/ went to absolute shit, we barely had one a week. Really makes you think. (And no, "there are new Sonic games though" is not a valid reason since Mania Plus came out months ago and most people have stopped talking about it.)

3D Blast is a worse game than Heroes.

>Throwing shit to /sthg/
>Implying that /sthg/ and Yea Forums Sonic aren't the same shit
Stop falseflagging fags

Reminder that most Sonic games are bad, and this is in the better 50% of the franchise

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> Cute Sonic and Tails
A man of taste and culture indeed!
Playing around with Sonic Robo Blast. It's surprising how fun it is, especially the water level of all things. Is there a big archive of levels, or do I just have to lurk the forums for more stuff after I finish?
Posting music because I like it:

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I'm going to concede that Rush is the worst game. It's actually good, but it had the gall to drown out Hideki Naganuma's music with Sonic going "YEAH COOL ALRIGHT COOL ALRIGHT YEAH COOL YEAH ALRIGHT"

Good luck enjoying 06 or Boom over Rush

Sonadow is best ship

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More TSR news and something about the movie. That's it, enjoy 2019!

I came inside Tails

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nigga dat gay

This but with Charmy and inside the gaping wound where his stinger once was

Favorite: Shadow the Hedgehog
Worst: Sonic 2 (Sega Master System/Game Gear)

Sonic and Shadow are canonically gay

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bad taste

No that's untrue, and shame on you for thinking it up

wow thanks now I hate shadow and like sonic 2 on SMS thanks buddy im cured

Im glad Sega removed the rights to Archie

There is no need to ass blast nigga. It's ok to have bad taste

>IDW Sonadow.png

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For the first time in his life, Sonic truly understands the meaning of war.

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ooooh boy...

lol that's from the new IDW Sonic comics

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But it's NEVER okay to like Sonic 2 SMS. Fuck that gay shit it makes Sonic 06 look like Sonic 2 Genesis in comparison and is not worthy of carrying the Sonic 2 name.

And here I was thinking this was a heterosexual thread.

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sonic pocket adventure was better than all of the trash sonic advance games

The OP image is literally Sonic and Tails. Of course it's a gay thread.

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Why's Sonic smooching Shadow in it though? Or is it just some Bugs Bunny-like stuff where he's just being a prankster? I hope it is but I can't be sure.

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TIdal Tempest US > JP
Quartz Quadrant US > JP
Wacky Workbench US > JP
Stardust Speedway US > JP
Metallic Madness US > JP (only present though)
Sonic Boom (Intro) > You Can Do Anything
Sonic Boom (Credits) > Cosmic Eternity

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dont mind them. Keep posting Amy

also the us version is cool too

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Sonic 2
Knuckles Chaotix
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Riders
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic 4
Sonic Generations
Sonic Mania

Sonic 3D Blast
Shadow the Hedgehog
Secret Rings
Sonic Lost World
Sonic Forces

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She was only good in the cartoon. Comic doesn't count because the only time she was good there was because they retconned Shard out of existence in a last ditch effort to make her worth something.

sonic and shadow's rivalry meant something in 2001, now no one gives a shit

Sonic Pocket Adventure was a worse version of Sonic 2 but with bastardized Sonic 3 music. Fuck off.

What about sonic and the black knight


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All games not mentioned are either Alright or Forgettable, Black Knight is Alright

I don't have as much affection for Sonic 1, CD or Heroes, but there's nothing super disagreeable about this.

Now if you want some retard's bad tier list, take a look at mine.

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I don't praise Adv2 that much but pretty equilibrated

are you pretending to be retarded? i genuinely can't tell if you actually believe archie or idw would just publish a comic with sonic and shadow kissing or it's just you getting in with the 30 layers of irony every Yea Forums poster is on now

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I don't keep up with the comics.At all.
As bizarre as it seems, I've seen weirder happen.

Are you perhaps referring to The Slap?


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Here's my favorite. I've posted it a couple times before.

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You are cute.

I'm no one just like you.

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