Not using win10 ltsb

>not using win10 ltsb
what the fuck is wrong with you?

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What's that? I'm still on Windows 7. I didn't want to have to redownload all the stuff I pirated, so I stayed.

stay there if you have no need to change

>willingly installing an OS thats designed to data mine the living shit out of you
no meme version of windows 10 will change the fact its windows 10
im staying on 7 until the end of time

You can do an upgrade to w10 and keep all your files and programs but it's better to do a fresh install. Also it has this really awful tablet UI so don't switch unless you have to.

7 still works for everything I want to do.

Why are the icons on the start menu so goddamn ugly in 10?

flat and modern design retardation

There a way to fix it? It makes me want to vomit.

dont know honestly
i wouldn't be surprised if there is a fix

yes, upgrade to 7 or 8.1

>upgrade to 7

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Just use classicshell

classic shell explorer

i'm on windows 10 home, is it really worth changing to it?


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yep. its fucking garbage.

Going to build new pc when 3700x cpu and 570x board are out. How hard will it be to install win 7 on it and will drivers be a problem?

Just get windows 8.1. I don't get why people hate it so much. You act like it's already windows 10 tier, but it's never failed me.

I do use it though

I have Windows 7. Why would I downgrade?

If one piece of your hardware doesnt support W10 then it wont work. Just get old W7 compatible stuff or get W10 LTSB its W10 but without the bullshit and more like W7

I still use w7. I am bothered by the loss of support for it in 2020. I would use w10, but the mandatory updates and the possibility that it spies on me legitimately bothers me so much that it feels impossible to bring myself to get it. I may just use w7 as long as possible, until support for basic programs I use is completely phased out

LTSB W10 has none of that shit and rare updates.

Does this fix the absolutely retarded settings menus where everything you need is secretly buried like 5 pages deep in some hidden config tool

LTSB is also impossible to get for mainstream customers last I checked. Business only. And no, I don't trust myself to pirate it. My paranoia gets the better of me, pussy that I am.

>not using Debian with the Cinnamon DE
>not using GPU passthrough to play all your games

>Possibility that it spies on you

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That's the windows version that some enterprises and hospitals use, they receive only important security updates every 6 or so months.
The reason is to keep the OS as stable as possible with minimal bloat. The security updates they receive are also tailored to it.

Do you still need two monitors to do that

Just by coming to Yea Forums, reddit, youtube, google etc.. they are already spying on you my dude. Windows spying on you should be the least of your worries.

>dude just accept getting fucked in the ass, you're already being fucked in the mouth