Why are Canadians so entitled.
The Canadian $ is like 75% value of a US $.
And they cry about how its unfair they have to spend the same amount of money for the game as the US.
Meanwhile here in EU in some we on average have to pay 15% more for games even in borderline second world countries.
Like evry time i post on steam forums about overpriced games there always at lest one Canadian crying over how he has to pay the value of 60 US$ for a new full price game.
Do Canadians acualy believe Canadian $ is same as US $.
Why are Canadians so entitled
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Because Canada is the best country in the world and Europe is the worst
>no guns
>no freedom
>no hockey
>no Ketchup chips
it's just a retarded circlejerk that caught on, canadians and americans do it
Canada must be an /out/ paradise.
Don't come to Canada
Because the fucking rent is CRAZY.
minimum is like 1800 even for a room and bathroom.
I am from Serbia.
We are second place right after US for gun ownership.
We have reversal hockey rings and leagues.
You can buy Ketchup chips in any store.
And as far as freedom goes pretty much only being gay or Muslim is frowned upon and only in some places.
I live in Forest Hill, my rent is $900 for a 1000 square foot 2 bedroom apartment
This is the richest neighbourhood in Canada and one of the richest in the entire world
I used to see Drake driving around all the time, the high rent is a meme that only exists in immigrant areas
You're also a poor as shit third world country that nobody gives a shit about. Get ye gone, pissant peasant.
That rent is cheaper than my studio apartment in Seattle. At least you have an actual bedroom. Quit whining
$900 is expensive, my neighbour who's been living in my building since the 70's pays $450
aren't canadian games like $90 new or something
Canadians are dumb.
try 30 bucks.
Listen up zoomer. I know you're too young to remember but back when our dollar was on par, and even above yours, the games were STILL $10-20 more.
i wish we could genocide those dumbass mounties. america needs that land.
Yeah, maybe if you're buying CIB SNES, NES or N64 games
Typically PS3 and 360 games go for a toonie to $20 for more popular games
Our Canadian dollar used to be more valuable than the US dollar. Our economy is crumbling, food prices are skyrocketing, and housing prices for citizens are through the the roof. Being exploited on video game prices is just another nail in the coffin.
It is
10 years ago it was equal to the US dollar
it shame that i can't feel the same admiration for the burrito part of north america. We should turn mexico into north america's garbage dump.
There used to be a cycle that went like this
>canadian dollar drops relative to american
>canadian price rises
>canadian dollar rises relative to american
>canadian price stays the same
>canadian dollar drops
People used to bitch at step 4 but now they just bitch all the time.
I live in a side by side and it's $1250 CDN a month so I'm not sure where you're getting that from.
Four bedrooms, one bath one half and a whole basement.
Suck a dick Canada Serbia's our bro
Because the cycle stopped at the dollar dropping/prices rising
because canadian wagies dont make as much USD as american wagies and our sales tax is higher
I piss on Serbia.
Because wages are similar to the US in terms of dollars an hour paid, but with conversion to USD, huge cost of living here, all the taxes shoved up our ass and price of housing we make significantly less compared to Americans and are all barely dangling on to what we have.
Canada is a shithole.
what fucking drugs are you on asshole. north americans need to stick closer together than some small eurotrash country.
Save us from the chinks. I would rather have USA own the arctic than asians
Fuck Canada
The arctic is safe from nobody my friend. I fucking love the wilderness of north america.
As another user pointed out the Canadian dollar was more valuable than the US dollar before. The US outright refused to pay the difference and traded at par only. Canadians get fucked on both sides
Hey fuck you asshole and your retarded steel and wood tariffs. We'll see who's laughing when we finish the pipeline and sell our oil to chinks instead of you
why are people still buying video games in 2019? serious question
>spending money on games
You're all cucks.
You'll sooner start hunting and eating stray cats and zoo animals with your skyrocketing food prices.
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
I live in Alberta.
Rent is >$1k/mo for one bedroom in a shitty apartment where you're liable to gey bed bugs from your NEIGHBORS.
Tomatoes are $2.98/lb, head lettuce is $2.48, at least strawberries are cheap this week at $2/lb instead of $3.50/lb. And etc.
Gas is $1.01/L right now which is down a bit from Christmas (~$1.30/L) but up a bit from a couple weeks ago (~$0.91/L).
Income taxes are coming up soon, I'm sure I'll have to pay something as apparently 30% is not enough when you only make $50k. My house insurance had jumped from $900 to $1200 to $1500 in the three years I've lived in my place, with no claims, and nothing going on in the neighborhood. Just arbitrary "administration" premiums and charges.
And after everything is said and done games release at $80 with $50 season pass.
I don't even drive. I'm not interested in paying 4k annually for insurance on a fucking Subaru or something. Canada is a propagandists wet dream. It all sounds great on paper but it's fucking miserable around here.
fuck that brings me back
Oh no...
At least I won't get shot by niggers
Tell me the secret to this one barneyfag-san
avg rent in toronto is over 2k. it's gone up $400 in the last year alone, this shit is fucking crazy. Sure you can live in the suburbs and commute, but I'd rather die. We're the worst rated city in north america for road congestion, and I don't have or want a car.
>At least I won't get shot by niggers
Aren't leafs even less white than mutts?
fellow canadians how do i go about purchasing guns? airsoft ones look OK but they're not as beautiful.
I'm just so fucking tired of winter, and there's no way I could afford/want Vancouver
>same amount of money
>$90 in Canada versus $60 in the US
Goddamn, I always thought Americans were the dumbest mother fuckers on earth, but Europeans seem to be even more ignorant, uneducated, and dumb in general.
They aren't human
Forest Hill isn't a suburb, it's midtown. Leave the suburbs for the Chinese and Indians
KEK fuck Alberta
currency bubbles are common and people who actually trade in them know better than to allow free conversion without anticipating the burst. it's no different than managing crypto. the fact is that the canadian dollar spends most of its time being worth significantly less than the USD, so US companies who are thinking long-term will refuse to pay a premium for CAD and they are correct to do so. if you want the CAD to be respected at parity you have to show the ability to maintain it, not just hit it once a decade when conditions are extremely favorable
Shut the fuck up homo
Life's good in the maritimes desu
$80 plus tax if you buy them physically. Digitally they'll just be $80....for now. You just don't buy games brand new unless you REALLY want them, it's that simple. They drop in price so fast now there's not much reason to get them new, most games are half price within a couple months.
I pay 850 a month for a 1 bedroom in a shit area in connecticut. It's unfair
My roommate and I play 1K between us for a basement suite in Vancouver. Our friends and family consider it a good deal
Except Nintendo games or Activision titles like Destiny 1 which fucking never go down, but it still could be worse.
I just checked, the standard for new games in Canada is $80 CAD
Converted to USD that's $60
So no, you're the retard
The issue is pay doesnt change based on the value of the dollar and we live in a global economy. Getting paid $15 CND is a lot different when the dollar is par, vs getting paid 15 when the dollar is worthless.
Lots of games are made in Canada. I think Ubisoft, Eidos and Bioware should give us a break at the very least.
Fuck winter. I need summer so I can go camping canoeing and take advantage of this lovely nature we have.
From Canada, nobody seems to understand that the prices are inflated to take the conversion rate.
Then build my fucking pipelines
Its actually a google AI experiment.
If you have to ask this on a Bangladeshi kite testing forum you shouldn't be in possession of firearms
The blacks here are very tame and don't chimp out like they do in the states
LOL okay Jerry Springer whatever
Okay Chang whatever
>not being able to spend money on games and still pay the bills
How sad
what's the DUDE situation like?
I remember the 64 days when you were paying 90-115 dollars for a a game here. That was before 15 dollar minimum wages and such too. Canada has always been abunch of greedy, lazy socialist kikes. Coming from a Canadian
Canada is full of Indians (dot and feather), Chinks and Flips. Our blacks are basically wiggers
Fucking this. Why should I be paying American prices for whats essentially a Canadian product.
Canada should be nuked out of existence. Disgusting country. Not a single human soul among us.
I only ever see self loathing Canadians on Yea Forums. Makes me wonder if I pass you losers every day or if you're just not actually one of us.
ITT a bunch of seppos mad they got cucked by a Canadian Chad
American shielas are made for colossal Canadian cocks