How do you prefer progression in video games?

How do you prefer progression in video games?

Attached: progression.png (752x398, 15K)

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is there any porn of the girl

what game?

What is happening in this picture

Rain world. Player skill progression, and I don’t mean skill points.

You need a better pitch

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Choose your companions.

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>no cute tank girl to protect me and then I protect her during her vulnerable, emotional moments
Fuck this chart

Is that not lmao2shield?

it depends on whats good in the game

I hate games with skill point progression which can't be re-spec'd. I end up restarting the game over and over with new characters trying to find the perfect build.
So I don't care much what the progression system is so long as it's always easier to change your character's play style than start a brand new character.

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always go for the magikarps

the chocolate wizard

Most games have too braindead of an AI for Companions to feel worth it

character progression

Level up then let me choose new moves/skills

The purple knight.

magenta easily.

Has a dick.

So do I, doesn't matter with that damage output.

I choose the balanced girl in the top left, she seems nice

prove it.

The blue blob.

Took me years to figure out that sword isn't pronounced like sword.

blue demon no contest

I want to protect blue demon girl

Be aware, if you put your penis inside blue demon girl, it will be stained blue for roughly 3 weeks. Inquisitors from the church sometimes inspect penises for this discoloration.

Literally the same kind of progression you fucknugget

slime for a glorified solo run. never evolve him

I like how THAT's the first reply lmoa

what if the church finds my blue penis?

They suck it.

They keep it.

A healthy mix of both could potentially be optimal, but the first one is the safer choice for me

which one to believe lads?

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>IMPLYING I am not gonna min-max
it's just you and me little guy, a man and his tiny blue blob retard

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I'll take either purple bitch or red bitch

which of them is the youngest? i'll take that one

The blob. It has been alive for all of three days.

alright then

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They do both.

>Get to 100 sp in main skill
>Find out you should max it at 88 then put 12 points in Courage to get the best of both skill trees

Looking at you DQVIII

Wait what?
then how the fuck do you pronounce "sword"?



Megumin for sure all other choices are utterly inferior

>It's another American's trying to write foreign accents episode



Character progression overall. If you can stick with a basic or mid tier weapon for a chunk of the game or items are dependent on utility rather than stats that's better in my opinion

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CLASSIC Yea Forums

What about player progression ?

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No progression, I prefer no progression at all, if I like a game I replay it a lot, but a game like Metroid or Zelda, I just can't, your character changes so much and gets so much better, I rather have a character that stays the same from beginning to end and all is skill. Or a game with item progression but new game plus where I keep everything


Which one?

the witch since I need someone to hang back for aoe nukes, I can handle the single target dps


Metroid, it depend. In Super Metroid you can already do a lot of shit straight from the start.
But what you want is player progression, not no progression at all.

>Best design is low tier garbage
Too realistic.
RIP Purple Knight.

For me it's the Rainbow Devil

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Orange armor slut. Bet she has tan lines and wearing a lewd outfit underneath that armor.

Skill Progression>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The whore. I like my women fast

Is that to compensate for being a bit too fast yourself, if you know what I mean?

Wow, you are DESPERATE.

to fap and make you buy the game

I see, thanks user, I appreciate it

>not picking P2W

All you guys are idiots. For 10 bucks you can cruise through the game without any hassles, the Slime will only be good end-game and everything else is meme tier.


Not everyone is a baby that needs to play on easy mode.

>user takes objectively worse options when given the choice

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Your turn.

Sonybro can anal vore the final boss

If you launched a game and it had a difficulty selection menu, with Easy locked behind $10 DLC, you're telling me you'd pick Easy?

i would say the left one comes from metroidvanias , the right one I have seen it in Paper Mario games

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I laughed at this. Am I a boomer now?

Not enough muscles and tits need to be bigger

you played yourself son

Item progression. I like when the game has a lot of gear so I can play dressup and increase them numbers as I go. But that's picking between the two
Ultimately personal character progression is where it's at. I really love rpgs where you're defined by who you are and not what you have. Stats, skills, perks - the more the merrier. I kinda miss this in modern crpg-revival games

>playing the hardest mode unlocks the easiest one
Fucking dumb, everytime they do it, anyway.

Average Jane>Slutty McSPEED>DarkutieKnight>SOHKObus>red cheese mage>shield retard>nukeniggress>Sl(why)me>Rainbowring>DLCunt

Slut and Jane are the only balanced ones to be fun.

Demon and Knight can still be fun, but have some issues

Mages suck and shield build makes no sense.

Everything else is irredeemable trash.

Ability progression: Where my gun gets a powerup that makes it do more damage and also destroy blocks at the same time.

I think Red's a spear user.

>see a shitty companion and pick him thinking he'll become super powerful after a point
>he never does

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That's what usually happens sadly.

This is the ideal kind of progression.

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Alright, you've got my interest.

And my disgust.

And my axe!

depends, if u laughed at the top panel you're a boomer, bottom panel you're a zoomer

You'll have that gleaming eyesore following you around the whole time.

Except that farded, shidded and camed joke is from before 2010

And my glock.

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here i drew this just for you

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How about someone from Dealer's choice.

Why would anyone choose anything other than rainbow blob?

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No it isn't.

You have to unlock it with regular blob.


very wrong

Going for the kike

don't start this shit again Yea Forums
i don't want to beat the fuck outta my dick again, like with that fucking witch


Devs, I will now buy your game

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Purple knight ez
Unless the rainbow slime can assume any form

That's against the EULA.

Spear girl or bikini armour girl for me.

Nice effect.

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First time i see this, the probability for it to happen are pretty low.

#2 always

I wasn't questioning it, I am astonished by it.

I know don't worry.

The EULA won't be the only thing we're violating.

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mage girl please

Go to hell.

I only play shmups, seeing the fucking state of this industry is sad. Progressionfags have ruined gaming and western civilization, they don't want to put in any actual work to get good at a game

>t. Seething bong

>choose your companions
All of them, obviously.

quick doodle before 404

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what the fucking is companion progression? just when i thought you cunts couldn't get any gayer you go and do this.

Locking progression through the game behind recruiting characters that can do things the main character can't.

It means fucking Pokemon.

Pokemon or dungeon crawler games like Wizardry.

please do the speargirl edit too

The blob. Even if it didn't evolve into rainbow blob, still the blob.

I mean look at that dude. I want to protect that derpish expression.

can you hold out till 404?

Blob and Goldman. We doing some Journey To The West shit with these cool weirdos, it'll be hype.

so where is the doodle?

I believe, user.

It's not on autosage or anything.

I love me a girl with some nice functional armour.

Or is it?

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You've done god's work, user. Thank you.

what does each stat do, exactly? What kind of game is this?

now read my quest

It's 4CHANNEL you fucking newfag!

I remember when newfags used to be careful not to out themselves.

Dude, you could be here since before moot and never see it.

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This one is the cutest.

Not enough people in the thread to enjoy these. Thanks user.

A challenge, to be sure. But not insurmountable.

Demon girl when



>being a DEXfag
>not wanting to fuck a girl in a full plate armor
You literal homosexual

rain world isn't skill progression it's comprehension progression. you don't need any particular skill to complete the game, it just takes a while to figure anything out.

How Randumb

I think that's what they meant by "player skill".

I sincerely think the rainbow guy looks rad, so I'll go with him.

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picking qt blue demon

They can't find my blue penis if its constantly in her vagoo!

o shit I thought those were sprites for a second

That's Guilty Gear by Arc System. They animate everything by hand and correct every model and every shadow. They also remove animation frames for it to look even more like sprites.
This game is on UE3 but if you want to see even better looking shit, search for DragonBall Fighter Z screenshots, it's also made by them.
They have a granblue fighting game in development and after that will probably make another guilty.

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Cute shield waifu is the only correct choice.

>not picking based derpderp
>not struggling through the game until he becomes rapebeast

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Cute shield waifu is an idiot.
Probably has 2 INT.

The bigger the range the bigger the dick ?

are there any pics of that cutie in the red dress?

The reverse actually.
Everyone with a lot of range is compensating for something.

Not a lot. She's not a character, just the wife of a character. Name's Sharon and her husband is slayer.

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I remember that OP
I remember a thread with a summoner and a Sword user one.
I dont have have the sword chick one

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Not lewd enough.

And my cock!

bigger tiddys please.

thanks dude

She's pretty flat in

Rainbow blob guy because I'm not some waifufag and want to see one of my comrades grow.

Top dem

I don't care... bro...

jesus christ this thread

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uhhh bigger


You guys seriously need to find a way to get real girlfriends (or boyfriends), every little thing should become ground for fapbait to you. I'm begging you, as a fellow human being, return to reality an figure out a way to get the real thing.


Naked Vrishka seems good.

that's gonna be a no from me.

>every little thing should become ground for fapbait to you
I'm not there yet, but I promise I will. Thanks for your support.


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*should NOT become
Damn it

Too late, I took your advise to heart.

I better not see any blue penises around here.

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Feel free to blame me for every blame you encounter for the remainder of your life, user. What a fuck up.

No ma'am, just blue balls.

I'm watching you, wise guy.

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Fuck are you talking about retard

>feel free to blame me for every blame
The fuck ups don't stop. Still, weebbros please see the light.

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>Feel free to blame me for every blame you encounter
I can take blame for your typos if you want

Artist from here.
This has been a fun thread.

personal skill progression

Can I be the sorcerer/wizard of the party? If so Edge Knight, Shadow Demon Girl, and Shield-Tank Girl.

Just without the dying young part

I like when skills became stronger. Like 1st level of fireball is just a baseball size ball of fire. Second is soccer ball. Third level is like three balls. And in the ends it's like torrent of different magma balls, that fire ground and explode on contact spraying liquid magma all around

I like when breasts became bigger. Like 1st level of boobs is just a baseball size ball of tit. Second is soccer ball. Third level is like three balls. And in the ends it's like torrent of bazonga meat, that smother the ground and arouse on contact spraying liquid milk all around.

Pretty good.

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East asians are mindless insects; we can't have that.

laughing at you, the actual retard here

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First, second, fourth, eighth and ninth picks.