If God had wanted you to live he would not have created TF2 thread

If God had wanted you to live he would not have created TF2 thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


this is a tf2 loadout thread now

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>He has a name tag on his sniper rifle
>"Universal aimbot v2.x VAC Proof"

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Friendly reminder the comic is confirmed to be dead and the best case scenario is that in 10 years the original writers will leak the script ala Epistle 3.

I wish I still liked playing tf2.
Tossing jarate to scalp kills of people as a sniper was fun, but so was camping and using the backburner to kill the unwary.

this is a conscientious objector thread now

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fuck you kemoshota is patrician tier

Shouldn't it say dough nut on kids?

Aahh, nothing like a good cup of [your ass up my ass] in the morning

Is the guy who was running the server last night coming back?

If Gabe had wanted you to have fair, skill-based gameplay instead of unbalanced and overly powerful generalists he would not have created Soldier, Demoman, and to a lesser extent, Scout, all three of whom outperform every other class in the game by a huge margin in every single possible matchup and engagement, with the sole exception of Medic.

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You know who else didn't want you to live?

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>scatter/shotgun nametag
>kurt cobain's microphone

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Years later and we still don't know who the guy in the center is

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That's not how you spell spy and sniper

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Did you forget Sniper exists?

Post deathcams

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Professionals, have standards.

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sniper needs to be nerfed. headshots should not be lethal

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>burning corpse

>call for medic
>sniper tries to headshot
>hand blocks headshot and it's just registered as a bodyshot

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is there a Yea Forums server tonight? I need something to make me feel less depressed



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that boy aint right

>TF2 thread

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There was one last night, not sure if it'll return today

Cant have a tf2 thread without this

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TF2 is the best online shooter ever created.

Prove me wrong, you can't.

Based and redpilled

>have to position yourself directly behind explosive aoe class to kill them
>have to stand still for several seconds and track a specific point on the hitbox to kill them
>soldier and demo can kill you instantly by pressing mouse 1


It's a fine game and you should fuck off back to redit.

Reminder that the only way to play sniper is to bodyshot with the Machina while wearing a gibus

>fuck off back to redit
You should fuck off back to kindergarten.

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*peepees on u*
*schadenfreude taunt*

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Genuine question, is it better to buy, or trade for cosmetics? I have a few decent stranges but don't really see the point in spending money on cosmetic items in games.

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Why you telling me to fuck off if we agree

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If you have the patience, trade.

buy a key then sell it for refined on backpack.tf, then use the same site to trade refined for cosmetics

If it's under a key, just buy it from a trading site.

Because he was never really on your side to begin with.


I'm not depriving my hand of testicular heating just to give you accurate directions. Click your bookmark and stay there. 7 fucking years of the same "joke" day in and day out. Kill yourself.

I think you have me confused for
But nice copy pasterino

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Sniper exists mate.

>Implying sniper can't kill you in one click
>Implying Spy can't kill you in one click
>Implying that in a ranged battle between a sniper and a soldier the sniper wouldn't win 100% of the time (unless taking into account a random croket)
>Implying a spy is stupid enough to approach a soldier when he is about to rocketjump instead of when he is pushing
>Implying a spy can't kill everyone on the enemy team while they are pushing in 6 simple clicks

Please learn how to actually play TF2 and come back when you have more hours.

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You, yes YOU! You are Bad!

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Medic can kill you in one hit as well, dont forget that.

Seriously tho fuck that crit rate

Aye, more often than not a medic will kill you if you get within meele range unless you're a demo or heavy, but yeah, that fucking crit rate is hilarious.

Seriously fuck crits. I just wish there was a checkbox in casual to toggle them off, or at least more no crit community servers

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What do you mean instantly winning a fight because of luck is a bad game mechanic?

this child is not correct

I just wish that random crits were gone.
Im perfectly fine with weps that give crits under certain circumstances, but why the fuck can the pyro have so many fucking crit gimicks? Seriously, most of the pyros weps have a crit gimick.


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The real question is:

Why does pyro exist?

Literally worst class to fight against, lowest skill ceiling, counters most other classes , and it is fucking INFURIATING

Yea Forums epic duuuuuuuude only real 4channers know this gem

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*long drag off cigar*
Now thats a name I haven't heard in a loooong time...

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and it's other 5000 edits...

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This is unironically one of my fondest childhood memories.

Palyed the map now however, and it's shit since people barely play it anymore .

Pyro serves a purpose, I was merely pointing out how he has a lot of crit gimiks, while other classes have none.

Because the first game had him so they were obligated to.

Same with Spy.

these posters are based

>realize tf2 is older than 50%~ of its player base
F u g

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Hey man, to be fair I was 10 when I started playing TF2 and this map back in 2009

>10 years
>ten years
>t e n
>y e a r s

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be on the lookout in like 30 minutes

>gets on cover
>"thanks for standing still, wanker"

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How absoluteley basepilled

Hope there was some kind of map cleanup this time

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I find it extremely ironic that after years of "TF2 KILLERS!" that became garbage after a few months, the only real TF2 killer was TF2 itself, the forced competitive aspect did more unfixable damage than Loadout, Battleborn, or even Overwatch ever could.

I guess, Valve never really was on our side

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Of course not, all the shitters leave when any good map gets played.

Not him but there were maps that literally crashed the server last night, hopefully they're gone.

It was one guy crashing it with a script. Not like the map itself wasn't a steaming pile of shit though.

I started playing TF2 when I was 10 years old. I'll be 21 in less than a week
It's weird to think I've been playing TF2 for over half my life and still suck at it.

>when you hide all your stickies in a cone and then kill 7 people at once
fucking BOOFT

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You're my soul mate, we are one and the same


what's the ip? does it start with 216?

Nah it was the map. That map was dogshit

Pyro needs only a few tweaks to be fun and viable with a high skill ceiling.

You forgot the music. NOW it's home.

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He literally said in chat he was crashing it right before it went down.

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>You will never be a spy in vanilla again

Yes, because there was a specific door that when spam opened would give people overflow errors due to how shit the map was.

Would Merasmus and Hat Kid tolerate each other?


check the catalog and remember to bump the thread

Any good servers up?

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partyvans up right now theres a thread

r8 my scout

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Why is the lag compensation so retarded? How is it fair that a 200 ping sniper gets to hit you after you've run into cover, or a spy backstabs you from 30 feet away?

It works to the benefit of thirdworlders instead of people with reasonable ping playing on their local servers. It’s retarded.

>Give Pyro the ability to self-airblast
>Make the flamethrower spit fire in a narrow beam instead of a wide cone
>Give the flamethrower particles substantial travel time and arc to target
>Keep all current afterburn damage ramp-up properties
>Revert back to the flamethrower direct damage numbers that we got in the pyro update before they were nerfed
>Keep airblast knockback mechanic the way it currently is
Did I fix the Pyro?

The Phlog is an absolute retard rewarder. w+m1 until the meter’s full for free crits

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>The Phlog is an absolute retard rewarder
thats exactly why I love it, there's no better feeling than wiping half the enemy team on dustbowl

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L'etranger can still fill the DR right?

You should not reward retards. You should make them work for it

Yes it's the only way to fill it reliably and safely.