Are there any fun MMO's out there

Are there any fun MMO's out there

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Picc one

>Mindless repetitive tasks to make numbers go up endlessly until they lose any meaning.
Do you want me to take you under my wing or something so you can develop basic tastes and critical thinking?

No, too many shitty people play MMOs so the communities are always shit which makes people think the games are shit. Truth is the only reason MMOs had a golden era is because the MMO community had a golden era where everyone was actually enjoyable to play with. Modern MMO fans are either overly sensitive PC pussies or overly edgy teenagers spamming shit ass memes. Too many normies.

Old School RuneScape?
Or Haven and Hearth.

Project 1999

Fractured MMO.

the first Guild Wars

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Anything that isn't like WoW

there will be when Classic comes out in summer

we're going home bros

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my nigga

pick one and only one

finally time to have some fun... 15 years of depravity... my god

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>tfw no old meme ui

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Kingdom of Loathing


>Any of those

I've been playing DFO. The leveling is boring though, I'm currently lv.50 crusader and all I do is run into each room and use 3 skills to make everything die then move to the next room and repeat. I can't wait till I have something to actually work toward other than spamming ESC and Space to skip this story.


FFXIV is unfortunately the least worst popular mmo, the bar is low.

>ywn gather again with your hommies at Sunday afternoon and raid Aden gates along with your clan/Ally against your wartags in an epic 200vs200
rip l2 even core server that was the last hope got killed by pay2win. Feelsbad

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face of mankind, wurm online, DDO when content was actually difficult
APB before the hackers, Early days of second life before the horrible people
probably a bunch more im forgetting

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Play Blade & Soul.

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>No, too many shitty people play MMOs so the communities are always shit which makes people think the games are shit. Truth is the only reason MMOs had a golden era is because the MMO community had a golden era where everyone was actually enjoyable to play with. Modern MMO fans are either overly sensitive PC pussies or overly edgy teenagers spamming shit ass memes. Too many normies.

Is it fun? is it pay2win? can I make a cute loli?


I heard AO got a steam release, did people start playing it again?

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did they make the change in that god awful engine yet?
did they fix optimization?

>LFM Brd checking armory for full AQ40 gear!
>WTS MC run full loot - Get your EPIX today
>Why are there no black npcs?
>BG Carry /w for more info

>is it fun?
It kind of is. Depends what you're looking for in a mmorpg. The game is focused on martial arts combat, where you can grab your enemy with your hand and start punching him with your fists or launch him into the air and do an aerial attack and throw him right back into the ground. There's also a pretty good storyline(for mmorpg standards) that you follow as you level up yourcharacter, with lots of cutscenes and plot twists.
Due to the focus on combat the game is aimed towards pvp, but there's also pve content there as well.

>is it pay2win?
Debatable. You can grind all the stuff you can buy in the premium store, what you can buy in the store are mats for gear progression. You can also get costumes for your character either way, they're all cosmetics without any stat boosts. Keep in mind that the game is your typical korean grinder.

>can I make a cute loli?
Yes, this race is called Lyn.

>did they make the change in that god awful engine yet? did they fix optimization?
Not yet, they're planning to make the transition to the Unreal Engine soon though.

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>* Unreal Engine 4


Came here to post this. Such an amazing game, too bad it ded

Stupid Ching Chong mmo

Hows the RP scene, if any?

Cute lyn, Thanks for all the info im going to make a powerful loli monk and play pve.

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I don't think Lyn can use the Kung Fu Master class.

>inb4 it's a French softcore anime

It's ALSO a French softcore MMO

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>not yet
I sleep

Steam launch was a clusterfuck and didn't do much, but they just announced a new progression server that's probably gonna bring a lot of old autists back.
No release date yet other than "sooner than you think", but they aid more details coming in a few days.

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I'm trying to play Dofus in the mono account server and I feel lonely as fuck. Pls help

There was.

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lineage 2 classic is the only one
provided you have the time to play it

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zoomer-tier game

>paying a sub for a 15 year old game

Legends of Aria
Without a doubt the best throwback oldschool MMO


>poorfag cope

I'm sick of retards like you pretending l2 is dead when classic has been running for fucking ages, the truth is you are too casual to jump back in

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Das it mane!

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You're talking about regular RP, right? Non-existent. There are no servers dedicated for roleplaying. Global chat is filled with WTS/WTB shit and people looking for other players so that they can do dungeons/raids. People don't talk much outside of guild chats. Haven't witnessed any degeneracy yet.
People are just busy grinding for the most part.

You should look up the main site before deciding on a class, as some are locked to certain races. Forgot to add that the game has a pretty robust character creator so you'll probably spend lots of time there before you're satisfied with what you made.
Have fun.

Should be SOON™. They're adding awakening on March 13, UE 4 is next on their list.

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>dead alliance battles
why bother

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Pic related, if you ignore all the leveling and shit. Honestly it's just a cool place to run around in

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>overly sensitive PC pussies
no, i hate sjw's, i just don't want to hear your vulgar stories from your personal life when i'm playing video games. there's always one retard spouting off bullshit in vent to 20 other people who don't care. meanwhile they perform like shit in the raid because 'hey i'm not a fuckin tryhard mate get over it'

not looking forward to farming consumables mainly.. tempted to go mage just for free water/food, aoe farming and i think we get like free mana pots too


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Planetside 2? I thought that was some mass team pvp shooter game.

The one I'm making
Although it will be a real game played by massively many players instead of the bloated trash most MMOs are

He is only a boomer if he uses rogerwillco as his voice program

>I don't think Lyn can use the Kung Fu Master class.
I hate this world sometimes.
That's a cute outfit.
I'l probably spend days in the character creator then, I hope lyn can be a cool class but maybe I'll find another class I'l like.

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don't join a legitimate autistiny guild that requires 20 hours of farming for every raid for fucking VANILLA

rip ;_;

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therefore mmo

Oh yeah... that happened..

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Is this from an mmo? I love the movement. Looks like it'd make dungeons, etc, much more fun to navigate.
Last one I played was Star Wars TOR which I eventually bailed on once the Eternal Kingdom or whatever it was called started up.

But anyway, the video here demonstrating a degree of speed and platforming is a welcome change to most flat dungeon designs in mmo's.

I've played that nightmarish shitshow, it's infested with fucking multibox bots, it's impossible to do anything anywhere. There are fucking bots EVERYWHERE.

There's going to be a new update that allows Lyn to be the greatsword class.

classic is p2w

If you aren't having fun in your MMO you just don't have fun enough friends. MMOs are never fun on their own for long.

Still playing it after all these years.
>double mission zcoin week
>it better not be fucking Ring of Fire
>Click the mission
>It's ring of fire

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No real MMO is made by 1 person. Either you have 300 people with you making content or I'll see your game in about 80 years.

After wotlk was garbo. Wish they limited lfg to like 3 daily uses or something.

I've been enjoying black desert, but you need to enjoy grinding and not mind rng. Also if you do play look for a guild that's not shit.

adventure quest 3D

I want an MMO I can camp low level players to ruin their gaming experience.

Any recommendations?

Someone said "DKOnline" which comes out on the 5th, and there's always WoW vanilla private servers.

Anyone got any good ones?

Man you're in for a huge surprise when you realise how all that movement and platforming is wasted in bns lol

sounds like you were playing the trash american version instead of innova, the one that set up classic servers ages ago

innova is subscription based, there's no cash shop and no bots

Is Conquer online still around?

Probably the hardest genre to develop for but also potentially the most profitable.

so hard right now ngl

Is there actually PVE or something?

Yeah, Dragon's Dogma Online.

Lads, almost had a heart attack today. Finally beat that stupid nigger tree with my brother in the second part of the 4th epitaph dungeon. With like 10 seconds do spare. NEVER use a shield sage pawn, they're all complete fucking retards.

Depends on what you find fun.

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No, which is why it's fun

I tried picking up Guild Wars 2 but I realize I'm not the teenager I once was. I don't have the time or appetite for highly repetitive tasks, looting, and fighting.

I wish there was an MMO with the quality of a AAA singleplayer game. Think a better Skyrim but as an MMO, or what Star Citizen pretends it will be. The slow, third person, ability spamming grindfests are just boring

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Ah My hope and optimism is restored, thank you friend.

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try ESO

Sure, if by real you mean slight deviation from the rest of MMOs out there, which are mostly MMORPGs. My only real goal is for thousands of people to be able to play per server

I keep thinking about going back to dfo but everytime I do I'm reminded of how event-centric it is and how brutal the RNG is.

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I have a friend that's been playing that game for like 15 years, I don't get it at all.

>wars like this will never come back because all the good old players quit this game long ago, official servers are on their last legs and every private server is a cesspool of ez level cap e13+ gear and full of brs/pinoys/turks
it hurts

Anyone Neocron 2? Is it possible that one day an MMO like it could be made with more polish? I loved the concept but had a hard time getting into it a couple years back when I tried to play it. Plus, the servers were almost dead. There were maybe 100 or so people playing at one time.

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Yeah no problem. Yea Forums guild is basically dead, I would try to avoid them and join some guild through the game.

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World of Warcraft, or Final Fantasy XIV?


FFXIV, BfA is trash


FFXIV by far. Better (and coherent) story, tons of casual content, great music, and Ultimate fights are incredibly fun if you're down for learning a fight for 2-3 months.

Mos Eisley, SWG, home....

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what game is this?

that's not it at all, i'll feel compelled to do it regardless because i want to be the very best like noone ever was.

The day of our our ascent into the infinite air is coming, bros!

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Why the fuck does this remind me of Balmora.

patiently waiting for the city of heroes emulator, the few bastards working on it are dare i say heroes.

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Lineage 2

>unreal engine 3

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>a real game played by massively many players instead of the bloated trash most MMOs are
>My only real goal is for thousands of people to be able to play per server
Unfuck yourself.

Why aren't you guys talking more about FFXIV? Do you hate fun?

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oh, i'm joining a guild where boomkins and ret pallies can raid, as long as they try hard

>DDO and LOTRO are both dead
feels bad mang

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LOTRO not dead but boy is it irrelevant

Wrong game but I did love XI.

If you decide to play it be sure to grab the free ascension pack that they're giving away on their main site right now. Just link it to your account and you'll receive an email a couple days later with the instructions on how to claim your goodies.
I'd advice against using the 60 lvl voucher, as you're new, and save it up for other characters you might want to create further down the line. For now, experience the game as is to learn the basic mechanics of your chosen class and level up your character. It doesn't take long to reach max level(55 right now).
Also, these pics/webms aren't mine. I grabbed them from the general back when /bnsg/ was still alive.

It might look cool, but it's just simple terrain navigation. There are a couple of mechanics where you hit space at a specific time to be able to dodge certain boss attacks(there's a prompt for that), but it's nothing spectacular.

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FFXIV is boring though

What are you talking about "wrong game"? FFXIV is never the wrong game! You must hate cats. Cats and lizard girls.

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You 'aving a giggle there?

I love you Crowe

Well 'only real goal' aside from the game being fun, which is a given. It's an MMO as in "massively multiplayer online," not "run around clicking on enemies as you watch hundreds of other people do the same thing

Apparently Jagex is working on an "online action role-playing game" made with UE4, thoughts?

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Tera erp servers

FXIV is boring it's also the best mmo on the market.
just get to level 50, heavensward and you'l start having fun bro

probably the most overated game of all time.

FFXIV is by far the best mmorpg of all time.

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are there any fun sandbox mmos out there? i was into mortal online but the playerbase was tiny

I enjoy lifeskills. Are runescape, black desert/mabinogi and ff14 my only options?

Are you having a bout of numerical dyslexia, m8? You're posting pictures of the right game, but you're namedropping the wrong one.

Both NA and EU are still active. Just not on /vg/ anymore.

Haven and Hearth

They just reset the world so its pretty cutthroat right now, but if you find yourself a nice area with friendly neighbors you can probably set up shop easily, or go join a village

>want to play l2 classic
>too casual to grind
>too autistic to talk to a guild

Lineage II, home

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Pantheon Online :)

>that huge thot streamer mic instead of a $1 clipon

Join an X100 server. It takes years to max out at official speeds.

100x is too much, something like 15 to 25x would be ideal but there's probably no servers with high population and no p2w like that

> no one talking about lost ark
not playing foreign mmos

Years keep going away and I feel like MMOS like this one, Chronicles of Elyria and other are always 2 or 3 years away

My supergroup member.
One of these days, we'll finally be able to return.
One of these days.

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i miss her bros

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Crowfall is the only one coming out this year I believe and its till only gonna be soft launch. Idk how Ashes of Creation will magically be finished and release before 2020 because they're claiming full game release in q4 2019

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I'm okay with normal speed but even the official classic server is just nothing but BRs and Ruskies, and I'm not joking. Take a look at the forums.

FFXIV is the right one though. I mean looking at all the other anons talking about it. It's even beating WoW at pop.

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How is ESO?
I'm so fucking tired of BFA and want something new but XIV only has pve.


OSRS Ironman mode

I enjoy WoW/B&S for the pvp.
I enjoy FFXIV's crafting system

I don't play either for an extended amount of time because everything else is dry.

Without solid PVP most mmos tend to die, especially with all of them being top loaded end game focused.

No one wants to farm turbodeathboss every week for 6 months for an item that is only good at killing turbodeathboss 1% faster.

Have you ever stayed with a dying MMO until the very end?

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>most popular MMO (XIV) has pretty much ignorable PvP
>b-but PvP makes games good!

From beta to the end.

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WoW literally made all the servers PvE because only a minority of retards play themepark MMORPGs for it.

Not like the raiding in XIV is any better than in WoW, it's the same annoying experience of trying to teach a bunch of retards to do the very simple mechanics for hours and hours.
WoW pvp is hard to enjoy with the constant rubber band balancing which forces you to swap classes all the time if you want to play at a high level and also factions ruining the game completely for me. Basically only log on for arenas but I miss having a main I care about.
>30k players on EU total
>most popular
Sure thing.

Mostly just OB/CB closures into official releases. It's kind of an obscure feeling.
Hung around on a few private server closures but it didn't have the same impact. Usually for official server closures i'm too sad to watch it go.

Wish I could go back, was comfier back then.

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>Thinking EU matters anywhere


Ley best girl

>Inb4 not an MMO

>Without solid PVP most mmos tend to die
The most popular mmos in the west; WoW, FF14, ESO and Gw2 have their pvp game modes on life support. Meanwhile pvp mmos are dead in the water save for BDO and EVE (if you even consider eve to really be a pvp mmo) You sure as hell don't need pvp, its just a gimmick big companies use to get random pvp fags to try out their game before diverting 90% of their focus back to pve content

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>Blizzard runs a world pvp system and several incentives for the instanced ones.
>No one touches it after the novelty runs out
>especially the faction with the most Vanity fags.
>They incentivise the pvp for the faction that won't do it.
>They still won't do it.
>They use 20 lb's of tits and ass/incentive to get the faction again.
>It works.
>It works too well.
>Friends who sword by War Mode finally turned it off due to the ridiculousness.
>Say its not fair they get the incentives
>The side that took several incentives to even touch pvp with a 8-foot pole.

Pvp in an MMORPG needs to be in an MMORPG that FOCUSES on pvp. It's too bad all the latest attempts at that failed horribly, including Warhammer Online, Guild Wars 2, and all the shit korean mmos. Of course alot of that was due to management (several months of not fixing ramps in Warhammer, and just full on cutting out Fortresses and City battles in it as well).

Not fun.

Yeah, no. I want my fun bounty hunter class. Hi5 or bust.

How do u play DDO?

Fuck off avatarfag. No one liked you in w* and no one liked you now.

>tfw warframe has a better and more interactive social experience than wow
Everything wow has currently is spergs screaming about factions.

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WAR was pretty fun once they "fixed" it. A shame it was too late to save it. PvP 24/7 gets old fast anyways.

I'll swear the only MMORPG that did PvP right was RO, at least until WoE got "solved". The limited time and actual rewards are a great incentive. Sucks if you're too busy to play tho.

>tfw nobody plays Eldevin

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Go to reddit, download the latest game folder, get the latest translation patch, find instructions on making an account, use a free vpn for the login client and log in, I forget what the English servers were, enjoy.

WoW has nothing, us Wowfags are leaving in droves to other places. I went to XIV. BFA is so bad that even we, who have been content to dine of Blizzard's fecal matter for years are fed up.

my friend who played through wod even quit.
what did they mess up so badly?

pick a noose

why shill something I can't even buy?

I used to herd zergs in warhammer around the time of the faction imbalance fixes. Also hanged during the hay day of arenas in WoW/first 4 seasons. Ran the first Alterac Valleys on both factions during classic when there wasn't enough general interest on its own.

I just want my dragon slaying back instead of games splitting resources and/or destroying fun (that would be too powerful in pvp!) because they're trying to emphasize pvp. All this faction shit too is retarded.

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You've been posting this ugly rat for like 2 years. Good job.

It's been a while since I played, aren't you one of Greenfox's friends?


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Yeah, haven't played in years myself.

that's because they have "pvp game modes" instead of actual free for all pvp as it should be

You are aware you can play ASSFAGGOTS of Battle Royale games and skip the grind, right?

No, wow made all the servers PVE because they killed WPVP years ago and the lead designer got tired of listening to people whine that world pvp is shit.

You'll get to Lv60
Remember how shit it was
And then unsub.

What's the point of grinding gear in an MMO if you can't use it to completely destroy that one guy who said something you didn't like?

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Ah I see someone else has good taste in MMORPGs. Indeed, FFXIV is the superior one.

Legion ended on a good note and they promised they would just improve on things rather then do major changes... plus whatever War Mode, War Fronts, and Expeditions would bring.

>Expeditions were dead on arrival.
>War Fronts were dead on arrival and half-assed content. Like REALLY half-assed that even the shit-eaters couldn't eat it.
>War Mode is a dumpster fire that a few players can warm their hands on depending on the patch and which faction they're in.

And then there's

>Azerite gear and Artifact Power time gates.

People were really pissed off about the legendary system that was in Legion til they band-aided it towards the end, and they just through AP out the window. THEN they come back with AP time gates again in BFA, as well as having people being even MORE selective about their gear and specs, whereas it was pretty easy towards the end of legion that you didn't feel penalized for playing multiple specs.

One could argue if Ulduar broke alot of normie's backs as well, as they pretty much rushed 8.1 out the door (mountains and mountains of game breaking bugs, especially for a Blizz game).

Oh, and don't forget

>Blizzcon 2018
>Holding back the races promised at launch for a half-patch.

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Redfox here, and same really. I gave up on trying to play ranger, moved onto XIV myself and haven't looked back.

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>It's even beating WoW at pop.
I don't understand where this joke is going. I don't believe for a second that you think popularity is indicative of quality. I just don't get the joke.

Why should anyone have to grind gear in pvp mmo just to be competitive? Let people start playing from the start.

Why /bnsg/ died?

Oh shit good to see you, i haven't touched XIV in a long ass time. Too slow. BDO was alright for a bit but there's like nothing interesting these days and im dying of boredom.

Anything is better than WoW. Just look at the hideous graphics. As for gameplay, do your rotation don't step on poodles isn't anything special.
WoW is a relic. It belongs in a museum.

The point of getting gear in an mmo is to look cool and be super powerful, not to keep repeating the same content you got the gear from at a slightly faster pace.

Tibia was the real deal.

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Literally who?


honestly everything about wow feels old even the core mechanics like factions where they divide the playerbase in a pve mmo for literally no reason and needing a ton of alts to stay competitive because of bad balancing.
needing more than one character in an mmo is retarded.

You're both right and wrong. Its a status symbol and earned (depending on how its earned). The rpg portion of the game supports this regardless of skill level, although depending on the game, a skill level can immediately sky rocket you to getting the best gear (WoW arenas, WAR reknown, etc.)

But it's hard to have "skill-only" pvp when the inconsistent factors aren't eliminated, like quality of gear or RNG (criticals primarily).

I'd like to think in either case, 90% of modern day pvpfags are massive hypocrites and would never be happy in a gear-oriented or skill-only situation. The ones who are more level-headed had move on to other genres or just pve now.

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Just name like all the reasons why a normal clan would implode, add all the reasons why a Yea Forums thread would derail, and I'm almost certain that you would have guessed why it died.

I'm going to say it:
Warcraft III aged like shit

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Planetside 2, if you can handle the total lack of a tutorial and the fact that Planetside Arena will be Daybreak's excuse for shutting down the servers within a year.

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I feel you, I really love learning fights and mechanics while trying to maintain uptime, that's why I've stuck with XIV. Just gotta find something you like it seems.

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Avatar/attentionfags/people who don't actually play the game and just mmo hop for social reasons?

Maybe i'll resub for the expac and see how everybody on Hyperion is doing again.

Indeed fellow FFXIV player. I too am enjoying the simplified mechanics that allow me to really take in the game, even sometimes have conversations with strangers in Duty Finder.

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I completely forgot that WoW has horde and alliance players doing the same content together. Guess its just aesthetics at this point

You do for some parts of the game like battlegrounds so why keep them around? Gameplay and community is far more important than WC3 nostalgia.

Oh right, I forgot you guys were on there. We're actually getting a world visit system in the next update so hopefully I can see you joker fucks again.

Why are you stalking me?

Short answer: Discord made the thread obsolete.

I think the last f2p mmo I played was Tera. I used to play Mabinogi a lot. Miss those days. I'm still waiting for a good F2P MMO. I play FFxiv right now but only sub during updates.

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Factions have always kind of just been there in every post-wow mmo except for a few. The problem is WoW ended up surging in "new" races and is even causing the normalfags to reeeeeeeee when they can't touch them. Or even worse, don't have the option due to lore reasons (concept artists have much more ideas for horse races vs alliance).

There was people who despite the fact the BFA was total shit were looking forward to the allied races.

Looking forward to it m8.

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Does WOW have any black npcs? I don't remember any in warcraft.

Allied races was such a fucking waste of resources since most of them will be forgotten, would've been better to just add a lot of polish and new options to old races instead.

The FFA pvp in legion was the last time I had fun in wow pvp and it would've been great to finally move on from factions.
>tfw no dalaran sewers in BFA

I tried the FFXIV demo-til-30 months ago and was absolutely bored playing as paladin/gladiator. The combat felt absolutely repetitive and devoid of nuance. Every healer and dps I was teamed up with was interchangeable, because they all did the exact same things in the exact same style. Is this just the genre? Does combat get more interesting and personalized as time goes on? Or does the focus on high player count encounters just mean that the combat takes a backseat to communication and teamwork?

All my friends play it so I desperately want to like it, but I'm not gonna drop game/sub/dlc on something that won't get more enjoyable.

Do the classic-era Wastewander bandits in Tanaris count?

>blade and soul
I haven't played since 2016 but I remember it was a good time. Would it be worth checking out again now? Is anyone left on Jiwan?

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I logged back in Trickster Online when it was shutting down. Everyone was doing the countdown and saying goodbye to everyone. That game was probably the most memorable for me.

BDO seems to be popular. How is it?

Throw me your name/FC and I'll hook up with you guys sometime, we can hit up that ex roulette.


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me on the left

Warhammer Online is the only MMO that is actually fun.

god i wish...
gonna play enchanter I think

Pretty much. Don't forget beta orbiters and grill gamers.

Jiwan doesn't exist anymore.

thx m8

can not fucking wait for this

Everyone says the combat gets better around level 50 and up because you start getting more skills to use. I haven't made there myself so I wouldn't know. At least you have friends to make it more bearable.

More importantly how did a blatantly p2w pvp mmo like BDO survive this long in the west?

God I miss trickster. I drilled up a potpurri pet in the first potpurri drilling event and I only remember it so well because someone asked to see it and I was a moron and gave it to them. Guess what happened next.

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I didn't, because there's no reason for friends to play low level content in mmos like that

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>>Jiwan doesn't exist anymore.
O-oh. I guess both guilds are dead too, huh?

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Why hasn't anyone made a big mobile MMO

Combat does suck until after 50. The reason is that up to 50, they give you core rotational abilities that are on the GCD and nothing else. When the GCD is 2.5 seconds, this feels like an eternity. They round out the jobs and give them special mechanics during 50-60 and again from 60-70, and most of the stuff they give you is off the GCD which you use between GCD abilities, so your casts per minute goes up pretty dramatically. Not to mention most of the 50-70 abilities are usually fun.

Tanks and healers will definitely feel the slowest outside of raids though. They have simplified DPS rotations since they expect you to be doing other stuff, like pressing defensives, provoke/shirk, stance swapping for damage, etc.

look buddy, i know you're a wow zoomer so i'll let you down easy. The game will NEVER be what it was. Even if Blizzard makes it 1:1 identical. People know where the shit is from the start. It's all mapped out on wikis. Everyone will powerlevel to cap ASAP. Every good named will be camped. As an everchad I've been through this song and dance many times before. You will never recapture the opening days of an MMO, its simply impossible.

Let it go my friend, just accept it. That's all you can do.

There's a bunch of mobile mmos. BDO mobile makes like 5x the money pc bdo does.

There was server merges, so one clan might be alive, probably.

who said I wanna recapture opening days? i just wanna play the game when it was good again

muh rose tinted glasses

I remember playing that for a weekend, but I don't remember what it was that put me off of the game.

can someone give me a 131 PLSSS cant tip sorry

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This although honestly no it's not that bad except for all the trannies

Both Friend and Paizuri Police still exist, they adapted to server merges. They're active on discord now.

Yes, but everything you just said about WoW also applies all its clones, not the least clonish being FF14.

Elder Scrolls Online

my only issue with classic is dealing with DKP, guild drama and faggots leaving the guild after they get their full set, so you keep rotating people on your shitty raids and never experience harder content because everyone fucking bails to better guilds after getting handouts because the core of the guild already has everything they can get, but not enough people to run harder shit, then people start running with stronger guilds and suggest a merge and you're left out or some shit or you're nobody in the new guild and never get shit because again DKP is stupid and everything is handed to the tank and the guild leader friends for barely any points etc.

>the same content together
the fuck you mean, you raid with the opposite faction now?

How is the game itself? I stopped playing after defeating Jinsoyun and doing the 8 floors of Mushim's Tower

nigga you retard or something? Innova has become more Jewish than ncsoft in the last couple of months, truth is only denying faggots likes to play classic trash, and ofcs the Russian Adena farmers than sell money to dumb fuck such as you.

>target ncu full
>oh sorry bro can u help me get a new belt on too???

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I'm looking and honestly cant get a straight answer but world pvp has been gone for years so I don't see why players cant do stuff together

We are going home

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See you in 2030 brother.

Storywise, a lot of fucking shit happened and it's all fucking awful and Mushin is still a dick.

Gear wise, you now have worse than someone who just picked up the game a day ago and finish the main storyline.

Grindwise, it's actually really fucking bad if you want to do end-game content, but if you can find a clan to take it casually, you have a lot of content to go through before getting to end-game.

as far I remember there use to be one called rpg club or something like that, it was a Russian server with outstanding stats X10 but had lol population in their God servers, and extremely high population in their classic, but again, it's a Russian server so most of their online are probably bots

I never understood the appeal of tarren mill pvp, it was just a tug-o war with no purpose. Wish blizzard had given the slightest acnowledgement and make something out of it. It was cool to get a guild call and slay some fuckers, but it always felt dumb when you just push them hard enough the guards rape you, and then you go back until your guards rape them, over and over and over again, until people get bored and that's it.

imagine being this bluepilled

I started playing on live servers a few months ago.

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Lineage 2 was only good up to C5

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It is. There's no hiding it. The official classic forums were people whining about the boxes and bots like they're attached to them like a vital organ. Cheating is apart of the culture.

please enlighten me? I really wish I could udnerstand the appeal, I never enjoyed it, it only mildly annoyed me when I was leveling a new character and wanted to quest there.

There a couple of more chapters added to the story by this point. They also bumped up the maximum level to 55 and it seems like they're planning to make it 60 with the introduction of awakening this month. It seems like the game is much more friendly to new or returning players, since they simplified and got rid of a couple of materials. In short, there are not that many different mats, which doesn't clutter the inventory like it used to.
You also get Midnight Skypetal Plains soulshields now just by following the orange storyline quests, which you could only previously get by doing MSP raid every weekend(as far as I remember, MSP is now a daily challenge thing by the way).

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What game is this?

some things never change

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Can assassins or whatever the stealth class was named still be like perma invis on pve dungeons? I remember they were obscenely broken on pve by clearing everything solo perma stealthed, but I had some friend drama and quit the game before getting mine to level cap and try it out.

> tranny brown bald thing
> tough chick
> white dude
Kys faggot


I'm older than you and probably been playing MMOs for longer than you've been alive.

I know you probably caught WoW at the end of WotLK or Cata or something. At this point you think you've also been playing a long time and that you have a legitimate voice, I get that.

If you want to be a contrarian to pull updoots, go for it if that what makes you happy. Maybe you'll understand when you get wiser.

Reply to this post.

>war with no purpose
The purpose was shutting down the fucking leveling experience for both factions in the area and beating the fuck out of each other so hard that everyone falls over exhausted and begins to uphold a tenuous peace until another small skirmish escalates into a large scale war. This is basically Valhalla in online form.
>Fight a huge battle until you can fight no longer
>Eat, drink, rest
>Fight again

Most bosses now have a buff called "True Sight" that let's them be seen through stealth, but most mobs can still be stealth cheesed.

Hello, Four Channel!
Please, fund my MMORPG.
Big map. Open world pvp, Housing, Castle sieges etc

Two factions: Horde and Empire
1) Khanate. Classes: Stab master (tank/dps), Throat monk (bard), Nomad/Mammoth rider (dps), Autismancer support).
2) Theocratic Confederacy. Classes: Shaman (support), Steppe Wrestler (tank)
3) Dahomey Kingdom. Classes: Voodoo guy (dps/support), Druid (tank/dps. has a black panther form).

1) Empire. Classes: Pop singer (bard), Clicker (dps), Emu rider (dps), Anime Tiger girl (tank)
2) We Kangdom. Classes: Whips' tamer (dps), Chaos mage (dps. has frog and scarab forms)
3) Subcontinent. High Priest (support), Elephant (tank).


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I'm afraid I can't answer that, I've never played assassin. I'm playing the wheelchair class.

have you ever played l2 non casual? to stay on top you have to keep your cp with endgame gear, and pretty retarded that you playing legitimately, gather a bunch of dudes to kill a raid in order to get an item that will be given to one guy only every 14 days vs a guy who just open a few loot boxes and probably has the same item 3 times already.
I've remember playing competitive since god update until the massive pay2win brooches system, there were people who had probably 5x my gear and didn't even knew what most of their skills do, besides the basic f1 f2 get kill gg 2eznogf. Please tell me how is that not a dead game

Eve Online can be very fun if you join a corp right away.

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Maybe if the stupid guards weren't involved that would be true, but you could never really dominate the place with guards fucking you, and even if you sort of did with geared players or coordinated guilds you would get bored of dancing inside the enemy inn. And a ton of questing was done in the outskirts and not necessarily on the part where the tug-o war was held.

I thought I was actually missing something, I mean I always played on pvp servers, but I only played to annoy other people, dying or killing on TM didn't feel like I was ruining anyone's day, people just went there to kill and die and waste time.

There's nothing fun about being able to deploy massive fleets instantly. Their latest updates completely fucked logistics and made sure the game stagnated.

>ctrl+f mabinogi
>whopping two results
still alive, bros.......

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If you think it's a waste of time, I'm not going to change your mind. And you wouldn't be dancing in an inn for long because decent pvp servers were properly balance population wise, which is why those battles could last for so long. Same goes for AV games that could take several days.

excellent taste, I miss it so much.

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Its a dead game in the west. Its an alive game to the ruskies and BRs, especially the ones who can sell to the turbonerds like in Everquest and FFXI official/classic private servers. It's more lucrative then doing a bottom wage job.

ESO is pretty fun, surprisingly

The point is to fight.

Is there a Yea Forums linkshell or something for FFXI?
I wanna play again but I don't want to play alone

Can I enjoy the game if I just want to play casually and do the story and open world raids? I don't have time nor motivation for true end game right now

i got to lv30 and have been so lost for months, no one seem to follow the old hunt spots

None for private servers. There use to be some faggots who spammed for the official servers (which are shit) on one particular server but they have since disappeared because the live game is shit.

>Can I enjoy the game if I just want to play casually
Yeah, you're gonna need friends though

>do the story and open world raids
Story will last you like 3 days before there's no more story to do, and there's no open world raid that isn't dead content.

Is there any other MMO with the same sort of world pvp that vanilla WoW had? Haven't an opposite faction that you can't talk to but can attack created so many memorable and interesting interactions. I've never found another game that scratches that same itch.

Private servers for mabinogi exist, user.

So Titans are common as hell now huh? A shame.

c6 dino island was pretty retarded

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yeah, there's gotta be fucking thousands of them now

based and funpilled

Sure, I guess. Leveling goes smoothly during your orange quest progression. The true grind starts once you reach the maximum level and focus on pushing forward your Hongmoon bar. By that point you should join a clan and start grinding daily quests and first dungeons to obtain mats needed for gear progression. Raids come later down the road. Joining a clan give you benefits such as daily guild runs of events that make mat farming less of a chore, as well as % boost of exp gain, peach farming etc.(provided that the guild level is high enough to give such a benefit).

Isn't there a earth and beyond private server going on somewhere? I liked autismo trading.

Why did survived by end up being so shitty. I thought it'd be a more spruced up rotmg but it's just so slow

why are the official servers shit?

Not the classic experience/gameplay. Two heavily different games, and alot of pre-wow mmos did this thing to become more "wow-like" years ago. I think the biggest offender of this was Star Wars Galaxies back in the day.

So technically the game may be awesome for some people but would suck for most.

Pretty much this

Anyone here playing on Project 1999?

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depends what you consider fun
for example, GW2 has good combat and a "fairly balanced" pvp, but the dungeons and endgame content are kind of average

If you have good taste and enjoyed mabinogi before the massive combat overhaul, check out Mabipro. They do content polls for rebalancing and adding aesthetic stuff, and have created their own mainstream quest season. Pets and other cash shop items are available either for gold or a special red coin which drops at a low rate from all monsters in the game.

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This, I really don't care to listen to 15 year old kids bitching about their sex lives while spitting out unfunny memes every few seconds. If I join classic, I might pretend to be 30 so I can join a chill boomer guild.

it'll never be the same as G1 through G4

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Wait for Camelot Unchained

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Living in the Wormhole is entirely different.

the asura server on the official server had one but i dont know if it still exists

name a game with comfier environments

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Localization when? I know much of the UI has been translated, but I'm desperate for a full western release.

Never, now enjoy the Switch port of DD:DA.

Project BBQ when?
it's literally the only (upcoming) "MMO" I have any shred of interest in anymore.

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is DaoC was so great why is the private server scene so small and insignificant? I tried it for like 30 mins and it ran like shit, but people swear that DaoC was the best pvp game ever.

seems large to me
came out in january or something

best mmo's have dodging and aiming. action mmos. I miss Lunia. Lootastic POE is good too.

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In 2 years and the localization will take another 6.

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Because Warhammer Age of Reckoning has private servers and most of DAoC's population moved onto WH when it was released.

MMOs pretty much dead.

If you want a game that rewards you for crafting and trading and grinding, POE is pretty much the best you're going to get and thats not an MMO.

As for PVP the only option for proper PVP is EVE online, and that game is fucking dated to fuck with F1 based combat

>dark fall and planetside 2 was the last two MMOs I was actually excited for
I haven't played MMOs since 2012, the closest thing to MMOs I've played since then is SS13 and SA:MP

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Tfw spending hours customizing implants and befriending the local traders by becoming so ferociously over powered you can solo temple and subway for lowbies and froobs for easy creds

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hey guys what's going on in here??

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my parents played Shadowbane when it was still going strong

it looked fun

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The soundtrack was comfy as well and mixed together on the fly depending what actions your character was taking or what locations they were entering. The environment artists and audio engineers at funcom are top notch

If I had the power to dust off any game and bring it in to the modern age, Anarchy Online would be it. The IP and gear systems are top notch and allowed for true customization of your character.

Only thing I would maybe tweak is expand the pvp land control game from notum wars and scratch the impressive looking (but boring themepark) of the shadowlands

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DFO is many things, but fun hasn't been one of them for a while. It's a shame, really.

hey now, don't be so rude to the poor thing

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I fucking wish m8. I doubt we'll see it before 2021 though since last I saw it was still pre-alpha.

I'm bored waitinf for the new ff expansion and WoW/ESO are shit. I'm looking into Neverwinter cuz its getting a new expansion soon is it worth anything at all? I know its probably bad but is it worth playing?

HH is pure garbage right now, shit graphics overhaul...

No Dragon Nest? It has the best combat of any mmo to date. Too bad it's dead.

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>the localization will take another 6.
surely you jest.

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Do you have to sift through a fuckton of tedious dialogue and story shit like you did in Vindictus? Can you solo stuff all throughout the game?

Okay I picked up ff14 and trying it out until the free level cap. I started as an arcanist what should I expect?

Are you a cat or aura?

>you will never go to a GSP show again and socialize with other players while Tarryk and the LTK static array plays all night
I miss these feels

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Yes, FFXI. But you have to not be a shiteater.

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then go fuck yourself. In limsa preferably so we can watch. Post screens.

pokemon go

not 6, but 2-4 is the most realistic, and that's if nothing changes big picture wise.

Nope you can solo pretty much everything, depending on what difficulty and class you choose. It'll be hard to solo the nests though. It's doable but it could be a little tricky if you're new. Max level nests are pretty much impossible to solo though.
The dialogue can be sped thorough really quickly so the story isn't too much of a hassle.

>LFM Strat, orbs reserved
>LFM AV, honor reserved
And I am not even memeing

>Not the classic experience/gameplay.
This argument worked before 2014 but now it doesn't. FFXI literally added in all of the old content style (except the grind), revamping old enemies from the 2007 era but scaling them to the current level cap. Escha is Sky + ground HNM, you spend merit points to attend high-level versions of classic fights like Divine Might and wyrms, crafting has been revitalized with something called an escutcheon, old alliance-based dynamis has been revived with something called Divergence, Omen is sort of like a weird mini-dynamis, etc. etc. the list goes on.

Square admitted Abyssea was a mistake and did everything they could to pivot back to the sort of content they made from 2002 to 2009.

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It's a Looter Shooter, the new meme name for the genre.

Would you, Yea Forums?

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Alright cool. Might check it out when I get tired of or banned from private server WoW, which depending on how much calling some giant asshole a nigger in /w is frowned upon, may be soon.

>MMOs pretty much dead.
As soon as VR stops sucking ha ... ha... I think MMOs will get revived

But for now there isn't a large enough install base for VR to justify a giant burning moneypit level of funding for a genre like MMORPG.

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great for the first half. then you hit the "you get 3 missions a day because fatigue increases to like fucking 350 per run because fuck you" wall and all fun instantly is destroyed.

Mage is a solid choice for vanilla. In addition to the things you said tou can also be a tele-taxi and charge people for teleports.

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Personally I'm enjoying BDO, best combat I've played in a MMO in a while, Mystic/Striker are so visceral

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We have an LS on Asura.

Retail is far better than the state of any of the private servers. If you want to play 75-era play Eden. It's the most accurate.

Never disappeared. LS has been around for almost 3 years now.

Its wise to a class that can farm efficiently first anyway

Mage is one of the best farming classes, along with hunter and rogue.

also I forgot Ambuscade, which is like a more consistent BCNM (that requires people to get anything good) that works on a points system. Harder fights net you more points, so most people go in groups. There's also an ongoing tally so people who do it more can get better stuff. It resets roughly once a month with every version update and 2 new Ambuscade fights are added in place of the old ones.

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unless you had amnesia, no.

I do once in a while alien as fuck and i love it

RMT and ultra neckbeards.

MMOs aren't fun anymore when everything new gets torn apart literally within hours and "optimal" play styles plague the community, especially if the game has PvP. Old MapleStory was probably the last time I had fun with an MMO.

Can I come back and easily find futa x elin ERP? It used to be so abundant back in the day, but not sure how the scene is now.

How many hours of my life have I spent in that very camp?

There was a Nasomi linkshell of mostly 4channers for a while. Dead due to inactivity last I checked but it'll always hold a special place in my heart and linkperl slot.
LastFighterTwin for lyfe and all that.

ultra neckbeards yes but RMT?
are people paypaling for raids and shit?


Sort of. The less obvious it is, the more likely the transaction will be done in that manner. Normally you just want the item, like an epic drop from venril sathir, and not the necessarily the fight. However, him dying and getting escorted and fast-tracked immediately from halfway across the world with no ingame communication looks washy. Rmt is less obvious with P99 but is much more blatant in FFXI/Nasomi, especially since the server's namesake has a much bigger ego and prone to favortism (for better or worse).

The only game where the combat was solid enough to make all the classes enjoyable. Still waiting on an MMO to replicate the gameplay without adding things like enchanting.

Take it from me, there are no fun MMOs.
However, EVE Online has top-tier player base. I've met some great people in the last corp I was in.

BDO is trash and you should not play it.

See here for details:

star wars galaxies legends

I knew this was familiar. RO right? And no, not that other one.

The very definition of jank.

You don't need the pastebin any more. You can straight up buy chronstones (by buying costumes and melting them). You can pay your way to full PEN now.

wow by a long shot
no idea how anyone can recommend ff, even in the terrible state of wow it is still better than that burning pile of crap called ffxiv

FFXIV is a burning pile of crap, but WoW is that same pile, just burnt down to all but the tiniest ember of the most vile of shit.

SWG Legends is pretty well run for an emulator

fucking hurry up and give me the new server already funcom
p l s

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holy shit this eastern mmo bullshit

It's far from perfect, but vanilla WoW on Kronos III has been pretty fun (not sure what endgame is like). I can find groups for even the most cancerous elite quests and dungeons, and people are generally easygoing and helpful. Not planning on playing Classic, so I'm getting my kicks here while I can.

Other than that? Not sure. Looter shooters and MOBAs have more or less caused a decline of interest in traditional MMORPGs. All those companies that tried and failed to make a WoW-Killer, building up hype and then failing to deliver just killed most people's motivation to try these things.

I tried FFXIV, but I could not get used to the 2.5s GCD and the world didn't really "grab" me. Still might be worth trying the trial to see how it is.

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someone pointed me towards that new gunbreaker class and it looked interesting but then i remembered how everything outside of the good raids is dogshit

Yep. It's a shame, there's a solid game under all the bullshit.

my nigga seconded, greatest game of all time

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Hey p99 bro. Your posts never get any appreciation, but I love eq and I appreciate you.

>paying for a 19 year old experience

>paying for a modern mmo experience

I agree that datamining naturally ruins the mystique of a game but when I jumped in to TERA blind like 2 or 3 years ago, now, I didn't find it too hard to avoid all that meta shit. Unless you join a guild in a game that won't allow anything but the most optimal builds or playstyles for the current patch I think its still possible to get by discovering shit yourself. But I guess luck and the sensibilities of the overall community matter more than anything, making it a toss up.

Yes, there’s Everquest. Project 1999 or the new progression server next month. Ultima private servers or Old School RuneScape. Final Fantasy 11 (private or retail. Both have flaws but both are horizontal progression and not theme park)

I haven’t played it but maybe ESO? It’s also horizontal progression and it’s open world.

Anything that isn’t a wow clone.

ive been having a blast with eq2 might hit up either of the progression servers

>I tried FFXIV, but I could not get used to the 2.5s GCD and the world didn't really "grab" me.

GCDs that low are retarded because all it does is make everyone spam buttons and not talk to each other. In an MMORPG.

What's the fucking point? XIV is for retards

Shadowbane is still around, though it's full of chinamen. The nice thing about this game is you get the leveling over with early, and I mean in just a few hours. The meat of the game is seeking out endgame upgrades. I don't remember a lot about it but I can tell you back in the day the group fights were a lot of fun even though we never got into keep battles.

There's a lot to hate about ESO, but I'll give it this. Every single night, at least whenever I want to play, I go into Cyrodiil and we have big long fights over castles, usually with dozens of people, and I get to fight and kick ass and matter even though secretly I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. It's not as much fun as Guild Wars 2 sort of was, but in GW2 (at least when I played) you never know who the fuck you are fighting. In ESO the enemy is all people from your own PvE world.

Movie semi-related, and still alive though I never really got into it.

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>XIV retards
>has harder content than wow
>has more complex rotations than wow
>literally more fast paced than wow will ever be
>b-b-b-but my 2.5 gcd that i'm going to keep meme spouting when i have a billion other buttons to press between each one...
hello wow shill

which mmo has the best summoner class? necromancer, etc

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ESO in the summer maybe?

The decade of "WOW-killers" was a fucking shit show

You can't kill WOW by copying the worst parts of WOW and abandoning the best parts.

WOW was amazing when it came out in 2004 because it had a seemless open world that you can run from one end of a continent to the other without a single loading zone, except when entering an instance, and instances were only created to prevent grognards from camping bosses 24/7 preventing everyone from doing anything fun.

Fast forward to 2008 and everyone is creating end game focused grind fests were all they make is instanced boss grinds ala TBC, and by doing so they completely ignored the fact that the majority of players in Vanilla and BC weren't even at level cap, let alone end game raiders.

MMOs are a genre where you just sit back and chill, grinding mobs, farming materials, doing quests, and the pacing is key here, every MMO now has to revolve around some kind of meme like action combat or systems like rifts or story focused, when in reality MMOs should be about going out as and adventurer, finding treasure, and trading your stuff with your friends or the community.

But I always try out these MMOs trials and immediately get bored because it spams me with 500 tutorial pop ups about systems I won't care about for 50 levels, 500 ads for cash shop shit and boosts, and 50 quest popups as soon as I exit the god damn character creation screen.

Look at all the successful RPGs that pretty much replaced MMOs today, Dark Souls, POE, ect, you create a character, you get spawned, and are immediately playing the damn game, there aren't any fucking systems bogging down your RPG immersion until you're 50 hours in, and even then the game doesn't spam you with popups about them.

I absolutely love Neocron and play it occasionally, but i did all there is to do length and thus barely log in.

Still recommend this game to everyone who did not play it at least once. Litterally the best cyberpunk game there is, and worth playing even solo (which you`ll be for most time as its online is like 5 people)

LoL killed WoW
isn't MMO, yeah but look at the amount of players that shit has and how many guildies sometimes say "hey wanna play LoL?"

So I'm about to give blade and soul another shot.
I remember when i first tried it on release, it didn't perform very well due to optimization.
Does it still run like ass today?



Welp, that sucks. Guess I'll hold off on that til it does run alright.
Which I'll just assume never.

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I would maybe play it if it were free, but both private relaunches are payshit.

Allods Online was the only WoW killer better than WoW

maybe initially since it hit right before cata iirc but the NA numbers for lol have been going down for years

It's been so long I can't even remember but what was the f2p system in that?
I remember something called Incense as a premium item you'd get a few of early on in the leveling process and could sell for a ton of in-game gold, but did it work like a subscription? Or just an exp/damage boost?
I remember the community hating a patch change around the time I stopped playing but everything's a fucking blur for some reason.

>jump in daily PvP for the free level
>it's filled to the brim with daedric summoners and druids
>one druid went werewolf for the complete furry experience and proceed to never die

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ACKSHUALLY its a warden

Tried playing this with a few friends. Shit was really buggy but at the same time really cool like they took Deus Ex and turned it into a MMORPG.

I raid on K3, like many private servers, endgame has been refined to a science. you can comfortably do BWL, MC, Ony and ZG in about 2 hours

Star Wars Galaxies


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It doesn't get more personalized, there are effectively only 3 roles in FFXIV and a different job simply means a different way to press your buttons or a different mechanic.
That being said the biggest mistake you can make is to play an MMO game for its gameplay mechanics, the combat or the shooting will never be good because it's a massively multiplayer game and that puts heavy restraints on possible designs.
So no the combat itself doesn't get good. It's everything around it that's interesting.

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lets go nigger

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get out, all-out

2 ez

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Space cowboy online? Or its other name

based and EXTREMELY traderpilled

ganking alli lowbies in WoW

*teleports out of the sand and ganks you*

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>walking along in SL minding my own business
>suddenly 30 of those niggers jump out of the ground and instagib me
gas every eremite

I haven't noticed any fees or anything for Kronos III. I just downloaded the game, set the realmlist properly, and started playing.

This was the best post I've read here in a good long while.

It's strange how companies with so many resources and so much at stake don't keep anyone around whose job is simply to prevent the beast from losing sight of what made it work in the beginning. Healthy families have one of these, rock bands have one, bestselling authors have one. A newspaper can't survive without one. Apple has one too. For some reason game developers and publishers can't swing it.