How much is this is true?

How much is this is true?

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Xeno is overrated tbqh


needs barkley

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>Most of the good games are in the red

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Switch SMT with SRW and your good

>Legend of Heroes
>When Cold Steel exists

>Hating on SRW

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>xeno isnt entry level

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>Legend of Heroes not in shit tier with Persona
And before you start, cute genki female protagonists do NOT make this VN bullshit acceptable.

What a shitty bait thread

Why would you rate entire franchises? Most of them all have at least one game worth your time. Why limit yourself like this? Is this your brain on shitposting?

Seething Westard

>Dragon Quest
>Not "Entry Level"

I mean I love Dragon Quest and all, but it's very accessible and mainstream. That's not a bad thing, and it's part of its success (in Japan) too.

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Dragon Quest is only “respected” for being less popular in the west.
Peak FF=DQ

>Everything I like is good!
>Everything that's popular is bad!
>I'm too pussy to put souls to either end of the list!
Very bad, be ashamed
You can do better

but what could be considered "peak FF" since the series hasn't been good since 10

Out of all the games listed in that image, I've only played Final Fantasy, the early Pokemon games (blue and yellow), and Chrono Cross.



unironically correct

just learn to embrace that the games you like are weeb shit, who the fuck are you trying to impress


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don't you have a movie "game" to watch?

wow, I bet you'll next tell us that you have a job and aren't single

>playing chrono cross but not trigger


>Cross before Trigger

Not the same user, but to me the peak is 4, 6, 7, 9(on some regards), 10 and 12(on some very specific regards)
Also tactics is nice
Yes, I have bad taste. FF9 is my fav

dragon quest is the most boring series in gaming history
i dont like how lunar is in the same section as atelier

>Yes, I have bad taste.

bad taste would be claiming that 13 and 15 are peak FF

I don't play shitty snoy games either, retard. there's more out there than weebshit and moviegames.

It's only entry level in Japan

That would be just trolling or mental illness

overrated as fuck. some entries are good tier but others like XC2 are weeaboo shit
>dark cloud
boost it to grate

it also isn't official because it's missing a few gems like barkley

Just remember, JRPGs are the watered-down, Japan-infected, brainlet version of tabletop RPGs like DnD.
Imagine being such a worthless loser that your favorite genre is a dumbed-down version of shit only pencil-necked geeks and landwhales play.

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>best tier

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Erebonia arc drops LoH from Great to Good.

Where's lufia 2? I was recommended to start with JRPGs here.

I legit thought i was playing a masterpiece during the first two cities or so, oh boy i sure loved the school part and the remaining 99% filler afterwards

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>dragon quest is the most boring series in gaming history

I'm sorry for your shit taste.

>Ha only losers play table top games
>as he says posting on Yea Forums
I like both

I played Suikoden IV and V and they were trash. How are the others?


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>Weeaboo shit
Wild Arms

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Dragon Quest is hardly obscure.

>>as he says posting on Yea Forums
There is nothing inherently dorky about this site unless you subscribe to the idea that it's a weeb haven, and that's...debatable

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>Yea Forums
the fuck is that? I've been on 4channel since it's inception and never heard of it

>JRPGs are the watered-down, Japan-infected, brainlet version of tabletop RPGs like DnD.
I mean, so are wRPGs ,especially modern ones

why is DQ not entry level? mario RPGs also have more challenge than a lot of the series ahead of them (M&L at least, not paper mario)

Legend of Heroes, Suikoden, Mana and Dark Cloud so high, Lunar and Souls low? No wonder Yea Forums has shit taste.

move souls to good, half of them are pleb (parts of DaS, 2, and 2) but half are great (parts of DaS, demon's, blood). I don't know how DQ doesn't qualify for entry level. Mana should go down to good, although I'm only basing this off secret of mana (not good) and Seiken Densetsu 3 (good). Chrono cross is the opposite of entry level, though trigger fits. Mother should at least be good for mother 3's combat system alone. How is SaGa pleb? Other seems right

underrated if anything honestly, at least until XC2 reached some mainstream appeal


>There is nothing inherently dorky about this site
you can't be fucking serious and it outs you as a newfag for spouting bullshit like this
also sneed

Why does Dark Cloud get to be counted as a franchise but Lufia doesn’t?

Played the new dragon quest, been a long time since I've been that bored.