Game has romance feature

>game has romance feature
>none of the romance option girls are virgins

Attached: 442.png (540x788, 719K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why are incels so obsessed with virgin girls?

>game has romance feature
>none of the romance option girls are christmas cakes

Attached: 1405050489661.png (1960x3264, 1.93M)


this what people who use that word incorrectly look like

Attached: reddit meet.jpg (3264x2448, 782K)

>t. seething incel
I'm sorry user, but unless you're a highschool freshman right now you're bit getting a virgin girl

overrated, get a real experienced woman

Attached: 4fb.jpg (680x680, 69K)

i could not care less about muh virgin girls, but it's a fact that people that call others incels are 100% subhumans themselves.

>Even the fucking dog is fat
I weep for the US. Laughing stock of the world.

>game has romance feature
>none of the romance options are cute

Attached: 1533001992406.png (374x376, 213K)

People who use the word "subhuman" are antisocial brainlets.

>muh experience
send your girlfriend, mom and sister over to tyrone and he'll give them plenty of experience

If you're an ape who's a slave to your passions and exists only to respond to pleasure stimuli, sure. Spending time and effort for an "experienced woman" is embarrassing, I can already imagine what you look like.

i like how you pretend that you have any choice in the matter. you'll either die alone, or marry a woman way past her prime that finally decided to "settle down". you will never experience being a womans first and only love.

Real advice though. Get an account on an Asian dating site and look for a virgin qt there. There are still enough out there if you look. Plus Asian girls love white guys and they are cooler and skinny.

I don't mind notvirgins, my beef is when it's
>game has romance feature
>all of the options are either trashy whores or badly written pieces of cardboard

Looking at you, Dragon Age 2.

tfw I unironically recognize two people in this photo

>willingly making more elliot rodgers

Attached: 1518814615686.png (677x351, 15K)

I am impressed by the structural integrity of those stairs.

seething roastie.

Attached: 1547568298209m.jpg (683x1024, 58K)

I will blow up this board and claim my 72 virgins.

and DA:I

>game has romance feature
>none of the romance options are male

Attached: brady.jpg (1200x800, 92K)

>game has romance feature
>there's a male option

Attached: 1550721066275.png (1000x1118, 607K)

>game has romance feature
>there's a male option

Attached: 1528248793354.png (250x250, 92K)

Tights are a gift mankind is unworthy of.