2019.....I am forgotten

2019.....I am forgotten.......

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Well yea it was a fucking mediocre as hell game. It was worse than inFAMOUS 1 which came out in 2009.

Well the game's 5 years old and there hasn't been a sequel since, so I'm not really surprised nobody cares

It was really funny playing the evil route and having your brothers death play out the exact same way. Made no fucking sense.

Strongly disagree. Thought the first one was atrocious and this game was absolutely fine.

So are we going to do this with literally every video game that doesn't get talked about once per hour? It came out five years ago this month, what else is there to say? It's a video game that came out and some people liked it.

2019.....I am forgotten.......

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Biggest issue with Second Son was that your powers were very limited. The only good one was Neon. I'd much rather have one fleshed out power like 1 and 2 than having multiple mediocre powers

For that to be true people would have to have known you in the first place

but Seattle was comfy

anyways, why are the 2 only games that Yea Forums seems to consistently talk about in non-shitposting purposes: dragon's dogma and hitman?

What a waste of a thread

Fun fact: Second Son takes place in 2018.

Why was Concrete Power so shit bros?

Alright Yea Forums. Smoke, Neon, or Video?

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>tfw wire & glass were scrapped from the game

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Video if it gives me Into VideoGame powers

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That's what First Light was for.
SS was more about having multiple powers.

>not just stabbing niggas with glass spears