So... have you won a game yet?

so... have you won a game yet?

Attached: 99.png (950x534, 314K)

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of course

I’m pretty bad at Tetris, but the best I’ve placed is 5th

Only twice.

I have a 1 year sub but I haven't even touched this once.

I have placed 2nd once. Getting there...

I usually have a really easy time getting into the top 15 or so but every once in a while I just get destroyed at the very start of the game for what feels like no reason. I assume I'm just getting targeted by one of the really good players in the match straight away.

This game is great tho, very good as mindless fun while watching TV or whatever.

I've never even placed in the top 10

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i don't have a switch

well duh
you gotta be retarded not to

JaeJae places first three times during a stream.

is this supposed to be impressive?

not watching it but winning three times in near enough succession seems impressive to me


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Check Wumbo and amemiya taiyou

I've never played tetris for more than 10 minutes in my life until this came out, now I'm at a point where I'm in the top 10 consistently, and have won once

>Placed 2nd-4th multiple times
>Never will win
I'd rather lose earlier than get this close to victory and not have it. This isn't torture. It's a drawn out murder.

she can't even tspin, let alone do some combos. She is just doing the most basic stuff. Stacking with only 1 empty column is extremely easy.

7 times out of about 210 or so.

Made it in to top 10 a couple of times but I haven't been actively playing often enough to give a fair metric.
Playing Tetris on pc really fucked me up, the control set up for this game is hard for me to get used to. I am not fond of having movement and hard drop on the d-pad.

I saw some streamer who had never played tetris before win after like 1 hour of playing so it really isn't hard.

I've won 5 out 140. I've had some that were ass-clenchingly close but ended up losing to some t-spinning autist.

Yes, Yes I have

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If youre using the pro controller honest recomendation is to use the joycons. The pro con dpad is pretty squishy and at least for me leads to a lot of mistakes.

highest ive made it is 19

Attached: Wheelchair.png (580x750, 401K)

>start 4 wide combo
>finish the combo
>+5 KOs
always feels good