Why do people still like valve?

why do people still like valve?
>haven't released a good game in the last 7 years
>popularized and made lootboxes and cosmetics mainstream
>refuse to do anything with half life in more than a decade
>killed tf2 and refuse to create a sequel
>last game created was a piece of shit card trading game with microtransactions in the forefront

there are people on this board who wants this to continue

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would you rather have the largest Pc platform belong to EA or MS, are you stupid or something?

also they are
>trying to make a viable Linux gaming platform
>working on source 2 engine and releasing it for free
>making Artifact, a cardgame based on DOTA2 characters
>working on additional games 3 new games
>making half life/portal movies with JJ abrams
>working on new hardware and technology
>running the largest gaming platform
>running and updating 2 of the most popular MP games
>working on VR stuff

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PC belonged to no one until that fat kike launched Steam. I didn't want Steam to begin with. I tried to get people to boycott Valve into bankruptcy but no one listened.

Digital stores were inevitable, we lucked out with Valve being the first instead of some shitty ass publisher.

This user gets it.
That lardswine pigjew fatfuck Gaben ruined PC gaming as a whole.
I hope he gets pancreatic cancer and dies a slow and painful death. Damn that lardass kike.

Everything gets corrupted. Valve are lazy now, realizing they can milk money and just sit back and watch it roll in.
They are essentially "silent" now. They don't care about anything and make no changes unless it's to make more money or save face.

so you'd rather have someone else fill the inevitable void and you think another company could do it better than Valve?
so you're a complete moron

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>made one of the single most comprehensive and easy to use purchasing and streaming services around today
That's all I need

>PC belonged to no one

It belonged to EA/Activision as they bought out small studios that couldn't afford physical distribution costs. Early 2000s were the dark age of pc gaming. Steam fixed everything.

>lucked out
In a way I guess since I ended up saving a lot of money over the years because I stopped paying for games and started pirating.
PC isn't what I was hoping It was going to be because of him. Games are much worse because of him.
It was only inevitable because people are too lazy to boycott.
Based, that fat waste of life can't die soon enough.
Valve isn't any better than the others, in fact Valve can easily be considered the worst gaming company. The fact you think otherwise shows you are one of the casuals that was too lazy to boycott or you are a zoomer.

When there's one platform with the rights to sell DRM for almost every PC game it's a lot easier for the user than having multiple different platforms each with their own accounts and policies and their exclusive rights to each game.It's not about Valve's ethics or personal attachment, it's about convenience.
Of course I would rather have PC gaming be free again but unfortunately that's most likely not going to be the case any time soon. It's just the lesser evil. I buy from GOG whenever possible but even their business practices are getting shady, allowing other websites to sell their games but requiring the purchaser to log in to their website to download it is just another monopolization technique.

Jesus you are a dumbass, stop trying so hard with your nonsense, the vast majority of devs ignored PC because it was a mess and Steam was pretty much only Valve + premium indie games for most of its life, which brought in the golden age of indie games with AAA trying to catch up later and realizing there's money to be made on PC.
Classic genres like RTS "dying" have nothing to do with Steam.

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valve is way better than ea, activision, and MS you retarded faggot

A lot of these aren't really positives, they're just things that Valve's doing currently. Who the fuck knows if any of this is actually going to be finished.

>making Artifact, a cardgame based on DOTA2 characters
It's shit and dead.

at least all three of those studios actually release games that are decent. what do we get from valve now? fucking artifact and games riddled with microtransactions.

>what do we get from valve now?
A pro-consumer, non-cancerous store, huge strides on Linux gaming and VR.
Yeah Reddit-Life 3 is dead but Valve is certainly working on interesting stuff.

Do people even like Valve? I used to like them, especially the Portal games, but at this point they don't even make games and they're notoriously anti-consumer as well as greedy taking a large percentage of all devs earnings.

the least they can do is lower the amount of money they take for developers with them being the largest storefront online. nope, still demand the 30%

God I wish I had a hairy bf (bear friend)

I don't like valve. I avoid Steam whenever possible, it's a terrible platform supporting a terrible company.

I disagree

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Too young to remember major studios, the only ones that mattered back then, stopped supporting PC. Microsoft would've just finished it trying to charge for multiplayer.

Yeah, that sounds like a great plan to stop people from flooding steam with garbage. You sure thought that one through.

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No one likes Valve.
They like the convenience of Steam.

I like valve

No one does

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This. I used to like their games but they're completely out of touch nowadays.

whats the issue? is this the famous bait i've been hearing about?


I agree with this

I agree with this


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why do people try to make it seem like Valve invented in game microtransactions?
Valve never had any MTX in SP games and they single handedly eliminated pay to win shit in online games with their cosmetics-only policy.

The waterboat section in HL2 was mostly a snoozefest but the car driving in Ep2 was great and top comfy, I don't understand the webm.

mmmm good question

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Wew a lot to unpack here. Maybe you should completely rethink your life if Valve makes you this upset. The world was never going to pan out like you imagined in your fantasies.

they popularized and normalized microtransactions in the western market

I don't hate or love them. They create products and if they are good I consume them. I do wish they would make more games, because they have a solid track record, but if they don't I will give my money to someone else.

You should all stop being little bitches and crying about everything.

Charging for a download is inherently anti consumer which means Valve is inherently anti consumer. Reminder that Gabe said it was a bad thing that developers used to have to release games complete and playable without a patch. Proton does the exact opposite of pushing Linux, it gives devs yet another reason to not develop their games natively for Linux. VR is a meme that is being pushed to get more casuals to start playing games.
I never liked them, I found both Half Lifes lackluster upon release, tech doesn't equal a good game. HL2 especially didn't feel like a game, it felt like a tech demo at most. At least I didn't pay for either of them.
I tried to get people to boycott them into bankruptcy after they shut down WON, launched Steam, and released HL2 but no one listened.

Lol do you even know how the Source Engine works?

no they didn't lol
how fucking old are you? they never pushed mtx in SP games (no Portal 2 does not count since it has literally 2 items), and before they veered towards cosmetic only mtx on MP games EA was fully on the SP mtx train already.

They are charging for a service you dumb faggot, downloads require connectivity, drive space, reliability, etc.
Fun fact, retail stores charge you for their infrastructure costs too.
You are retarded.

I really don't get Valve hate and love threads. Valve simply abandoned making new games since Steam is more profitable, and it's not like they have much to speak off prior to Steam getting really big. Half Life is the original work, and the only thing worth mentioning, every other game is not worth while mentioning. Especially when their current two biggest games aren't even their ideas, but some guy who like to fuck around with Half Life and a missed opportunity by Blizzard.

They haven't ruined their franchises, they abandoned them, which is better than actively fucking them up.

>Charging for a download is inherently anti consumer
Are you a commie retard that still doesn't understand the concepts of labor, value and economics?
I recognize your posting style actually, you constantly post this complete nonsense about digital downloads being anti-consumer even if they're entirely DRM-free like with GOG, shit makes no sense.

The idea is that, a physical copy is something you actually own, while having a digital copy is lost forever if something happens to the account (or steam itself). It's like having money in the bank or cash. If the bank goes to shit, you most likely lose your money, or get very little of it's actual value. With cash, you're kind of "safe". HIs argument doesn't hold much water though when you start taking other things into consideration.
If there's a thing worse then a commie, than it's a capitalist bootlicker unironically, and I'm starting to nice this more and more here. I seriously hope you're not one of them.

>want to play games on PC
>can play games on PC through Steam
>Steam, through Jewish tactics, encourages releasing games on PC
Because at the end of the day, all I want is to play video games. Steam is where I can play video games.


Except that phsyical copies have their own drawbacks, I remember back in the day I had The Dig on cd rom, that shit got scratched and I couldn't play past a certain point as a result. If I had it on steam I could just re download if the files got corrupted and I'd be playing my game again. Don't pretend like physical copies are magically better.

You have already been told several times why a downloadable installer is actually much more ownership than a physical piece of shit DRM but you simply ignore it because you are dishonest piece of shit.

Let's try again:

>buy a physical copy on Gamestop
>it's a single CD, you cannot copy since all CDs come with anti-copy DRM
>the CD broke? too bad, you can't ask for a new copy from the publisher for free

>buy a digital game on GOG
>download the installer
>feel free to do anything you want with this installer, including burning it into as many CDs as you want and copying it to as many drives you want
>somehow lost all copies of the DRM-free installer? Just go to the site and download it again

Now tell me how that's "less ownership".

>Except that phsyical copies have their own drawbacks
And I said that if you take other things into consideration, than physical ain't all that better except for it's "sentimental collector shit value". You can kiss a game goodbye if you for instance go online and sign the tos and do something retarded. Physical doesn't save from a loss if you're still tied to something else.
I haven't been told anything, I just posted in this thread. And fuck man, didn't you read the post?
>HIs argument doesn't hold much water though when you start taking other things into consideration
In regards to physical copies.

CDs are literally legacy tech that only exist because consoles are always at least 10 years behind.
I work with video editing for end consumers and I'm so fucking glad we phased out DVDs/BDs eventually, no more slowass burning and testing bullshit and having to listen to that horrible disk drive noises ever again, digital is a fucking godsend.

I just hope I can sell the music CDs I still have lying around (all in good shape) to some faggot hipsters in a decade or something, just like they are buying overpriced vinyl now. Could turn a decent profit.

If you aren't the original poster then I'm sorry but my point still stands towards him, he constantly shitposts about physical being somehow better despite all the evidence to the contrary.

No prob bro. Physical is simply an autism simulator nowadays.

>ywn get fucked by Gabe
Why even live?

I hope valve burns in hell along with china and everyone here you fucking PC MASTERLORDS go out and have sex will you?

How will you buy your console shitboxes if China dies?

the same way everyone else does by killing myself