I am sick to fucking death of playing humans in fantasy games...

I am sick to fucking death of playing humans in fantasy games. I am sick to fucking death of having an option to play as a non-human character only for character interactions to just be the exact same as if I were playing a human. As if the choice where nothing more than a cosmetic one.
I want games were the main protagonist simply IS an elf or a dwarf or an orc or whatever the fuck else. I want games were the protagonist's personality, their story, and their interactions with other characters are based on what they are as a part of who they are.
What games let me play as a noble elf with a superiority complex?
What games let me play as a dwarf that's as stubborn and arrogant as they are loyal?
What games let me play as an orc that savagely kills lesser races for sport?

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So play Dragon Age Origins, again.

Of Orcs and Men
The Legacy of Cain
This is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be.

The Dwarves let you play a humanwashed Dwarf. Pretty meh game, I lost my save and didn't bother to restart it again.

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Humans rule. Deal with it, mutie.

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Blood Omen for playing a vampire with all the proper superiority complex you'd expect. Soul Reavers for playing British theater actors rehearsing Shakespeare. It's very alien and non-human, trust me.

Divinity 2?

I love cute, barefoot animals

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You are a human that gets turned into a dragon about an hour into the game, not a true dragon. So I don't think it counts, since the protagonist doesn't behave or think like a dragon.

I think you're talking about Dragon Commander?

No, I'm talking about the game called Divinity 2, sequel to Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity, because Belgians can't count, but their titles suck anyway and it's not like it can get any more stupid.

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Me too

I'm talking divinity 2 original sin

That's called Divinity: Original Sin 2, because it's the sequel of Divinity: Original Sin. But anyway, like I said the Divinity series and stupid titles go hand in hand.

I've heard the newer Divinity games have editors. How good are they? Comparable to the old NWN toolset?

vampire bloodlines they have a class known as nosferatu that makes you look like an ugly goblin vampire. because of this you cant walk around on the streets like any of the other classes and interact with people normally because you are hideous so you have to use sewers and sneaking to get around.

>The Legacy of Cain
You mean Vampire the Masquerade?

It also has some funny memes.

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Even harder question: Which games allow me to play as a human in a world where non-humans act like non-humans?

how many times are you going to make the same exact thread?

It was just going to be twice, but now I'll make it a third time to piss you off.

divinity original sin is pretty good


>Of orcs and men sequel never ever
>Styx sequel never ever

Cyanide Studio was too greedy with Styx 2 i guess.

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Did Styx 2 flopped or something?

It was a straight downgrade from the original and they released it against Automata, Horizon, and Breath of the Wind.

I agree. One of the main reasons I loved WildStar was for its creative alien race characters. Too bad that game is dead. Why can't more games have nonhuman fantasy/scifi character choices?

>What games let me play as a noble elf with a superiority complex?
How can you have a superiority complex when you're objectively superior in every which way

generic trash elves need not apply


>creative alien race characters
Weren't all of them humanoids in pixar style?

Does Overlord fit your description?
Damn it’s too bad that series died

Close enough.