Why are people trying to censor art?
Why are people trying to censor art?
not vidya
anime games on steam duh
If you can do the time
don't do the childporn you sick fuck
how could they do this when trump is president?
i thought all male trump supporters love child porn?
I don't care
i dont get it either i thought trump is supposed to win not lose
The real joke is that this timeline has censorship being defended by bigots who then clap themselves on the back for banning things they don't agree with.
Kind of like this guy
U.N legitimately eats children's organs and rapes them with Brotherhood of the serpent lodges around the world. And a bit of fictional cunny is a bad thing?
The ironic thing is there isn't even evidence that actual child molesters looking at REAL child porn makes them more likely to molest kids, in fact it's the opposite. Yet we must protect muh fictional drawings. I wish people would actually have to present evidence for this kind of thing instead of just shitting out a new law with a bunch of people who don't give really give a fuck.
But it's irrelevant anyway. Obviously Japan isn't going to enforce this, and neither are most countries outside of the Commonwealth
>I had child porn on my flash drive cause I was trying to solve the magic trick, not cause I liked it
Madman Randy.
based and redpilled trump supporter
commies want to literally ruin the world
UN? more like WhoN lmao
I've been preparing for the fappening for two decades. Fictional ban you say? Do your fucking worst.
cant fool me bro
youre going to spam cp all across social media?
gl trump bro. show those liberals how much you love child porn
Imagine being this porn-addicted.
>the un
lmao who gives a shit
Half a million individual pics before 2020, you can do it.
>thousands of kids are exploited, abused, and sold as sex slaves everywhere
>better ban drawn porn
Based UN sticking it to the pedos
literally this
not real m8
Why would I do that? It would be illegal during the fappening and I'm a law abiding citizen.
I don't actually collect many pictures at all. Never found a way to organize the shit so I never bothered to go for it.
Why is my cute wife Gurigura on this shitpost?
absolute madman
>People genuinely afraid of the UN
>In current year
They can't even do anything about major issues like nuclear waste dumping. Why do people think they can do anything about fucking art? The UN has no authority.
Good, I hope the world bans loli art.
Because then that means I get to hike my prices up real fucking high to do loli art.
Reminder that they’ve trie and failed to do this a dozen times and Japan already told them to shove it up their ass.
>Proposition literally has "optional" in the name
No country that matters is going to opt in. Least of all Japan when that shit brings in the big bucks for them. Fear mongering is so dumb.
only because japan and others have kept telling them to shove it up their ass. don't be complacent
Liking lolis doesn't make you a pedophi-
Baiting for (You)'s aside, I wrote a research paper for an ethics class a while back defending loli/shota hentai. Anyone want to see it?
How long is it? this depends wether or not I'll read it.
Gimme the goods, bro.
that's like saying blaming ones killing of someone in real life on video games means everyone who kills people in video games wants to be, or is, a killer.
>only picture books or papers less than 2,000 words for me, thanks!
Yeah, I wanted to write about something similar my first year of college since I just turned 18.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
This but unironically. I'm a visual and aural learner
I think Randy's glasses areironically cool.
what was your grade
Dump it.
Not necessary. Porn as a whole
Lolicon in particular
There's not a whole lot that can be said on the topic that hasn't already been researched by professionals.
Porn lowers crimes. CP, while degenerate shit, lowers abuse. Fictional CP has no correlation between actual abuse and like the above could in fact lower the likelihood of potential abuses.
Anyways that article reminds me of pic related
Remember this shit show?