Press O to pay respects.

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Love my vita desu.

O had a good time with the vita plating persona games and odinsphere

>persona 5s the last release for it
i kry

D for gathering dust

I had a great time with the PSP and vita.

PS Mortem


it was a great piece of hardware that came out at the wrong time and never got to live up to its potential.

honestly I feel like the Switch is what the Vita should have been.

RIP, I love my Vita, it's a real shame it didn't get the support it should have.

>soon EOL 3.69 and 3.70 hacks
I think loads of those vitas on sale for extremely cheap because of 3.69/3.70 will be picked up again by returning owners. Shit's gonna be cash

I just bought my 3rd vita a few days ago. It's the best handheld

press S to spit on its grave

Come home vitaman...

Come home...

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oi vey this is what happens when a stranger fucks you in the ass

You really think atlus would do it?
P4g is still like the 2nd best selling persona game right before 5.


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>thinking Vita is kill
>when Vita's homebrew scene is going to become better than ever because of this
Seriously, Vita is going to replace the origina PSP as the ultimate portable emulation machine.
The only thing that's going to trump it is the Switch, and that's going to happen whenever Nintendo pushes out their next gen console and stops supporting Switch.

Vita did everything wrong.
Sony and vitafags are too proud to admit its a shit system.

there was never any interest in homebrew development while it was alive, there'll be even less when it's dead

I was just thinking about picking one up this weekend for portable emulation. Should I?

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nah it's barely better than the psp

Wow. It’s interesting how far some people will go to cope with their children’s handheld disappointing them.

If you can find one for cheap, go for it. The soft mods for older firmware are about as easy as modding the PSP Go.

pic or gtfo

start buying them now as the prices will go up soon.

please help me
give me games
don't care about.....the quality....of the.....ports
give me some
help me....

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RIP. It certainly didn't live up to expectations set by the PSP, but it's still an exceptional piece of hardware and I never regretted my purchase once.

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>here you 100th jrpg bro
>what you dont want jrpgs?
>silly user we ONLY have jrpgs

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Could have at least did this with a Vita, faggot.