How can anyone think this is a well-designed boss? Fucking awful blemish on an otherwise fantastic game.
How can anyone think this is a well-designed boss? Fucking awful blemish on an otherwise fantastic game
which one, absolute or original?
Inb4 redditors spam git gud
Normal radiance isn’t that bad. Not as fun as some of the other endgame bosses (NKG, pure vessel), but still fine.
Absolute radiance is dogshit.
Finally reached last floor in pantheon of hallownest, almost dying to NKG and then on PV ofc this mofo blast my shit, go to hall of gods to train , still getting my ass handed to me.
I dont think i can do it Yea Forumsros
git gudddd xD
Same thing here just keep going
If you can do regular Radiance, you can do Absolute Radiance. It's all the same attacks just a little faster with one new part at the end. Go back to regular Radiance and look at how easy and slow it looks in comparison, you can definitely do it if you've gotten that far already.
OP here, both. Normal Radiance is perfectly feasible to beat but is still an absolute bullshit boss fight.
Other than the dreamers not being actual bosses, this boss really was the most disappointing thing in the game. I expected an epic, long, fast paced, incredibly difficult, satisfying end, not something you beat on your fourth try.
You are like little baby
Spam magic with all magic badge buffs, specifically the up + magic button. It makes the fight a joke, once I figured that out I had no problem getting him down consistently.
But yeah probs the least fun fight in the game. Nightmare Grimm is where it's at.
Pretty sure a secret final boss fight shouldn't be a walk in the park
I wanted it to be hard, I didn't want it to be RNG nonsense.
you need some rng if you want it to be challenging fight. PV and NKG are considered "hard" but because of the lack of rng in those fights they become free as hell after a short while.
That's the good thing about it though, no matter how hard you practice, you still have to account for the randomness of the fight, and adapt to the situation on the fly. If you want a mechanical fight (like Mantis Lords), they are still in the game, go defeat NKG or PV
Just look at those hips holy mother of Unn
>doing the last phase for the first time
it was intense and i enjoyed it, but yeah objectively Radiance is a garbage boss fight
Stop liking indie shit.
Markoth or whatever that bug's name is way way worse than Radiance
yeah i feel ya, absolute radiance has way too much random elements that you can't do shit about, but it's semi-doable to a certain degree
indie shit has become better that any of the other shit the industry is pumping out, get with the times user
Worst thing about AR is that she didn't get any visual makeovers or remixed battle music like PV does. It's the final extra boss of the game and you're telling me none of the devs even thought about it?
Yeah she feels a bit rushed, I got more hype the first time I got to Sisters of Battle than to AR
Any tips for beating Uumuu in the third pantheon? I'm playing it for the first time and I can't figure out how to get him vulnerable without dying. I should probably just stop being over charmed.
I got the true ending pretty easy, I dont see the problem
Get uumuu close to an ooma (preferably behind one), and then use shade soul from far away, it is safer and it works 100% of time. If you don't have soul you have to time your dreamnails so you can get some soul from uumuu, the dreamnail charm helps a ton.
You can easily regain soul by dream nailing the fucker. The shade bolt or whatever it's named is safer than melee when it comes to making the little jellies hit Uumuu. After making it vulnerable get below it and spam the upwards magic attack.
I also like Hiveblood and feel it's one of the more underrated charms available. As long as you're confident enough to not get hit twice in a row it basically turns 1DMG attacks into 0DMG or 2DMG attacks into 1DMG, without having to risk the long heal animation and use up soul.
you can do it man. if i can do it you can. just practice PV for an hour or so and you'll be able to beat him regularly. his patterns aren't that hard to figure out. then once you get to AR practice her in the hall of gods until you can beat her roughly 33% of the time (that's the most i could ever get because RNG) and then you're ready to tackle it.
it took me more attempts than i'd admit publicly, but i beat it, and i'm not even that good at video games.
It's a great boss. Use spells, obviously Radiance is weak to darkness
i did the same thing, and i'm starting to get a handle on the fight after a lot of losses
the main thing i've figured out is how much it pays off to be patient in the second phase, and to focus on dodging and healing rather than chase her around the arena
what charms are you running?
Ifyou want soul as soon as the figt starts, rush towards the upper platform and you can get a good 3 hits with the dream nail.
So just beat her in hall of gods , and got that godseeker message basically saying " if you can't beat her in the pantheon gitgud" i don't know, i did practice NKG and PV a lot but i've always used quick/deep focus-unbreakable str- and grubsong , it seems like even them give you more chances to heal then AR
i think my charm loadout for PV & AR was unbreakable heart & strength, quick slash, quick focus, and mark of pride. i could be wrong though it's been a while since i did the pantheons. i might have gotten rid of mark of pride.
use abyss shriek on AR in the first and third phases. it's pretty powerful even without shaman stone. she gives you some windows to heal but be smart about it and you always have time to heal in between the 2nd and 3rd phases. godspeed. you can do it.
your main opportunities to heal are after the first phase and during the second phase
the climb between second and third is risky if ar gets lucky and snipes you
don't bother trying to heal in the third phase, focus first on dodging the orbs and second on hitting ar if she comes close to your platform
Indie shit is probably the only thing worth playing right now. Outside of a few Nintendo games, the AAA marketplace fucking sucks.
So what was Grimms deal?
They should have kept worshipping the radiance.
Is there any real difference to buying Hollow Knight on PC and Switch? Switch seems a lot comfier for that kind of game
tell AAA shit to stop being worse than indie shit, then
grimm gathers mystery juice from fucked up places and the rest is a mystery
radiance got ditched for hating free will and multiple-digit iqs
He's not from that kingdom, I doubt he even knows about Radiance existence, he does know about the Pale King though, and that you're his kin
Go back to TrannyEra, Sony Basketball American.
Thanks for the tips anons. I didn't realize it had as little health as it seems to.
Are you on latest patch? He got nerfed, I think it is, he used to be harder before that.
i'm going to try to radiant pure vessel and nightmare king grimm, wish me luck, Yea Forums
Yeah I am. Did he have more health pre-nerf?
Absolute Radiance is too random, but normal Radiance is fine
if i can beat nightmare king grimm i can beat other bosses
From TC themselves:
>Several changes to Uumuu's Godmaster incarnation:
> Reduced Uumuu's HP
> Uumuu calls for Uoma more often
> Uoma rise more slowly
> Uumuu's speed down
> Explosions do more damage to Uumuu
> Reduced the size of the explosion hitbox that damages hero
> Extended vulnerability time for Uumuu
> Greatly reduced recoil on Uumuu when getting hit by an explosion
I'm the oldfag ultrascrub of the other thread
I finally beat Hornet in Greenpath and am currently in Mantis village getting raped trying to get my wall jump
I started using my Vita as pc controller and things improved