5... 4... 3... 2... 1

5... 4... 3... 2... 1

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Other urls found in this thread:


(X) Veto


fucking snowbound


halo 3 has such shitty maps.
Halo 2 has kino maps

Halo's version of "nuketown".
It would always win the vote because squeekers love spawning and dying.
Got burned out on that map.

Fuck this stupid gayass map veto this shit you braindead retards

>shotguns near the forcefield

tfw couldnt use the beam rifle

>everyone hated Snowbound
>I would always kick ass on it

Shotgun control was paramount. If you could get people mad enough, you could just funnel them into that underground area in the middle and go on crazy killstreaks.

If you voted Shotty Snipers, you were my nigga.

hell yeah

How’s the master chief collection. Going to play through it with my bro this weekend

whats difference between it and the sniper?

those elephant vehicles on sandtrap were fucking useless.

>Playing a Infected custom map
>There are 3 turrets next to eachother
>All of the infected spawn in one straight line from the turrets
>Eventually its down to just me, end up ripping off the turrets and grabbing a new one when they run out of ammo
>Win for like 8 solid minutes, eventually all of the infected team just leaves
>Actually 'win' a infected game.

Was one of the most satisfying moments I ever had in that game.

it has a battery/overheats instead of ammo/magazines. and its scope looks shittier.

Art Books:
>Art of Halo 3

>Art of Halo 5

>Art of Halo (Original)

>Art of Halo (CE to Wars/Reach)

>Art Compilation from CE to 4


>Halo Books

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Why did Halo die?

Why would they even approve this map? It was horrible and always will be horrible. It nuked my enjoyment of the beta and left a permanently bad impression on me so much that I just never got into H3 as much as H2. Also the movements were so fucking slow and floaty. Shit was janked day one and all these 360 shitters didn't even care. H2 multiplayer all the way baby.

zoomer nostalgia thread

You can fire two shots in quick succession for easier body shot kills, but doing so will immediately send the weapon into overheat. Sniper shots need to be paced, but you're guaranteed four before needing to reload. Everybody always seemed to prefer Sniper, but I found Beam Rifle to be objectively better. Especially since the fire rate of the Sniper was decreased from 2 shots per second to 1.5 shots per second from Halo 1 and 2 to 3.

yes sir now leave

Because of the Xbox One and Halo being Xbox exclusive unlike most other Microsoft IP's. It lost relevance because the only way to play the new titles was on a console nobody wanted to own.

Not to mention the games themselves weren't even good. Back then you 'bought' a Xbox 360 for Halo 3. Halo 5 ain't worth the disc its printed on.


veto veto veto fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


Halo 3 came out when I was 17. The only zoomers playing were annoying children. Come to think of it, I actually kind of miss that. As soon as party chat was introduced to Xbox Live, it killed a lot of the bants.

I liked this map, not sure why plebs didnt

Stupid fucking snowbound


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It's great now they finally fixed it, have fun user

My most played game last year. Multiplayer is great now that it finds matches almost immediately. They just ported a bunch of Halo 3 customs to it, too.

Stupid fucking snowbound
Veto this shit you assholes

>drives up the elephant on top of the phantom
>whole game start to lag
Nothing personal

>tfw i actually liked snowbound
>team did nothing but bitch about it the whole game even if we were winning

>commandeer both elephants
>attempt to flip them
>enemy team tries to fuck you up

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snowbound was cool because it was easy to climb up on those support beams in the covenant buildings and drop down on people. my friend and i did it all the time and it's surprising how often people would fall for it even within the same match.

>Halo nostalgia threads
>Halo 3 nostalgia threads at that
is this it?
is this the sign that I should retire to /vr/?

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Sorry user, a majority of people on Yea Forums played Halo 3 when they were 7-18+.
I know it's hard to hear, but they also had lots of enjoyment as well.

it's not unusual to be nostalgic for a game that came out 12 years ago you fucking toddler. you should retire to a house fire.

>it's a teenager larping as a boomer episode

When did newfags become so shameless?

Zoomers are not millenials you goddamn retard.

>nostalgic for a game that came out 12 years ago
Your brain is so mushy

It’s now great. I play tons of Halo 3 again and it feels good.

when did they provide internet access to the assisted living facility you fucking living case for abortion

user, i should also tell you.
People are allowed to play multiple games, and during that time they also played Doom, UT, and other games.
Also I doubt 2008 is really considered newfag anymore.

>plug in mic

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Get out of here zoomer.

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Veto veto veto fuck fuck fuck fuck

Say something nice about it.

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>zoomers pretending to be outraged boomers

Why is this a thing? I'm 30 and look back at Halo 3 pretty fondly, even though I preferred 1 and 2.

unique environment and i liked shooting the wall tits. grenade spam was unreal though

next you will tell me you look fondly back at Modern Warfare 2 as well

I honestly wonder what people gain from posting this. Is it to make yourself feel good that you're a few years older than someone else? Is that all you really have to feel proud of? Also if you really are an oldfag then you'd know that oldfags were always mocked for being oldfags on this site.

It was great for zombies and decent for FFA. Not so good on teams.

Halo maps were god tier. Halo 2's were also amazing. Halo 3 was terrible.

>Win the vote
u fokin wot
In H3 you could only skip 1 map, not vote on them.

Nah. I played it because my friend played it, but CoD was always pretty dull for me. I did enjoy CoD1, though. They never should've moved away from health packs.


Nothing personel, kid.

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>As soon as party chat was introduced to Xbox Live, it killed a lot of the bants.
I hated this so much. I miss making 6-10 year olds rage quit with my friends.

Bad franchise management.
over-saturated FPS market

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Raping losers from the high ground with my BR

Trench warfaring the other team in objective gametypes was GOAT.

*sticks you*
heh, it was a good attempt kid, but you never had a chance.

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Bungie left when it should've end but the suits wanted to milk it more.

the only good non-btp maps in H3 are pit and guardian

Gotdamn nigga I miss Halo. I miss playing multiplayer shooters in that era in general. what the hell went wrong? when are we going to get some variety again?

>tfw no Halo game this aesthetic


Pit was the worst piece of shit in the game. Nothing but stalling.

Zoomers shit /vr/ threads a lot. You're probably better off going to a different Chan.

stop exclusively playing TS on it then

they were fun though

betcha can't stick it

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I'm curious what will blow up in a few years when BRs are on their way out.
I'd love a halo-type game resurgence. I'm hoping Installation 01 hurries the fuck up.

What's that? I can't hear you from here.

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No, Reach looks cartoony as fuck

Alright, that's fair. It's acceptable on objective gametypes.

It's concept art for Reach, yes. But the final game focused too much on just darkening the color palette and adding more polygons to everything. They should have shifted to a more crude, grounded version of a gritty war.

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damn the halo vehicles looked so cool , ce - 3 was actually one of the best modern trilogies of vidya.
Return to form when?
MCC pc release WHEN????

Mfw played halo 3 split screen at the office today with the leagues

We might as well have cracked out the monsters.

(except we had beer)

Have to agree, from Halo 2 I love Turf, Headlong and Relic although I did like Standoff in Halo 3. Halo 2 may be my favorite fps multiplayer of all time. Halo 3 felt like an awkward mix of Halo 1 and 2 gameplay, they fucked with the human sniper, I was such a beast in Halo 2

Best map for Big Dick Racing alphas passing through

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It's clearly depicting Chief and Linda from the novel and not the game

I liked hiding over here to piss people off when you're the only 1 left in your team.

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>MCC pc release WHEN????
Never, Halo exist only to push Microsoft hardware and services. Halo 2 for Xbox Live, Halo 2 PC for Vista, that shitty twin stick shooter game for Surface, Halo 5 for Xbone. The franchise is just a hook.

>I was that one teammate that always drove the elephant to the middle of the map for shits and giggles

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but 1-2 were on pc and i want mcc on pc

>mfw I just let Elephant bros live because they were mostly armless

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so kino it couldnt be played on xbox live

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Halo 2 had the best selection of maps ever, great original maps and great remakes of h1 maps

Lockout, Midship, Turf, Headlong, Relic, Waterworks, Coagulation, Ascension, Ivory Tower, Zanzibar, Containment, Terminal, Warlock, Beaver Creek, all classics

But where's the hook for Microsoft? They already did Forge Mode and MP only for Halo 5 and Windows 10, but mostly without fanfare. What can they push with Halo MCC?


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are you high? It was impossible to play that map unless it came up after the previous one got vetoed

Halo 1 had the best maps in my opinion. Hang 'em High, Chill Out, and Damnation alone would make that the case for me, but there's other kinos like Boarding Action and Derelict. Plus all those maps that got recreated for 2; Wizard, Battle Creek, and Longest. Plus, Blood Gultch and Sidewinder for BTB.

Halo 2 has great original maps too, certainly a lot more than 3 did, but Halo 1 was the best.

>They already did Forge Mode and MP only for Halo 5 and Windows 10
maybe they should try releasing non garbage games instead of shit like call of h*lo 5

Time for bed gramps

extremely good taste user, halo CE was the best halo game and anyone who disagrees is wrong.

>nostalgia doesn't apply to a 10 year old game

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Reach is fairly gritty. Any more and it's over done for Halo.

>gun game

Rather play Last Stand desu

D-did he execute a Spartan.

I thought those marines were hugging the chief in helplessness but now I realize they're trying to hold him back.

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That image is peak Halo. Everything Halo should be is right there.

It's Last Resort desu


isn't infinite going to come out for win10?

I liked Reach's aesthetic. It's the best art style in Halo games only behind 3 and Combat Evolved.

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I 100% guarantee I’m older than you and 100% promise you I have massive nostalgia for Halo

Godlike atmosphere.
I liked watching the little constructors flying up above.

Wish there were more maps on the ark.

Reach was a really underappreciated game. It's my second favorite Halo behind CE.

>always pressing (B) in custom games when the timer is at 0 and the screen is fading

Who else /thatguy/?

My fuckin memories are blending together, was ascension halo 2 or 3? Cause that was hella fun


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Do you remember guys? 5 chambers good times

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1v1 me lockout brs pussy

>gaslighting other friends against eachother even though it's been you 4 times in a row
>shit would get intense, but immediately deflate when someone got a sniper headshot and yell out
Friday night sleepovers were fun

I know Reach gets a lot of hate, but I think people really need to appreciate the parts it did well. The art style was one of those parts.

Reach is the baby that gets chucked out with the bath water.

2. Lockout was the true kino Halo 2 map, though.

Reach is great, and a lot of Yea Forums love it.
Don't listen to the loud minority.

It had awful multiplayer. Something about most fucking matches taking place on the same Forge map really rubbed me the wrong way.

Why did hang em high never get a remake
I think it’s because it’s entire identity was around h1 pistols, which were fucking nuclear

I agree. By the end it felt like 2/3 maps were from forge. Got super repetitive

The overuse of boring forge maps was indeed my biggest gripe. The rest of the DLC maps were actually ok.
Invasion was great too.

It's true. Damn shame too. I loved the weapons in Reach, but the fact that they were using campaign areas as maps and had those loadouts with OP armor abilities just wrecked it.

It's hard to say with Yea Forums and the Halo community in general. People are very divided on Reach. You love it or hate it.

People are divided on Halo in general. The fans can't seem to agree on what they want for the next Halo game.

The veto method was way better than voting. Veto let the obvious shit maps get fucked but still let you play more underrated maps and gametypes.
I liked Territories, and veto was the only way I was ever able to play the thing.

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>Generic DARK AND GRITTY brown shit
>best art style

invasion was surprisingly fun and out of everything else i hope something similar to it returns in infinite


I got to be honest, I dont really like Snowbound. But maybe thats due to the fact that most of the time its picked in regular Slayer over BR Slayer.


>hang em high
It did
Tombstone in Halo 2
Forge remakes in Halo 3
High Noon in Reach

It was plenty bright and colorful in other spots. The skyboxes were pure sex

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>The reachbabby thinks he's in the majority

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relax parappa, its practice time

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this. halo 3 babies can kill themselves reach is literally just as good as halo 3 but muh 360 nostalgia muh blade theme dude

It looked like the Spartan got hit during a training exercise or something and the other one is mad pissed and about to wreck some shit.

yes i still want mcc tho im not buying a fucking xbox just to play it tho.

>The fans can't seem to agree on what they want for the next Halo game.
Literally Halo Three 2, maybe throw in some maps with callbacks to 1 & 2. That's it.
As for the story, retcon 4 and 5, start a fresh trilogy with a completely new story. Maybe a proper passing of the torch where Chief unintentionally takes on a rookie and trains him during a new conflict.

When did Linda get headshot exactly?


ODST2 would be well received.

Same. Almost caved in with RDR2, then realized, "fuck, that's only 2 games"

That too, but ODST is just a spinoff/side thing. People want another flagship Halo that's not trash. But god help us, because that will never happen under the 343 abomination.

>this. halo 3 babies can kill themselves reach is literally just as good as halo 3 but muh 360 nostalgia muh blade theme dude

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I still mentally imagine myself running through lockout when I talk to some friends.

Game-play always changed from game to game.

Does sprint stay? Does it go? Does it become something in between like Reach? It'll probably have to stay because new people (who Microsoft will ALWAYS try to accommodate) will expect it as a standard of any game.

What about the pseudo iron sights? Armour abilities? What new thing will they attempt to add? Halo must change and it must stay the same. It's very conflicting.

dumb frog poster

doesn't make his point any less valid

>Game-play always changed from game to game.
Bungie added things, that added value to Halo.
Sprint and everything else was added to Halo for cod babs, so it goes.
iron sights go, armor abilities and all loadout-tier shit go. The best halo maps were never designed around sprint for a reason, because it's not Halo. As for new gimmicks, maybe 1-2 movement things so you can do more interesting maps. Sprint doesn't open up new possibilities for good maps.

Quoting someone is not a point.

Dumb Reachbabby

Halo 3 is objectively worse than the first 2, halo 3 babbys stick out like a sore thumb.

I agree on your points but I feel its too late to backtrack to Halo 3 now. It wouldn't be fun to play Halo 3: TWO. That's pretty much what MCC was for anyway.

Why was that, anyway? What went wrong with it?

I barely remember but it seemed like it was frame rate issues with the newer 360s?

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>Reachbabby trying to change the argument because he knows his game sucked ass and began the death of the franchise

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>It wouldn't be fun to play Halo 3: TWO
I'm having a blast with ElDewrito in the servers that try and emulate H3 faithfully.
I wouldn't mind a game designed around 3's form.

>That's pretty much what MCC was for anyway.
No it wasn't. And by H3: 2, I mean just what made Halo 3 so good, in a new trilogy for people to get excited about. But making the movement and everything a bit less clunky without straying into modern AAA shit, would be fine.

>Want to play halo again but don't want to buy console


I have a feeling MS are gonna do cross-plat between xbox and w10 with the next Halo. I would hope they'd be aware how close Xbox is from being an actual ded brand.

it was something about the ambient fog not displaying properly on 360s or something, it'd give one party or the other an unfair advantage


>mfw I'm the guy who keeps canceling the countdown in co-op as the screen goes black

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>enemy keeps trying to board my Elephant and kill me
>they usually come one by one so i can just double melee them like a scrub and get back to driving
>pass by the middle of the map and sudden;y 4 Red team members board my Elephant and start rushing up the ramps
i just want to drive the fucking Elephant

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Snowbound wasn't bad. It was only an issue before they removed the shield doors. Epitath had the same problem or probably even worse. Bungie went a bit too nuts with some of the map gimmicks with base H3.

As good an idea as MCC on w10 as a supplementary game to get people hyped for Infinite, it's just too good and rational for MS to ever do. And they're probably also afraid of it competing against Infinite.

I loved playing Predator on this map.

Its 4 games from 10 years ago. aint gon do shit Probably too hard to port.


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that's how you end up with the madcatz controller when you come over, nigga

ODST is my favorite.

FUCK those guys, I usually tried just letting them live but they would go full retard on me if they saw me walk by their elephant

I'm the guy that thought up Jenga for H3.
You can thank me.

Based and same

20% movement speed increase.

>Halo Three 2

Deserve a fuckin Nobel prize

10/10 concept. Terrible for anything team based

The only good minigame.

Sprint can fuck off, add mongoose instead.
Amor abilities can either fuck off or be found in a limited quantity on the map, like Red Faction Guerrilla.
I don't really give a shit about Iron Sights either way.
Halo 3's equipment did literally nothing wrong and Bungie clipped most of them because of a shitty "bug" they didn't want to "fix".
Bring back bloom. Non bloom playlists were less popular than bloom playlists, proving that anti-bloomfags were just a vocal minority.


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>Halo 3's equipment did literally nothing wrong
Aside from the gravity lift and busted shield drain, they were all purposely designed to stop a fight immediately.


>you will never go back to the days of getting hammered and playing griffball with the lads
griffball was dope as fuck

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>augmented supersoldiers wouldn't be able to reduce recoil on a bullpup 7.62 caliber rifle to be able to fire more than once every 3 seconds
I never got this, Bloom was one of the main things I heard people bitching about when the game first dropped.

Radar Jammer was fine, until it was permanently removed. Flare too, but it also saw little use thanks to Bungie's sperginess.

Griffbals was fun until you relized the guy with the best ping always won.

Radar Jammer was only used for jumping outside of the map, and flare was useless because you still got red reticle on people in it.


Attached: file.png (192x164, 40K)

Reach would have been fine if they kept the recoil from the beta.

Yeah what said Flare was silly because you could still see everyone's red names above their heads, it was pretty useless and just plain annoying in general

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>Yfw you realize the assault rifle in halo 1-5 is firing 7.62 rounds at 650 RPM which is equivalent to running around shoulder firing an M240 machine gun.
>Yfw the DMR from reach is using the exact same caliber but they can't even manage 30 shots a minute with the same accuracy

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The AR in Halo has always been fairly inaccurate.

Well for reference, this is the AR's real world equivalent

This, Reach is overrated to hell, it's the worse FPS game in the series for me.

Reachbabbies whine the most because they know their game was the worst in the series to date.

Reach gets hate because it was terrible on all fronts, now it's just getting the rose tinted glasses nostalgia treatment that it never deserved.


Reach was the best bungie game, but was the worst halo game (I don't consider ODST a standalone game, otherwise I'd think it was the worst)

fuck no

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> Big Custom lobby with friends
>Some ass keeps doing this

>X invited you to a custom game party!

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>The fans can't seem to agree on what they want for the next Halo game.
I can, a great campaign like Halo CE and 3, with some of Halo 4's Chief talking during gameplay, continue what they did with Halo 5 but with no real money microtransactions and better armor, please.

i always find it funny you'll see threads for games that came out after Halo CE but this zoomer meme seems to only apply to halo

The worst part about the DMR being an inaccurate mess was that in ODST regular humans were able to handle all the weapons at the same level as spartans. Why they decided to make the difference between spartan 2s and 3s so different enough to make them even weaker than ODSTs is the million dollar question

There will always be someone who disagrees with you.

I treat ODST like I treat Reach, Bungie just stopped giving a shit.

When they took out half the options for custom games in halo reach and then took out another half of the options for halo 4 the game died. Custom games is the whole reason halo had so much staying power, long after the playlists were dead

The pistol and carbine in ODST had pretty heavy (and frankly satisfying) recoil.

I know, it hurts.

What did CE's library look like from the outside? Was it ever shown in any Halo media?

no they were fantastic and allowed lots of potential outplays, something halo desperately needed
there's nothing cooler than baiting some fag in a chopper to try and splatter you and trip mining his ass

>you and your friends staying up into the morning going through the campaign on legendary
>the time where you're all drunk-tired, realize it's not happening until later today, and start team-killing and fucking around instead
i miss it.

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I agree, it's also the reason the Halo 5 died so fast. 343 must have everything at launch this time if they want Halo Infinite to have any staying power.

They were literally "press X to not die" abilities. Do you like thrust in H5 too?

>tfw that extreme focus and silence followed by rage after every attempt in 2's sniper alley

>shitty fan art

It's even more awesome when the vehicle blows up in front of you and the parts goes everywhere around you.

So as someone who has only played Halo once, I'm genuinely curious, how would you all feel about this?

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The AR was identical though.

is it actually fixed?

The ground gets floodier with time, and thats something I haven't seen before nor after in a game.


Just gritty my Halo up, Halo should look like this and this, nothing else.

It was, but the weapons you'll be using the majority of the time will force your reticle into the sky.

Yes, they put out a massive fix for it a few months ago and now regularly update the playlists, even more so than they do for Halo 5

i remember thinking i was the shit at the halo 3 but looking back i was below average at best. i don't think i really knew meta, all i really did was sometimes get lucky on bouncing grenades into people worse than me, camping power weapons/overshield/camo when i could, and use my team mates as bulletshields. i used to think if i just played enough i would eventually hit mlg-tier, but luckily i actually paid more attention to school.

My dick would explode. I would finally have my Chief vs Samus fight even though I'm still angry at Sakurai for not using her SR Suit.

Gritty Halo is best Halo, everyone else is a zoomer who disagrees.

>those rare times where both elephants would meet up and both teams would board each other's elephant and have crazy sand pirate battles

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>Lockout with the rocket launcher game mode
Now that was a splitscreen game. Guaranteed giggles with friends.

Yes but they're not the same caliber as the one in question.


That's awesome, never knew.
I wonder if the part where it recedes again is meant to show how the containment is actually working to stop the flood from spreading.

>you didn't do that every single time on CTF

the only one that even comes close to that was the health regenerator
gravity lift helped hijack flying fags, avoid splatters and get to high places you wouldn't be able to reach without it
>bubble shield
assisted in avoiding ranged fire from multitudes of weapons and, you could still be easily killed by someone who goes into it
helped immensely against idiots who would sit in scorpions or were 50 yards away with BRs
don't know how you can hate this thing
>power drain
helped counter vehicles
especially when you don't have a spartan lazer and there's a guy in a banshee who's a bit too aggressive but isn't being punished
easily avoidable by just playing the fight at a distance
again helps counter against the very strong vehicles, is the hardest to use but also the most powerful as it's an instant kill to anybody not sitting in a tank
none of these are I WIN abilities, they reward those who use them in the right moments and are all avoidable
you just sound like a shitter
there's also the fact that they are rare pickups and no more then like one person per team would be carrying them

It's worse Halo, Halo was never supposed or meant to be that in the first place.

as opposed to what? that gritty, generic garbage that only applies to reach?
that "shitty" fanart is a perfect example as to what halo has been since the beginning

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Is ODST gritty?

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i feel like halo wars was pretty gritty despite the cartoonish style.

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>>bubble shield
It was built entirely around Halo 3's cancerous shield door gimmick.

its finally time to reactivate game pass brother

it's definitely the darkest halo game in more than one way.

Halo is directly inspired from Aliens. The marines there are there are gritty.


Attached: serous-marine.jpg (960x537, 106K)

A bit. More Noir.

>They get someone else to do the voice and say it's a different Spartan like what they did in KI

>shield door gimmick
what the fuck are you talking about?
those shield doors that are only on one variant of snowbound?
are you retarded? bubble shields are fantastic and were made to counter ranged BR guys who sit in the middle of the map and just hold RT on every enemy.
examples being valhalla, sandtrap, and last resort
i don't understand how you can hate something so non-intrusive and rare

Yes, it’s now the game it was always intended to be. Got a good population too if I’m not mistaken

Yes, and it made the Halo 3 engine look like shit.


Agreed, Halo Wars did it right, ODST and Reach did it wrong.

They don't slap a bunch of muted colors and film grain everywhere to make it look gritty. There are ways to make your games look gritty without doing what ODST and Reach did.

Always wanted to own a physical version of this.

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>those shield doors that are only on one variant of snowbound?
They're on both versions of Snowbound.
It forces you to approach the enemy in plain sight while they are completely unable to be damaged. It does nothing to help the game, and just makes it into a campfest. Same with Epitaph, and same with all of the glass windows on maps like Assembly.

Gritty /= generic or bad or CoD.

I'll say this. The art style is perfect for the UNSC and Spartan 3s in general. Did a very good job of the covenant too. (reckon H2 Anniversary did a better job though). For environment and Halo rings and such id prefer Halo 1-3.


So Yea Forums, what are your honest predictions for infinite? Will 343 go totally classic? Will they push on with H5 gameplay albeit with a classic art style?
It’s easy to hate them but they really do have the hardest fucking job, the halo community in particular is notorious for having no clue what it wants.


I haven't given a shit about Halo since Bungie left.
also you're wrong and can go fuck yourself.

>those elephant vehicles on sandtrap were fucking useless.
fuck off. BTB CTF on sandtrap was great.

>both teams drive their elephants into each other
>run the flag back and forth between the two elephants and score all 3 captures in under 30 seconds

>It forces you to approach the enemy in plain sight while they are completely unable to be damaged
lmao it lasts for fucking 20 seconds you god damn baby, that's plenty of time to do literally anything else after that the player in the bubble shield is fucked if he sits in it the whole duration
you're acting like everybody had this thing when only one is on the map at the time and has a 3 minute spawn timer
>both versions of snowbound
nope, boundless only has two shield doors on the entire map
being the entrance doors to each building facing the spawns. these are also the least entered on the map

objectively the best map in halo.

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It's true, though. You can blame Halo 2 and Reach for changing everything between titles.

>They don't slap a bunch of muted colors and film grain everywhere to make it look gritty. There are ways to make your games look gritty without doing what ODST and Reach did.

Reach and ODST were still very colorful games. Reach was peak grit. I'm not saying that grit needs to be in every Halo game either. But i think back to the wall against the covenant was prefect for grit.

I'd like more gritty spin offs of Halo and there's a sizable chunk of the fanbase that wants that too.


this. the only h3 map i really remember is valhalla

meanwhile h2 had zanzibar, lockout, midship

i disagree.
for me it goes 3>2>1>reach

20 seconds is a long time if it's placed well.
>you're acting like everybody had this thing
You had to play like everyone had it because there was no way to tell before they shat out a free shield or free invincibility.

>Blomkamp's cool fucking short film
Then we got the massive turd Dark Pla... I mean Nightfall.
Forward Unto Dawn was mediocre as well.

lmao the only people who are zoomers are the fucking idiots who want halo to look gritty
halo looks unique, it doesn't need to look like every other fucking shooter you retard

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>reeeeeee reach
I'm not wasting time with retards, go back to your general where you belong.

It would be great to see Chief kicking other franchises ass

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the ark was fucking beautiful. one of my favorite places in any video game.

i wish we saw more of it.

>You had to play like everyone had it
holy fucking shit, i've literally never done this or heard of others doing this. stop pulling shit out of your ass you god damn autist
that's the equivalent of saying i have to always stand outside of hallways because there might be a guy with a rocket launcher at the other end.

I didn't say anything bad about Reach, get over your persecution complex.

Not getting a Halo movie before Bungie left was probably the biggest disappointment of the franchise. So much potential, gone.

This is because halo is a colorful untouched world and Earth/Reach are piles of shit.

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If you don't know where the rockets are, you absolutely should play more consciously. You write like someone with 0 game sense.

Halo doesn't look unique at all.

that's funny since halo general are a bunch of 343 apologists who would gladly defend reach's changes to the franchise

>You write like someone with 0 game sense
more like i am someone who doesn't expect the worst case scenario out of normal shit like shooting an enemy, you write like a pussy who's looking for reasons to shit on something that is insignificant

but this Smash Brother.....
This Super Mario....

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Was it kino?

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As long as it's spin-offs I'm fine with it.

>someone who doesn't expect the worst case scenario
You should.

as opposed to what?

earth and reach aren't piles of shit
it's just that the vast majority of halo's missions on earth take place in africa and it's largely sand and yellow savannahs

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Installation 04, home...

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They may keep the Halo 5 gameplay since it's split, as long as they have a great campaign for once and can have everything at launch this time, they'll be fine.

>tfw we will never see johnsons death in movie quality

Reach wasn't a spin-off.

im not going to expect that every fucking player is carrying a pickup that exists as one and has a 3 minute spawn cooldown, even then i have enough knowledge to know how to counter them

Chief looked his coolest here

>bubble shield
It was only a minute spawn time as well.

>nothing from the first 4 entire levels of the game
man the first half of 3 is really shit thinking back to it, even if I love The Storm a lot

Never will video games come close to this again


>343 apologists
Those faggots are Bungie faggots that defend Bungie to the point of liking Destiny.

And Reach is also a desert with some rocky highlands thrown in. Most of the levels are overcast/rainy days. Then the planet gets glassed and it looks even shittier.


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>sierra 117 and crows nest
your taste is terrible

Those levels are pretty shitty. The game doesn't really kick off until The Ark.
And fuck every Cortana scene that slows the game down.

>there was a 3 month time period between the ending of the storm and start of the ark where human ships were docked on the elite ships and they interacted

what do you think they talked about?

Love me chopper

Love me brute shot

Love me grav hammer

Hate S O Y GAYlei


Simple as

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>long stroll through a grassy hallway
>cramped bunker that you get to backtrack on at the halfway point before going back through the level a third time

Too one-sided. There was practically no cover on one of the spawns

>can't think of throwing a grenade inside the shield
>can't think of sitting at a distance, walking away or splattering the person inside
>can't think of walking inside and attacking the person in the shield
there's a million things to do against it, and on the majority of maps the bubble shield does in fact have a 3 minute spawn timer, and even when it's shorter it's a fucking 20 second usage as well as being the only one of its kind on the map
you are exaggerating the power of this thing so much it's funny

>tfw rank 41 in lone wolf

You tell em Decimus! Fuck elites!

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nah, nigga. sierra 117 was top tier. fighting off the grunts and brutes in the jungle was fun as fuck, especially that last segment where you have to take on the chieftain on the bridge.
crows nest was cool too, but admittedly one of the more mediocre halo missions.

>walk inside the shield
>they back up
>they shotgun you
>they melee you and kill you with your own grades
>a counter

what are you on about? both sides were the same but mirrored.

BASED Bruteposters

All of the Blood Gulch clones were asymmetrical.

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*Distant warthog explosions and chaingun firing*

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exactly, so i dont know what hes on about.


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why were the legendary maps so fucking kino?

what the fuck was his problem?

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That's the problem.

>walk inside the shield
>throw a grenade
>back out of the shield
for fucks sake to do this you don't even need to fully walk in, the only party that needs to be inside is your god damn gun/arms
also how isn't waiting a counter, when your sitting at a distance you have a million places you can walk to which could better position you for when the shield expires. meanwhile the man inside is stuck within the confines of where the shields borders stretched to
this is a complete disadvantage for the guy inside
you do realize complaining about the shield is the same exact thing as complaing about power weapons

rat's nest was from the heroic map pack my dude, along with standoff which is super underrated. all the other map packs were pretty shit

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>play gametype called dragon where there was one super fast, powerful, and jump high zombie with a flamethrower
>everyone else had SMGs and would either get in vehicles and try to fight him or scurry around the map to hide or assassinate him
>used to hang out on the pipes with my bros and try to ambush the dragon all the time
Damn that was fun as fuck.

I have such vivid memories of booting up the new mappacks and walking around in them before school started.

Rats Nest was Heroic m8

>also how isn't waiting a counter
How is it a counter? How does it stop him from having a bubble shield for its entire duration?

"halo on halo" was the absolute worst gamemode ever made and i will never understand why every fucking custom game lobby ends up playing it for 5 hours

same with jenga and duck hunt, although those are little better. in general, one-life games suck and with these gamemodes your skill factors very little into the outcome. it's a game on whether the zombie can snipe good or not.

>all of the mas are asymmetrical
>there's no way the maps can me imbalanced
Waterfall base was way stronger than lake base, especially when if waterfall base took the middle hill it was nigh impossible to retake

that's like saying how does hiding behind cover from the rocket launcher prevent a guy from having a rocket launcher
the whole fucking point of the shield is to protect the guy inside of it, it has a short duration, it's a stationary object and the guy inside is only protected so far as the barriers extend

>Halo 2 is FIFTEEN years old this November

Holy fuck bros. I still remember release night and having to bring my mom to fucking Gamestop because I couldn't buy an M rated game at the age of 13.

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Standoff with the gauss cannon warthog was a blast

Congrats kid, you made me use 3% of my Armor Lock

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custom games in general are cancer, nobody even plays standard game modes in halo online anymore

I loved the amount of crazy Mad Max-tier car chases that would always go down on this map. It was perfect for that sort of thing.

retaking the hill was literally the easiest shit. just use the cave and shoot at them from the pelican.

>that's like saying how does hiding behind cover from the rocket launcher prevent a guy from having a rocket launcher
It doesn't, which is my point. It's possible to make someone misuse a rocket, though.
A lot can happen in 20 seconds, it's far from a "short" duration.

>custom games are cancer
>they're the sole reason Halo 3 was so popular
>they're the reason anything after 3 exists
>bungie/343 killed custom games
>and you're still here bitching about them

Except they weren't. They just were in only one map that supported it.

i liked 3s artstyle better, but reach did some cool shit with ships and stuff.

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Literally the biggest faggot I've ever seen in a Halo thread bar non, it disgusts me that you and I have played the same games.
Standard games are for sure fun but what kind of weirdo loser gets together with their bros and goes "hey lets play some CTF on Last Resort," you play zombies and crazy forge maps and racing gametypes.

>All these kiddos who will never experience One Bomb/One Flag on Terminal
Yep *sips* that was a good map.

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I think my first perfection outside of Lone Wolves was precisely gauss hogging there.
All the raging, salt and tears was glorious.

Lake base didn't have a cave and pelican was a guaranteed grenade death.

yes a lot that can benefit the people outside of it, this whole time you haven't take into account the fact that multiple enemies could be swarming on the one guy inside the shield, meanwhile again
he's stuck inside

They are cancer, and the easiest way to tell you're talking to a 19-year-old who played Halo 3 in primary school. Why bother playing Halo if you're just going to avoid playing Halo?

>still have my LCE copy from launch
>even has the "DO NOT SELL UNTIL 11/09/2014" sticker attached
>retarded siblings scratched the disk

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>Bungie never made a dogfight mode with these or something
It's so weird, why go through all that effort with the assets and not let people play with them outside of a 20 minute section of one campaign level?

Woops, meant for

>Mfw I was the guy who kept baiting vehicles to splatter then use Armor Lock at the last second

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>Why bother playing Halo if you're just going to avoid playing Halo?
Nigger, custom games WERE Halo. They're the reason the series had any longevity.

>he's stuck inside
He's not. He can leave from any direction any time he wants.

Because people were pissed we never had space battles so bungie tried to shit out something real quick. Then they started releasing shit maps with low grav

>Why bother playing Halo if you're just going to avoid playing Halo?
Why bother playing Halo if you just want to play slayer and objective gametypes?
Do you have any creative bone in your body? Did you have any friends? You either didn't or your friends were all as autistic as you are.

>lake base didnt have a cave
what? yes it did. it was even on the same side as the other cave. the pelican was only guaranteed death if you want in the open like a retard.

>halo isn't halo because i say so
bungie made the assets to play them, they are halo
and everybody can enter from any point they want, the person inside has an equal opportunity to kill the person entering as does the person entering against the person inside

They weren't even a thing for 6 years.

I had a first edition copy at one point but I've had to move states multiple times and I don't remember seeing it the last time I packed up. I'm still kicking myself over it.

This is it. The wrongest man on Yea Forums

rumor has it that there were plans for a whole game mode with sabers and other such vehicles, but was scrapped due to time.

custom games are only good in moderation, the problem is faggots like you who treat them like the main experience. same cancer that buys arma to play some queer life rpg

>and everybody can enter from any point they want,
Only a retard would, though.

Can we go back to playing Halo Online please?

You know people were coming up with stuff like zombies, Tremors, Cat and Mouse, Troy ect in Halo 2 right? You're a fag talking out of your ass.

Oh those two rocks leaning together. Waterfall cave was much stronger.

Nobody treated it as the main experience except for children.

What are you blabbing about? Did you even play Halo 2? Warthog Wars, Zombies, Cat & Mouse, Troy, Tremors, Smear the Queer etc. All started from that game.

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last time i checked the only 2 active servers play the same zombie shit on repeat. also most players are retarded 3rd worlders

standoff was fucking great

Shit taste and an insult to all of the forgers that put their soul into Halo Online custom maps. Including me

what exactly gives the shield dweller the advantage over the enemy?
the both have the same melee range and have some gun to use

you could also go from the right and use the turret, or follow the river if youre lucky.

Oh yeah, I forgot the main experience was the matchmaking filled with standbyers and hackers with infinite ammo rapid fire autoaim sniper rifles.

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Oh excuse me, I didn't see the part in where you said your problem was that it was the main experience.
Oh wait that wasn't what you said because you're stupid faggot.

lil dick nigga eternally mad he's on the Roll of Virgins and the forerunners prefer chad humanity over even the sangheili

halo 3 let me make whatever maps i wanted faggot

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>what exactly gives the shield dweller the advantage over the enemy?
He can see you, and you can't do anything about it. He needs to approach you for anything to happen, giving you every opportunity to prepare. If he does get dangerously close, you also have the option to back up further. It unnecessarily slows down a game that is already slow to begin with.

Reach looked damn nice at times. Could have done better with less blur/ghosting, a better framerate and better antialiasing.

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I just played a few matches in classic team slayer this morning.

It was mainly when 343 took over is when it started looking better.

Space jew

Halo 2 matchmaking was honestly unplayable after Rank 30. Every second match you'd be up against people abusing exploits like so blaming people for going into the custom games most of the time is pretty absurd.

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the 343 games looked like trash tho

That's true, their art style was shit, can't wait to see what Infinite looks like.

343 fags are the worst.

>tfw no game mode where each team has a scrab and has to kill the enemy's scarab

Fucking what?
>The Storm: November 17, 2552
>The Ark: December 11, 2552
The entirely of Halo 1, 2, and 3 took three months.

>343 fixes issues people had with reach forever
>343 bad!1!1!

but the guy outside can see the guy inside too?
there's always been stallers in games dude, most people aren't going to use the shield to completely avoid a fight. this is under the context that the person in the shield is simply playing halo to not fight other people, most people are going to use the shield to avoid a power weapon, vehicle or multiple enemies at range
not to dance around a shield for twenty seconds
>it unnecessarily slows down a game that is already slow to begin with
it provides a potential way to travel a portion of the battlefield that is dominated by one team, it makes avoiding the unavoidable spartan lazer possible, it allows the ability to wait for teamates to help a single player
slowing down a game isn't bad when the game is already slow, it doesn't break the game as halo's gameplay is already built around slow movement and combat
this isn't the same as armor lock where the user is unkillable and the fight is COMPLETELY stalled. this is a killable player utlizing a short duration tool, that spawns by itself and has a long respawn timer
nobody goes looking for the bubble shield, it is something picked up along the way

this is my last post

>Bungie couldn't make aesthetically pleasing games

Imagine being this delusional.

Never thought of it like that, I like that Idea a lot user!

My friend, let me show you the world of mods


Yeah I like when a game's artstyle hard shifts so hard it looks like literal fucking cardboard cosplay of itself. Imagine thinking full saturation red and blue armor colors look good under any circumstance.

All 343 did right was skyboxes and some scenery.
Their level design is bad and their character designs atrocious. As well as the materials, everything looks like fucking plastic.





>Halo had bullet ballistics 17 years before Call of Duty and nobody cared


What? Really?

Halo 1 had ballistics and CoD was hitscan until Blops 4, and even then only a few guns weren't hitscan.

Thanks user

>group of 3 to 5 pink faggots in ffa staying underground

>multi-player maps are lore related locations based around the halo universe and not just ripped from random parts of the campaign


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That was one of the big changes in Reach IIRC. They made human weapons hitscan because at the kind of ranges that Halo combat takes place at all the bullet travel time accomplished was make guns feel less powerful. You noticed the travel time the most with snipers and BRs at long range, obviously.

I never said Halo CE-3 didn't look good, I Reach didn't look good under Bungie. Read through the lines please, in no way did I mention Halo 4 and 5 in that post I was specifically talking about 343's Halo: Reach maps looking better than Bungle bland ass looking maps in Reach.

Yes, they and Bungiefags are equally bad especially ones that shit on 343 for making Reach play like a Halo game over whatever the fuck Bungie were trying to make Reach play like because it sure as hell didn't play like Halo CE-3 under Bungie.


>not a single citation, point,or rebuttal


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Used to be a big 360 fanboy and I'm an idort but I haven't even touched by Xbone in over a year despite owning Halo and Gears. Games are just not as good as they were back in the day. Every game isn't as good, from Halo and Gears, to CoD remasters.

>this amount of revisionism
Utterly pathetic.

Actually all they did was turn the velocity up on most of them. The AR's bullet veleocity was still half that of halo 1's, but it was around twice that of halo 3's however.

Yeah, let's forget how shit Reach was at launch and how Bungie refused to fix it.

>half the maps were forge world maps
Still haven't forgiven them for this.

I won't say it's ugly, but I personally like the slightly "cartoony" colorful graphics that Halo 3 used as opposed to Halo Reach.

I feel that, as the games got more and more detailed graphically, they began to look worse and worse. In my opinion Halo 3 was the pinnacle of Halo graphics- it fit the series well.

Halo Reach's more detailed graphics makes the game seem more serious, which is not what Halo should be.

Wait do people really not like ODST? What the fuck?

I felt like it was too restrictive to vehicles. Blood Gulch will always be better.

343 maps are soulless because they just make a map and slap a background around it. Bungie maps allow you to glitch outside the map and there are still little areas you can walk and play on.

If you zoomed in on the flying sentinels, the reticle would turn red unless you were playing infection and you were a human, then they were green.

how so? it had the perfect paths for warthogs and the banshees had good cover.

Me either man, me either.

I thought it was a worthless cash grab launched to pad out the 360 poor 2009 line-up.

Reach was Bungie's worst work in the series to the point that even Halo 4 and 5 shit maps are better. 343 and CA made Halo: Reach look and play like a Halo game.

If that's true that's amazing.
And pretty funny because in lore it's completely backwards, hehe.

ODST had a great soundtrack and was an awesome bungie game, but at the end of the day it was deceptively marketed as "the next halo" and many people bought it thinking it was halo 4. Do you know how many people went into that game wondering where the multiplayer was?

Rangers in space! Set controls to outer space now. Flying higher than eveeeer befooooore. Raaaangers IN SPACE!

that makes sense i guess.

Sorry but anyone who thought that was retarded and should do more research before buying new games. I remember being fully aware of exactly what it was.

I miss that retarded fucking webseries as much as the game.

I got so invested in the story, and was actually pretty sad when they assploded themselves.

veto veto veto veto fuck fuck fuck fuck

>343 fixed reach but shit the bed every other time
Yeah, nah fuck off.

You know there's an 8th season right?

Yeah... I tried watching it, but for me it ended when they died.

>people doing research when buying games
>two years after Halo 3 launched
>50% of the audience is below the age of 15
EA didn't start being complete shit until 2008 user.

But that's the truth, they fixed the shit stain that was Reach but fucked up with HCEA, Halo 4, HMCC, and Halo 5.

lol no
The only thing Reach needed was better maps.

Reach was terrible. It needed more than just maps, it needed to be reworked from the ground up. Bungie should have just made Reach a prequel that was their final Master Chief game and left it at that.

They blew their load in the campaign, too bad it wasn't memorable.

I think they blew their load with the campaign in Halo 3, they nothing left not even the kitchen sink by Reach.


Halo 1 had decent maps, but there were some objectively terrible ones in there that sucked complete ass outside specialized game modes that took advantage of the map quirks; Boarding Action and Chiron TL-34 in particular. But even outside those two, a lot of the maps - like Derelict - lacked a good deal of 'terrain' to break up the fighting space and were just all-around meh.

Halo 2 is when the multiplayer maps peaked in quality.

Halo 3 tried to replicate Halo 2, but couldn't quite manage. It was still very good.

Halo Reach was just 'what the fuck happened' tier and has the worst multiplayer maps of the 3 mainline halo games bungie made. A lot of total suckage maps, more than Halo 1 had. The general multiplayer gameplay took a nosedive in quality too. For bungie's swan song, Reach's multiplayer was an insult to the quality of the previous two games. The only thing that kept Reach afloat was the breadth of game modes, customization, etc.

Anything by 343i is garbage and not even worth discussing. In fact if you think any of the 343i games are even "Halo" at all, you don't deserve being in a Halo thread. 343i and their """halo""" games are what happens when you combine retards + making a "halo" game for the people that don't even like halo.

Reach has the best character design. Halo 3 has the best graphics/style. Halo 1 has the best story/atmosphere. Halo 2 has the best multiplayer.

These are objective facts.

to all the people who say "__ doesn't feel like halo" What's wrong with trying something new? if gameplay always stays the same, it gets stale and boring

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Reach was not terrible on all fronts, but it wasn't GOOD, either. It was a very "meh" game.

The general plot was okay, but the actual missions, the covenant AI, what you actually see/do... was just so fucking lame and uninspired for what we were supposed to see. I mean that cutscene with the warthogs, scorpions, and a few of the vtol things just blindly charging at a giant mass of covenant... it was dogshit. No fucking effort, and the scene didn't play into anything in-game. They could've just got rid of it entirely and the game would've been better for it.

It was like someone 2 months before release said, "wait hold on aren't we supposed to have a big battle or something?" and they threw together the shitty cutscene a couple days before sending it all off to Q&A/testing.

Elites= asians
Brutes= nigs
Prophets = jews
jackals= sand nigs
Grunt= slavs/russians

>if gameplay always stays the same, it gets stale and boring
Halo 1-3 would like to speak with you

I never say that. It plays like shit, the pacing is not smooth.

That is and has only ever been, my opinion of how Halo 5 plays. Halo 4 was almost the opposite, it was too fast, like a twitch shooter, and the TTK wasn't shortened accordingly.

I literally would not give a fuck

I didn't give a fuck back when they did it the first time with that other fightan game I didn't care about, and now that Halo's dead and property of incompetent shitbags I'll continue to not give a fuck.

The franchise is fucking dead. Microsoft + 343i killed it.

>tfw a whole year and a half till halo 6


Halo Wars BUTCHERED the Elite character design. I fucking hate what they did and I hate even more that Bungie latched onto that ugly as shit design for Halo Reach. Elite design peaked in 1, followed by 3, 2, then Reach.

I have it

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Does anyone play PvP on MCC or is it dead?

>Elites= asians
They're based from the Norse, though.

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Trying something new can be okay

But you have to remember that Halo fans want to play Halo. They don't want to play Call of Shooter 4. They don't want to play Rainbow Siege 7. They aren't interested in Unreal Quakecheckers 3. Not Even Doom.

They want Halo.
And Halo means slow paced, focused around map control and teamwork, with a two-tier hp system, extremely distinct weapons, dedicated melee/grenade actions.

Bungie experimented with new abilities via deployables in Halo 3 and it was... okay. It wasn't great, but it didn't change the gameplay too much. Then they tried to take it further with armor abilities in Halo Reach and it completely fucked the gameplay, but still not quite enough to make it not Halo, it just felt like Halo but poorly done and unbalanced. Starting to blur and lose what made it Halo.

Then 343i comes in and just takes a massive fucking shit on the franchise and makes a game that plays nothing like Halo.

For their first game with the franchise they SHOULD have been as conservative as possible. Instead they tried to change everything. Halo 4 could've been decent with a different character designer, dropping the armor abilities, and expanding more on the customization/game modes/sandbox stuff that Reach did.

Halo 5 has frankly done great on the sandbox side of things, but not the gameplay and DEFINITELY NOT the visual style and design.

And now 343i has fucked themselves.
If they make a Halo game for the old Halo fans, it'll do awful. Those fans moved on - they don't pay attention to Halo anymore.
Meanwhile the current fanbase for """Halo""" are all the twats who hated Halo and ran websites like halo2sucks.com, so if 343i makes that Halo game for Halo fans, they'll lose their current playerbase.

They have nowhere to go from here that will succeed, because the two distinctive playerbases prefer completely different gameplay styles. Halo 4,5 are faster paced, twitchier, more cowwashooty, and less map-control-oriented + strategy.

Hopefully, the E3 demo could keep me excited.

I liked both, the maps were great to just wander around alone on

While that's true Bungie and 343 failed to make good changes fo the series, I enjoyed Halo 5's multiplayer and gameplay but, god damn was Halo Reach and 4 bad along with Halo 5's campaign. Halo Infinite looks like they're finally getting it though.

Not after all the bullshit that came out after halo 3. Halo got "diversified"

Writer for Pre 343i's novel "The Cole Protocol", and this was a question regarding post a post Halo 3 book called "Envoy".

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Halo 2's story was fun though. Fuck anyone who says the Arbiter segments were awful.

If you didn't veto for BRs you're the real cuck.

I hope the campaign of Halo Infinite takes a lot of cues from Halo CE-3 and take little to none from Halo 4 and 5 while having massive levels with a main mission and several side missions. I also want Chief to talk a little to none during gameplay and to mainly only talk during cutscenes like in Halo CE-3.

>tfw fucking around with some friends on Zanzibar near release
>kill one of them near the radio spawn and his body falls over and looks like he's clutching at the radio
>laugh at it and decide to take a screenshot but never think of submitting it
>see a pretty similar photo in Bungie featured like two weeks later
I should've done it.

Linda didn't get domed in the novels, unless a new one came out about it.

>RPG elements
please be fake please be FAKE PLEASE BE FAKE FOR FUCKS SAKE

I really like Halo Wars 2.

should I pay the 20-30 bucks it costs on the windows store? It's on sale

I'm not really concerned by that, Doom 2016 had it. as long as it doesn't mess up gameplay it's fine, plus we really don't know what those are yet.

halo 3 pc when?

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since 2015

i'm not talking about frankenhalo

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I would, if you enjoyed 1.

well too bad for you then

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