>All these censored japanese games lately
>Tom was 100% right
All these censored japanese games lately
Other urls found in this thread:
just go jerk off to some porn
anime tiddies in video games will seem a lot less important to you after you're done.
I agree but theirs too many who dont csre that wallet voting womt help. If you complain your the "vocal minority " and it's just almost impossible to go against what ever shareholders and publishers decided to do because of stupid politics
Maybe we should make our own games
Just a thought
Just because you're gay doesn't mean you should spread it everywhere. Leave sexy girls to the real men, you failure.
He was fired for making sense.
You know who else didn't stand up for the stuff they didn't like?
Japs are already making their own games but SJWs still REEEEEEEE at them. What makes you think the situation will be different when you make them?
>hating anime tiddies
Tranny childmolester confirmed
Ill just ignore them?
Im not a big corporation I can put loli rape in my game and no one could stop me
If women cause so many censorship issues, why don't companies just stop making women characters in general?
Nobody other than rainbow-haired freaks care when a Japanese dev puts out a game with anime girls in provocative situations so why are they bending over for them? Do they really think their dedicated fans would stop buying their games?
Shut the FUCK up mother FUCKER
it's not a binary issue
it's not "you either like them or you hate them"
I masturbate to anime tits 4 times a fucking day but I don't think that they need to be the focus of a game
>new 90s
The fuck does this mean? There were no SJWs in the 90s.
says the guy whos only experience with women is jerking off to them in a video game. You people are fucking pathetic and don't know the meaning of the word censorship
People with principle are rare nowadays. Even rarer is the person willing to risk their career for it. We didn't deserve him
He's comparing SJWs to the people in the 90s who accused video games of being satanic or violence-inspiring
*reports u to the feds*
nothing personnel, user
I think adding anime titties to series that shouldn't have them is much worse. Look at SMT4A, so much garbage fanservice in that game cause of weebs, ruins the atmosphere. SMT5 will suffer because of this. The only tits I should be seeing in SMT games is Diana's.
But there were hyperconservative soccer moms that were just as influential. But you wouldn't know because you weren't even a sperm in daddy's balls when it happened.
Enjoy getting fined for false reports. Loli is legal, fucko.
I miss him Yea Forums
It was the exact same shit, only coming from the Christians. Even used the same arguments.
All of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.
It shouldn't matter so severely that they need to be removed and shamed all the time either though.
SMT5 is gonna be a Persona-tier weeb game. Keep seething.
>something bad is going to happen, be angry
Isn't that the normal reaction?
>There were no SJW's in the 90's
They were called Puritans and Puritanical oversight is still a thing to this day because of them.
Lefties rejected God and in His abscence they created no higher ideal of morality to strive toward. No moral writ to bend toward. So they go back to the morality of the faith they rejected, knowing you didn't reject it. Knowing that it will work on you.
And it would work, if it wasn't coming from them.
>Waaah, stop censoring my anime games, you should fight for it because of principle.
>Devotion got pulled down for review bombs by the chinese and actually censored for political shit and nobody batted an eye.
As much as I am vehemently against both practices myself, it kind of became clear what a certain portion of the community REALLY cares about.
user, where do you think all the shitty people infesting a group go when that group loses power? It's the same kind of people, asking for the same things, for the same reason of "my group is saying it's wrong" and "it makes me mildly uncomfortable that this thing I wasn't even aware of before exists". People call it a pendulum, and the horseshoe, and whatever, but rather than being two sides it's just the exact same thing: stupid shitty people that want to feel gratified are given meaningless causes to rally over so they can be further used by the influential groups rallying them. Those that defend censorship, and those that rally for it, are either people who have been manipulated into following the group or shills in charge of doing the pioneer work so they can manipulate the former into supporting further censorship and/or drowing out backlash against it; I very much doubt that anyone personally wants to see these games censored, not at least without having a ton of group-think shoved down their throat first.
>There were no SJWs in the 90's
>PCU is a '94 movie that satirizes political correctness on college campuses
How old are you, user?
>hyperconservative soccer moms that were just as influential
Hillary Clinton, Joseph Lieberman, Herb Kohl, and Leland Yee, all (D)? The soccer mom boogeyman and Jack Thompson are all small-time compared to those people.
Freedom of expression is dead. The internet has conditioned most of us into thinking that scoring minor brownie points in an argument over a perceived enemy group is paramount to any other goal. The majority of us would gladly eviscerate rights we enjoy if it also meant taking them away from people we didn't want to have them.
I'm sure there are some beings on a different cosmic plane laughing at the fact that a highly tribalistic species created a tool to be in constant communication with each other and somehow thought that would inspire us to set aside our differences and work together.
sadly young enough to not know how to effectively commit suicide like a proper grown up would in this situation.
>Hillary Clinton is small time compared to purple haired men with flesh wounds
>caring about Senran Kagura
Garbage series and you're garbage for buying into it.
>quoting neil gaiman when defending anime tits
all weebs need to hang
>Leave sexy girls to the real men, you failure.
hes says, spending 60 bucks on shitty games cause they have cartoons he jerks off to. dry dicked fuck
Inevitably yes, because the First Amendment and Brown vs. Entertainment Merchants Association can protect vidya from politicians but not SJWs browbeating games they dislike in their reviews and marking them down for having problematic content
give me loli or give me death
Sadly, Neil Gaiman married a radfem bitch and has turned him away from unconditional defense of free speech
Accurate post
>hurr how dare you want games uncensored
>you should just pay up for objectively less content than other versions because snoy says so
Go fuck yourself.
Its beyond that now, we got dudes pulling books before being fully published because some people are offended. He went on to apologize for writing a "problematic" story. Its full on retarded now. I'd post the twitter link, but Im not trying to contribute to off board/topic twitter posting.
I feel bad for statists and non-daoists in general.
Who is "he"
Gaiman is a kike. It is of no surprise he is a spineless bitch in the end
>Posting shotacon
That shit gets censored too mate
That's because you're a prude. If you jack off to porn you literally have no argument for games with anime tits in them besides "I don't like it and you can't have it". Literally just don't buy it.
So instead you make baseless claims. That's really more on-topic than actually providing evidence regarding the topic for censorship.
death it is
marking a game down isn't something worth worrying over.
Making them illegal to purchase is.
The 90s were about actually outlawing the sale of the games themselves. Not just saying you will take the good boy points away if there are tits.
You aren't old enough to have a good grasp on the 90s or to truly understand how ineffectual docking points on some culture review are.
I will happily live in the reality where I can purchase something and be looked down upon for it than to live in the one where I can't even have the option to buy it (and still get looked down upon for something else entirely).
when are you going to hang yourself?
>Zoomer doesn't know about the Satanic Panic that eventually lead to a large amount of people thinking video games lead to murder in the 90's
There was a lot of retarded shit going on in the 90's. Prime example being:
it makes me happy knowing how perpetually enraged you must be visiting this website if you get triggered by loli
i kind of feel bad for you
I was alive then too, user. I remember the moral panic over MK and Night Trap. SJWs marking down games is the 2010 version of what the aforementioned politicians were up to in the 90's. It's not just their browbeating - they can effectively disappear games they dislike by refusing to cover them, like with KCD, no matter what you think of that game. Furthermore, the SJWs aren't just reviewers - they're the people making the games in parts heavily politically biased in their favor, and they hire only people like them, or only people who will keep their head down.
And when they take that away then what smartass
The 40% is calling your name
>video games lead to murder in the 90's
And now we have retards that thinks video game causes misogyny, sexism, racism and all other load of irrelevant and untrue bullcrap. What the fuck happened?
i feel bad that youre still alive
go kill yourself already sad fuck
them not reviewing a game doesn't mean the game isn't available for sale.
Making the game illegal to sell does though.
A conservative before 25 has no heart
A liberal after 40 has no brain
A married man has no balls
why pay for vidya anime tiddies when you can just watch them online for free lol
good retort user. you sure showed the Yea Forums pedos what's what
just in case you're going to do it anyway, can you livestream it and before you pull the trigger you blame loli and child porn for your suicide?
itll make the news and for once in your shitty awful life you'll be relevant. go for gold champ
he needs to die
It'll never affect anything I care about.
Mate, consider how upset you're getting at the thought of people fapping to imaginary pictures you don't like and think about how you're reaction is purely driven by emotion
That's my advice to you. Maybe you'll learn something or get a better perspective
>The 90s were about actually outlawing the sale of the games themselves.
I bet you weren't even old enough to understand the 80-90s. Tipper Gore tried to push the "it's not like we're making it illegal!" angle over and over.
not him by why are you on a cringe binge m8? loli is so boring and tame I don't know why newfag retard like you sperg out over such harmless things.
The world is getting more and more retarded by the day.
Of course Tom was fucking right. But being right doesn't stop people like this The so called "your world view is different from mine and thus I am better". Literal bigots
Should've defended God of War and Phil Fish. Weebs made their bed and now they sleep in it
>he's getting offended by drawn pictures
>KT sees pre-purchase sales of DOA are in the gutter after they reveal how they're going to be pandering to cancerous SJWs (who don't buy games) crying about tiddies and the completely sterilized corporate e-sports scene which is completely fucking fake and relies on the publisher paying out big bribe money to keep their "pro" gamurs
>"W-we're patching jiggle physics back in! please buy our game!"
Seems like Jap devs don't have the deep pockets to survive playing at being cultural engineers like western developers do.
pls say you are baiting, I dont want to feel sorry for you user :
>Weebs made their bed and now they sleep in it
Nigga. The entire reason Censored Gaming and other such websites that report on it like Operation Rainfall even exists is because nobody likes fucking censorship. Fuck it wasn't even two decades ago gaming journalism wasn't down for censorship to with an IGN review notably talking about how disrespectful it was for them to remove the transformation scene out of Onimusha.
Bigots have unfortunately flooded our industry however and their only goal is to exert their power over other people.
How is my post shotacon? Better report if true.
yeah but they were doing that while actively trying to lobby for them to be made illegal.
Now people are just looking down their noses at you while allowing you to do what you want, hoping to socially shame you.
Again, I'll take the social shaming wholeheartedly instead of being an outright criminal for trying to buy the product.
Conservatives and reactionaries are always looking back to a mythical past where the problems of the present did not exist, when in reality of course the past wasn't much better if not actually worse in many regards. Hence why they've been saying the same shit for decades and still acting like it's a recent change. The present is shit and the past is great.
At this point, the Japanese are doing it for profit. Westerners are doing it for ideology. That's why the Japanese backpedal while Westerners double down
He actually wrote that in defence of loli
Maybe if they made actually good fighting games like MK they wouldn't need to scrap for the bottom of the barrel weeabo wanker money by making games based entirely on fanservice.
Censored Gaming was late and inky cared when weebs started getting censored again
What a pussy
>author is black
They stop at nothing now to push their ideology on waht is allowed and what not.
It's entirely a binary issue. There's only two possible states of existance.
>a person with principles that supports the freedom of speech and other personal freedoms
>an animal that opposes freedom for any reason or over any excuse, opposes freedom out of stupidity, someone who in any way supports or aids those who oppose freedom, or someone who fence-sits but in practice condones the destruction of freedom
The devs pulled it down themselves you dense fucking idiot. Its going up again soon.
>being so triggered to be told to kill himself he has to resort to samefagging this hard
such a sad, fragile, pathetic creature. listen to my advice you little sad dipshit and make your brain take the lead pill.
A Mr. Magoo movie got yanked from theatres in the 90s because of controversy over it being offensive to visually impaired people. But you wouldn't know that, because you were in diapers back then.
They were pushing for a mandatory rating system while pressuring all retailers to not carry anything with "bad" ratings.
>Again, I'll take the social shaming wholeheartedly instead of being an outright criminal for trying to buy the product.
I'll settle with neither. It's too bad that we don't have industry figures trying to stand up for this, like we did in the 80s. Musicians didn't cuck out to the moral guardians just to make a quick buck.
>lol just ignore it bro it'll go away!
>lol just give us an inch bro!
Fuck censorship and fuck everyone who defends this shit
Gaiman was talking about legal protection under the law here. That doesn't mean you have to support people saying or doing things you don't like. In fact you're allowed to say you don't support it, and they're allowed to change their ways based on the opinions of others. That's how freedom of speech is supposed to work. The concept that bad ideas can be countered by good ideas is not a violation of free speech, it is one of the most powerful defences of the concept.
>not only a retard but a newfag at that
You fucks always make the same bloody mistakes.
Because it was reviewed bombed by Chinese "loyalists" crying that it was offensive.
Books and authors having to pull their books for the so called "sensitivity reader" is extremely common these days. And it's because bookstores and libraries have a heavy handed approach when it comes to what they allow on their shelves.
The problem with censorship extends way beyond videogames as people become intolerant to all things that don't appeal to their particular ideologies.
When people draw their line in the sand at censorship. It's for a good fucking reason.
lol I'm fapping to loli right now and you can't stop me
>retard thinks people dont know about inspect element
as i told you 6 times already kys retard
>t. millenial who never actually grew up during the 90's and thus believes SJWs are a new concept
please gb2reddit already
After looking a bit into it, it seems that the dude was on the hunting side in the past, shitting against "problematic" books himself, and now has his own against him. Always good to see how they sooner or later eat each other.
>Conservatives and reactionaries are always looking back to a mythical past where the problems of the present did not exist
Literally the SJW types didn't exist back in the 50s and that was fine enough.
>The devs pulled it down themselves you dense fucking idiot.
Literally the case for every instance of "censorship" I've ever seen Yea Forums cry about
>not even the dude that made the first argument
Yep, every single time.
Censorship good.
>millenial who never actually grew up during the 90s
Do you even know what millenial means?
>Everyone who calls me a retard is a samefag
>It's the only explanation!
please cope more
>Be me
>Have every book by Akihiko Yoshida.
>have been to the exhibit in Japan twice and flew their on my own dime.
>Let the censorship in Default pass because it was "icky" in my own fucking words
>Bought the collectors edition and used to flaunt it on Yea Forums
*flash forward*
>Bravely Second comes out
>They censor even more
>"It's okay because it doesn't affect the gameplay"
>Order the collectors edition because it comes with an artbook by Akihiko Yoshida
>They even censored a male character because they viewed the stylized blood as problematic by REMOVING IT FROM THE BOOK and butchering the artist notes
Huh. Didn't think recounting the entire story would get me this heated. I'm literally boiling with seething impotent rage and I've got nobody to blame but myself
Never support censorship kids. Or you'll be as retarded as I am.
>book pulled because it had indians described in a way indians would be described
fucking what
Let's not pretend there wouldn't have been anyone to tell you not to look at animu tiddies, considering WWII was still fresh in everyone's memories and the sexual revolution hadn't happened yet.
>A story about 2 fags in the fucking Kosovo War
Thank god it got pulled back
stop responding to people who makes sense dude. they're just going to wound up telling your sad pathetic ass to go kill yourself. fucking sad silly fuck.
>sensitivity readers
I recently found out about a book from 1906 called Josephine Mutzenbacher which revolves around a girl having her first sexual experience at age five and how she fucks every guy until she becomes a licensed prositute at 13.
The current west would probably hunt down every early English edition of this book and burn it too.
>I was reading a book (about interjections, oddly enough) yesterday which included the phrase “In these days of political correctness…” talking about no longer making jokes that denigrated people for their culture or for the colour of their skin. And I thought, “That’s not actually anything to do with ‘political correctness’. That’s just treating other people with respect.”
>Which made me oddly happy. I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase “politically correct” wherever we could with “treating other people with respect”, and it made me smile.
>You should try it. It’s peculiarly enlightening.
>I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking “Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!”
- Neil Gaiman
Show pics of the censored artbook, I'm curious.
>supporting bigotry
>he gets offended by drawings depicting fictional girls
why do liberals hate child fucking media like these? i only see right wingers defend it.
>he's literally so angry at this point he can't even spell properly
ok i'm sorry we made fun of you. go forth and vanquish the evil Yea Forums lolicons
Because they only support the real thing, and only is "asians" do it.
Rareware never apologized to anyone about anything, they never talked to the press, they held no interviews of importance, they were silent all the fucking time and did whatever they felt like.
I want the Rareware method back.
it's girls who get offended by women better than them, so they lower fiction to a level they can compete, while men instead strive to be like the super attractive unrealistically handsome guys
Conservatives are the real pedos.
Pretty much this.
Look at amir0x. Hated anime, loli, anyone who liked both...
...all whilst he was fucking children secretly in his basement.
Of course Tom was right. He was legit the only thing left at XSEED that was preventing them from going down the shitter. Him and Hatsuu leaving pretty much killed them.
>they're the people making the games in parts heavily politically biased in their favor, and they hire only people like them, or only people who will keep their head down.
Many of those very people say the exact same thing about why there’s a lack of diversity and representation and yadda yadda.
So I’ll say to you what I say to those SJWs. We live in a time of unprecedented indie publishing in the game industry, it is literally easier than ever before for a single person or a passionate group to sit down and make a game and self publish it.
There are means through which anyone can make and sell whatever game they want so long as the content is not literally illegal. If people in charge of a company don’t like what you’re pitching, whether it be anime titties or sjw bs, they aren’t obligated to help you make the game you want.
>Don't even look Asian
>Don't even have Asian names
Who do they think they're fooling.
Brits have a stupid definition of Asian.
Because Brits are morons.
>seran shit
And nothing of value was lost.
And yet I doubt it circulated openly in English-speaking countries until relatively recently and in Germany it probably ended up on a pile to be burned. But surely no one has had to live through times such as these we live in now!
You can view em here
What's more. We'd have never known if it wasn't for this
The only thing that doesn't make me even more asspained than I always am now is that I found out early enough to cancel my preorder
Based MuscleMan poster
You know a lot of SJWs are in the indie scene because big corporations aren't going to help them fulfil their dreams, right
>to tell you not to look at animu tiddies
m8 they were drawing pin up girls with torpedo tits that is objectively better artwise compared to animoo and mangos on their goddamn plane to bomb the goddamn nips and they still do that shit in the 50s. Nobody was censoring that shit and SJW-types retardation didn't even festered yet until the godawful shit in the 60s happened.
>they have a different view and thus they are wrong
Modern editions of the book are censored.
If anyone wants the 1931+1967 amalagamation, though: mega.nz
This is correct. Then you lose sight of the titties and can focus on the actual problem, which is censorship and the nature of the slippery slope.
Did you order the Japanese collection edition?
>all small time
>several court hearings to ban games
>led to the creation of ESRB and other countries' games ratings boards
>all small time
>false attribution to columbine thus beginning a long string of blaming video games for irl violence
>all small time
>the fucking church was trying to get rid of pokemon calling it a cult indoctrinating children
>all small time
you're either a reshitera slider or legit too young to be posting here. go away.
Only NPC support fag lad. I didn't agree with the censorship and the outright blocking of that nigger's book but I'm not sad either.
Tom did nothing wrong
I bet every single one of these comments does actually jerk off to porn, but it's interracial and cuckold porn only.
If they're not important, then why remove them?
I love Kohina
>The first anonymous English translation from 1931 is abridged and leaves part of the sentences untranslated; the 1967 translation by Rudolf Schleifer, however, contains large inauthentic expansions, as shown in the following comparison:
The 2018 edition seems to be complete, though? You know obscenity laws used to be far more stringent?
Really makes you think twice about how big a problem this whole social justice mentality of "literally nothing is allowed if they say so" actually is
>The 2018 edition seems to be complete, though?
The modern editions either make the girls age vague or increase it from five to 18 'cause HURR DURR fictional child sex is wrong.
>protest censorship
>herpaderp "kys pedo"
Why are Twitter uers so mentally ill?
Runs good on emulator?
Are you sure? Or are you generalising?
I love the fucked up views and attitudes of the west. Imagine if tomorrow they came out and said it was time to stop sports like football, soccer etc because they were shortening athletes lives either via injuries or the stress of performing at 110%. People would riot. Yet some cartoon tits has people foaming at the mouth with how terrible they are or how much of a loser someone is for liking games focused on them or at this point, even having them in at all. Mindless violence and killing as well as watching muscled up men fight or run into each other is somehow better for the world or people than playing a game or watching a show with sexualized women. Don't even get me started on the double standard of sexual men is fine but women are not.
Very based, thank you
Just the game. I also imported the artbook. After the fact that is. The full collectors edition I slept on when I found out the US would get one and it would have the artbook. So I held back on both. Flash forward and the fucking thing is censored. So I would have to pay more money for a literal inferior product.
If you can't tell. This wasn't a happy outcome. And it's all because I, like many of the idiots in this thread, either didn't speak out against censorship or didn't think it was a big deal. Wish I wasn't so stupid back then.
Remember that thing some people say to a girl, "damn, you're so sexy, it's almost a crime"
What if they actually make it a crime? haha
>just go jerk off to some porn
I swear this is the most stupid response you braindead troglofucks can come up with. It's just not about sex. It's about titillation. You ease yourself into it and it's more fun that way. Like sure, you can have quick 2 minute sex with no foreplay however taking the time to perform foreplay is what makes it better. And there's some added excitement to seeing characters you've grown to like in provocative situations. Have you ever played an ero drees-up game like Custom Maid, Koikatsu or Artificial Acadamy? Yes, there is sex in those games, but half of the fun is creating characters and giving them different outfits. You see erotic things all throughout the day and it slowly gets you amped up. Then you're lurking on /ck/ and someone posts some lewd shit which flips your switch. "It's about the journey not the destination" fits perfectly here.
Yeah and that’s fine, it’s also fine that the indie scene is filled with anime tiddie porn games.
Good on all of those people for pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and making the games they want to make. The bigger variety of stuff out there the better, I don’t have to like all of it and it shouldn’t all try to appeal to me specifically.
>sensitivity readers
Fahrenheit 451 came true
If looks could kill, you'd be British.
>aging up a girl from 5 to 18 doesn't require rewriting the entire story
are women really this dumb?
That just shows how shitty a worker he was, if he made dollars he would still have his job.
>make our own games
>Steam, the #1 distribution platform of interactive video entertainment, bans your game because the girls are too attractive and the content is too suggestive
Getting games made is not the problem. They just keep shutting out the games to the point where making them at all is pointless because only being able to sell them on dlsite and other non-mainstream retailers isn't going to pay the bills.
>>aging up a girl from 5 to 18 isn't censorship
>being this stupid
It's only censorship if the government does it. When will you amerimutts learn.
It absolutely is, but the idea that they just replaced a 5yo girl with a grown fucking woman and the story still made sense is hilarious to me.
based Rare
Worse than that, since we're technically "burning" the book before it's even out and published.
Look, you can pretend like we've gone backwards so much and you couldn't write that today, but really, the only reason we remember that shit today is because it was so scandalous at the time and probably ran afoul of every obscenity law in Europe until like the 70s (excepting France maybe), but meanwhile more disgusting shit is added to tumblr, deviantart, or sure, why not, Yea Forums, on an hourly basis. The reason you can't become famous with a book like that is because if your pitch is "so, she's five, and she fucks a lot, that's it, that's the whole book," people are gonna be like "yawn, where are the shitting dicknipples m8"
>The only point of breasts and attractive women is to fap to them then and there.
You're sick in the head.
Can't wait until Fahrenheit 451 gets banned
It's porn, it doesn't have much story to begin with
>or give me death
kill yourself then
>The only point of women is to have breasts and be attractive
You're sick in the head
Oh no my animay tittys were band, if only those libtard feminist understood what profound understanding I have from just being a man and demanding things to be given to me because I'm ignorant of the centuries of pain that white men have caused and are the sole criminals of.
twf no heart sice 18 and my first job
I've always found it funny how in the US "Asian" tends to mean people from North East Asia, while in the UK the term means people from the Indian subcontinent.
Video games need to become such a large market that people start realizing that every game isn't made for [someone who plays video games], but [someone who enjoys a certain genre of video games].
I think we're about to get there, but not yet.
>while it's encouraged to support fat fucks who kill themselves by overeating
It's a wonderful world we live in.
It still is asia, in that case tough every single one of the perpetrators was a paki and they simply used asian to not write their nationality. But considering that they bought the story at all while everyone else in the UK tried to silence it until international msm started to report on it I guess it's better then nothing.
You ever notice how the only people who ever actively talk about free speech and fredom of expression and the dangers of censorship are either pedos or racists
>assuming everybody who disagrees with you is a certain race and gender
Bigot and a sexist.
>because it was so scandalous at the time
At the time? I guarantee if someone was to tweet about it, we'd have the vermin from California calling for it to be destroyed.
FF7 remake will be censored to hell and back.
Looks like Feet win again you ass faggots!
>while in the UK the term means people from the Indian subcontinent
You mean tech supporties?
Every race has engaged in war and subjugation, those who haven't are dead.
i honestly do not get it why would anyone want something censored i mean i really do not get it
Get married.
Go ahead and try it out, I won't hold my breath
Sup pedo?
Hey many historians agree that White men should have stayed in their lane. We would have prevented millions of deaths from disease and war. Every other race has not had these same problems.
If they're important, why keep them?
No, not really but so far the only ones who want to censor shit seem to come from the same safe space. Funny how that works, eh?
and because big bad white men are bad
Censorship is good?
It owns how so many socially crippled weebs (all of them) use the slippery slope argument against censorship but also think nothing negative could ever come of jerking off to sexual depictions of children
it's literally just
>stop liking what i don't like
that is genuinely as far as the argument goes
Was it autism?
We're correcting the problems you caused. Your oversexed and objectified view of life is over.
Try call people out on it they either call you a pedo or block you. Both signs that they have literally no defense for their viewpoint.
this is the type of person that buys fucking battle passes and lootboxes in games
I was thinking about how the UK plans to block porn websites.
I guess they don't realizie it's not going to make their women any more attractive.
Whites built the world that matters, fucking retard.
See Roasties are useless if nobody marries them. Who is gonna marry pic related if you jerk off to Honoka?
Ugh, you can't use that one anymore sweaty. the orange man did the same and we can't support him.
The bait is real but ti would have been better if you didn't also post a sexualized image in your response.
I'm an anarchist, and thus my raging erection is at the thought of making all information free, not impure matters such as a girl's bosom.
Mortal Kombat is the most hilarious example of this, going from females being mostly huge titted bimbos to homogenized average/flatties with man faces, but goddamn they find new ways to make fatalities even more gory and ridiculous than the last entry
1) these "games" are not pornographic in nature
2) Being a bigot is indefensible
As far as how shitty your actual argument is.
The availability of porn is thought to be the cause of lowering sexual crime rates
The so called 2D porn has no correlation to causing any actual negative societal impact
The real joke is that you think that supporting any censorship, especially censorship on factually non harmful subject matter is defensible.
It is not and you're a bigot.
>you're making IFI feel bad
what the fuck is this meant to mean
>all information free
We haven't needed journalism for at least 15 years.
>you didn't ignore it
>you gave them the inch despite of their ulterior motives
They did try taht already. And just by sheer accident blocked a couple of politcal sites that weren't in line and swiftly got unblocked once people started to notice it. At least those where enough people noticed it.
the games are created by japan, the country you Americans nuked two times for no fucking reason.
>they don't realizie it's not going to make their women any more attractive
Or you get idiots like this who think their own arbitrary speculation is proof of something when studies exist that show REAL child porn has virtually no effect on the likelihood of a pedophile assaulting a kid
Jerking it to loli is inherently harmful to you if not to anyone else also you are insane for using the word bigot lmao
lol based
Compare it with Cuckistan.
Something, something, honor
Something, something, less people
Is my erection meant to go down after looking at the second picture? Because it's not.
>Jerking it to loli is inherently harmful to you
according to you?
And then the orange man said maybe he overestimated the influence of Vidya and everyone was back beating the old dead horse. It was hilarious, honestly.
proof your conspiracy theory about unreported crimes or fuck off
Then you're the perfect prototype of emasculated bugman they need to raise their mailman mongrels.
>honestly calling someone a bigot for hating pedophilia
This is actual mental illness.
I wonder if organized crime(like Yakuza) has a better or worse influence on those stats
>America ranked 1st in violent crime rapes
That's a lotta dicking.
>honestly calling someone a bigot for hating homosexuality
this is actual mental illness
>inherently harmful to you
1. I do not jerk it to loli and trying to drag my character through the mud is laughable
2. Feel free to provide your own scientifically done studies.
>insane for using the word bigot
Pic related
You say that all people who are against censorship are weebs who jerk it to children.
You are a bigot.
>hating pedophilia
People are hating censorship. You are supporting it. Feel free to defend the indefensible.
You can't.
"Bugman" is a slur for homosexual you cargo cult reactionary
>A bugman is your typical big left leaning city dweller. He is usually obsessed with consumerism, lining up to purchase the newest iPhone or MacBook when it comes out, and using a smartwatch/smart home speaker for longer than the week after he bought it. Chances are he owns other throwaway smart gadgets as well. All his tastes in movies, music, expensive food, art, and more are determined by what review sites and blogs say.
>Draw child
>Hold drawing hostage in basement
>Shoot drawing
>Go to jail for murder
>There were no SJWs in the 90s.
Son ... oh lawdy ... here's a recent topic for you to research: Mortal Kombat and censorship in the early 90s. The blood/fatality censorship when it transitioned from the arcade to home console. How the Sega Genesis version had blood and the SNES version didn't. The "blood kode". That's just off the top of my head. There were like a dozen censorship issues surrounding MK1 and MK2.
If you lived during the day when Doom and Wolfenstein first hit store shelves, you would have seen a 2 year non-stop barrage from the media about violence in video games. The early 90s were an absolute fucking war-zone, and I'm not talking about the L.A Riots (though that was pretty similar)
t. boomer.
>mfw they go after tone down ultra violence next
since this push won't satisfy them.
Oh, wow, he put a meme arrow in front of it, that's convincing.
the Yakuza stopped being a thing years ago grandpa.
like if america didn't had organized crime and mafias on his history.
Why aren't pro censorship fags posting any studies?
The evangelical christians were eerily similar in a lot of ways. In any case both groups have a hard-on for forcing their belief system on everyone else.
Based on the fact I seed about 90GB of loli manga, I guess I'm trafficking children.
Those christians still exist. The exact same group, actually. They've changed their name like 6 times. Today it's something like "Center for Protection of Exploited Children" or some shit. I'd have to look it up. They spearhead a lot of letter-writing campaigns. They've been doing it a long time, and they know exactly who to send letters to. They don't just shitpost on forums. They make calls and send paper letters to the top by the thousands. You never hear about them because their internet presence is practically non-existent because they know shitposting isn't the most efficient route to push their agenda. SJWs get a lot of credit for stuff the religious-right is doing behind the scenes.
not anymore. men also want to lower the standard because is too hard for them to achieve that
I find this hard to believe, but I'm old and out of touch so I can't say you're wrong. If this is true, you fuckers just need to go ahead and transition and stop tarnishing the name of real men.
>Not killing the thots
Not my fault you are a law/neutralfaggot
First they came for the lolis, then they came for MK.
The slippery slope is fucking REAL. It always starts with the horrible stuff, then trickles down with the mere edges.
Like the 90s this too shall pass eventually. It's just a matter of waiting and biding time. Let the SJW shit tank over and over again.
>make your own games
>make your own game console
>make your own game company
>make your own bank
Yeah it's not like SMT has ever had sexually charged conversations or imagery
So, you're saying SJWs take credit for all the shit the re-branded religious right does? I mean, they both share similar goals.
Then it's only a matter of time until they turn their sights on the LGBT.
>anime tiddies in video games will seem a lot less important to you after you're done.
>jerk off to porn
>still like anime tits
I think I made a mistake somewhere because what you said would happen didn't.
I miss him. I hope he's doing well in Japan. He dislikes ecchi stuff yet he defendet it. Ecchi jesus.
>make your own book
>make your own publishing company
>get censored anyways because bookstores won't carry your book about native american homosexuals
What a laugh.
>the same people who rebel aginst christian conservatives for trying to censor games duento violence are now the ones trying to censor the games for sexual imagery
are suw the neo-puritans?
Personally, I'd rather have a nice set of tits in my face than """atmosphere""" with your melodramatic mood synthesized by artificial lighting filters and sulky audio ambience like a late-90's linkin park video. The entertainment world was better before """atmosphere""".
Blazing Saddles would be impossible to make today because """"atmosphere"""" would overdrive the realism to the point that people couldn't see the comedy past how amplified the offensiveness was by """atmosphere""".
He didn't like a lot of shit that he defended. But he drew his line in the sand because he knew we'd only be worse off if somebody who could, didn't.
Nigga I know you don't expect me to read all that shit.
No, he said they get the credit. In fact the SJWs usually say "this isn't what we wanted, we never asked for this" and then Yea Forums is like "nuh uh you're lying who else could it be"
there ya go
The only good SMT.
There was an article the other day about how race books and nazi books are being pulled from Amazon.
Funny how the Jews are literally destroying books when the Nazis did it to them.
Jews = the new Nazis.
>muh sjw boogieman
extremists on both sides always use vidya to push a narrative
why do you guys fall for them so easily?
do you seriously think "conservatives" don't want to censor vidya? Are you all zoomers or something?
yeah I bet some bible thumper trumper is ok with loli shit
fuck sjw diversity trannies but the other side is no better
More like they're being used by the same Christian Conservatives because they now speak the same language. So the same rebels rabble rouse against sexuality on the internet while the Christian Conservatives work behind the scenes.
do faggots stop liking men or stop watching men in lustful ways after they cum? no, obviously not
No, not so much. That was sloppy wording on my part. I mean both the extreme religious-right and the far SJW-left work towards the same goals, but SJWs get blamed/credited for the outcome because they have a much broader presence in the public eye where is religious groups tend to purposely keep themselves instead (making them more tolerable but also more dangerous).
It's weird to think how open sexiness was twenty/thirty years ago.
Or maybe a skilled filmmaker would realise that a comedy shouldn't have """"atmosphere""""
It's almost like different things call for different approaches and mindlessly putting tits into everything is for simpletons
Japanese devs should call Sony a racist already.
No boogeyman if the UK is any indication. Rabid feminists teamed up with religious christians to take down porn there.
We didn't have fat acceptance then.
They actually did open up a little for that DKC promotional VHS and what happened was some other group that wanted to cover the game called them lame asses, thus Rareware went quiet on everything else they did since.
Doesn't help that the religious groups now co-op the same language that SJWs use to get what they want.
They'll think of a way to censor you. SJWs are the West's morality police in 2019.
No one wants to put tits on everything
but you want to erase tits from everything
you are the authoritarian assholes
They're just more thoroughly regulating it. I actually WANT them to censor it because it would then be the case study we need to shut people up when sexual crimes increase.
Show me a single man who has never enticed to buy a game, movie, or music album because of an attractive woman on the cover. MAN LIKE TITS. Attractive women and sex appeal make a game more appealing. I'm not saying to go full-hentai. But are you going to try and tell me Final Fantasy VIII would have been better if Yuffie wore khakies and a button down shirt? Bitch please. A little spice makes everything nice. We're not talking about jerk-off material. Just a little extra spice.
>Yea Forums being manipulated by /pol/ again
what else is new
they sure know how to exploit outrage and pretend to be defenders of free speech when they will toss vidya "free speech" under the bus the first chance it suits them ie blaming violent video games for a bunch of kids getting shot up
the only difference is that most game "journalists" tend to be sjw fags so it is easy to see their fuckery
>90's video
>FEPA was drafted in 2005
Disingenuous fuck.
The company goes under if its games don't sell, smart guy. That's part of the reason they refuse to review it. They want icky people and their icky ideas to disappear. It's creative "deplatforming."
>No one wants to put tits on everything
First day on Yea Forums?
>but you want to erase tits from everything
Why do you have to make it personal? Does it make it easier if you imagine I'm one of "them"? Regardless, I don't think this is exactly true either.
>meme arrow
Tom wasn't fired, he quit. Hatsuu was fired, though.
Oh, you can tell why that's supposed to be funny, maybe you've been here longer than the election after all
>what is self-censorship
>implying self-censorship due to pressure isn't just as dangerous and pernicious as outright authoritarianism
They're pressured not to put problematic content in their games.
>they simply used asian to not write their nationality
they put "asian" instead of "british"?
>pre-purchase sales
Your post is worthless and doesn't mean a fucking thing.
>Mugen Souls did it
Didn't Mugen Souls also completely bomb?
I dont see anyone else censoring games. You are the evil.
no faggot it's because it's called greentext used to quote someone. The fact you call it may-may arrow is because you're 13 and saw a youtube thread simulator video
>crying about anime shit
Please have some fucking standards
Progressives in a nutshell.
>support book burning
>support censorship
>support deplatforming
>support doxxing people they hate
Coming up next, concentration camps.
When do you think ESRB became a thing?
Not exactly "pressured" so much as "incentivised by market forces"
That's capitalism, baby. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
>Christiane F. – Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo
>it's not a binary issue
It is. There are only two genders.
No no you don't understand
It's only censorship if the government does it
Public pressure, being fired or otherwise losing your livelihood for what you say is totally fine because freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequence :^)
>no faggot it's because it's called greentext used to quote someone.
Oh, sorry, you're too new to have experienced "meme arrows", I erred on the wrong side there.
Ironically the same leftists that want to remove the sexualization of women in video games criticized Trump for this. It's a mad world we live in.
user, you're posting on Yea Forums, less on Yea Forums. Low standards are the default.
i have, that's why i don't consume western trash
>I masturbate to anime tits 4 times a fucking day but I don't think that they need to be the focus of a game
>not beating off 24/7
Come on man, you're on Yea Forums you know these people are already detached from reality and won't listen to a thing you say. FUCK weebs by the way.
Yeah let's all go and buy the latest movie game!
he's living the life in japan now (if not, soon) teaching english and shopping for MSX hardware, be happy for him
Your mind is single issue
Don't they already support beatings and death sentences for dissenters?
Naw nigga can't play off your fuck up.
nothing to see if you don't look
damn these liberals
fuck off
All of these. Making your own game is literally impossible in this current age. SJWs are God and have taken over everything. There's a reason why /agdg/ threads have been relegated to /vg/. Stop making your own game. SJWs will find you. SJWs will ruin you.
It's not capitalism idiot it's activism and pressuring other companies into not affiliating with the person or company being witch hunted.
Why are you in favour of moral outrage mobbing anyways. It's pretty fucking sick.
Why are incel pedophiles so pathetic?
Since when I was implying you should care about them?
>imagine having a political party so bad everyone prefers siding with worlds most hated political orientation
shiggy my diggies judiya.kun. Shilling aint everything it seems.
t. delusional nodev
Your game will never be made. This is a proven fact.
You realise I was calling them meme arrows to mock the guy in the first place, right? Are you him? You can't be this dense.
Censorship negatively impacts sales. The people who want censorship and those incentivized to stop use of a product because of that censorship are two different people.
>all caps
Your buzzwords have no power here.
If you literally dont even get why people like these things than why do you think you have any say whatsoever?
Describe these witch hunts for me, please. What do they actually consist of?
That was a shit series and the two people who should have died never did. Fuck. I think I will be eternally mad about that.
Why are circles round?
So you're consuming anime trash instead?
It's funny how dumb weebs think censorship is the biggest issue I AM NOT SAYING IT ISN'T AN ISSUE SO CHILL YOUR DICK when companies prey upon peoples addiction to the point where they take out loans, rack up debt, neglect the important things in life to get a sparkly .jpg of some cartoon girl, digital athlete, or NERF gun.
i'm And while I find your strawman funny and all. My example was using a self publishing novelist.
Your article isn't even related to what we're talking about.
Someone post FGO NA's Emiya alter
You'd be the one crying if they censored homosexual relationships and trannies. But since your tribe is the one with the upper hand we see you here gloating. It's quite petty desu.
>weebs think censorship is the biggest issue
It is. How does anyone dare to tell me what to say and what not?
>Maybe we should make our own games
You can't. You literally fucking can't. Literally all of your distribution options are fucked one way or the other. This is a proven fact and the reason why none of us aspire to make games anymore. The medium is dead to us forever.
So you agree with me. Any form of self-publishing for non-Marxists is now impossible. Kikes have full control over you no matter what.
I am very happy for him, hope he enjoys himself in Japan
Hope I can join him there soon, too
What makes you that user is a tranny? Jesus with you guys it's always black and white. There's no in between...
Yes! Yes!
Make it a regular thing!
Their problem, not mine.
I ain't blaming COCA-COLA trademark of Coca Cola Company for my shitty teeth, that's my own fault.
Do you live under a rock? Social media mobbing you fucking idiot. Pay attention.
>thinking it's CERO
The only one hit by CERO was Smash and that's because they wanted to advertise it to elementary schoolers with a tournament.
These are the very literal requirements to get a CERO D rating for sexy content
>Are there nipples or sex bits
>Is there fucking
>Is there cum
There's implied cum in the form of yogurt, whipped cream, sun screen, etc.
>OK here's you're D rating have a nice day.
Why do you hate artists?
Yes, obviously, I was pretending to be retarded, that was the whole point, it wouldn't be very effective satire otherwise. I didn't think I made it too subtle. "Meme arrow" is pretty on the nose. I even told you it was supposed to be funny before you even got around to "correcting" me.
When you think you made something foolproof, the universe comes up with a bigger fool.
>the new 90s
What the fuck is he talking about? There was less censorship in the 90s than probably any other decade in history. Even fucking WRESTLING was R-rated in the 90s!
>implying self-censorship due to pressure isn't just as dangerous and pernicious as outright authoritarianism
It’s not as dangerous. It’s not even close to as dangerous.
Instead of pakistanis.
The alternative is that you're a Christian conservative puritan.
No, I'm not asking you to fill me in, I'm asking you, in detail, to describe what happens, in order to actually make you think about it.
Because posting shit on social media isn't censorship.
Or maybe that person isnt overreacting over dumb unimportant shit like this?
I dunno.
Holy shit that reddit post needs to stay on reddit
This isnt 1994. It's the left wing niggers censoring games.
Hey i'm gay and i WANT boobs and attractive females too. Fuck all censorship and fuck thin-skinned people that feel threatened by imaginary people in a videogame.
>All of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.
So say we all
Nobody's replying to these posts because they're correct. Leftists have achieved God status over the medium and control the development every game. There is no such thing as a self-published game anymore. It all has to be approved by SJW overlords. This is why nodevs went extinct. This medium is dead.
Sadly there are very few people in the industry like Tom. Everybody is against censorship until it's something they don't like and then it's just a slippery slope from there.
zoom zoom!
Tom was too good for this world.
Pressuring a company into conceding to the morality police is censorship. The one doing the censorship are the corporations censoring on behalf of activist groups.
It's fucked up and you support it because you're either an SJW or a religious conservative prude.
Clearly radical anarchism is the only answer.
>Their problem, not mine.
And there you go, completely missing the entire point, which is why you're in this predicament.
Censorship is an important issue in the slippery slope is real. Maybe you should stop being a pushover faggot.
>thin-skinned people that feel threatened by imaginary people in a videogame
You realise that's armchair psychology from Yea Forums though and not actually anyone's stated reason?
No. Suicide is the only answer. 99% of the world is leftist as fuck. SJW and Their censorship will never die.
you act like there is a difference
most activist groups are motivated by the progressive movement of the early 1900s, which was baked in religious zealot puritans
True but the cunt is trying to pretend like he's not an SJW so the only likely alternative is a religious conservative.
So build up your own industry from scratch, nobody owes you anything. After all, that's what you'd say if we were talking about race, rather than political affiliation :^)
>Wtf is this door at the end of Donkey Kong and how do I open it?
Right, but define "pressuring" though
Slippery slope is an argument that is only a fallacy when not supported by evidence. Censorship in video games is a slippery slope supported by countless examples. Fiction causing real world violence is a slippery slope that is not supported by any evidence and rather is contradicted by any actual studies into the matter.
I'd rather die trying to blow up government buildings and genociding authoritarians than committing suicide like a lil bitch.
Lazy non-answer from a disingenuous faggot. If we did somehow make our own parralel economy you'd still be trying to find a way to censor and ruin people.
>Censorship in video games is a slippery slope supported by countless examples.
Is it? Have you got one?
>yuh just play it to jack off!!!!1!!
No, if I wanted to masturbate, I'd masturbate to actual porn.
wrong article
and while you're at it read the above listed example, which I had planned to use as a retort mixed with this picture and this one
I'm offloading right now and will be dropping out of this thread. I'm sure you'll pop up in another thread tomorrow and we can beat each other over the head with two opposing views later.
Lastly take this
Which is directly on the topic that another user posted.
Censorship self censor to avoid damage to their image or deal with an oppressive outside environment.
Censorship is anti capitalism
Censorship is harmful to whatever is being censored.
There is no "little censorship". It's either free speech or censorship
For bonuses read
Much like my image. Accepting censorship and letting it become normalized provides the tools necessary to censor things you DO care about later.
I think I've covered every argument you could have. And if I didn't, oh well. Goodnight.
Fuck off
I legit wonder if people are just bating or if we really have this many people on Yea Forums supporting censorship. If it's the latter then wtf happened to this place?
>less people
That's why all statistical comparisons use rates instead of totals you stupid motherfucker.
Fuck off glowie
>Blood, gore and guts is A-OK
>titties bad
really bizarre times.
Those are 2 completely seperate issues. Sometimes they overlap, but not even half the time.
>i'm gay
No one fucking cares. Not that I dont agree with you, but "I fuck guys" wont get your point across, you, you fäg.
I don't see christians complaining. Just lefties.
Reminder that all of you don't actually care about censorship; you only care about keeping your titties around. It just happens to fall under censorship.
Games get censored all the time, for all kinds of reasons, all over the world—but the only time you throw your arms up about it is if it affects your dick.
Look, you can get upset all you want about localization taking away your boobs, that is fine, but don't act like you're an advocate against censorship, because you're not.
>we can't stop censorship
>we can't make our own games
>nobody will side with us
>SJW will keep winning and winning forever because of this
Why are we such powerless losers bros? Nothing is fucking good anymore, everything will continue to be shit and there's nothing we can do to stop it.
t. federal agent
99% of the world is SJW now. We are the remaining 1% who see the truth. We're so fucked.
Exactly. Again, nodevs went extinct for a reason.
Maybe you'd have an argument is said socially crippled weebs were out raping kids. I mean surely with a cursory look at the state of the world
>11 year old does a strip tease at a gay bar
>Media applauds
that we live in
>child abuse at an all time high
>dare mention this and you're being transphobic
we'll find
>Anti-lolicon found with CP
endless cases
>8 year old drag queens praised by the media
of these sick depraved weebs
>UN member caught with CP
committing these grave acts against children. I mean surely you aren't making baseless claims while the contrary happens around you, right?
It's 100% bait, now even neo/v/ is this retarded
*ahem* parazite.nn.fi
Can we just start with own country?
Even DLSite censors things to shit now.
its funny that you can play the witcher 3 right now and other games that have uncensored nipples in them that are censored in japan but Yea Forums won't say a fucking word
Don't tell me want to do. I'll rub it to whatever the fuck I please.
It's just b8 m8. Yea Forums is just one big fishing pond now.
Right about what? I don't give a single shit about waifu pandering garbage getting censored.
>i have to project motives onto my opponent to rationalize my defense of censorship
Yeah, because censorship is a double standard that doesn't apply to western games. A European titty is perfectly fine, a Japanese titty is misogynistic rape.
no you are just retarded
Exactly. We have literally nowhere to go if we want to sell our games. It's over. It's all fucking over. There is nothing we can do to stop eternal SJW censorship.
>"I fuck guys" wont get your point across
Not him but the left values things like that. If you say you're a fag then they value your opinion more.
>I don't see christians complaining. Just lefties.
He claimed he wasn't an SJW though. So if not an SJW then who else has tried to censor games in the past?
>trying to shift focus from a publisher problem to a consumer problem.
The thing about gacha and freemium is that it is essentially economical Darwinism. If these people got filtered out and had their lives ruined by chasing shiny jpgs, how well do you think they would have fared at actual important economical decisions, such as mortgage payments, possible student loans, credit card debt, investing, and more? I won't deny that freemium style gaming has left a dent on the industry, but there will be devs to work around it, and who don't implement it in the games.
Where this differs from censorship is because the devs have no say in it and neither do the consumers, especially the higher up in influence goes. There are only a few number of publishers willing to translate and import relatively small games over to the west like XSeed, if their team starts buckling to the pressure, it starts affecting every game they bring over. Bigger companies like Nintendo and more recently Sony as well. Who do you think draws the lines on what's even allowed to be put on their platforms?
Because I get the distinct feeling you're using inaccurate hyperbole in order to make it seem like people expressing their opinions on a media platform designed for that person is somehow against free speech.
>Reminder that all of you don't actually care about censorship; you only care about keeping your titties around.
You're right, I care a lot about Emiya Alter's titties.
>Reminder that all of you don't actually care about censorship
Thanks for telling me what I think nigger. You're a great mind reader.
>non-japanese userbase cares about censorship in the west
Next you'll tell me I can't care about poor people in America because there are poor people in India
>No refute, only spouts a meme
Why do people like them? I never understood it myself. There's a sea of hentai out there, why anyone would shill out $60 for a cocktease with mediocre gameplay beats me.
The answer has always been to support the original version (the one released in Japan before it gets translated) and that's why you learn Japanese.
define pressuring
Before I leave
>Haru – That’s honestly their decision, but yes, sadly, it has stopped us from localizing certain Compile Heart games. We don’t want to censor anymore because we know that’s not true to the original developed art.
The pressure is external
To get more into depth with that read this
If you can't read all of that. Read this
> The combination of a new conservative administration, school shootings and the recent explosion of a politically expendable industry creates a highly charged atmosphere that likely will spark First Amendment battles across the country. The courts and legislators will then be forced to debate the proper level of constitutional protection to be given to make-believe violence on our computer screens and television sets. Amidst this robust debate, we should not loose sight of the fact that kids will be kids, and often need an outlet for their angst. Cartoon violence has been with us for many years, and no researcher has successfully established a causal link between graphic video games and real-life violence. In the words of Judge Posner in the Indianapolis case, "common sense says that the City's claim of harm to its citizens from these games is implausible, at best wildly speculative."(21) Yet well-organized censorship groups will continue to ask the government to do the parent's job, by restricting access to protected speech in the name of protecting children. The Industry can hope that those requests will fall on deaf ears, as they should in a free society. But they won't. Just ask Hillary and Joe! Lawrence Walters, Esq., is a partner with the law firm Walters Law Group.
ah yes, titties is why people got pissy over things like FE Fates' support dialogue being altered. Yep, totally that.
Blame nu-Pol The Donald reddit transplants, tranny discords raiding, ResetEra, whatever since they're all a bunch of uptight moral authoritarians.
Thankfully, they all fear the c-word
>Removing forced diversity
For it to be a slippery slope you have to point to the logical connection between the two. Not just "there's more of it". I mean, it's the same series even. That's not a slippery slope. That's just the same company making the same business decisions.
>Illustrations removed from Artbook
what the fuck, why would I pay for a version of an artbook that has LESS ART? I'd rather learn moonglyphs that getting ripped off like that.
Why would anyone ever go to a strip club when they could just watch porn?
Nah fuck you I'll stand up for any game that gets hit by censorship. I don't give a shit if it's bing bing wahoo shit or basedny movie games I'll always be here fighting for your games.
>upset someone pointed out his flaw in logic
Here are a good resource for the 2 delusional nodevs that still exist and think they can release their game unscathed
All these posts are undebated and absolutely correct. SJW will find a way to censor any game you make and ruin your life, because SJW are God.
>about localization taking away your boobs
Is that what you call censoring the Japanese game at its source despite passing all required ratings boards to release the game for sale in Japan?
Yes tities is why I cared about the censorship of the real world physical artbook which censored MALE CHARACTERS.
Not a footfag but that’s kinda neat. I’d probably play with my girlfriend’s feet all the time if she had webbed toes.
Can you explain why I'm retarded, at least?
Way to miss the point, cretin
Yeah using the term asian to describe people from the continent of asia is just retarded
Unless they're literally being gun pointed at, there is no reason to buy shit you don't need. Think smart, not hard.
Nononono Yea Forums never got mad over Treehouse's FE translation! You can't prove it! It never happened!
Strip clubs are a social experience. Tiddy Ninjas aren't.
>Same decisions
Except the second game didn't have 7 instances of censorship, it had 45 and censorship extended to the art book, which didn't happen to the first game's art book. It's a clear cut example of the localisation team being empowered by the good reception of the censorship the first time around and exercising further influence on the sequel as a direct result of that.
You wouldn't say the same if it was Christian conservatives doing it to stuff you like that's for fucking sure.
That's the thing with people like you, you have no principles whatsoever and you only care when it's stuff you like that gets censored.
So much this. If only 8ch would accept that this is the true reality...
maybe if american's didn't forced their fucking law to sensor porn in japan because they wanted to hide the crimes of american soldies against the japanese population after the second war, you could have seen your witcher 3 genitals in the japanese version
>The pressure is external
They're free to ignore it. What are the consequences, exactly? What forceful mechanism is actually in place here? He even admits, "that's honestly their decision". Or is he talking about getting past the ratings?
Whatever happened in the past is irrelevant. Point is there are currently a group of people, Social justice warriors to be exact, censoring freedom and I'm against it. Whether you're with me or not doesnt matter to me. No matter what your sexual preferances are. Fuck off with your semantics.
None of this would have happened if these JP devs didn't become greedy port happy pricks and stayed loyal to sony.
>Tiddy Ninjas aren't.
You know these games all have multiplayer, right?
They're Middle Eastern.
>It's a clear cut example of the localisation team being empowered by the good reception of the censorship the first time around and exercising further influence on the sequel as a direct result of that.
Is it? If you had proof of that I guess it would be an example.
If for ANYBODY who doesn't understand the correlation of what was posted in that article, especially about how parents who use "protecting the children" can negatively impact games from a censorship standpoint. Look at Sony and remember this
>Atushi Morita: “Regarding the regulation of the depiction of content, it’s simply a matter of matching global standards.
>“As for the freedom of expression… we have to think about what might be unpleasant for children and shield them from those things while also thinking and assessing ways to find a balance [for that expression].”
>They're free to ignore it.
Somebody hasn't bothered to read anything in my first offload. Try again.
The more time i spend on other boards the more I wonder how I even felt a part of such mouth breathers.
It shouldn't be this easy. Even actual fish are smarter than this.
>companies prey upon peoples addiction
Do you want to know why that isn't a bigger problem than censorship? Because the consumer has the choice to engage in microtransaction slot machines or not. There isn't an alternative to a censored game anymore. It is permanently made into a lesser experience for everyone because a focus group or a marketing team decided it should be so.
I'm still waiting for you to address my point, user. Surely you have evidence to prove that what you claim is factual. You wouldn't just make up lies on the internet would you?
rawr means I love you in dragon~
Can you stop samefagging/falseflagging and trying to get people to kill themselves? I know you want less of us so you can obtain cultural hegemony, but this really isn't the way to do it.
>Comparing multiplayer in a video game to actually hanging out with people
Yep, this is Yea Forums alright.
>It's not a real example if you don't have a signed statement from the localisation producer confirming it
dialogue being altered isn't always censorship you moron, especially in FE Fates case. Most of the time, that's a different case all together.
If Christian conservatives were tweeting at my favourite game devs that their games were sinful and the dev proceeded to repent and change their ways, I would certainly be up in arms about it. But I wouldn't be crying about "censorship" or "pressure" because that's not what's going on there.
And get censored by our SJW overlords. No thanks. Salf-publishing of all kinds is impossible for non-Marxists now, and it will remain that way forever.
Multiple people agreeing to the truth =/= samefagging. Also everyone on this site agrees with the general sentiment of these posts. As was said earlier, nodevs died off for a reason.
same thing you fucking homo.
I'm not sure why you're getting upset user unless you yourself are a christian conservative. The reason I brought them up is because they are the only group i know who have tried to censor games besides SJWs. Furthermore SJWs hate being compared to them.
>especially in FE Fates case
A lot of Fates' dialogue changes were censorship, though. Like the changes to Soleil's supports about the attraction drug.
That is also true, both are true. Both terms are used in Britain.
If the changes aren't made the game won't get published in the first place.
>Somebody hasn't bothered to read anything in my first offload. Try again.
No, I read the first one. The one the quote was from. There's not a whole lot more to it. So, again, what actual pressure is there? What leverage do they have?
>everyone on this site agrees
Astroturf harder
>But I wouldn't be crying about "censorship" or "pressure" because that's not what's going on there.
But that's exactly what would be going on.
>Actually thinking these fags will provide sources
Look at the thread it's full of pro censorship fags asking for more evidence while providing none of their own
It's not the same thing you fucking idiot.
I'm And this one incident caused me to hate ALL censorship.
So how about you shove your broad stroke bullshit up your ass.
>Salf-publishing of all kinds is impossible for non-Marxists now, and it will remain that way forever.
It's easier now than ever, if payment processors reject you then just use bitcoin. You're helping no-one.
>Hey your games are in danger of having something censored, and it's not exclusively sexual stuff either.
This is what you sound like.
Or anything at all beyond speculation.
Nononono Yea Forums was perfectly fine with this!! Yea Forums loved the new characterizations
>thread has a reasonable start
>hijacked by the underaged faggot brigade who can't tolerate fun
gee, it's almost like I've seen this thread structure 20 times in the past hour, and will see it at the same rate in the next hour, funny how that works. I hate what this website has become
Its ironic because it was actually like that already but when the industry was smaller.
Fortunately for you nothing is easier than wallowing in self-pity. I imagine if that took any effort you'd tell yourself it wasn't worth it due to the SJWs, too.
>take time writing out a clear response
> But I wouldn't be crying about "censorship" or "pressure" because that's not what's going on there
It would still be censorship dumbfuck except on behalf of a different group. I suspect the only reason you say this is because your interests are not currently the ones being censored. I'm done with you faggot, I don't trust you to be arguing in good faith whatsoever.
Did you know that cripplechan bans people for stating these facts?
Prove me wrong. You can't, making and releasing your own game uncensored is impossible now. Deal with it.
>It's easier now than ever,
>what is steam censorship
>what is GOG imploding on itself
>what is literally every other vidya platform being pro-censorship
Literally your only option now is the chink-owned Epic games store, and there's no guarantee they won't censor too.
Find a different publisher then lol
Woah thank the Lord you censored out that young girl's body. I might have seen something horrific!
Surely you don't mean the censorship part because that was even more rampant back then.
Going to be honest here as long as the gameplay isn't changed I don't really care.
Hypothetically if my indie dev team wanted to do an AMA here what would be the best way to do it?
>not baiting and impying implications
I'm sorry user. People don't wanna argue cause there is nothing to argue about, censorship is stupid.
You'd care if they censored a Yaoi or Yuri scene though.
Discord raids are a real thing.
Imagine being such a colossal faggot that you unironically think like this.
People are probably baiting and playing devils avocado
>what is steam censorship
>what is GOG imploding on itself
>what is literally every other vidya platform being pro-censorship
>Literally your only option now is the chink-owned Epic games store
None of these are self-publishing.
I enjoy anime tiddies as an aesthetic in the same sense that you enjoy whatever vidya aesthetic you do.
I've never met a SK fan who plays specifically to get off, or even faps to the games at all rather (excluding r34 of them after they're done playing). Most of them are there for the cute, hence all the waifuposting and affections for specific characters. Or for the gameplay.
>but the gameplay sucks!
Show me your top 20 games and I will probably find at least one game which I think sucks. I could still probably comprehend why you like it because I'm not autistic and can fathom the motives behind other people's tastes.
No, it's literally not censorship. You can't just toss out words willy-nilly because they're bad words and they make the opponent look bad. I can disagree with the direction a company takes without accusing them of censoring, or being censored, or self-censoring or whatever.
I'm not sure the mods on Yea Forums are sentient enough to be able to organize something like that.
Good luck with that.
Most of this diatribe about censoring makes me skeptical that JJBA will be published as much when it goes past Part 6, Part 7 specially since it contains underage rape.
I wonder what they actually get out of it? do they get paid, or are they literally doing it for free? I know the raids on /pol/ are paid, but what merit could a corporation gain from raiding Yea Forums?
>as long as the things I care about aren't censored...
and we're right back to the beginning
I really wouldn't. I don't play games for story or tiddies, but I can see why people who do would care.
They changed gameplay in FE. And not just Fates, either.
Technichally I am christian even though I dont consider myself conservative. I'm Swiss so I'm rather rather neutral and very different to you Americans. Put that all aside, SJWs are censoring games all the time, yet you blame "the other guys". I want to left alone and others to have the same freedom. Does this make me a bad person? Tits are not evil, the white man isnt evil, (You) are out there hunting down to everyone who isnt on "your side".
For fucks sake. Whats wrong with you?
Bullshit, I jack off 1 or 2 times a day to both real porn and anime tiddies in video games. If you just limit yourself to only porn, you honestly don't belong on a site like this and you should leave while you still have some dignity.
based retard
oh fuck off
nintendo always censor their shit in the west because they wanted their system to be family friendly but praise people like Reggie right?
I sure remember punching all that sweat out of some fools in mortal kombat
that's also because of sjws right?
Cancel your game. If it has content that the SJW overlords don't like then it will be censored and your life will be ruined.
That's because there are no more options for self-publishing without censorship.
>dude just get a paypal/patreon lmao
>Made 22 years ago
>Flawless representation of the modern western world
The man who made this skit was a fucking time traveller, he must have been.
Oh I know, just wanting to rub the salt in. They are the guilty party. They advocate actual child abuse and molestation. They want kids to be raped. REAL kids. Like hell they have any moral high ground there.
Sounds like puzzle games are more for you
Ah. If we ignore the first offload, in relation to the article. The LARGER problems are that without conforming to regulatory pressure and conforming to social norms a product and the industry at a whole might fall under even LARGER regulations by groups and societies who then use moral appeals to force debates. Ironically you are a tiny bit right. Censorship in SOME cases is capitalism. But only because it's done to appeal to sponsors. Corporate Sponsorship is an entirely larger bag of worms and is seen as a negative in regards to free speech by almost everybody. Obviously excluding the beneficiaries and lobbyists
You might have been too young to remember when this happened.
This is more recent
Or for a look at just how far the argument goes
Games have had a war on their content for as long as they have existed. And some companies feel compelled to fly low through the radar to avoid further scrutiny.
This is that "pressure" you were asking about.
I think that simplifies it all.
90% of them do it for free because they find it funny.
Not everyone only plays their Mario bing bing wahoo games where story and narrative doesn't exist.
There's a different between rubbing one off to porn and enjoying an art form that is erotica.
Who says it has to be organized by them? my team can just make a thread on the game itself no?
>implying they can make us change shit
>implying its coming to consoles
They can't do shit.
>dude just get a paypal/patreon lmao
What part of >if payment processors reject you then just use bitcoin
did you not understand?
>implying they can make us change shit
They don't have to, they can just ban you for wrongthink. SJWs have the upper hand, and there will never be a viable alternative.
Set it up ahead of time, with a time schedule whatever.
Clearly mark the topic in the subject line and have a trip so people know you're the OP. Then just open up for Q&A. I'd say give 24-48 hours notice you're planning it.
What game are you working on?
5/10, you had me going there for a while.
Posted this already but I'll post it again
Paypal isn't safe
Patreon isn't either
neither is your bank
Feel free to try to earn a living through bitcoin.
why fucking an americans and euro to an extend , make the asumption anime loli = real life child i dont understand , they keep saying fucking japan with the child porn etc, and to my knowledge japan has little to no child molestation , and less rape and violent attacks to women than Usa or Europe , i will never understand american hipocrisy you can TEAR A MAN FACE in the lkatest mortak Kombat with hiper realistic graphics but you can show anime tiddies loli or normal tiddies , it just anime is not real life ffs sake , if somebody should protect the children is your fucking countries having way more cases of child molestation than the virtual 0 numbers of japan , because that country knows what a fantasy is .. unlike usa where you have sexual rings or cases every year
>just go jerk off to some porn
no, watching porn is what diferenciates Perverts from Connoisseurs
>People are hating censorship. You are supporting it. Feel free to defend the indefensible.
The problem I have with this is that the prevailing attitude (and exact quotes for most posts in threads like these) is "all censorship is bad, period, there is never any good censorship". Depending on how loosely you want to apply the term "censorship", I don't think this holds up at all. Like, it's illegal to verbally incite genocide, or to just start screaming racial slurs at people in public. You are "censored" by the law. Do you think those laws should be abolished?
That's obviously a very extreme example but if the stance is "all censorship is indefensible", then I have to assume that's the position you'd take, which to me is ludicrous.
Support minigames and the difficulty (not censorship but poor localization).
And then there's the BRILLIANT name changes, like Belka to Beruka and Harold to Arthur.
>implying they can make us change shit
Oh no, they'll just blacklist you from every review site and run your name through the mud to the point where every normie believes you're a racist pedophile.
>and to my knowledge japan has little to no child molestation
>little to no
>to no
You cannot seriously believe this
>Do you think those laws should be abolished?
Not that guy, but yes.
>le bitcoin maymay
>just join the shadow economy dude
another dismissive non-answer
NoJ told NoA to fuck off after the failure that was the Wii U. Suprisingly, Nintendo is doing good recently. They only changed outfits for smash to get a lower rating which is understandable.
I'm actually serious. If you disagree with me speak up.
Ergo, self-publishing is impossible for non-SJWs. Case closed, pack it up.
Will never be a real currency. Fuck off and accept that there is no future for self-publishing for anyone who isn't far-left.
This is why nodevs always fail.
Okay. Why?
We're not talking about speech, we're talking about media and artwork. I can quite easily go out and find songs about murder, rape, genocide, death etc. Hell you can look up fucking Sabaton and find shit glorifying Panzer platoons fucking up the Allies.
Lefties want video games to be art, yet they defy the very foundation of all art - censorship is cancer.
>morons think it is due to politics
give me a break, if a company stands to make way more money if they censor something you bet your ass they are going to do it
you think the next battlefield will have more sjw nonsense since the current one didn't work out?
don't kid yourselves, companies will always opt to censor if they can turn a profit from it
This. SJW have more control than you could ever believe. Self-publishing is dead, nodev is dead. Only SJW-approved content will remain, forever.
We're not talking about speech, but we are talking about expression, which all of this falls under.
Leave it to a fatfuck to justify his porn addiction
It's a literal, actual answer.
It doesn't have to be a "real currency", it just has to have perceived value so you can exchange for one.
You're both incredibly pathetic and your transparent attempts at getting people to either stop expressing or killing themselves are disgusting.
proof otherwise faggot
japan is too secure country they can let their childs go to school alone
What's with this meme?
Because free speech is a moral right and the state shouldn't be given unilateral power to suppress it.
>you think the next battlefield will have more sjw nonsense since the current one didn't work out?
As long as the trend continues, you bet your ass it will. They'll just do it in a way that's less shitty.
Ban me from where exactly?
mass noun
1The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
What meme? It's absolute truth. THere's a reason we all gave up on making games. See . Nobody will buy your game. Your game will never be uncensored. Get woke or go broke bitches.
Mr. Magoo was based though, and while unrelated to the thread, it blew my mind seeing an irl mandrill.
There is no flaw when it's fucking true.
>thread about game gets censored in a violent manner or whatever
>0 replies
>thread about game gets censored in a sexual manner
>reaches bump limit
but I know you won't check the archives
See Get woke or go broke. SJW games are the only economically viable games anymore, and they will be the only games that ever exist soon.
>Get woke or go broke bitches.