what the fuck is his problem??
What the fuck is his problem??
Other urls found in this thread:
boring, washed up, sellout, no content, no personality, lame chat, etc.
never recovered from the molotov blunder
Is he some sort of Arab or Mexican? Very ambiguous race.
NL is missing in based
DSP, Jerma and Vinesauce are okay
I really liked his revival with sea of thieves then he got a stick up his ass about the devs splitting xbone and pc and killed his stream.
>approved is a bunch anime faggots
the only one who should be on that top set is steve, all that anime shit is garbage
>liking any ecelebs at all
Massive sellout and he legitimately hates his "job"
I wish they brought back auschwitz for the kind of person that did this abomination
>literal who faggot
no video games fucking gargle clorox
boring, washed up, was never that good in the first place, networking, no personality, lame chat fanboy style interaction, "E-CELEB", "CS:GO PRO", who never accomplished anything and had one of the biggest blunders all time in competitive tournaments.
Spends most of his time picking on children in sea of thieves these days with its extremely balanced and intelligent gameplay where you spend 2 hours using the sleep animation on a ship to stealthily steal their valuable plunder and then outskill them with all your weapons because they're just 13 year olds pretending to be pirates.
>what the fuck is his problem??
He's a grown-ass man who's wearing a snapback indoors. He's also a living illustration of how smoking weed on a regular basis will turn you into an obnoxious retard. He has about as much charisma as Shroud does but about 20% of his skill. Otherwise he's aight.
>hating on jerma
for what conceivable reason
Cant help but notice ATP isnt included. and thats because ATP is fucking cool.
Jerma is a pushover beta desu. Not a bad guy overall but you want to slap him in the face sometimes.
top irony
Why the fuck do Americans wear their hat inside? And under fucking headphones?
insecurity over balding head and failed hair plugs
literally fucking whomst
go back to twitch
why are all American streamers so fucking boring
like Shroud
He's like a video game NPC
Not being funny or entertaining
>nice hiss
nigga got a WACK hairline he needs that shit
yeah sure, but I really appreciate the amount of effort he puts into streams
>doing thing you like
Literally what's wrong with Dunkey besides
>popular = bad
>no based Sseth
>tfw my role model didn't say my name
it hurts, bros ;_;
jesus christ that's depressing
dunkey makes extremely low effort videos about subjects that are already weeks if not months old and racks in millions of views and holy praise regardless
kill yourself
Because they tried to make a career out of being really good at a game instead of treating it as some sort of social platform where you entertain people with a personality and skill. I literally wonder what these dudes are gonna do in 10-15 years when they realize they doubled down so hard on video games that their kids and wives or whatever they're into start to branch out and they have nothing to relate to.
>Hey Dad tell me again about how you clutched against n0thing in that ESEA scrim one time!
>Hey Dad tell me again about how you were on the internet!
>Dad everyone at school was like "WOAH UR DAD IS SHROUD!!?!"
This shit will never fucking happen and when they realize it, it'll be the equivalent of knowing who the world chess champion was in the 1960's. Now, someone like DrDisrespect might have some more staying power and thats because the man was literally involved with the creation of video games and puts on a character or persona which translates to other forms of media. The fact, he can creatively come up with shit and put together an act shows me he's thinking about where he stands and how people see him.
These other guys are just being told that what they're doing is important and "we need guys like you!" until they inevitably get picked up to broadcast or do tournament analysis of games they don't play competitively anymore. I don't even watch Twitch but I go through youtube sometimes to see what the hype is all about and I can tolerate maybe 20 minutes before it just turns into the same shit. The top 3 guys are the only fucking entertaining thing about it, everyone else is just doing exactly what I do with my friends and you're all just watching.
and people say streaming is a dream job
imagine having to deal with weirdos like this every minute of every day
Not even the worst I've seen. Saw two faggots having a donation war trying to one up the other and just giving shit tons of money to fag1. These people are hopeless
honest question what will happen to these stream kids spending their money on strangers in their later life? this can not be healthy
He gazed into the abyss and realized what a dead end video games and its community truly are for the human condition, that there's no pot of the gold at the end of the rainbow, and he has too much fuck you money to pretend otherwise. He's coasting on fumes for as long as the Twitch userbase will allow him to.
This was at Fortnite's peak, and he hasn't played since that month.
Big head
they've made enough money from streaming that it doesn't matter, they can just grow old, rich and irrelevant like a normal washed up celebrity
probably won't have money for long
or they'll normalize it into a gambling habit or something
Why are all streamers so fucking boring*
Fixed that for you bro
He's obviously an amerimutt
Don't worry his paypigs will pay for a new monitor
100 bits is 1 dollar
Those pictures of Kaguya Luna getting choked get me so hard.
dude nintendo lmao
xqc is his own tier, he's an e-celeb but he's a literal autist that's nothing like anyone in this pic. I've never seen someone consistently and unintentionally make all the wrong choices in every single singleplayer game.
this is a good post user
i don't really have anything to add but i agree with you on a lot of points. there's the possibility that streaming is wholly normalized and you end up seeing massive sponsored streams and content catered to a new era of commerical advertising and simultaneous content via online streaming
but as much as i shamelessly enjoy watching other people play video games, i do hope it's mostly a fad and doesn't remain this popular forever
His heads retarded
>h-hes just like me! so awkward and funny!
How can one be so naive?
>i do hope it's mostly a fad and doesn't remain this popular forever
were talk shows a fad?
its the same thing
Yeah but what the fuck do you do after video games? I guess anything you want, but when you didn't actually grow up doing anything besides video games do you revert back to things you tried out in childhood or do you bash your head against the wall trying new things and realizing how long it takes to get good at them?
I'm not saying their lives are failures and everyone is going to hate them, I'm just saying it pays to have an ounce of personality and actual likes/dislikes outside of the thing you've invested time in (especially a video game) which is essentially a glorified hobby. It's why a vast majority of people will never actually enter the world of e-sports or see it as a legitimate thing, when it's really just a side show that gains and loses popularity based on worldwide interest at the time.
These dudes have something to fall back on or do right?
>Yeah but what the fuck do you do after video games?
when you're rich you don't have to 'do' anything
you just grow old and decrepit talking about the good old days
they'd probably still play video games even if nobody watched them, there's no age limit
I don't have to be a sperg to laugh at a sperg. Not sure what the fuck you meant by this post my man.
I used to watch him. What did he do now?
>subjects that are already weeks if not months old
That has to be the most depressing thing I've ever heard, you do understand when you get older the most insufferable people are the ones that constantly obsess about the "good old days" much like the eternal war between boomers and zoomers on this board. These people didn't think about consistency in life and while the payout was high, you need something to fucking do or you just get cobwebs in your joints and your mind gets foggy.
People who think "oh they have money so it means they don't fucking do anything" are literally retarded, and while these guys might retire and go talk about video games or the good old days on golf courses sipping champagne and driving ferraris to eachothers mansions I hope they find something else to keep them occupied that they enjoy doing alongside maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
You do understand that right user? Accomplishing something is one thing, but succeeding or achieving as much as you can from all the staple facets of life is another.
His huge head
steve is great and reminds me somehow of bob ross
that youre a mong for thinking a streamer whos job it is to entertain does not act a certain way to seem funny. you retard
his last video was about how all AAA games released these days are similar
wow dunkey what an original thought thank you
I'm not endorsing it, but it's the sad truth, most people who are successful (expecially famous) when they're young just grow up to be old and washed up and never leave their comfort zone ever again because life doesn't force them to
streamers get 0.01 usd per bit, seeing him wanting attention for throwing some asshat a buck is the text book definition of pathetic
>E-celeb tier thread
>everyone is either retarded, sucking their dicks, or attempting to reason with the "they understand me" logic
Braindead topic for braindead people
that was a pretty good video that included some brand new titles
I used to play with XQC all the time in Overwatch before he streamed. Off-stream his personality is completely different. He basically plays a poor version of Karl Pilkington for the camera.
at least it's related to video games as compared to the drawfag/filename/comic threads that are rampant on this board
you are a loser
Confession: I actually like these e-celeb threads because they're all unequivocally mentally ill and it reminds me of the old rage threads
karl pilkington is pretty smart tho, people think he's stupid just because he's bad at properly formulating the stuff he says
the fact you toss in steve to prop up your unlikable autistic anime faggot youtubers just goes to show the level you need to stoop to
filename threads are fine, but rationalizing the "its ok because those threads are worse" idea is cancer also.
Karl Pilkington is a character player by a comedian
XQC, at least the one you see on stream, is sort of the same
Nice. Don't know or care who those anime things are but him alone makes this list correct.
filename threads are not even a little bit related to video games
The anime girls are all mentally retarded Japanese women who play video games with anime avatars.
Do you think anyone in that image is cool?
Any forsen bajs ITT LULW
Where did this guy come from? Never heard of him, suddenly he appears and gets thousands of viewers on twitch. No interaction with chat. Chat just spams emotes and garbage.
These channels are fake right? Like bots in the chat. Like it’s a big joke. Why does he get what he gets?
Is he the purest streamer?
Please stop talking like you have some kind of fulfilling life. It's annoying.
ok now you've piqued my interest
gimme their names
I do have a fulfilling life, thanks for being jaded and salty about it.
>starts stream
>"YAWN, okay guys, uhh, hold on, i need my snus"
>goes away for 15 minutes
>"ok guys i'm back, uhh, today, umm, i guess we're gonna do... shit... what do i play to keep this cash cow going... ok, we'll play some apex legends, i guess... uhh, tomorrow we'll..."
>this continues for 2 hours, then he plays a few hours of the latest FoTM, clearly disinterested
>"OK guys uhhh,, anyways..."
This guy looks like a slightly fatter Tim Curry.
I stopped doing this daydreaming bullshit about wanting rich fuck streamers to have bad lives because it was unhealthy coping. Any little thing that proved me wrong I was able to move goalposts.
>not a real job, I actually get a real paycheck
>he has money, bet he wont have any after this fad
>he invested in property, bet he'll always be alone
>he's 'made it', but he'll be lonely forever
>he's got a gf, only loves him for his money, no one truly loves him
>has a loving family, at least I have my pride working hard not entertaining children
Could just go on and on
Only Steve is permissible - the rest of the infidels will be beheaded.
I only watch mature streamers for mature people like myself, like world-acclaimed variety streamer MOONMOON_OW.
The only real choice.
How pathetic do you have to be to be jealous of streamers
literally who?
Not that I would expect nu-Yea Forums to know who these two are.
based an mature pilled
>wanting rich fuck streamers to have bad lives
>just mentioning that it's a limited career path if you ever find yourself disassociated with video games at a pro level (this will happen if you have kids and can't spend 12 hours a day doing something because they have needs).
I wish these dudes the best because they've done something great with their lives, and I wish I could pair what they've done with other things that make people great. They have a lot of potential if it's used correctly
the only acceptable video game streamer
Funhaus is pretty good man
how did this fuck manage to pull off the most alpha move ever in the history of twitch
The best part of Limmys streams is how it always feels like he's on the verge of a complete mental breakdown
I used to watch sometimes then one day on Battlerite Royale he raged like a big noob and insulted one guy who was giving tips with donations.
Never touched his channel since. Also funny how Battlerite Royale made other streamers I watched do the same stuff. Allowed me to flush a bit.
What did he do?
>Official Yea Forums Approved Internet Celebrities
>3 ironic weeb channels and a food reviewer
not surprising lmao
just be honest, you were that guy and you got btfo like the pussy backseat bitch you are
fucked a cute swedish girl in new zealand while her boyfriend took care of his stream for him
Ok but Dunkey makes comedy videos, he's not a news channel. Why does it matter if he's the fastest to comment on current trends?
He had sex with some girl in exchange for linking her instagram to his fans
why is he grabbing his dick lol
He's a boring faggot. But his chat is funny.
He is checking if that guy is a trump supporter (since they have larger penises)
As you can see from the first link in he is a trained killer of trump supporters and knows multiple martial arts
Is this real? Why does he have the body of an 11 year old and that huge fucking head?
>bringing up "the chat" like anyone but the braindead retards that spam it care about what goes on
to inteligent for testosterone
born that way
Those GSL days man. These two got me into casting.
did tasteless kick his herion habit? I know he wasn't addicted or anything but there were rumors he shot up twice a day
He is Hungarian
>last night's stream
>chat going into a rage after an all-female crew ruined his heist after putting in 4 hours and extending his stream schedule
>every time they fucked with him they played obnoxious meme music to rub it in
I remember he being a dick back in the early days of SC2 e-sport. Never liked him since.
>Is this real?
>the most "alpha" guy on twitch is bisexual
adds up desu
Except it wasn't alpha at all. It was pure cukery by her BF, getting off to this midget fucking his girl. Destiny looked like a shy little girl the whole time they were all out together.
This. I dunno a single decent chat on twitch. All are trash, especially DSP, Cohh, DansGame, Summit, XQC and Forsens
I still can't get over those horrible anime posters, jesus, how long has the guy had those up there?
>civil war starts
>left realise they don't have any weapons to fight with
>can't buy guns because of gun control laws they wanted
>overwhelming right wing victory
>destiny call your husband to come and open the bottle
fucking KEK
>Using the GOM player
>Staying up late to watch
>Shitposting with Yea Forums
>The memes
Those were the days
Anybody else regularly watch streams but never typed in chat before?
He's so boring I don't know what else you'd get out of his streams.
The most alpha guy on twitch is probably the 6'8 back-to-back 1993 BlockBusters videogame champion.
i still dont know, how i end up watching/finding his videos, but hes great and i want to try ww2 rations because of him
>cries on cam to a bunch of strangers
yeah nah
so alpha that he needs to play a character just to appear on camera
Nah Destiny's stunts in the last week push him past the two time champ.
I enjoy typing whatever spam is currently being spammed.
There's something pleasant about getting lost in a herd.
nope. you're the only one
fuck do you think, retard?
that image is fucking dumb user
Real men cry, beta.
If this were 53000 BC and you encountered DrDisrespect in the wilderness, he would easily beat you to death, take your woman home to his cave and impregnate her with his vastly superior genes. That's what being an alpha means.
what did he do?
>even the streamers are wagecuck tier
cant make this shit up
I enjoy plenty of streams but never type. It seems pointless, especially in chats that scroll up like a slot machine.
Most chats are more like a hivemind that spam their reaction emotes, especially if the streamer says black, or bomb etc.
Absolute madman, definitely my favourite streamer out of anyone who's existed or streamed before. I don't watch or donate to other people for personal reasons, but if I had a gun to my head and had to it would be to him.
Does that make sense? I'm not trying to shill
a lot of these streamers just seem like manchildren. i tried watching shroud's stream and his grating voice made me instantly close out
>ignoring context
real men don't cry on camera for millions to see, you do that shit with loved ones or alone. it's a sensitive time which he used for attention, like a woman
also nice cuck fantasy
Hell yeah, some good bait with a pinch of redpills for the "Yea Forums approved" e-celebs.
>Why doesn't this comedy/satire channel constantly make day-by-day game reviews???
Funny how most pedophiles outed now a days are trump haters tho
Jesus fucking Christ
Real men aren't ashamed of their emotions, beta.
Again, you are postrationalizing the fact that you are a hopeless genetic dud compared to him.
Real alpha is getting a team of betas to overrun the "Chad" and use his holes instead. All the while making the woman watch.
Strengths in numbers. Pleasure in sharing holes.
>turns away from screen to read gay donation comment
>gets killed
>"That's so bullshit, fuck this stream sniper"
-every popular streamer ever
don't you have anything better to do than post here, doc? go cry for money again
>manlets fantasize about this shit
meanwhile, in reality
>Real men cry, beta.
You can't make this shit up. Stay classy Yea Forums
If a 6'8 dude gets a little emotional after he beats your ass and fucks your woman, who is the real beta in this scenario?
>user posts saying that this is off topic and directing others to report the thread
>thread is still up a half hour later
fucking janitor scum
Judging by his face and attire, he looks like a colossal douchebag.
Fortnite is fucking awful.
Fucked a 20 year old hot hippie chick next to her boyfriend just off camera while you could hear the moans, made out with the same chick off camera while the boyfriend entertains his stream, but got caught because the camera pointed at a window and he could be seen in the reflection.
Can I get some 1Gs in the thread pls?
after so many years on Yea Forums I literally almost don't notice posts whining about some thread being off topic
it's like I've evolved a mental filter. these hall monitor posters are adorable though. something even lower than a janitor
Your reaching hard on the kid shit there making more than drug dealers playing fucking video games there’s kids won’t care about there past while eating lobster everyday
Except that's not why he cried, was it user. And it's not why you cry either.
some swedish insta thot
the alpha part was how he fucked her on stream while her boyfriend watched and took care of the stream, but in retrospect it was more cringe than alpha.
lmao what
I hope Trump gets a second term, but I know Democrats. They will turn up their voter fraud to the max. I remember when I was in elementary school in the 90's they made the whole class vote for Bill Clinton. I'm sure they will try harder to win the swing states.
Fuck these Anime Bitches! Steve is /our guy/
His wife probably had a knife to his balls under the desk the entire time he made that vid and cried on camera. What an alpha.
same here, donating to streamers is retarded but Doc is based, especially when he hears a chink
Why would someone cry after doing this? Are they just mentally unstable? This is a terrible fucking example.
Even chads feel regret over quelling the betas.
he's insecure as hell and embarassing to watch
Here's the make out one, can't find the moaning one
How is it alpha at all when her bf is literally getting off to a midget fucking his girl. It's more like a freakshow.
underwhelming, that's just some sad cuck shit. I though she was secretly cheating, not that he was watching
How do destinyfags cope with the fact that this guy could kill all of them in 1v1000 hand to hand combat? It would be like stomping on toddlers for him
fucking zoomers need to be gassed
imagine giving $5 to a millionaire
Sounds absolutely degenerate as fuck. Exactly what I'd expect from him honestly
bulls are alpha, cucks are beta.
is he mentally disabled or something
why is he like that?
jesus fuck that's just fucking depressing
Shit sounds staged as fuck, considering how desperate Destiny has been for peer approval in the past.
>mfw it turns into a DrDisrespect thread
The most alpha man alive
>Literally taller than 99% of humanity
>Accomplished athlete
>World Champion Video Gamer and 2 time Blockbuster champion
>Sick moustache
>Hates basedboys
>Constantly goes on sarcastic "toxic" rants about other players and video games.
>Nobody bats an eye because he's "playing a character" so he's free to do pretty much whatever he wants
>Doesn't constantly link his life as if he's trying to be anything more than an acceptable and fully invested entertaining character with real attributes
>Actually knows a thing or two about gaming and game development so it's not all a bullshit facade
This is how you do it right, fags. If twitch had more dudes and girls playing characters and wasn't a glorified social circlejerk for people who take video games too seriously or to profit off of losers who do then I'd be more invested in it. A plethora of characters would be more enticing to me than literally nobodies making their little fake personas about how invested they are in the "community".
Also daily reminder he went toe to toe with summit in a 1v1 awp battle as a silver 4 and held his own, which is more than enough for me.
why dont you stream Yea Forums? show off your autistic gaming skills
He's been washed for a while but when his wife left him with her 50% for the blackest guy in town he went of the deep end. Guy honestly seems to hate his life.
I watched a little bit of ninja and this guy look neurinic as fuck, like the kind of person who wouls snap at an moment and go off for a killing spree.
I hope this is pasta and you didn't just type all that, because that would be really sad
Children can't vote.
>cheats on his wife
>throws tantrums about video games
>brags about his height
>gets shot at irl
>drools on himself
god damn that black on black on slate black with the 1080p prototype scopes really makes him look like a murder machine
yeah. Doc actually put effort into his streams. hes hilarious, and created this unreal character that is incredibly entertaining. he is in character 8 hours a day 5 days a week. thats insane. his overlays are ever evolving, and he talks shit about everyone and every thing. He cheated on his wife and manipulated her into staying with crocodile tears.
he has distain for legit every videogame, if there ever was a person to encompass Yea Forums's opinion on video games, its him
He sounds more and more based the more you tell me about him
pretty sure the amount of fortnite overexposure would fry anyones brain eventually
Dead people and illegals can't vote either, but that doesn't stop California and Arizona.
this thread is why people hate Yea Forums
I think a better question is how did he make it big in the first place?
I've checked out his stream a few times and one time it literally put me to sleep. In terms of personality he's incredibly bland and he's not even a hot girl to make up for it.
>done something great
how the fuck does being popular equate to doing something great with their life? retarded sheep
First of all how fucking dare you lump jerma in with all that cancer nigger aids and how are weebshitters approved?
>complaining on a echo chamber thread that would be forgotten in a few hours
It's not hard to find some desperate thott that will take any attention you can throw her way for a bit of sucky.
The only thing worse than vidya tubers are anime ones
>How's it going lord chat? Happy big tuesday
>Uhhhhh......thanks BeatsByInfiltration, Ricksteezy, Mike Hunt, and Cash Debtroid
>So, anyway, chatroom, hope you're all having a good big wednesday...or uhhhhh...what day is it?
>I hope my Negans don't dab on slurp juice fuckyoufatfuck
>Hey...uhhhhh....don't talk to me
>And thanks!
>Excuse me I'm a nervous belcher
>Alright, listen. Lord chatroom. It's time for big dinner
which will be repeated tomorrow. fuck is your point?
There's clips of him literally getting into screaming matches with others online who are clearly children. Dudes a fucking psycho. I would bet both my nuts that he's more than capable of engaging in more severe charges, like domestic abuse.
XQC has literally admitted to putting on an act for "content". Even his heavy accent is fake.
Thats absolutely based and you sound like the type of person who has christian values but claims they're an atheist.
I'm not going to sit here and defend the dude cause it's a shitty thing to do, but then again I'm not the most alpha man alive literally printing money because of my job doing what I love and having all the genetic gifts and accomplishments to succeed in the future. Something I advocated strongly earlier in the thread if you actually read any of it
No one hates Yea Forums except people who don't like video games, god forbid someone criticizes a person or thing. Anything that can be criticized can be defended, there's just no good defense being presented because no one can come up with any argument besides
>Ur mad ur not rich
I'm just here to cause immense butthurt over their fanbases and bully normalfags who don't play video games from this board
Well yeah, that's why I think it's staged. He went out begging for sex, then paid some guy to pretend to be the BF. He's done stunts like this before to stay relevant.
i read that all in his voice and sound clips
>No one hates Yea Forums except people who don't like video games
holy fuck are you joking? that's just not true
cucks are clearly beta, but the guy fucking his girl isn't automatically an alpha for doing so. Destiny isn't a 12 inch nigger, he's a fucking midget man child
this faggot would fly to canada if civil war ever broke out
I just dislike him because he was incredibly bad at halo for the amount of time he put into the game. When everyone else notable quit playing Reach, he tried to make a name for himself in the community by being a streamer for it
Manchild with absolutely scummy friends like JoshOG.
watching him on my secondary monitor right now, he's so quotable
Ok, do you like or dislike Yea Forums?
What do you like about Yea Forums?
What do you dislike?
Forsen is just a vessel of the monster known as chat
Looks like we've got another stupid red name stoner
>boomer meme
>Thats absolutely based and you sound like the type of person who has christian values but claims they're an atheist.
wat. i like doc. are you retarded? how did you not understand that
how? he's not live. and don't tell me it's a vod because that's even more depressing than watching twitch in the first place.
I want to smoke a 56 year old cigarette
you're on Yea Forums faggot
this is the dream
go be successfull somewhere else
imagine having 30 minute followers only mode on
check his clips there are bunch of clips with her and bullsteny
I fucking hate Yea Forums, but we have some ok threads every once in a while and I can't stand reddit so I stay here
I hate these threads, the 20+ smash threads, the 20+ wojak threads, the flamewar corporate dicksucking threads and the general lack of intelligence here
I just want to discuss vidya but threads get archived in like 15 minutes because of the unstoppable shit this board manages to post
Said weirdos can easily drop you hundreds of dollars just to pretend to be your friend.
Makes it pretty easy to tolerate them.
>Not watching /ourincel/ MethodJosh
Now let's get this on to a tray.
Are you retarded? Try watching his GTAV stream again. Sometimes you could tell from his eyes that he is looking for opportunities to make some funny mistake.
ok post em
3 Subscribers (3 / 15 Sub Points)
of course it's a vod, why the fuck would you watch live? you don't actually post in chat, do you? I let the streams pile up then I just put them on the secondary monitor while I do other shit
also browsing Yea Forums is way more depressing but you're still here
What's the deal with the purple lady face?
do you prefer pepe?
If i just want a small stream of people willing to watch me get through a steam backlog.. how do I accomplish this?
>happy big Wednesday everyone
>better known as big Friday
>secret discord tech
>don't ever talk to me again
>Neener, Akoomer, Sirghey, Oscar, Shuh-HEEN, Kazooyer, Jim, Sweater Dicks, Diablo Jim, Stevu, Hoochie Mama, and Fackin Bears.
>3/4ths of the roster is for bitches
>thanks for the 12 inches
>peenchez is spanish for inches
>ARRRGGGHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK (mashes buttons, doesn't break throw)
>fackin perros
>could this be the end of our hero
>email Harada
>he's gonna need a Christmas miracle
>200 word essay
>get parried
>the ghey parrie into the reposhetti
>muchos garcias
>I'm gonna give this guy the pecs after this RDC
>this game is sick
>He's styloning him
>no hespec
>eat a dick beeeetch
>Harada's finger is looming
>ARRRGGGGHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK (gets bit by the same zombie 4 times)
>don't ever try that
>you must be an ignorant bigot
>no tips
>You guys are funny on (day)
>he must be a member of the BGC as well
>thanks for the 420
>resident evil nationals speedrunning champion in style division
>X players are bitches
>big dinner a
>time to take a break
>hey, you have to donate at least 420 for samantha to read your low tier question on stream
>cooch and teets
>your question is trash
>I was gonna do it, but since you asked I'm not
>har-ness my quan
>that one didn't count
>simple mathematics
>I'm a professoler
>make sure you buy a t-shirt
>I appreciate it
>don't charge me back brew
>now keep it down
>and thanks...
it's not staged, he's just exploiting it to the max. which is shitty.
>I'm a loser and that means you're not allowed to use the board also REEEEEEE GET OUT
>Go hang out with the normalfags and talk about girls/money/cars/your job
That shit is all boring and I enjoy shitposting and talking about video games online, and pointing out the hypocrisy that you do the same thing that normalfaggots do to people who actually enjoy other topics by trying to get them to leave them alone and go somewhere else.
Can't wait for you to call me a normalfag or newfag next because I like attractive women and workout to, oh and I've played vidya since I was a child and have probably been pro level and played more good games in my life than you. Bet you only browse Yea Forums because you're incredibly bland and afraid to try new things, I'm here to shitpost and expose people like you beta boy.
just start streaming for fun
Not watching the best WoW player attempt getting laid:
Where's ricardo?
He's so transparent that i can only see the prostitute that he paid for
his RE7 Banned footage VR stream was hillarious
white male
Streamers are pathetic manchildren entertaining other pathetic manchildren. Imagine that being your legacy, your 'contribution' to the worl- AH FUCK IT CAN I JUST SKIP ALL THIS NONSENSE AND JUST SAY I HATE THAT THEY MAKE MORE MONEY THAN ME WHILE WORKING MUCH LESS
>approved after the dorf fortress debacle
in short he got caught stealing footage and stories without sourcing them until he got caught. I don't know if he rectified this for his Senshi video.
his crying is not enough playthrough was great.
>giving a shit about "contributing" to the world
oy vey get your crooked nose off my board
what vid is this from?
I don't get those streamers that are big simply because they are big. They can make $2 000 / day for simply being linked youtube-videos and reacting.
They just participate in podcasts taalking, but saying nothing. They are not even entertaining personalities.
I kind of get why Shroud has a following. Personality as soaked paper, but good at video games and not really tilting. Forsen too, but he's kind of forced into being a babysitter with the new Twitch TOS.
I wish I started streaming many years ago, to rake in on that fat cash playing a fucking video game. I can't see myself playing an act for wagies moneys, but had I been doing it for a few years, I guess it would be natural to maximize income.
Don't be 20 minutes late tonight, Mr. Jesse Anime.
he is absolutely miserable
Rate my follow list Yea Forums
Besides Aris, shit/10
you should kill yourself for thinking anyone gives a shit, stoner
>I wish I started streaming many years ago, to rake in on that fat cash playing a fucking video game
what makes you think you'd make it?
His whole "look at me I'm retarded oh no this game is for faggots" shtick gets unfunny really quickly. It's even worse when he's playing a co-op game because it always boils down to:
>"dunkey, don't do thing"
absolute faggot
i guess we are shilling now?
twitch.tv/vile35_tv BF3 in 2019
demolition d's streams are fucking trash
Naivety, mostly.
And hopefully that it wouldn't make my life go down this horrible path it looked as it would do back then and it did.
But most likely been one of those 10-15 subs niche streams with a bland personality, uneven streaming schedule and low viewer retentionship
>wishing death upon boomers
i only really watch limmy, but i wasnt introduced to him from streaming
that tourettes girl on twitch that calls out virgins and incels is pretty funny
>wanting civil war
>his entire family, his friends, and his current whereabouts are completely known and discussed endlessly on kiwifarms and elsewhere
Not a smart guy is he? Besides he is part of the Alternative Influence Network and will be hunted down by a nazi just as much.
no one cares retard
ITT: so many newfaggerinos who didn't know DRD kingraven
>He's scared
baby who quit nocturne lmao
Is DSP actually poor? I recently got tons of anti-dsp recommendations and a common thing is supposedly lying about having to pay lots of bills and taxes.
>Alternative Influence Network
quick rundown on the latest schizo delusion?
lolno. that's what he wants people to think so they donate more
>tfw no one to watch while Destiny is offline
why even live lads
dsp makes a ton of money but hes so freaking incompetent hes always in debt and barely making it.
How's that chronic back injury treating him these days?
You can talk shit about summit all you want, and I guess to be fair he is pretty shit, but I will always he jealous he got to bang lilchiipmunk.
someone made a graph of youtubers who are part of the alt right or far right space. Destiny has more connections with other actors than Richard Spencer and other white nationalists.
I have genuinely no idea how streamers manage to live with themselves. How is it physically possible to play videogames (often a single videogame on repeat) almost every single day for weeks or month on end? I understand that money is a factor, however, at some point, surely, when earning money is no longer a priority, a person of above average intelligence would choose to pursue work that's intellectually or creatively stimulating over the monotonous life of a paid NEET.
Do you think most of them even enjoy videogames, at this point?
I don't understand how he thinks shit is going to sustain. Do he believe his fans will remain? Or that they will be replaced with more 12 year olds and man children? He barely scraps by milking his 200-300 loyalists. Hes going down in 2-3 years max if hes actually telling the truth about his money. I really hope in reality its one big scam and hes already sitting on a million or close to it so he can walk away and retire early because otherwise hes fucked.
Horrible taste in anime.
rip pandabearguy
>I wish I started streaming many years ago, to rake in on that fat cash playing a fucking video game.
You would magically be one of 0.1% streamers who make it because you're just a cool guy overall, right?
>Do you think most of them even enjoy videogames, at this point?
They don't really, especially the really big ones with cancerous fanbases. You see a lot of them spiral downward into depression because many are terrified to take a break because they lose a ton of subs.
I do dislike the part about money without doing anything but its why it works that makes me dislike them so much. Its a cult of personality thing without even doing shit. Half of them aren't notable or even competent at games. Their gameplay isn't witty or fun its usually standard but they act like man children say a few quotable things and its like a net to catch a few retards at a time. Sometimes it builds up sometimes it doesn't.
A few of them have legitimate things to offer. I can understand watching Aris for Tekken specifically since he has insight as a mid level pro at some point and very theory fighter well rounded type of player so you could listen to him talk for awhile. But others I just don't understand. But I hate the people who throw clowns money more then anyone else. Its not the people who aren't contributing that make me angry its the people so simplistic and boring they have nothing better to do then drop 50 on some worthless boring NEET.
>But what if they have more money then they know what to do with XD!
Kill yourself if you make this disingenuous argument you know its not true.
When you have no strong principles especially worth ethic you don't really care about that sort of thing. I've worked with people who seriously were talking about becoming a streamer and quitting whatever job it was at the time. They're always the laziest person at the job with a big mouth but nothing interesting or smart to say. Weak people who see a easy road that also grants them a god complex.
Aris sub coming through
:wheelchair: :wheelchair: :wheelchair:
>FUCK YOU just kidding LOL
Does anyone else really dislike the current "play singleplayer games badly on purpose" meta on twitch?
Many streamers are taking it way too far and don't even bother to be subtle about it anymore. Pic related, watched this retarded hobo's GTAV streams and he could not go one minute without making an intentional """funny""" mistake. Every time he got in a car he would turn into a wall multiple times. Every mission, failed on purpose at least once. He would hear dialogue telling him what to do in a mission and do the exact opposite. How do people find this funny?
who is this guy
makes for funny, easily digestible clips that can be sent to people and probably get them to check out the stream
>Accursed Farms
Opinion discarded, here's yout (You)
You pretty much have to get into those "Twitch fails compilation #1871" videos now to stay relevant
I guarantee you all of those short guys were insecure assholes AKA little man syndrome
Nice Pic Saint
>JustDestiny fucks some Swedish girl so he can promote her Instagram
I want sources. I can't find any.
>Grandpa feels left out of a Twitch thread so he shoehorns some washed up esports player no one gives a shit about in 2019.
Please go somewhere else
I don't watch him but I saw a clip of Shroud telling people to go to other channels and gave shout outs to like 10 other streamers. Seems like a decent dude.
he's cheating scum
What does this webm showcase?
The dude sucks at video games and blames the game and not himself.
That's the only grief I have with him. Other than that he's still entertaining as fuck.
is he Yea Forums approved?
Moonmoon is the only decent streamer, even if he is a dumb balding boomer.
>Not Yea Forums approved
Found the salad dodger.
Aris is the best streamer by far
He streams whatever the fuck he wants, he's actually pretty funny and constantly makes fun of his retarded viewers
Shame about his chat though. Literally everyone there just parrots his opinions back at him and spams the Valle face
>white dudes be like
These whores are not wrong, tho. I never met a manlet who was not a bitter piece of shit.
kingraven was never esports kiddo, I'm 24
The answer is you take off a few years do some amazing shit and come back and go boomer tier retirement like any career, believe or not but fucking anything with a pulse and downing beer does get old and you end up mowing at 8 am with a monster laughing at wage cucks
>Accursed Farms
ah. that's right. i forgot that user is litetaraply a retard
>he's a dunkeyfag AND a jermafag
man what the fuck happened to criken? he used to be funny now every time i watch one of the few videos he puts out he sounds like hes one second away from a nervous breakdown
You do know they are both still casting gsl AND asl as we speak right
>Three weebs and Asmongold
Nah mate fuck off
how much is he worth? Dude is from California, shit adds up extremely fast over time.
Shroud's a Canadian.
why did you feel the need to spoiler tag that wank of a comment
nigger what?
the fact that you grouped mega64 with all those faggots means you deserve the rope t b h
aw yes, came here for this gif
He's a boring ass straight man that is getting moderate corporate networking success at Twitch and cons, so now he's bland as fuck with a bland ass crew. Think he's getting sued too.
I think there's nothing wrong with eceleb threads on Yea Forums, unless they exist only to circle jerk around one eceleb or if there's more than 1 on the catalog
This streamer made millions from playinh video games. I'm pretty sure this is ourguy.
1G is not 'the problem'.
He's just a 'dude'.
His audience is the problem, in as so far as there are people who watch him.
What do you mean boring?
Shroud is like the perfect streamer.
He keeps his mouth shut (most of the time), doesn't read every donation like a little bitch,
and is pretty good at the games he plays.
Nothing, because he heard the car of the first guy and was already engaged with the 2nd guy who was called out by his teammate.
He's hands down the most boring streamer. Not funny, not charismatic, no insight into the game development. Just a brain dead aimbot sperg,
>Anime Avatars are Japanese Women
>Japanese Women
LOL is Yea Forums really this retarded
Well, what you want from a 'streamer' is a pretend 'funny man',
Hehee, hoho, lulz, I'm so cool and trendy kind of guy.
Name one who isn't an obnoxious douche.
Expecting "insight into the game development" from streamers is just retarded.
Fucking BASED
imagine being 30 and being sponsored by monster