In retrospect, was he right Yea Forums?
BOTW is the most overrated game of the decade
No, because it isn't a Battle Royale
Witcher 3 was more overrated, but BotW is up there.
no, the right answer is either witcher 3 or bloodborne
it is one of these games that Yea Forums recommends but turn out to be completly lackluster
Every open-world game has been way overrated this gen. BoTW got hit extra hard due to zealous Nintendo fans.
How would you know Tendie?
I don't know who this is, but 100% yes. If I wanted ubisoft Zelda, I'd go play assassins creed. Running around doing pointless shit got boring when I was 12 playing GTA 3. I don't know how people can be so entertained by physics simulators in 2019. It's bland AF now.
I just want another legit dungeon solving creepy world like OOT. It's sad to know that the future of Zelda will be an open world objective chaser.
>game is fun and loved by many
>"this is overrated"
>article brings in millions of clicks and thread discussions
god...damn..why is he so based! AAHHHH SO BASEEDDD
Bloodborne is a masterpiece and if anything was robbed GOTY by Witcher.
i own 2 ps4s nigger. i dont even own a switch. this gen fucking sucks
People say this stupid shit but then they don't give you any real reasoning or guidelines. If you paid attention you knew what you were getting and that it was going to be a mixed bag and it was probably going to under perform.
I paid for it full price, played it for maybe 3 or 4 hours, and sold it. It wasn't particularly engaging.
that would be skyrim, its pure shit
botw, witcher 3, and bloodborne are all decent games at worst
Why would you own 2 ps4s? What the fuck is weong with you? Also, this gen gave us Knack 2 so its awesome
got one at launch then a pro
BOTW isn't even the most overrated Nintendo game of the decade
That game has feet though.
Yes. It is so boring and bland it hurts. You can see that they had absolutely no idea what to do, so they just did a Skyrim mod. Just looking at the old screenshots makes my blood boil.
This game made me realize how much I miss linear shorter games with tight level design and ton of replay value.
Open world = Time waste world
No, but it's up there honestly
> Most overrated games of the decade
> 1. The Witcher 3
> 2. The Last of Us
> 3. Breath of the Wild
> 4. Grand Theft Auto V
> 5. Red Dead Redemption 2
> 6. Mass Effect 2
> 7. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
> 8. Dark Souls
> 9. Red Dead Redemption
> 10. Persona 5
>you lived to see Ace Combat save gaming
It did for me atleast. I was so burnt out until I played it on a whim.
>Persona 5
I will fight you
Yes, yes he was.
BotW is not a bad game by any means but it certainly is not a 10/10 game like everyone says it is, it's a solid 7/10, 8/10 at most.
There's a lot of shit to do and collecting Koroks is unironically fun (until you go like 5 hours without finding one), but the lack of proper dungeons, cities, enemies, the voice acting, weapon breaking and terrible boss fights makes it obvious that it needs to be polished.
However, if a sequel was made I trust that Nintendo will fix all of this, as there's no way they didn't hear about these problems, and will make a game truly deserving of a 10/10.
the only redeemable thing for 5 is the music it's not that great overall
Excellent, now go play 4, 5 and zero
>However, if a sequel was made I trust that Nintendo will fix all of this, as there's no way they didn't hear about these problems, and will make a game truly deserving of a 10/10.
Oh user...
Overrated =/= bad
P5 is good but it's also every normalfag's first Persona so it gets ridiculous amounts of unwarranted praise
Shut up, I believe.
Feet ratings for each game
1. 5/10 I guess
2. 0/10 Apply yourself
3. 0/10 Fuck off nintendo
4. Ew.
5. 3/10
6. 0/10
7. 10/10 (with mods)
8. Miyazaki is a wonderful footfag but didnt really shine in Dark Souls 1
9. 0/10
10. 4/10. Too brief but best girl is barefoot a little
Yeah it's pretty overrated, mediocire open world collectathone, I mean Yea Forums usually hates these games but when big N publishes it well, Then I guess I'm all for breaking my glass weapons on copypasted health sponge enemies, exploring vaste empty firlds and collecting 900 fuckign seeds.
It's Witcher 3, literally read any Youtube comments from Yongyea, or RTUSA or somethign and they all circlejerk about how amazing the Witcher 3 is.
open world games are overrated across ALL gens. it's a meme of a genre and has never been executed properly.
>still crying
the only Zelda game that deserves universal praise is ALttP
nah, ocarina set the standard, and was copied for decades.
Close, but Bioshock Infinite is still the most overrated game of all time.
I love Kass!
You sound upset.
> Only Zelda game that DOESN'T deserve universal praise is Skyward Sword & Twilight Princess
LttP set the standard that OoT even followed but BotW is better than both of them combined
Which is astounding since the game is borderline cancer to actually play.
bioshock infinite takes that title
This is such a strange way to think about games. I don't grade them like high art. I either had fun or I didn't. It's that simple.
I would put The Last of Us, Skyrim, and Bioshock Infinite above it, but BotW certainly deserves a Top 5 spot.
Any true Zelda fan would object to the removal of actual level design in favor of Ubishit collectathon useless world.
>maybe of all time
But that' The Last of Us
The tope 3 most overrated games of all time are The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Bioshock Infinite, in that order.
Rounding out the top 5 are whatever Fallout games you feel like throwing up there. The fact that any of these are rated favorably, even on console, are proof.
>> Only Zelda game that DOESN'T deserve universal praise is Skyward Sword & Wind Waker
Fixed, TP is one of the good ones.
I remember when P4 was called every normalfag's first persona
>Rounding out the top 5 are whatever Fallout games you feel like throwing up there
Fallout 3, this POS won an award for its atrocious writing.
>skyrim is pure shit
t. contrarian retrofag
bethesda is, by far, the most overrated shitheap of a "developer" in all of gaming history
I have never heard good things of Infinite
hi eric
Skyward Sword had really memorable dungeons, probably about as memorable as OoT. Really top notch shit. Even right out of the gate with the first dungeon, it's atmosphere and music was just chilling in how retroactively nostalgic it seemed. It was like Misery Mire and the Forest Temple rolled into one.
Coming off the extremely strong dungeons of Skyward Sword, there were high expectations for BotW which fell flat in every possible regard to ultimately be uncomparable to any Zelda much less being a strong followup to Skyward Sword.
They bungled that shit real hard.
BotW is a completely empty experience, unless you like simulating playing in a sandbox as a kid. it has no purpose at all.
You know who else was right in retrospect, Yea Forums?
Yeah. Isn't Fortnite the actual shit game with tons of mainstream support?
this fucking image
this explains exactly how I felt about nintendo over the years
I wish mario galaxy and sunshine weren't mario games, they had interesting enough mechanics on their own and it would have been so nice to have them as their own IPs so we would get more games like them instead of just shoveling mario clones out the door
thank you
get your ears checked
>he is unironically saying Skyward fucking Sword was better then BoTW
alright, either Yea Forums's baiting has reached new highs or Yea Forums itself is at an all time low
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow forgot image
I praise SS for giving us the best Zelda but that's it
>awin hamsom gaem gumps!!!!
>skywerd sord bad!!!!
Fortnite isn't a bad game though. It's generous as fuck for a game that's F2P. Moreso than many $60 online games.
I never thought this image would get daily usage
that image is ironic, considering SS's tutorial assumes that's what the player looks like
if zelda was a new IP multiplat it'd get even more praise than it already is, since the main criticism of BotW is that it doesn't feel enough like zelda or have the usual strengths that zelda games do (e.g. dungeons)
every single fucking day, since March 3rd 2017.
like holy shit balls we are coming up on the games second birthday and Yea Forums STILL can't just fucking move on
Bioshock Infinite, The Last of Us and Undertale are from this decade, so no.
>best Zelda
SS isn't ST
How do you even fail this hard!?
10/10 to the worst game baka
Skyrim the thread
>it's free so it gets to be trash
your mum was free to play but i still left a bad yelp review
well, there's my daughter's game at least if you haven't played it already but I really wish there were more like it, can't think of anything else except maybe yooka layle and that was a wet fart
Nah, I think Witcher 3 and Div OS 2 are the most over-rated games of the decade
Imagine being a nigger in 2019
Fuck m8 Priscilla's feet alone gets 8/10 for DaS.
The grand cop out of dimwits who can't stand that somebody else is enjoying themselves.
Sure, call it that. Whatever. It doesn't change the fact that it's a good game and millions of people agree on that.
Calling it overrated is just testimony to how good a game it is. If you don't like it but none of your arguments against it hold water: call it overrated. That'll show 'em.
this but unironically
It was alright.
Wonder how much longer this shitflinging between Botw shitposters will go on for if it ever ends
Odyssey was far more overrated. They both received near perfect scores, where Odyssey was 90% trivially easy filler and BOTW at least had good exploration which takes up most of the game.
There's some recency bias going on though, I'd definitely put Skyrim, The Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption and GTA V above them.
that title belongs to:
Bioshock Infinite
Dark Souls 2
The entirety of the Uncharted series
If undertale didn't score the list is rigged.
>that awful tutorial village
>the tears of light
>the wolf sections in general
>that empty overworld
>bosses only hit for a quarter heart of damage (why is a quarter heart even a thing?), some like the giant eel don't even attack you at all
>all of the cool items only get used once in their dungeon and once at the end of the game
>ugly, blurry n64 tier textures covered in bloom
it's shit
of course he's right. it looks awful and played like shit.
>>that awful tutorial village
TP filters the plebs once again.
No, it's very good.
>The Last of Us
Come on now, it's properly rated. the voice acting/mocap performances are phenomenal, the pacing is legit, the atmosphere is well done, and the multiplayer is underrated. Gameplay is brutal and satisfying, too. People complain about the stealth when it isn't a stealth game like MGS/Splinter Cell, which has stealth tools and gadgets and shit. People complain about the survival aspect but probably played on normal (yes the game is exploitable on hardest difficulty but so is every other survival horror), and people complain about how xx movie has "basically" the same story as it.
But you look at a game like TLOU where effort was clearly put in by the devs to make something polished, and then you look at Skyrim and wonder how these games even exist on the same shelf, with only a few metacritic points separating them.
The most overrated game is obviously some normalfag shit like skyrim or battlefield.on Yea Forums its the witcher because pc gamers have so few options.
I know taste is subjective but yours is actually shit
this may be the dumbest post I've seen so far this year congrats mate
>most overrated game is obviously some normalfag shit like skyrim or battlefield
then what is botw? turbo normalfag?
How in the dicks is it contrarian to say Skyrim of all things is bad?
Skyrim has sold what like 50 fucking million copies? Botw is at like 13m.
Skyrim's also multiplat and had a ton of re-releases, don't act like Zelda isn't the ultimate normiecore series
Skyrim is the 13th best selling game of all time. BotW doesn't even crack the top 50.
>2 years later and people are still assblasted about BOTW
Skyrim has 9 different iterations and a decade more of sales time.
Then why is it being heavily outsold by mario kart, mario odyssey and smash bros. Even Pokemon zero effort gen1 port will likely outsell it. Im willing to bet animal crossing will outsell its lifetime sales within 6 months too.
>why is it being outsold by series that have always outsold it
>one of which features BOTW and Zelda prominently
that doesn't invalidate its popularity retard
You said its one of the most normal games but a lot of games on its own platform are selling substantially better. In fact I'd go as far as to say the only reason it even sold this well is because it was the only major release at launch.
>enjoying my fourth playthrough
>just discovered something I haven’t in all my hundreds of hours
>finding that I love spears
>creating the four horsemen of the apocalypse with dye and horse color/armor
>not teleporting anywhere as I explore the land on foot
I’ve never had a game quite like this. The ONLY improvements would be deep caves and proper sailing.
>hating on popular things
Gamers are the worst at this. You have to be really fucking insecure and entitled to think your individual opinion is more valuable than essentially the rest of the worlds. This is one of the reasons you are alone user.
Hello this person is correct that is why the most overrated game is SKYRIM because people made fun of me for playing wow and now all of a sudden dragons are cool? Fuck those people its elliot time
>it's not number one, so it doesn't appeal to normalfags
The point is its like number 5 and the switch has been out less than 2 years. By the end of this consoles life it will be something like 15-20.