Will you buy Ryuko's game? It'll have both english/japanese dubs

Will you buy Ryuko's game? It'll have both english/japanese dubs

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Nonon best girl

Depends on how good/interesting the single player and story is.

Game kinda looks like janky garbage that doesn't look like it would be interesting to play online often.

Ass too large

no kill la kill sucked
luluco and inferno cop are the only good things trigger has made

probably not.

It will be censored as part of the development process so no.

>implying sony will let this happen on their system

Go away Ireland

It's on Steam/Switch too

why does she dress like a fucking whore?

If it isn't universally considered trash and doesn't run like ass on switch, then sure, looks fun.

Story is a full on AU after episode 8


Attached: nonon.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

How does Ryuko feel having nothing but basically a string, shoved right up her crack, all day. Imagine how stinky that Senketsu is after being worn all day. Do you think he can smell Ryuko on himself?

Senketsu sort of raped her the first time they met, so I doubt he cares

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Day 1 for sure. Hoping for extended triggerverse DLC.

Bargain bin for sure when it gets there

to increase sales of course

Why did they wait so fucking long to make a game on this? Who even cares after that long? I think I'd rather just masturbate to her again and call it a day.

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why did they make this game after all the KLK hype is gone?

I legitimately pity you

Amen bros

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Why not?

Attached: ryuko.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

i want to, but i dont like the rock/paper/scissors thing

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she is clearly not into it and pretending, fucking cringe

>le flat chest ugly voice xD

What does her butthole smell like guys??

Because is action/comedy and sex sells.

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Looks like it's time to fap to some Kill la Kill again. Thanks.


Luluco suffers from the same shit KLK and other trigger productions suffer from.
Strong/Interesting beginning which gets thrown over completely around the half and which point it just gets more and more retarded and over the top because they decided to throw some early story elements out of the window for stupid reasons.
Inferno Cop has a bit of that issue too.