Do you play as a boy or a girl in video games?

Do you play as a boy or a girl in video games?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I play as OP

So you play as a faggot?

If a game has an option to play as a girl, I don't play it.
Games with voiced protagonists who have characters >
protagonist is a silent stand in

Girl because I relate to them more

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western game = male
eastern game = female

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In games like Pokemon where the distinction is purely visual, usually a girl. In games with romance like Fire Emblem, typically male.

In games with pre-established characters like fighting games, I pick who is most interesting to me in design/concept and that feels best in my hands. However I do gravitate towards girl typically, when it comes to designs/concepts so often girls there too.

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>spamming this same thread again

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I play as a girl
I also crossplay as cons
Yes I am straight and i like pussy
>n-n-nooooo UR A HOMO *insecurity seeps through screen*
I'm starting to think everybody who cares about this debate is still in the closet


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You're not gay, you're just an egg.

Depends on if i have an idea for a character or ask my friends what character i should make

You'll never pass as a woman no matter how much anime you post lmao
the fuck is an egg

what game is your screenshot from? i love beauty marks

hows that film school shit going lee

I play video games.

Is this bot malfunctioning or something?

You're not Barneyfag

Trannies you know what to do

if there is an option dude

That's cool user, I always play as a girl and I crossplay at cons and I love cock.

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I always play as a tan girl with blonde hair and blue eyes

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I pick girls unless the armor sets are shitty
I like girls in armor

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Male when it's more of a role playing game and sometimes females when it's not really character focussed


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daily reminder Barney fag spams this shit because he's a closted fan of the show

his tv tropes account

God Eater Resurrection I think


post butt

An “egg” is a faggy term made up by discord trannies that they call people who aren’t trans, but they plan to indoctrinate into being trans