The Division 2 Open Beta

Its exactly the same garbage as The Division 1.
No way people are gonna fall for this shit twice.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Play it because I want to test my new GPU
>Looks nice
>Get bored after 20 minutes

just shooting

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I thought this came out already. So much bland AAA stuff has released this month.

I stopped at level 4.
Literally the same as the first.

I will when in a year when the price falls and comes with all the dlc.

Division 1 ended up being pretty good after many months of patches though desu

Not even kidding

I feel the same way.
Division 2 will just be more of the same thing. Take that as positive or negative.
I like the beta so far

>people complain a sequel to a game is giving people more of the same thing

This place really has worked itself in knots trying to be contrarian

>actually defending Ubisoft
mieu diu sacre blue

No you dipshit. I'm defending the concept of a game giving people more of what they expect because that's the stupid point I was originally addressing.

damn, and when the first came out me and my bro played the campaign then quickly dropped due to boredom. no new modes or anything?


I'm in there with hope that the 8-man raids will be dope

I like it but I never played the first one, exploration is good.

This one has a whole different vibe to it in my opinion. 2 has a post-apocalyptic long-term survival vibe. 1 felt more contained and it was about dealing with an event in the direct aftermath.

Its nit bad for bro op shooty fun. If they actually keep a good ttk and ai accuracy it could even be great. The enviorment is bretty gud

The Division 1 is better than every other looter shooter though. What exactly are people falling for?

I got the first one for free with my GPU and I cared so little I never even bothered to redeem the code

This game is not for me, boring af

It's a zoomer sentiment. They think everything should have a different quirky feel to it even if it's just superficial change like the differences in BRs. They will even take a change for the worse over something similar but improved.

Jesus christ

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r u retarded lol
if the first in the series sucked, and they give us an exact copy of that, people are gonna complain

You didn't answer my question. What are people falling for? If you don't like looter shooters just say it and be done with it.

>Stop liking what i dont like

any mmo-lite like this that has sequels will fail. sequels are the antithesis of the genre.

anthem is dogshit that looks like it needs at least another year or two until it's finished, but if it has no sequel, in the long run it will win out. it's why warframe is so hard to compete with, it has 6 years of playtesting and content updates.

You can't have it both ways you moron. If it's the same game as 1 in a different box then how exactly are people being tricked?

This. I'm a massive fan of rehashes. The issue with this game is it didn't have a good foundation. I didn't even play 1. Liked the look of some parts, but just can't stand open worlds.

So since i enjoyed the first game i should enjoy this then?

It's in open beta for this weekend. Try it yourself.

I've played it for 30 minutes and already feel like it has at 100 more hours worth of play than the anthem beta, but I didn't play the first one. I play wildlands, though and it feels similar but different enough.

I intend to - im currently wage slaving so im asking here on my lunch hour

Feels more wide open and less constrained. They seem to be focusing on the settlements or whatever they're called this time around. They want you spending time in each district upgrading the settlements and unlocking personnel.

>Just shooting
Well shoot, I was expecting an SRPG. Guess I should read the genre next time.

>no way people will fall for this twice
You're even more retarded than the people that will buy it.

I uhhhh like it!

Deleted it after 1 hour. Its alright but I am already playing Anthem and playing 2 looter games at the same time starts to feel like a job.

its could be 100 man raids and it would still be boring bullet sponge garbage
if you buy this is genuinely hope your relatives suffer

>Anyone being surprised at Ubisoft making a rehash
It's like you never played a Far Cry game after 3.

meh, got it for free with my cpu

might as well play it for a bit

>Can't skip cutscenes
this is agony. Could it be any more boring and soulless?

You can I think you're just retarded.
t.skipped all the cutscenes.

But it really makes you FEEL like you're a Division. Can't wait to play with my friends on release day.

Hold F to skip cutscenes

Lol that was the division 1 for me, I really loved the aesthetic and setting but fuck was the game boring. I think i tried to get into it at least 4 times but could never stick with it because it was just so dull.

Do we have any infos on the endgame? Did they include stuff they added in patches to Division 1 or is it barebones at launch again?

>west is just shooters.

i want to die.

console nigger interface

It's pretty good as a SP game so far.

Wait, did I miss something? Yea Forums actually hates The Division? Oh wait it’s Ubisoft so it must automatically be shit, am I right? Seriously I just love how everyone who is shitting on this game ITT just makes vague and subjective complaints like “it’s boring” and then shitting on anyone who says anything even remotely positive about it. Nobody actually bothers elaborating on why, exactly, The Division is shit. One guy just said “bullet sponge enemies” without elaborating what that even means and why it’s such a bad thing. Anyone who played The Division 1 knows that the game can be genuinely challenging and fun, the whole bullet sponge enemy thing only makes the game more challenging so I don’t see why anybody would complain about that. I played The Division 1 and am enjoying The Division 2 beta. The only problems I’ve had with the beta so far is that it sometimes starts lagging like crazy and it’s crashed a few times.

>SJW infested
>Copy/paste of the first game, no innovation or creativity
>loother shooter is a boring genre by itself and quite outdated
>"missions" are repetitive quasi nausea inducing

Just like every Ubisoft game, and people still eat that shit up

You can blast street thugs all day long in the division. How is it SJW?


What a dumb ass motherfu.....

I played 20 minutes of the closed beta on base PS4 and it ran like utter shit, 20 FPS and low res textures... I'm guessing nothing has changed.

But as far as loother shooters go it's pretty good.
I preferred the first game over Destiny or Diablos.

>Enemies are still bullet sponges
>quests are still shit
why even fucking bother, they couldn't fix the absolute worst problem with the first game

>expecting there to not be some degree of sponge in stat based games
Are you retarded? It wouldn't be a looter shooter if they made all the enemies die in 3 shots because then your gear would be totally meaningless.

Fuck off retard

Don't be disingenuous. There are many different kinds of "shooting" games. A shooting game should have activities beside shooting, even if it's just repositioning, flanking or finding cover. The Division requires only that you stand still or slowly walk towards targets while shooting with aim assist

Are there still tank builds in the game?

t. D3 classified set user in Division 1

I've been playing it for about two hours now. I think it's very OKAY as you can get. I liked the aesthetic of the first one a hell of a lot more. The alleys and streets we so goddamn narrow but with its snowy environment it felt like nice to look at. I'm hating the palate they choose for this game; a whole lot of olive, greens, and browns with the buildings looking really detailed despite a lot of them having super fucking low textures. Every character feels really unlikable with how the dialog is written. The black chick with the fucked up leg has a nice design but her voice lines were super plain. The Hyenas seem overly villainous all the time. The TTK has been reduced and there are more guns to choose from, but it still just feels lackluster to actually play. It's either a fucking breeze and boring or still a fucking breeze but I have to use a seeker mine. The abilities are incredibly OP. Also, why are all the JTF motherfuckers using AKs? It's a silly complaint, but it just irked me.

It seems like more of the same which is fine for me to be desu with you. I played through the first with a friend and we'll be doing the same with 2. There's a few changes but they're minor iterations rather than massive changes. I haven't checked if they fixed the change they made to scopes though, that was annoying when I played the closed beta.

>install beta
>doesn't want to open
>restart pc
>starts on black screen
>still hear game sounds
>look up a fix
>there's nothing
Back to Siege I guess

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Kek, so yes then.
>sequel to a stat based game where enemies were varying degrees of sponge depending on gear
>expect the sequel to be any different
You realize, it would have to be a different type of game if the enemies weren't bullet sponges in some way or another, right? You can't have a lower, more realistic TTK without making 99% of the loot meaningless. Do you complain about not killing enemies with 5 sword strikes in Diablo when you have shitty gear and a shitty build?

Why are so many street thugs white when half of DC is noggs?

bullet sponge enemies are shit, and they remain bullset sponges no matter what equipment you have. If you weren't fucking braindead you would know that the bullet sponge enemies were one of the main complaints about the first game.
TL;DR, fuck off retard

>One guy just said “bullet sponge enemies” without elaborating what that even means and why it’s such a bad thing.
Get the fuck out you underage piece of shit if you don't know what bullet sponges are and why they are bad.

cover shooters kinda suck in general
max payne 3 is the only cover shooter I enjoyed because at least you can dive around and kill shit before it reacts to you, when enemies are too tanky for you to do that you end up with games like the division where you just hunker down or run from cover to cover and play peek-aboo with the enemy

Did you even play the first game after they started fixing how ridiculously spongy the enemies were? Because if you did, you'd realize that the sponge was totally reasonable outside of the stupid legendary missions so long as you had a halfway decent build.
>keeps calling other people retarded while being one himself

tl;dr play a different type of game, you dumb nigger

I am a thirty-goddamn-year-old man. I really don’t understand why “bullet sponge enemies” are such a bad thing. Bullet sponge enemies only make games more challenging. Anybody complaining about bullet sponge enemies in video games simply seem to be complaining about the games being too difficult. There’s really nothing else to it. Git gud or just don’t play the game.

>you just hunker down or run from cover to cover and play peek-aboo with the enemy
This is my immediate complaint after like an hour of playing. Movement isn't smooth enough to where you can reliably flank enemies so it's usually just best to sit in one spot and pop them off one by one. And it feels kind of like shit even when the TTKs are low on regular grunts.

I'm genuinely interested in this game as an action RPG but M+K cover shooters just feel shitty.

According to Yea Forums, just about anything and everything is SJW nowadays. A video game containing female and/or black characters can be considered an SJW game. I saw people on here complaining about Red Dead Redemption II being an SJW game simply because Arthur was opposed to slavery.

it's not challenging, just boring
take one enemy, make him die in 10 shots
take the same enemy, make him die in 1000 shots

the encounter doesn't change beyond length, you could argue the enemy will get a chance to use their abilities since they live longer but if it's just grunts who take cover and shoot at you then it's just a matter of taking turns shooting at each other from cover over a long period of time

I don't really agree on the difficulty thing but whining about bullet sponges without first trying to understand what kind of game it is is stupid.
It's been how many years since divison 1? and people still think that because it's realistic visually, it must be realistic gameplay wise.

You're a 30 yr old retard you mean. Bullet sponges are fucking boring unless the game's built around them. Aka doom 4. Division is a fucking pop and stop cover shooter. Think before you speak retard.

Anthem failed, every grind looter fans will buy Division 2 and it will be hell of a success

deal with it

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You’re not wrong. But did they back pedal on what eventually made Division One work like Bungie did with Destiny’s DLC going into Destiny 2?

Haha wagie wagie stuck in his cagie!

Ya seethe?

The first one felt a lot better, but they changed movement in 2. I think it was because cover wasn't as important as it should've been in PvP. I remember seeing a video where a guy was getting shot at by 2 or 3 dudes and just ran around in circles barely taking damage and healing it all off no problem. I may be wrong though on that though and they changed it for different reasons.

This game is gonna tank so hard because it's the same game and it's only on uplay and epic's shit store

If you play the endgame content in the beta of division 2, there are actually barely any bullet sponge enemies. I can kill an elite in 2 seconds.

I think it was the uncharacteristic simplicity the game dealt with the topic that people had criticisms for.

Good joke. Normalfags and retarda will eat this shit up just like the last game.

Lad you are arguing with a retarded shitposting pimple ridden 15 years old, might as well ignore the little moron.

I wouldn't call it SJW, but it's certainly off-putting when you jump into the game and there are 95% women and 5% men.

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As you take on more difficult situations tactics like that won't work. End game was very difficult in the first one.

It's so generic, the setting is interesting but it's so unengaging to play.

Fine. You guys find bullet sponge enemies to be boring. You’ve actually elaborated on your complaint and made a good point. I don’t find bullet sponge enemies to be boring, though. So I guess that this must be a purely subjective thing. I found The Division 1 to be a fun game, and others seem to have liked it as well. So I imagine that The Division 2 will be just as successful.

Nigger you couldn’t be more wrong

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PvP in 1 was just running in the open while firing smg, cover was never a thing except at very low level.

Why couldn't they just have made the updates to Division 1? I want the new specs and skills, but with the comfyness of christmas '99 in snowy new york city.

why people still pre-orders game, I don't understand

it's not like it will go out of stock, especially if it's digital sale.

Oh no, I'm not saying it wasn't because it can be fucking tough. I'm just saying PvP reasons might be why it was changed. I don't really think I've ever seen people use cover over just running around and shooting each other while occasionally hiding to heal. Actually, I think this video might explain what I mean better.

this is fucking destiny forsaken all over again

people do not listen to these shills. no you cannot fix this fundamentally broken genre. no game in it will ever be anything more than a hamster wheel for npc's who don't like video games.

Pick. Bullet sponge or super realistic to where you get one shot too ALA old rainbow six and swat 4

whats with the fucking constant disconnects when playing the maxed characters? I dont get it when playing the created character.

no one likes looter shooters. the entire genre is a mental trick for the low iq. how ever I've found its almost exclusively low iq depressed white people. for some reason the nigger is immune to the looter shooter's tricks

why are you playing a woman then?

>I play wildlands
literally how?
*drive for 40 minutes in a game clearly programmed by people who have no idea how to make vehicles satisfying*

not to mention literally everything else in the game. terrible shooting, terrible everything. kill yourself

it's an AAA game. anyone who buys it is automatically an idiot npc.

You ever considered that you are too stupid to enjoy the genre? You literally a retarded nigger

>>Play it because I want to test my new GPU
Das rite and on Div1 it gimp my AMD gpu to hell with stuttering because it's a Nvidia title, now on Div2 its no longer Nvidia gimp mode it runs fucking smoothly on max. Fuck Nvidia.

because they want you to pay $60 for what amounts to 99% the same thing and they know you are dumb enough to buy

jesus seethe harder low iq whitoid looking for his pathetic escapism from his meager problems.

I never could get into this game because the rpg loot tiers and damage system clashes with the setting so much, I know they had to have a way for loot to be meaningful but it doesnt suit a tacticool operator setting imo.

My dream version of this kind of game would have the weapons deal the same damage(if they are the same weapon type/bullet caliber etc.) and armor have same durability, but the tiers come in due to attachments, accessibility, and quality.

So you would have civilian tier loot at the bottom with low capacity mags, shit scopes, weapons that jam, homemade body armor, etc. Law enforcement, military, then spec op.

Got to the dark zone intro and stopped for now.
All the stats related mechanics are fine
My lvl equipment = enemy lvl everything dies naturally, Gears of War had more sponge then this.

Big complaints about character movement/controls, its clunky as fuck if you want to react to something fast, that is in close proximity or change position rapidly.
Which strangely happens a lot, since enemies like to 'flank' you, by just running past with no regard about cover to try and sit in some bush way behind you. Generally combat feels ok in missions, and a cluster fuck on free roam, since it's hard to know where anything comes from.
If you caught out of position ttk is brutal and no level design at these locations means go respawn. Fucking stupid that this shit even have a place here, feels like cover shooters didn't evolved even a little since Kill Switch wtf

Also this inventory is atrocious and UI proves yet again that convenience killed game and level design.
Shoot to where the arrows are, it's probably enemy head, pick the glow thing, follow the line, reload by color near the crosshair. Stupid promp to fuck the wall appears everywhere for no reason, yet it still unclear what can I fuck.
Fuck you and your markers.

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Because I'm a cock guzzling faggot who hates competition. Is that so hard to understand?

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No I’m free now. In fact I have an extra $400 in my pocket for finishing some side work on my own time. What now ya leech beech

How bad can it be? Division 1 wasn't bad, just mediocre. Seems like a good game to pick up when it goes on a $10 or less sale and fuck around with for a bit.

Sounds boring, your idea is trash.

Imagine making such a dogshit garbage boring game that makes Anthem look like a good game

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It’s just another generic shooter. It’s neither overly bad nor overly good. It’s simply mediocre. I rate The Division 1 a 6.5/10. The Division 2 will be more of the same, but some people on here are making it out to be a 0/10.

Try yeary

Imagine the division 1 but adding in the shitty settlement managing system from fallout 4. That's division 2.

jokes on you shitter tom clancy just pmed me and said they were gonna base their new game the revision on that idea

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i could not last more than 50 minutes . and i tried to force myself to play . but fuck ive never felt such boredom in my entire life of video gaming

I played the closed beta and just booted up the open beta and played the first mission. It now runs and looks much better than the closed beta.
If you liked the first game you’ll like this one. At least it’s much better than the garbage Anthem and actually has content.

considering one can play one video game for the rest of his life, and there are more good video games out there than one could reasonably play in a lifetime, there is literally no time to waste of mediocre video games.

any game below a 7 is objectively the same as a 0 because you shouldn't waste time playing either when you could be playing a fun game.

>they didn't even bother to fix the cluttered interface

Your opinion is kind of worthless considering you waste time posting here

I feel you. Losing out on the snow, blizzards, and general comfy christmas vibes is a big loss for me.

One of the biggest reasons Division 2 isn't even on my radar. The setting was already painfully generic, only saved by admittedly amazing snow. Now there's nothing.

I liked what i played, despite the bugs and stuttering i suffered. I hope we get to see more of those "flashbacks" or whatever they are called, nice to see the effect this shit had on ordinary people. I never did complete division 1, probably a little under halfway through.. But with the game coming out in only two weeks i don't really think it's a good time to go and "finish" the storyline in division 1.

Why did the put Body Types instead of Gender in the character select screen?
It was weird as fuck, even worse half the female nignog already looks like dudes

Weird design choice is not a good way to give a good impression at the start of a game...

The full character creator will be there once the game is out. So yeah it's shit now but w/e

If there was a hybrid of Tarkov's weapon and armor systems with Division's setting and gameplay, I'd be so hype.

So is division 1 actually worth going back to while i wait for division 2? Mind you i have played it a bit and have some gear so wouldn't start from scratch.

>they still have the same shitty dark zone PVP
>just group up and stand next to someone while turning pvp on

It’s the best looter shooter out there so I’ll take it to scratch my itch.
I’m just not a huge fan of the realistic setting of only fighting humans etc. Also not a huge fan of cover shooting.

Gearbox is sitting on a damn goldmine if they made Borderlands 3 an online looter shooter.

>t. seething escapism fag

>implying games journalists set the norm
>implying the amount of people that play the game set the standard on the quality of the game


jesus just admit you don't like video games and get a new hobby.

why play video games if you are only interested in turn off your brain tier games? just watch tv or something and hold a controller in your hand.

>long-term survival
right untill the division 3 then 4, 5 and REBORN.

why can't they get their heads around an actual MMO structure and release one game with multiple DLC's over a decade. that's what people really want but they can't even figure out what's fun or even a fucking story let alone how to keep their audiences attention.

fucking idiots

There are still players in Division that you could play coop mission with; playing with players that could res you midfights is a lot forgiving than playing solo. After Division 2 is released, Division 1 player numbers will plummets so its much harder to find group to help you out.

>Warframe is better than every other looter shooter

Never implied either of those things. Plenty of reasons to dislike the division and plenty of reasons to dislike ubisoft. Making a sequel similar to the first game isn't one of them.

I'd been saying the same thing about the Call of Duty series since forever. Activision could easily give CGSO a run for its money

>hurr u like game i hate u low iq

Money, for one, but changes to the core gameplay is much easier with new game.

you might like destiny 2 user

>too stupid to enjoy boring fucking gameplay where tactics don't even fucking matter since as long as you grind the OP gun you can face tank everything because facetanking is literally the only tactic they expect anyone to use since the game is marketed towards fucking scrubs


>any mmo-lite like this that has sequels will fail. sequels are the antithesis of the genre.

they really are fucking stupid. the devs i mean. nobody is falling for their money grabbing tricks. i said to myself "i'll go back to Destiny after a few years when the game is finished", "i'll go back to The Division when they add more content and fix everything", then we got sequels. nope.

>every single gunfight needs to use high level strategy and effort or it's bad
No one is going to do that for every single fight when you grind for weapons.

It's fine for Boss or special encounters, but it becomes too much of a slog if you have to do that for EVERYTHING.
Just facetanking and outshooting is fine for most fights

First Beta required pre-order or special codes to get access to

Never did I have to drive that long, but the driving is definitely terrible. Flying is better. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the shooting, you're just an idiot. Never completely finished the campaign either because I'm not autistic. Spent most of my time in the game playing one of the best pvp shooters out there. I've put it down a few times, but every time there's an update I come back and it's still every bit as enjoyable as when I first picked it up.

is there VOIP? I dont even have a mic idk why im asking

>Never implied either of those things

>Contrarian - rejecting popular opinion or current practice.

stop posting and get started on your next article dickhead

Yeah, true that i suppose.

It gave access to the close beta and now you get a choice of 3 free games.

destiny 2 fucks up by time gating shit
no hardcore looter fan wants to be timegated, there's nothing worse than wanting to grind but not being able to because you have to wait for shit to reset

The division 1 had fucking 10/10 music and pretty good GRAFIX and atmosphere, it is such a shame the game turned into complete dogshit and even after patches and patches it still could never fully redeem itself. I definitely do not have high expectations for 2 but I am a sucker so I still might buy it try it out.

beta is useless if you already paid for the game .
the 3 games that they give out are literal garbage 4/10 games

that's because you're intelligent.
>but changes to the core gameplay is much easier with new game.
if you spend the time to polish and test core gameplay you won't fucking need to change it every 6 fucking weeks. not an excuse. if anything you just highlight how half-assed they do things nowadays. they rather ruin a franchise and move onto something else claiming "people are bored of this" then do a good job. where the fuck are all the polished zombie hoard games where you go in with a crew of like 6 people and run end to end slaughtering the undead, fucking nowhere thats where because they tried a couple times after l4d2 and couldn't grasp what was so entertaining because they don't get people to actually test their games. so now "gamers are bored of zombies its time for something new"

no they couldn't. no one will ever take cod seriously. CSGO has install base built up over 30 fucking years and CoD plays nothing like it.

>every single gunfight needs to use high level strategy and effort or it's bad
now that sounds like fun. "the dark souls of shooters".

fucking ship it


Destiny 2 isn't a looter shooter. Destiny 2 weapons all have fixed stats. Non-legendary weapons are all handcrafted as well and they come with 2-3 handcrafted variations that always have the same dps (low ROF, but higher damage, etc). Division gives you actual diablo-esque loot by randomly generating parts of the gun, with randomly generated stats and being able to mod the weapon by swapping in and out parts. Destiny 2 is the illusion of a looter shooter and if you like Destiny 2 for the loot, then you don't really like loot or RPG's in the first place.

Warframe isn't a looter shooter. Try playing the game first.

Also for all the fags that hate bullet sponge enemies. There are literally signature weapons in the game that let you one shot kill fucking bosses behind 200 armor plates. There are also tanks and mechas for some fucking reason.

>CoD plays nothing like it.
of course not. but it could've been something better or just even different, instead of the shitshow you have now where they don't even bother with a fucking story because they know people just wanna shoot. it's already half way there but theyre too fucking stupid to realize and instead add crazy new wall running and grapple hooks and shit nobody really fucking cares about because the worst gun in the game still shoots bullets.

>Warframe isn't a looter shooter
im lootan an im shootan and not a god damn thing you can do to stop me

>Tony Clancy
>Makes Rainbow Six Siege
The world loses there shit.
>Makes The Division 2.
Everyone tells them to go fuck themselves.
Seriously when I realized I needed to be online constantly to even tempt the first one as a single player perspective. I gave up. It is that bad.

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Every upgrade ever. You upgrade your shit, then download the "amazing looking games" of the moment, realize that there hasn't been a single game that is both hardware demanding AND good at the same time, then you go back to playing your f2p shit and decade old games that could run perfectly on integrated graphics. And don't forget to keep thinking about upgrade paths because those actually more entertaining than using the hardware as well.

>Makes Rainbow Six Siege
is it good yet

The Division is a popular game.

>i-it's the same as the last game!
Shock and horror as the sequel to an action RPG turns out to be very similar to its predecessor. You guys are faggots I already preordered my copy.

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>shooting things BAD
Get out of my sight fat autist

>then you just buy a console since everyone you know is too stupid or broke to get a PC with a 800$ graphics card so they get consoles too

com si com sa

You tell me

Attached: r6-operator-gridlock_conceptart4.jpg (1920x1080, 342K)

can my rig play it

Attached: Screenshot_20190301-122958__01.jpg (1080x822, 111K)

the amount of people that don't play it vastly out number the people that play it. the opinion of those that play it doesn't matter it's the % of the whole that will make it popular. so no, not contrarian to call a bucket of liquid shit, shit, even if millions out of tens of millions of people play it.

I never played the first one, but this cover system seems really boring. At least Destiny and Anthem use cover naturally. In this game its like if you are not behind cover, you're 100% fucked.

Like I said: contrarian.

>the amount of people that don't play it vastly out number the people that play it. the opinion of those that play it doesn't matter it's the % of the whole that will make it popular
There's a larger amount of people who don't play videogames at all and think your hobby is for children. Your point is retarded.

The music is better in this one tbqh

this happens to me but then later on i end up playing games that i know my old pc wouldn't run smoothly
it's very bizarre, probably because i find myself looking at a library of hundreds of games and get paralyzed by choice

You considered how big of a file size the game would be if they just mashed the content of the sequel into the first game? Fucking retard this is not World of Warcraft

fuck the file size do it anyway
a terabyte is like $100, poorfags out

Steam is where gaming goes to die. Choice paralysis is a very real problem and also the natural distraction PC provides. I used to play WAY more games when I only had consoles around and I appreciated each one of them more. Ever since I built an expensive PC I've been playing pretty much fucking nothing.

>you just know

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And that would benefit the devs how? You really aren’t very bright

90 mile straight or dog fucker ?

i dont care what happens to devs

my fault for arguing with a brainlet
that would make enjoying video games contrarian and my point valid numbskull. i don't make the fucking rules of logic

That’s my gripe with it, or cover shooters in general, they are really boring to play.
Same reason I hated playing Gears of War.

>...that she eats dogs

like the size of warframe?

fuck off retard. they just don't want to spend money on optimizing their CDS and update structure, etc

I actually learned for the first time that the oval office isn't inside the "main big round" thing at the middle of the white house, but on the left side. I wasn't really aware of it.

let me put it this way.
they just finished a jar of peanut butter together.

that would make the oval office directly in the path of the front door = bad feng shui

Yeah I know. And from watching photos / videos it was of course obvious it wasn't there. But I didn't knew exactly where it was.

>comparing this to the empty world that is Warframe with almost no quests or talking NPCs or anything
Stupid fucking retard

what specs are you running?

I hope we get more tacticool clothing. Wildlands has so much so wouldn't it basically just be copy pasting stuff?

I was running it okay. Same GPU as you, worse RAM than yours, dunno about CPU (I have an i5-6500)

>"We need you to get the Declaration of Independence"
Five seconds after that I uninstalled.

ryzen 1400 + 10606gb + 8gb ram

This also happens when you hack your console, I'm not gonna stop pirating because of your 4D chess, denuvo.

Yeah you'd think shit like that would be gone way earlier in the chaos.

I was tempted to uninstall it during the intro, where they say that the closing of starbucks and the shutdown of the internet and functionality of wifi brought the apocalypse. I couldn't tell if it was satire or not.

Why would anyone want that?

And you don't think the shut down of those things with a virus going around, EMS services also going haywire wouldn't cause fucking panic?

I put a lot of hours into the first one and I feel the gameplay is fairly solid. The problem is it gets old VERY quickly. There’s no real enemy variety and the missions don’t have any interesting mechanics. If they could make stuff on par with destiny’s raids or better they might actually have something.

>and they remain bullset sponges no matter what equipment you have
you have a third weapon slot that can fit a grenade launcher, a crossbow with traps and a high powered sniper rifle. they recharge ammo through speciality kills, like explosive kills, headshots, longrange kills etc. they make a huge difference and kill almost everything in a split second, no matter how much bullet sponge the enemies are.

Sure, but can you explain to me why starbucks closing down is even the first bulletpoint of the intro?

Because Americans like to get their daily dose of soýlatte there?

It was a sarcastic joke. A very cringey bad one, but they weren't being serious.

Taking the piss on people’s first world problems

I dno I suppose because a place like Starbucks or really any place that's popular to go to, and seen as a staple in a modern city shutting down, is done to show that all these things in the society we take for granted as part of our daily lives going away would cause the breakdown of society.

>just shooting
You don't say.

Raids were the absolute worst thing about Division 1, it was just waves of enemies coming from different directions. No strategies or tactics or anything, just shoot and occasionally revive someone.

Like why can’t you fish or play minigames like dart and pool in it?

Based. I want a good, challenging but fair and rewarding shooter. RPG mechanics almost always shit all over that because numbers come to matter too much over skill and tactics

Shitters like it because of the low skill floor

Because it's used as an example of an amenity people no longer have? Coffee beans are not exactly easy to grow in the District of Columbia senpai. Way too fucking cold.

>Guns have no indication of Semi/Full auto
>Attaching a red dot sight lowers your fucking crit rate
>Rolling drone AI is retarded

Attached: DnfwSPbUcAA8wtO.jpg (900x1600, 141K)

>There are literally signature weapons in the game that let you one shot kill fucking bosses behind 200 armor plates. There are also tanks and mechas for some fucking reason.
Are you talking about TD1 because that's the first I'm hearing of this and I played to level 35. Signature gear in TD1 was only slightly stronger than exotic and below, and there was absolutely nothing that didn't take 50 bullets to down a boss.

>where they say that the closing of starbucks and the shutdown of the internet and functionality of wifi brought the apocalypse
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about? The apocalypse was brought on by a cataclysmic outbreak of genetically modified smallpox. Do you know anything about this game?

Woah you ever considered playing the hundreds of other shooters that fit that description sweetie?

The division 2 beta is honestly pretty annoying in terms of mission mechanics. You have enemies from the left who use turrets, then you have some enemy in the middle that looks like metal gear rex, then there are enemies on the right who constantly spam drones that are hard to see and instantly kill you if they get near you, then you have enemies flanking you with shotguns and people from behind using remote controlled RC cars with napalm strapped to them that take away control from your character. Oh and occasionally throw in fucking EMP bombs that disable all of your abilities, all while a helicopter keeps dropping in walking tanks that have armor piercing rounds. It's so much micro management that I want the old division 1 gameplay back. It was slow and methodical, which I liked.

I played the first game on launch and the loot grind was fucking awful. We're talking worse than Anthem. Spending hours glitch farming bosses to get nothing or spending hours in the DZ to just get a yellow mag with god awful rolls all while having to deal with pvp fags.

In New York they stacked the bodies in piles.

Attached: Dark Zone North.jpg (1920x1080, 422K)

Yeah. No new supplies coming, suddenly you can't go to the store and shop, you can't use social media, and so on. That would quickly cause major panic. And it wouldn't take long for this to happen, the supply trucks stop coming in for a week and stores would quickly run out of things. Our society is way to fucking dependant on all these things and I could only imagine how a western population would endure something like this happening.

Name one, name one "dark souls" of shooters. Preferably AAA

are you retarded fampai?

Attached: muh coffee and free wifi.jpg (1440x753, 244K)

This. I played The Division 1 a but and it was literally just shoot generic bullet sponge bad guy until he dies, the game. The graphics were nice and the interface was slick but it's still just a grindy looter shooter.

Fuck off already retard.

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Using the “dark souls of [genre]” phrase instantly makes disregard you as a person.
Look at Immortal Unchained and see how that worked out.

Dude, The Division games are about a disease that kills something like 99% of the global human population. You really don’t think that people would flip their shit over that? Losing Starbucks and free wi-fi was only the beginning of people’s problems.

Boring is not a vague complaint brainlet. I specifically meabs something is not exciting or fun.

The main appeal of this game is playing tacticool barbie dress up for your character AND your gun. Beyond that it’s pretty shallow.

I run it with much worse, so yes definitely.

The bug in the first one where you could play a raid with several groups at once was very fun while it lasted

lmfao you havent even played warframe and im the fucking retard lmfao

stay mad ubicuck

he can't, they don't fucking exist

I have 200 hours in Warframe you retarded shitstain

See Immortal Unchained, it’s a futuristic Dark Souls clone with guns.

or even just those regular missions with like 3 groups was fucking amazing

yeh and my dad works for Nintendo XD

lmao that game is shit.

it sure is, but that's not the point.

Saying “it’s boring” doesn’t actually matter in any meaningful way. Yeah, it may be boring for you, but it’s fun enough for the average person to buy the game. The number of copies being sold proves that people are having sufficient fun to purchase the games. And don’t give me any of that bullshit about how “yeah only retards buy these games.” The average IQ is 100, not 60. The majority of people buying these games have an average IQ of 100. Yeah, okay, you’re a genius, we get it. You’re oh so superior for not enjoying things that other people like. Woo fucking hoo. Congratulations. Now go back to playing Dwarf Fortress or whatever it is you consider to be “hardcore”.

Does anybody know if the randomly generated dungeon mode will be back in The Division 2?

it is, if you waste your time playing that garbage your opinion on games = nothing

>"she" is carrying what appears to be a truck gearbox which would weigh 400kgs AT LEAST
>on her shoulder
>a feat even a professional weight lifter would struggle with
Thus image is simply just fucking rediculous.

Wait you tried to make a point? Cute

You sound like a salty faggot. Someone saying something is boring is a legitimate criticism from that person, get over it.

i don't play it. point still stands

>I have 200 hours in Warframe
opinion disregarded

The majority of people posting on Yea Forums are in fact very stupid and way below average intelligence. Idiots here can’t even get a job or get laid, just how stupid must you be for that to happen?

fair enough.

>He says as he posts on Yea Forums, pretending he's above it all.

Shitters think that there are FPS games where you can fight even-level AI and still get a challenge without being swarmed by a metric fuck ton of them in a cramped space. AI programming is universally dogshit in FPS games.

What does having sex and having a job have to do with intelligence? Someone with a low iq is more likely to fuck like a rabbit and have a menial job.

I fail to understand why you both are surprised a place like Yea Forums don't like your flavor of the month, they are the equivalent of transformers movies for people that really enjoy and love cinema, hell capeshit is Yea Forums's favorite word.

looks like shit BUT the way the enemies react to your bullets is how they should react in every fucking shooter, instead of just standing their and taking it then balancing the game by giving the mobs 4000%+ hp and armor so you actually use bullets.

that's what i mean by the earlier post, management will stop making these looter shooter games because nobody buys their trash, ham fisted attempts at them then claim "gamers are simply bored of the genre" without even trying to perfect it before releasing the next sequel.

Ah yes being a NEET virgin, the pinnacle of intelligence.

If someone managed to get through life without working wouldn't that make them smart?

Yeah all the combat vet woman running around as the last bastion against total government shutdown with AK's, while the opening cutscene literally says " WHEN THE PHARMACIES WERE RAIDED AND ASTHMA BECAME A DEATH SENTENCE... DID YOU HAVE A GUN!? DID YOUR NEIGHBOUR!?"

First of all asthma is almost always a city slicker illness. Maybe its chemicals in the water maybe unhealthy lifestyles make it more prominent. Regardless the first concern i would have wouldn't be fucking asthma because I am not mates with or related to anyone with asthma. The MAJOR, primary concern would be antibiotics.

Secondly yes I have a gun. A half dozen of them with perhaps a few more unregistered. My whole family has guns but more importantly food and water and large swathes of land we can cultivate and defend easily. I live in the middle of Sydney and it would take me about a half day to go bush. That is with rounding up everyone I give a shit about as well.

Division 2 is absolutely SJW infested and catered to them, right down to the strong empowered mid level commissioned officers being black women who somehow only care about honour and respect. All simultaneously proclaiming how great the government is. I walked up to the White House and the first 8 soldiers were all women in various states of undress (They are supposed to be combat vet soldiers ffs), all wielding AK's, the last soldier a guy with an AR15 not an M4 - yes the civilian variant.

The street gangs are 80% white women kamikaze with bats at you. Anytime a man is mentioned you can feel the female characters SEETHING at the thought of those evil men and how they have to stop them no matter what - its actually not layered on thick like the first game. Now they just tipped the whole bucket over everything. This "game" is a mess and is explicitly a corrupted version of something Tom Clancy once thought of taking a shit, as an inner city hipster/feminist fantasy where they save the day ensuring continued government rule

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No because they would be too stupid to get an education and a job improving their quality of life. There are no happy NEETs here.

Your post has a great combination of proud ignorance toward the plot and a lot of criticism directed toward the game that has nothing to do with its gameplay.

>narrowminded idiot calling others stupid

Are you retarded or something? What do you think did low iq cavemen did? They were just hunting animals all day and fucking cavewomen. I'm not saying that not having sex is peak intelligence, but you have to be really fucking underage to believe that having sex is the biggest achievement in your life. Like how desperate and pathetic is that?

Look harder, get a new gaming platform.

don't derail the thread by feeding him user

Stop acting like you know any black people, white boi.

>Like how desperate and pathetic is that?
As desperate and pathetic as people who validate the meaning of their lives through a job.

Doubt it

Why graphics is so shit on max? I mean it really looks awful as fuck.

anyone can get a job, my dude. you can drop out of middle school and still work construction.

It's Ubisoft, there will probably be some bullshit HD texture pack on release that makes the game 30gb bigger or some shit.

Early game the mobs seem less spongy which is nice. I don't doubt for a second the sponges will come back later on however.
Definitely not preordering. maybe I will wait a while and check in for a complete edition of some kind. One that is not prohibitevely expensive

As desperate and pathetic as people who need validation from others for their existence to matter to themselves

>Top Gun Australian

>less sex=no sex at all
Do virgins really cope like this? A shitty article mentioning people who lived centuries ago. If you had an ounce of intelligence you would use modern technology to acquire sex easily.
Do you have no libido? In that case get your testosterone levels checked dumdum.

What is it? You spent over a thousand hours grinding on the first game, now start from scratch for another thousand hours dummy.

Hate to break this to you senpai but you're on Yea Forums. That makes you a kissless virgin by default and any claims to the contrary are the wild delusions of a traumatized 40 year old virgin. Quit tonguing your own asshole and talk about the game, fag.

Alright let’s say I am that. I’m also very stupid and below the average intelligence then and my point stands.

>i5 8600k
>1070 ti
>16 RAM
>80 fps on max
>still looks like shit, even first one looks better
>random crashes

Yeah, 10 minutes was enough. UbiStore is still R6 machine.

Attached: 1551396787917.webm (873x488, 283K)

>tfw people probably will fall for it a second time and buy it
>even if they don't they'll blame Russian hackers or something equally silly for not selling well

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>nu uh I know you are I said you are but what am i?

Unlike you faggot a core part of game play for me is immersion. First thing I see guarding the main base of the last holdout of the most powerful government in the world is a bunch of women who are supposedly military combatants who cant be fucked to tuck their shirts in or even regulate their pants over their shoes - while gripping a single AK with no spare magazines or sidearms playing guard.

Not one of them look strong enough to fire it even in semi auto more than a couple of times. There is no visible actual military presence, no secret service presence, no private militia hired to fill in gaps presence. The whole thing and all the other bases look far more like hippie communal with their stacked and openly exposed critical supplies with labels of "Take what you need" and "Please take one" over the fucking painkillers with no guards....

It is absolutely an SJW fantasy where they all learn critical skills instantly most never had as civilians and help the government hold back the unwashed and unclean who are just not hip enough to get it. Not one of these civvies has ear protection even provisional stuff yet all are holding large caliber rifles to use at a moments notcie but none of them have gauze on them, no scissors or tape. They have no supplies and are horribly undercharged and supplied. Agents are super humans holding it all together who can execute ANYONE they deem a threat unless you explicitly fall to your knees and beg the failed government for protection.

Again pls fuck off resetera.

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well i mean people bought destiny 2

Take a deep breath and go play ARMA

>been in since tech alpha
>this was almost 200 patches ago
>havent played for even 1 minute
im a terrible person but garbage is garbage

well all the "DLC" is free for the game. only reason to buy the season pass for it is for early access to specializations and some exclusive charms / skins.

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Yeah, well, I’ve been officially evaluated by an actual psychologist and he determined that my IQ is in the “above average range” (somewhere between 110 and 120). So I guess I am not a retard. And I enjoy playing The Division games. Now I seriously doubt that you give a single fuck about my IQ (I don’t really give that much of a fuck, either), and even if you did you more than likely don’t believe me. I could post my psychological evaluation report which shows the IQ score that I got, but I doubt anybody would believe a word that’s written on the report especially considering that there’s no real way to prove that any of it was written by an actual psychologist. Since, well, it doesn’t even contain the psychologist’s signature. Only his printed name in the Times New Roman font. And it’s not like you can look up the report anywhere online to verify its authenticity so it’s about as useful to me as toilet paper. But, hey, there you go. Maybe you guys have all had your IQs determined by actual psychologists and you all found out that you have a genius-level IQs. And, hey, that’s great! Now you can feel as superior as you want to all of us losers who bought The Division 2. Woo fucking hoo. Hooray for you! I’m happy for you. Really. But that still won’t stop me from playing The Division 2. So you guys can keep on telling me to kill myself all you want, I ain’t gonna’ kill myself. So if you want me to die you’re gonna’ have to kill me yourself! Maybe you all should go on shooting sprees and kill a bunch of people, and then, maybe, just maybe, you might end up killing me.

Man, that adaptation is the huge disappointment. Director was able to fuck up all scenes, like EVERY SINGLE ONE.

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it looks like shit

Something seems fishy with that system. but then again it matters not. Since I most likely will not play multiplayer at all, early access to anything is meaningless. And pay to win would cause too much backlash so things will trickle down to the unwashed masses at some point, logically.
Once the game goes for 30 bucks I'll think about it.

Bro you got autism, so you are in fact a retard.
Saving your post as pasta for later shitposting, thanks.

That's a nice rant you got there but those are all Division agents, aka your colleagues, and firing weapons doesn't require strength that's pretty much the entire point of guns.
>waaah mommy why I gotta look at the intimidating womens

>herp derp hurr durr i am just gonna call this guy an autistic retard thatll show him! ha ha i win the argument

Why do you people hate video games so much?

What did video games ever do to you?

Share plz

Nice reddit spacing.

>First game was really bad but had a good premise and nice setting
>Well maybe they'll learn from their mistakes and the sequel will actually be good
>Nope it's also bad

I wonder why people might not like this outcome.

Came here to read some feedback on the beta. Instead it's a bunch of butthurt faggots complaining about this and that. It's just a game, no one is forcing you to buy it or play it.










Ubisoft shills should be shot

>Don't like a bad game
>wtf why do you hate every game ever made?

Get a load of this big brain over here.

Is this your first day or something? Welcome to Yea Forums where you need to filter a solid 70% of what you read, and that only pertains to the stuff that's actually vidya related.

Calling The Division an RPG is pretty fucking generous.

Has anyone tried running this on a GT 1050 Ti?

Only positive comments allowed!

Except you people hate on almost every new video game. Especially AAA games, but you hate on these rare indie games too like No Man’s Sky.

what's that you want an MMO that has a 2 year lifespan until the next sequel that resets all your progress because we 'fixed' SOME core gameplay issues and nothing else and charge you full price + season pass + dlc instead of just releasing DLC's over 5 - 10 years?

>dude random shoposting lmao *shits pants*

You just can't talk about certain games on Yea Forums. Maybe the game will have a general on /vg/?

>you people
>hate on almost every new video game

almost every new video game is shit, coincidence?

>Thinking Yea Forums is one hivemind
>Defending No Man's Sky

Attached: 1540671283764.png (256x192, 3K)

Actually it’s 3 years and the DLC will be free. Get your facts straight next time if you want to be taken seriously and not get laughed at

>negative feedback is not feedback but "butthurt faggots complaining about this and that"

effortless performance kotaku editor in chief

I wish Ubisoft would pay me to call people faggots on Yea Forums.

No man's sky isn't indie

>it’s 3 years

>the exact same
Not really, One it's far less sponge than the first one, even after the 4.0+ patches. Also it doesn't allow select fire for some reason like the first, Also gear doesn't show a DPS rating and now has you self calculate it. It's like a mix.

Also the world is much nicer than the firsts. One thing a buddy and I noticed after we put over 120 hours on the first together is that the AI this time seems to want to actually flank the shit out of you.

>ubisoft shit!
>durr I hate looter shooters!
>wont waste my time with the beta!
Sure is constructive criticism you drooling nigger.

>be me
>entrepreneurial NEET
>get paid by 3 different organizations AND the government to shitpost
>pirate all videogames out of principal and love for my hobby


>constructive criticism
feedback doesn't need to be constructive
>you drooling nigger

>almost every new video game is shit, coincidence?

I fucking love it when people say shit like this, completely ignoring that video games are selling now more than ever before.

>b-b-but all the people buying these games are retarded! hurrdurr herp derp

>there's more people playing video games now then ever before
you made my job one thousand times more easier by showing how retarded you are that i don't even need to call you names.

thanks i guess

I unironically think games are getting better and better. Seething sad autists will complain about anything though

the game feels fairly polished but i don't see myself getting into it because i'm not too interested in the setting and the cover shooter type of thing
it does a lot of things better than anthem but i still find myself prefering anthem overall, too bad that game is doomed

is it so crazy to think that most people on Yea Forums don't like the new games coming out?
why are you arguing over opinions?
why do you still come here to tell everyone how contrarian they're being and not realizing the irony of your actions?
>don't like it don't buy it
nobody is forcing you to come here, or are they?

>Yea Forums hates x
>don't like it, fuck off

I really liked the Beta, played on base PS4. Recently been playing games with the mechanic of "Explore - Find enemy area - Fight - Loot - Repeat", played over 200h of Fallout 4 like this and recently put about 20 hours in Assassin's Creed Odyssey doing the same, it's like crack to me. This game looks more like it.

What other games have the same mechanic? RPG mechanics are better to me since the loot part it's more evident, games like Farcry 5 barely give you something useful on the loot part and looks like New Dawn does the same.

Just pointing out that you are a sad little autist for posting in a thread about a game you don’t like.
What the fuck do you gain from that you retard?

>''Anyone who played The Division 1 knows that the game can be genuinely challenging and fun, the whole bullet sponge enemy thing only makes the game more challenging so I don’t see why anybody would complain about that.''
I refuse this isn't b8, I refuse people with such shit taste actually exist

Attached: Baito Des.png (901x500, 79K)

The previous The Division game

You guys can bitch and moan about how shitty video games have gotten, but it won’t change the fact that it’s all purely subjective. Whether you like it or not, video games are art and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One man can look at a video game like Grand Theft Auto V and see treasure, while another man can see trash. But it won’t change the fact that it sold 100,000,000 copies. And, ultimately, all that really matters is how much money a video game has made. People talk with their money. Money is the only way to objectively measure how “good” a game is. The Division 1 made a huge profit, and The Division 2 will do the same. Cry about it some more.

Path of Exile is releasing soon on PS4, you might want to check that out.

>projecting this hard
did you even read the OP

why the fuck did you even post in this thread you dumb fuck. what motivates YOU

>Recently been playing games with the mechanic of "Explore - Find enemy area - Fight - Loot - Repeat", played over 200h of Fallout 4 like this and recently put about 20 hours in Assassin's Creed Odyssey doing the same, it's like crack to me.

I know that feel all to well. You should try Tom Clancy’s Wildlands if you haven’t already. It’s very much like The Division. I really loved how in Wildlands you would carefully approach an enemy stronghold, scope it out, and silently take down enemies one by one until you’ve completely taken over the entire stronghold.

>Yea Forums loves Dragon Quest
>Praise new games etc even though nothings really changed
>GOTY etc

>Game from a company that Yea Forums is told to hate
>Nothings really changed in the new game except a few QoL changes, new setting etc

If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Wonder why Yea Forumss beloved games get a free pass to be the same game but when a triple A studio does it then its suddenly cancer.
Please neck yourselves.

>not knowing you have to start threads by being negative in order to not get flooded with shill posts
How new are you? Fuck off back to plebbit

Does the quarter master come back?

Place is infested with retarded weebs that’s why

>Money is the only way to objectively measure how “good” a game is
>video games are art
>Money is the only way to objectively measure how “good” art is
successful maybe, but good?
no. just no. there are a lot of categories a game needs to tick before being remotely good of course a players tastes and proclivities come into mind but when making a FPS game for the FPS crowd and a large portion of your FUCKING TARGET AUDIENCE has problems with it you probably need to take a step back and rethink the situation or you know just keep blaming autists on Yea Forums, blasted alt-right kek posters! damn you!

that being said i find your post extremely contradictive.
>good art is subjective
>all that matters is money
you definitely develop games.

your bitch powers don't work here faggot. i see right through you

>If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Or in Ubisoft's case

>If it's broke they'll buy it again anyway lol

Division isn’t a FPS you god damn worthless retard

Dude, I have only been playing The Division 2 Beta for a few hours, but I think that I can say that you’re maybe a little crazy. I mean, honestly, what does you owning firearms has to do with anything? I own a firearm too but I don’t feel the need to bring it into a discussion of a video game. And from what I’ve seen most of the enemies in this game seem to be black (I don’t see why you would have a problem with blacks being the criminals of the game) or they’re just too covered up to tell what race they are. The enemies running up toward you with melee weapons generally seem to be black women from the way they talk. And from what I remember, weren’t most of the enemies in The Division 1 also black? I remember one of the bosses being black. And the game doesn’t even force you to pick a female character, you can play as a male character too.

They literally fixed Division 1 retard.
Unless you haven't read the thread.

lmao the post you responded to is literally from black and a mensa member

succinct posting

ubishills eternally BTFO

Attached: asn.gif (498x370, 1.21M)

which system will have longer player base?

that's your response? ever hear of an example?

That's not how contrarianism works. Video games are accepted as a staple of industry at this point. He's pointing out it's not about sheer numbers and that you are fucking ignorant for thinking it is.

PS4 is always the most populated

What exactly is broken?

>make looter shooter with no loot and shitty gameplay
like most games that come out nowadays that sell just based off the title the bare minimum amount of effort is put it into it for maximum profit. it should be no surprise to anyone that at the end of the day games companies operate like businesses.

sure there are plenty of ways they could make money AND release good games, but that's too hard for most companies, clearly.

>ramble about random and unrelated shit
My response is a *dab*

That wasn't succinct at all. It was literally a false comparison fallacy.

I ain’t contradicting myself. My point still stands. I’ve been thinking about this for years. How to objectively measure how “good” a game is. And I concluded that there’s no easy way to objectively measure how good a game is without bringing money into the equation. I see people here on Yea Forums endlessly arguing (for over a decade) which games are superior to which. And I see this not only for video games, but for movies and TV shows over on Yea Forums, and for music over on Yea Forums. It’s all so pointless, a waste of time. You guys can spend an eternity arguing about what makes art “good”, but it’s all purely subjective. All of your arguments are meaningless in the grand scheme of things. All that really matters is profit. Profit is how one measures how good a thing is. How good a video game is. That’s all it comes down to, really.

This game looks so bland, the colors, the designs, the maps. It's like they made a compilation of all western shooters in the past 5 years, set the camera to 3rd person, plastered multiplayer on it and released.

Attached: 137565_1406439795.jpg (184x184, 6K)

PC, you don't need to pay for a subscription to play online.

a game needs to be enjoyable. if 100million people bought Anthem and stopped playing after a week it would be successful because of the sales but it wouldn't make the game good, no amount of money will fill those servers. probably make it even more successful since they could shut down a few and save even more money.

>be you
>go to Yea Forums
>large number of people hate game
>try to explain to the poor souls the game sold x amount of copies and that they're just being contrarian
>try to explain just because everybody on Yea Forums doesn't like it doesn't make their opinion, on Yea Forums, the popular opinion
>unironically continue to post about how contrarian the large number of people on here are being oblivious of it all

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Star Citizen is the new Crysis.

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Ubisoft had the oportunity to build on div 1 and it sold well on pc on the premise that it would be a new mmo. Instead they turned it into ac/farcry. New game every year. It will flop hard, people feel betrayed by division one but the coinflippers at ubisoft just see numbers and statistics so they are clueless.

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This. People play mmos for the longevity. Why should i invest my time if my progress becomes obsolete when division 3 drops? Just make expantions.

>Ubisoft had the oportunity to build on div 1 and it sold well on pc on the premise that it would be a new mmo
that's all anyone wants really. something long lasting and fun. i don't think they like fun more than money though.

Like in the first one.....boooooring.

>core game play fixes
>large file size

You might be surprised but some people actually play MMOs for other reason than just wasting away years for the sake of waste

Pre-order bonuses. Literally the only reason to pre-order anything anymore and it's a scummy move.

>beta has vmprotect

>no other players running around outside of missions

>enemy units actually have decent AI
>still bullet sponges you spend minutes shooting at

>half-assed argument
no surprises there
>people actually play MMOs for other reason
what reason?

why the fuck is a beta 45 gigs

my head cannon is everyone has rubber bullets because brass and lead is used as currency, something like that

Dude, I literally just finished a gunfight against five enemies that lasted less than one minute. Each enemy took only a few seconds to kill. I dunno what you’re talking about.

Learn to fucking aim, nothing takes minutes to kill

>has never done a Hard mission

try it sometime. literally takes 1000 shots to kill anything that isn't a grunt.

one bullet - semi
two bullet - burst
three bullet - full

>>has never done a Hard mission
oh i see your problem, another elitist autist mad that game devs are scaling their games according to new gamers and not le epic hardc0r3 g4m3r.

you're probably white too.

>Hard mission
what the fuck do you expect!?
do a hard mission and kill everyone in one fucking shot? the absolute state of Yea Forums...

no, I'd just like difficulty to scale with something beyond hitpoints, you fucking casual.

dude theres only been 2 division. are you retarded ?

>wanna play it
>but it means either download Uplay or Epic Store
such a hard pass

is there a flash light in this game
i cant see shit


pre order exclusive i'm afraid

Doesn't really pay to play an lootgrind MMO when the next one comes out like two years later. I know the fun is in the climb but there are better games to spend time on and if you've played one lootgrinder you've played them all frankly.