Now that emuparadise is "changing", where do all the cool kids get their roms?
Now that emuparadise is "changing", where do all the cool kids get their roms?
Other urls found in this thread:
I know this may sound difficult, but you'll have to go through more than one page of Google search results.
My "no-intro" source.
Emuparadise still, you just need the workaround script.
as far as nintendo roms are concerned, you go for full sets rather than individual roms
its funny how nintendo trying to crack down on piracy had the opposite effect
Don't even need a script, just use the damn forums.
90% of roms I Google I find on the first link. I've never even had to go to page 2.
wait what? I thought they stopped sourcing roms months ago because Nintendo took action against that other site.
Unless there's an older archived version of the site that still has working downloads.
Search for "emuparadise workaround script"
the site didn't delete the roms, it just made them harder for nintendo to find.
they never took down the downloads
its a block for retards
>not having every single third/fourth/fifth gen complete library on a couple external hard drives
Man I don't care about emuparadise. It was a shit website compared to what you could find on ISO Zone. It hurts to this day.
Whatever happened to it? They were supposed to rebrand and come back but never did?
You can buy 10TB for cheap
No. Excuse.
Well shit, it actually still works.
I had to right click on the workaround link to open a new tab though, otherwise it would just time out and not download anything.
Hey senpaitachi I need a Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Dreamcast rom
The Emuparadise script doesn't work for Dreamcast games because there's two downloads
And the Redump on doesn't have it
Nice try, glownigger.
Yeah it can be screwy
vimm's lair
you can easily store every single snes game ever made on your computer, just find a pastebin and download them all
Did I go back in time? Emuparadise has been dead for like a year dude.
Also if you have trouble finding ROMs in the current year you just need to off yourself.
I'm honestly surprised that more people don't know how to find ROMs. It's like when you tell them that other torrent sites besides Pirate Bay exist.
I'm sorry senpai my emulationfu is old and outdated, the best I had were a couple links and even those I lost because I'm stupid.
The trouble these days is finding a ROM/ISO to D/L that isn't in some fuckhuge romset or behind a website that will give your PC aids and/or requires you to sign-up for an account.
vimm dot net/?p=vault
You talk like you're assuming people are made of money and own large HDDs.
i use the emuparadise script for single games and the fourm for organized mega packs
I seriously don't understand these threads. Do you guys not know how to google?
Again, are you retarded? Google "gamename rom" and you'll get a billion results. Apply yourself.
Link me where I can get a 10tb external for less than 100 bucks.
But then google will track my IP.
Literally all the results on the first page on google are shady malware sites.
Why less than 100 bucks?
You can get them for like 250, and that's still pretty cheap
I'm reluctant to keep everything on one drive since I am paranoid. I like 4-6tb size drives since I can get them for 100 bucks and if one fails I don't have to replace everything at once.
just download the whole lot faggot between nes/snes/ps1/dreamcast/snk/gb/gba/ds blablablalbla
there's barely 100gb and thats barely 10minutes on a third world ips connection.
Why the fuck would anyone willingly choose the PAL version of a game?
sometimes if you get shitty fps in a game your emulating with shit specs i believe the PAL version has a slightly lower framerate cap, but for consoles like the snes that's retarded.'
Superior color depth I guess.
>better color depth
>when retro consoles of that time could only at best do 16-bit color.
>using google for anything other than finding copy pasted article blogs
No, google is pretty much useless nowadays for anything else
damn i didnt know ryu is a manlet
If I compiled a a list of "awesome piracy" links I'd probably use github
Why don't you own full rom collections of every console by now?
All pal versions were converted to play at 50hz rather than the intended 60hz
If you're playing the PAL version you're running the game at 83% speed for no benefit.
No console actually took advantage of the PAL standard. Games consoles were make in Japan and America both were NTSC.
He's Japanese. A dude walkin' around town who is 5'10" is the same as a dude walkin' around town in the USofA who is 6'7".
Thanks for the hints anons. Now I don't have to take a risk using malware ridden sites anymore.
Especially that one user. You're pretty awesome.
I was using that site I KNOW in high school and probably in junior high. That site is old as hell everyone knows about it. Over 15 years old. At least 18.
Alright so real shit, I'm a brainlet and can't figure it out
Is there any way of getting my PS3 on a custom firmware even if it's up to date as of now or do I just have to wait till they crack this new update?
Also how the fuck do I even start with PS3 homebrew, I want emulators that actually run properly and the only system I have that's hacked atm is my 3DS.
The whole snes library is like 3 or 4 GB, how can you not have that available?
Pretty sure there's a modding general over at /vg/ that has all the answers in the opening post.
His computer is running entirely on a 512MB flash drive man cut him some slack
I might as well throw the question here, how do I into /gba/ color correction shaders?
God bless
Bro, its like 2 gigs you troglodyte.
Is that a Magnezone? What the fuck game is that?
>It has a lever and buttons inside of it
Thanks m8, this is great.
Yeah, those SNES games take up so much room on the 3TB HDD that I got for 70 whole dollars.
Imagine being so underage that you think the snes library takes a lot of space
Install Ares
I just downloaded a zip of every NES, SNES, Gameboy, and Genesis game, then put them on an external drive. Makes no sense searching for games one at a time when it takes less time to get the entire library.
Nah I'm good bro, thanks.
>Download entire console libraries
>It doesn't matter because every time I actually feel like emulating a game, it's some JP only shit that I have to seek out the translation patch for
The struggles of a weeb gamer
Maybe, just maybe, not everyone has sufficient disc space for all that? Did that ever cross your mind?
>He also doesn't have the GBA, PS1, PS2, DS, Saturn, Dreamcast, Pc Engine, Vita and PSP libraries
Step it up senpai!
>seek out the translation patch
Translation patches are always just the first result in google, which 90% of the time is on It's not some grant feat to find them.
holy fuck lol, just get the fuck out
What is that, Windows 98?
archive org
I'll wait until those consoles actually have worthwhile emulators.
bullshit, post specs
>2011 + 8
>Windows XP
>60 GB HDD
You don't need to emulate PS2, just stick a bigass HDD in there.
get a 4GB usb stick free from goodwill?
Is there any (easyish) way to use downloaded NES roms on an actual NES?
Easiest way would be to get a flash cart and put an SD card with all your games inside.
Everdrive or an equivalent chinese knockoff.
Recommend me some good games
>tfw you spend more time fucking around with emulators and frontends than actually playing games
what game?
But PS2 does. You just need to know how to set up your emulator properly.
Search for it. Be smart. Openly saying places will get them taken down.
Why are you in a video game board if you're too broke to play them?
Skies of Arcadia.
Rom site aren't some secret club. Anyone who's looking for them will find them easily, including people looking to take them down. What gets them taken down is a company deciding to take one down, which is usually meant to make an example as they know they can't take down everyone on the internet.
Started looking around since it went down along the isozone, found so much better alternatives that losing them feels like noise over nothing.
Tell that to Retro Within.
From your hard drives. You had years to download complete libraries.
Final Fight 2.
PS1/Dreamcast is definitely more than 100GB. But everything else, yeah. Games on CD-based systems are huge compared to cartridge-based ones.
Seriously. Don’t we have them all already?
is IGG games still a honeypot/malwarefest?
anything like it
Never had a problem with IGG, but I block everything by default so who knows.
You do know most of these sites don't willingly spread malware or trojans and shit right? What do they have to gain from infecting your computer and having a shitty reputation? What they do instead is overload you with ads so that every time you download mario or whatever they get 10 cents. It's counter productive for them to do bad shit to your computer because it means you won't be coming back to give them clicks.
>actually believing this
Why are zoomers so incapable of finding things themselves? You can easily find even the most obscure roms by searching for it yourself. No I'm not going to tell you where because I don't want these places to get shut down. Hint: try reading around on relevant forums.
>Why less than 100 bucks?
because anything over $100 is categorically not cheap
t. vietnam fucking shits
>google random site
>google any forum or site talking about a new place
>get some anti virus and adblock
>Be kid
>For some reason I have the players guide to Super Mario World on the SNES
>Become autistically obsessed with having a SNES even though its like 2000 so older brother obviously has an N64
>"Why the fuck would we get an old console like the SNES when we have something better?" etc
>Confused as shit since we have an NES and an N64, what the fuck is a SNES?
>Keep flipping through the SMW players guide looking at the level maps imagining what it would be like playing it
>One day hanging out with friend from school
>"Hey user, check out this program on the computer, it allows you to play games"
>Its fucking Super Mario World
>I can barely contain myself
>We play it for hours
>We set it up at my place
>I am the happiest kid on the planet, I fucking have Super Mario World on my computer
>friend shows me ROM sites and I realize I have an entire library of stuff I've never even heard of at the grasp of my fingertips
>Lufia 2, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Harvest Moon, Earthbound, Super Metroid
It's hard to describe how huge it was to discover ROMS as a kid. You just went from having shit to everything you could possibly want.
How did you react when you discovered emulation Yea Forums?
All they do is repost releases. If you're running around without protection then you deserve what you get.
gross creature
>0.05$ has been charged to your account exists, has roms, and doesn't have ads or malware.
Which ones?
My favorite part is that all the top google results lead you to .exe downloads now. I can only imagine what they fill those with.
just torrent a rom pack faggot
It was fucking wild. My mind was fucking blown when I realized there was an entire trilogy of Final Fantasy games on the NES, a console I never owned. Then my mind was blown again when I found out that FF2 and FF3 were translated by some group of people. I think I spent a lot of the summer after 5th grade getting the Nesticle to work on my dad's old laptop, then playing the fuck out of those three games.
then i got up to the SNES era, where there was an entire world of other shit I have never even heard of, much less played. God bless ArchNacho and Tortilla Godzilla's website to guide me on the right path of games to play from that age.
Never trust any site. Even big legit sites have been injected with malware in the past. Even AOL and Google. Assume nothing is 100% safe.
Boomer here. I ran into an FTP site address while browsing some anime webrings, and they had a folder called Nintendo Games. Looking inside I found the names of all the games I used to rent/play at friends houses but they were all .nes files so I had no idea what to do with them. I showed my chinese friend and he gave me NESticle on a floppy and the rest was history.
Ask your parents.
Shouldn’t you be rotting underground, Terry?
I have every game I'd ever want on my HDDs. Sometimes I need a specific "clean" or "unheadered" rom for hack purposes, and that's when I would search.
>he clicks the big obvious GIVE ME AN EXE FILE ad button instead of the real download link
Jesus Christ you fucking zoomers are useless
Go on, or any of its clones, and show me where to download the non-exe roms.
I never use IGG is it a good site ?
>middle school
>had some big statewide standardized test to take
>after the test was over, they let us in a computer lab to effectively eat shit until the school day is over
>go on a computer and play some Flash games for a bit
>look around to see what the other kids were doing
>see one kid playing Super Mario 64 on his computer
>the fuck is this shit.gif
>ask him how he's playing Mario on the school computers
>he tells me about Project64
>ask him if we can play a game together
>"Sure thing, man."
>he rebinds the controls so I can use the arrow keys and numpad
>loads up Smash 64
>we play some matches together
>ask him if I can copy the emulator to my flash drive to play it at home
>sure thing, he copies all the files to my flash drive
>go home
>look at all the games he gave me
>Mario Kart 64, Mario Party 1-3, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Banjo-Kazooie, Bomberman 64, Kirby 64
>load up Project64 on the family desktop
>mfw playing N64 games all night
No. It got GoD to shut down.
Go on.
i downloaded entire seasons of dbz and hundrets of snes emu games in computer lab.. good times.
I wasn't aware I had to redownload something I've had a copy of for the past 20 years.
>not FBI
Feels good knowing I will never be caught since I work on the road going from hotel to hotel.
Thanks for the info. I bet you use your credit card to pay, right?
m8 delete that you just doxxed yourself lol
this is a data colelctino thread-
>he doesn't know how to be safe at hotels
>he isn't the one collecting information
I mean, really user?
Not that user, but was this supposed to be a hard thing to do?
Get over yourself faggot. Everyone knows about Vimm's Lair.
The EYE.
Look at the collection of occult books as well. They are great, I strongly recomnend the Luciferian Goetia, and Bucklands complete book of Witchcraft.
>Windows XP
>HDD under 100 GB
>Non-english language pack
Absolutely pathetic.
most underrated post in the thread
>Last changed: 2010
Why are you lying on the internet?
Did you use some sort of script? Be honest.
>friend had a genesis, his only games were Sonic 2 and Golden Axe 1, other had a PSX, and I went to his house everyday. I was poor, my only videogame was a NES, I tought the only game a PC could play was cards
>one day this other friend arrives with a CD with a fuckton of genesis games and an emulator, went to his house, and played Golden Axe 3, my mind was blown
>had to figurativelly suck his cock so I could pick the CD and copy it in my house
>now I had ALL of genesis games on my computer, every day I was discovering a new masterpiece, stayed months obsessed with that folder
>one day the same friend gave me another CD: With Epsxe
>my fucking computer could play PSX games now
Emulation is MAGIC!
There's no need to lie user
I remember stumbling on this and thinking it was some deep web data storage site, but then I saw the discord link on the front page and laughed. shame they got rid of the 3ds roms though.
Just go to more options of the game you wnat and choose manual download
No. Under the huge obvious download button, there is a part that says more options. Click on that, and it gives you an option to download directly from the website. Seriously how useless is today's youth?
I see. Though, you have to admit that those other options seem equally seedy, and you'd have no indication that they'd even work.
>seem equally seedy
You are doing something illegal user. If you are scared by seedy things then you shouldn't be doing illegal things. Also, if you aren't prepared for potential problems such as a virus, maybe spend more time learning about computers. I've been practically virus free for the past 15 or so years when I got past the surface layer of using a computer and actually learned how they work. I'm not worried about losing my identity in that fashion, or any fashion that is controllable by me. Sad thing is how many people lose their identity through a simple fucking phone call...
>implying anything past page 1 is worth anything
Don't do this.
retrozone, but its mostly shitposting on forums and donating to get access to their files.
The first thing I really got into when discovering emulation were NES Megaman games I think since I had fun with the PS1 X games so I though why not, I've been a fan since then and I'm probably gonna make a game inspired by them so emulation was a bit of a game changer for me.
that's mom's birthday
RIP :(
At that age I didn't even knew how to masturbate, as much as knowing how people had sex. My parents were very controlling.
Ironically enough, the same dude that gave me the two emulators is the one that told me how to masturbate, and even gave me porn magazines. Such a great bro.
>not downloading full romsets from private trackers
>not using
>not using a script that adds links back to emuparadise
>not ripping your own roms
Nigger, you're making entirely too many assumptions. I own every romset for every system on multiple HDDs. I have uBlock Origin and NoScript on my browser. Obviously I'm going to be wary of a website that gives you .exes as their main form of download. I don't understand why you're making such a big deal of this, other than some misguided thinking that technical knowledge makes you smarter than anyone else. Protip: you probably know nothing of the JQ.
>you're making entirely too many assumptions
I think someone needs to reread what they just replied to.
You implied that I care about 'legality', but I don't. Everything you just said is meaningless.
I had a friend put Game Boy roms in floppy discs for me to bring home and install on my old as hell Windows 95 computer. I think Final Fantasy Legend was the first game I ever beat through emulation. Thinking about it really brings me back.
Obscure archive sites
I'm also curious on how people are playing Nintendo games on the PS4.
There's a reason we never post it, retard.
>You implied that I care about 'legality'
Nope, I guess you didn't reread what I wrote. Try again.
And they weren't doing that before? What makes now so different?
Shut up, fag
Ima dipshit too and id like to know aswell. Im guessing a modded ps4 wouldnt be able to use the psn. Id rather have roms on my old ps3
Please, explain to the class what your point is.
>It's hard to describe how huge it was to discover ROMS as a kid
Pic related sums it up quiet well.
do you even try you fucking slotted spoon
You are complaining about a website being seedy. Illegal acts are by their very nature seedy. You shouldn't expect a website to be non-seedy while helping you perform an illegal act. It is like expecting all your drug dealers to be upstanding Christian pillars of the community that make you feel safe and secure while buying your drugs. Now if you are telling me that other sites don't make you weary, then that is a problem with you and not any website.
I wasn't 'surprised' that those websites are seedy. What the actual fuck is your point?
He probably just has the PS4 controller plugged in to his PC. I know I use that to play N64/PS1 games that use the analog stick.
The PS2 and vita can run backups, so it's not necessarily for emulating.
That's retroarch's default UI
It's a collection of emulators for Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, and various other Unix operating systems like FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc.
>Though, you have to admit that those other options seem equally seedy, and you'd have no indication that they'd even work
Do you even pay attention to the reply chain?
And you're still asserting that I was 'surprised'.
>That's retroarch's default UI
Where's the XMB and yellow notification text? I use Retroarch myself and for all I know, that could be an inflated DeSmuMe window.
>Nope, I guess you didn't reread what I wrote. Try again.
How many times will I need to post this?
And every single time I will respond that I wasn't surprised. Please elaborate your point.
thank me later
from Russians
gameboy advance
Nintendo 64
Sega Saturn
Sega Dreamcast
Nintendo DS
Been using No-Intro roms for years. Anyone that uses Emushitdice or any others needs to be gassed
Vimm's Lair.
>user, I didn't say what you are saying I said
>t-t-then why did you say it
Nope, I guess you didn't reread what I wrote. Try again.
isozone was great since it had a fuckload of older pc games that were hard to find elsewhere
Why would you use a website for multiple years when you could've just archived the games yourself on your own HDD?
shhh, keep it a secret
Nintendo 64
Sega Saturn
Sega Dreamcast
Nintendo DS
Whats the best way to emulate Mother 3? currently playing earthbound with Higan but the slowdowns are brutal no matter what settings i use
Underrated site
I did archive everything for Nes, Snes, Genesis, GB, GBC and GBA then I lost the Drive I held them on and have been too lazy to redo everything
I just use mGBA
Also senpai, use snes9x, great emulator that's pretty accurate.
True that, which is why its loss is such a massive blow. I'm just glad I grabbed most of the obscure MS-DOS files and ISOs hosted there that interested me, back when I was building my retro collection, a year before the site went down.
mGBA, be aware there will be some crackling audio no matter what you do
Last time I played Mother 3, I used VBA-M, and it was just fine. It also works as a Retroarch core, so you can use that as well.
>there's only one place to get things
why are normies so stupid?
>every private tracker i was a member of has died except one
Undergound gamer is the one I miss the most.
I mean, why the fuck is this being stored on ANY website...
Kill yourself.
I installed the script and it still doesn't work. I just get the screen saying "this game is unavailable".
hit a nerve it seems
you'd be surprised how much of your kind are here
No, the word is 'normalfag', you absolute fucking cancer cell.
what is it
>it's wrong to use shorter version of this specific term because I said so
Just a random short apple commercial talking about how to use a record and shoot button. Literally something that has no reason to be saved. It isn't something funny. No blooper. Nothing of absolutely any interest. Its only value is that at some point it existed. Seriously that is it...
Allow me to play doubles advocate for a second here.
Normalfag is almost a term of respect. Someone who is [normal] while also being a Yea Forums user, or fag.
Meanwhile, the normie is the prototypical NPC, and speaks to the fact of how popular and accessible nu4chan is.
The very existence of the word 'fag' in the insult is what makes it worthwhile. Explain to me how 'normie' offends the stupid cows.
>shorter version
It is a politically correct version introduced by liberals on another site that didn't like the word fag being included.
I thought this was news, how are you so damn late.
Well time to dust off the ole shield and check out how dolphin runs.
Too bad I can't get Switch running on this bitch
Normalfag didn't necessarily apply to a Yea Forums user and was a term of disrespect. Normie on the other hand is a term who's existence revolves around being PC. There is nothing good in using the term.
>windows xp
HOLY DSXHIT, why are you even browsing this website instead of working 2 jobs.
While I want to argue that things have changed, I think you're right.
Using babytalk terms is retarded anyway.
So it goes.
Kill yourself.
Normalfag is definitely an insult since it's mostly about bringing personal real life shit for no reason on your post, like /pol/fags for example. A bit ironic how people with no lives outside of the internet are the most normalfag pieces of shit on Yea Forums of all places.
>like /pol/fags for example
Fuck off, you jewish cock-sucking faggot.
Look at this edgelord
>newfaggot becoming even more cancerous with twitch emotes
So good.
The games I emulated probably informed my taste more than anything else.
Counts on your definition of cheap.
If you mean "Cheap under $100" yeah you are right.
If you mean "1TB used to be 250$ and now that you can get 10 for the same price that's pretty cheap." Then it is cheap.
Considering you can have almost every game on that one drive that go for 10 - 200 bucks each, yeah, $250 for 10TB is pretty cheap.
That image is genius, its origin doesn't matter. Stay fuming, newfriend
>Look at the collection of occult books as well. They are great, I strongly recomnend the Luciferian Goetia, and Bucklands complete book of Witchcraft.
Why would I want to waste time reading superstitious nonsense?
>muh boogeyman
Every time
Based piratebro, games should be made for free not for raking in shekels like greedy jews
I don't actually mind /pol/ posting when it's actually relevant, makes for some entertaining off topic threads but when it leaks to some random PC thread it's annoying as fuck, like every time someone complains about muh capitalism, it all ends in a no fun shitstorm of a thread.
How do you feel about Resetera commies pushing their agenda constantly?
All their posts feel written by someone on the spectrum
i swear you cunts sometimes
You don't even understand what autism is.
What is this thread even about? Just go to the damn forums like a intelligent human being. The front page is shit anyways.
sounds like a great way to get cyber aids
>vertical scanlines
people really have never seen a CRT huh
There’s an emulation thread on /vg/ that has all the links you’ll need
Original poster here. Yeah, you're right. My bad. That's an old screenshot I did and I believe those are shaders meant for GBA games. I didn't have SNES shaders set at that point.
or rather CRT shaders.
There were CRTs with a grid effect like that. Also, emulation scanlines in and of themselves don't emulate an actual CRT experience, because CRTs had color bleed between those scanlines which made the image look much different from the sterile crisp horizontal scanlines with no bleed that you see in emulation.
>Look at the collection of occult books as well. They are great,
I see your bullshit. You fuck off and take your transdimensional satanic elf shit roms with you.
This lad called Joe that lived around the corner got a Mega Drive for Christmas years ago. We lived on the same estate so I would sometimes walk by his house at night and see his room lit up by his TV. I went round his house to play Streets Of Rage once and it seemed like we were playing for hours and hours. It was 10pm by the time I got home, which was late for me because my parents were strict and I was only 12. Life happened and we stopped hanging out as much. I heard his parents died in an accident. Years later, I must have been 24, I saw him again. I was walking by his house and I noticed his old bedroom glowing again with TV light. For a second it looked like his face appeared in the window, only he was still a 12 year old boy. He was smiling and holding a Mega Drive pad up in the air. He was looking at me, but not seeing me. The light flickered in his room, and went dark.
The first game i emulated was Resident Evil 0 in 2014 at my 22 years old. Shit was cash.
How the hell do I setup Retroarch to play Saturn games?
Also wowroms and nicoblog are good and there's a chrome script for emuparadise
google mednafen saturn and read the documentation
you need the correct md5 hashed bios with the correct filename
I get them from my hard drive since I have the full set and am not a pleb.
Find a romset somewhere, and hang onto it forever.
>Kega Fusion doesn't work with Windows 10
>no longer being developed
That's not even one of the better pepe images.
Nigger what
I have Windows 10 and use Fusion v 3.64
just get retroarch's genesis plus gx core doesn't run 32x
>Kega Fusion
What are you, stupid?
>kega fusion doesn't work with windows 10
lol yes it does
oh fuck I had it on fullscreen mode
fuck me I guess
>fullscreen mode
Yeah that's how I emulate everything, I'm still not fully understanding the problem
So I'm a complete retard and can never get Playstation or PS2 emulators to ever fucking work. I get everything installed, add the BIOS, set my plugins, all that shit. But inevitably half the sound will be missing, fullscreen will be all fucked up, all that shit. Is there a dumbfuck-approved tutorial somewhere that'll walk me through everything? I just want to play Brave Fencer Musashi again.
Sometime you have to fine-tune graphics settings for individual 6th gen games. San Andreas is extremely picky about renders and shaders and workarounds and shit, for instance.
Appreciate it.
spoonfed also it was like the second or third google result for "archive org dreamcast "
bsnes accuracy in retroarch should have almost zero emulation caused slowdowns, as for GBA dunno never emulated any
Thank you for sharing your stories anons, it was really wholesome, I wish I could remember my first time... it was probably Nesticle emulator on DOS, but no idea about any game in particular that stood up to me, I played so many.
I was obsessed with Zelda games as a kid and being able to emulate all of the 2d ones was amazing.
I also loved Zelda Classic.
What's a good Isozone alternative? I wanna look at some old DOS/PC games and console homebrews.
Naver blogs.
>Hasn't torrented all the complete romsets.
What year is it?
If you want ROMs, check out my rapidshare li-
What kind of name is Gager?
Don't kid yourself, crts are nicely done with shaders these days.
>downloaded the PC engine full set a while ago
>It didn't have the best game, Rondo of Blood
what do you expect from a website that's willing to spent 1000 bucks for dragon dildo?
>Want to play PS2 games on retroarch
>Still no PS2 core
>epsx2 sucks dick
It hurts
shut up retard the big z will find out
You must have a not so great PC because Higan is quite demanding, really even for enthusiasts, it's better to just use Snes9X, Higan/Bsnes was amazing in like 2012, but Snes9X has almost caught up while being easy to run
Script never worked for me. I get a loading page for a minute then timeout
Has anyone ever upped an undubbed rom of Xenoblade Chronicles X to save us the headache of patching the rom ourselves, on top of the headache of setting up emulation?
>theres a thousand websites with roms from every fucking console ever
Gee I dunno OP
>tfw the more obscure gundam games I'd easily find on emuparadise are now forever gone
Sometimes romhacks come with the original roms
Nothing special really, my dad always was a piratefag.
When I first got into games I asked him to buy games and instead he showed me how to get them for free.
still don't get the love for this meme, then again for all we know it could be a bot at this rate.