What awaited us in the far east wasn't love. It was Nioh thread

What awaited us in the far east wasn't love. It was Nioh thread

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Best girl.

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Ginchiyo Tachibana is the best girl in every game she's in.

Best spirit

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>The rape girl is best girl

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>barren womb
The title for best girl belongs to Fuku.

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Just goes to show you how good she is if that doesn't knock her out of the #1 spot.

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>Nioh thread
stop that

>get moonlit snow
>never use anything else ever again

>stop that
Cope soulboy

I think he's just tired of people making threads where they post a quote and then change part of it to be "[game] thread" in spoilers.

Fuck, does anyone happen to have the original image to this meme? It was cringey as hell.

How is there still no Nioh 2 info. They said it'd be more of an improvement on the first game and yet we still only have the E3 trailer. I was expecting more info by now.

The best girl is Saiorse, now and forever.
That's one of the very few recent Yea Forums developments I actually enjoy, people should keep doing it.

Supposedly this year's e3 will bring loads of info

I've seen people complaining about it in other threads, though it may just be the same user over and over again. It doesn't really bother me personally since the threads usually lead to video game discussion which lord knows Yea Forums needs more of.

Iirc nioh had fuck all info until just before first demo. Than they went silent again until next demo build.

you play as a cunt yokai in nioh 2

Who's going to show it if sony is skipping this year?

I just think as far as starting threads go it's cute, sometimes funny and at least requires a little thought put into it, and we need that just as much.

Oh yeah I'm a tard.

Here's an excerpt from a Famitsu interview: "Nioh 2 director Fumihiko Yasuda opened up that a possible big reveal could be happening in early 2019"

They don't have to show it at a conference to have it playable or reveal info at the event. E3 feels so long to wait for though, it would be nice for them to at least show some unedited gameplay so I can get an idea of what direction they're taking the game in instead of trying to stave off the thoughts that they'll continue down the wrong road.

I hope early 2019 is March or April.

I mean is anyone really gonna change their opinion of the game if they said its going to improve on the first game? If you liked the first you'll probably like the second and if you didn't I doubt they can change much to have people rethink their opinion.

>best girl
>anybody that isn't Tome

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That's what concerns me. The changes done to Nioh before release to appease people who were never interested in learning the game (and would have bought it and dropped it anyway I guarantee it) did nothing on that front and only made it worse for everyone. I would like to think they understood that and went back to the initial concept with more focus rather but it could go either way. At any rate if they were actually in the position to do so then news in March with an Alpha in April would be great, as long as they don't make the same mistake as before and keep it away from Sekiro's release date. That way more can play it.

>William is probably alive for centuries to come, protecting Japan from supernatural threats from shadows
Would you want tough as shit William secret boss fight if a new Ninja Gaiden ever came out?

Based waifu reforging my weapon passives

From what I've read in articles Nioh 2 is gonna be harder than the first, so I doubt they're trying to appease newfags.

>never finishing a level until i find all the lil hidden kowajimas

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Is grinding required late game? I’m on the last region before the dlc and my character is maybe 15+ levels lower than the recommended level but my gear is normally at that level. I just haven’t got enough amarita to keep up these past two islands even though I’m doing every mission

Do some missions on the next difficulty before accessing the DLC. It will make the experience more enjoyable since the jump in difficulty from base game to DLC is quite significant.

Those little dudes are adorable

i got to like 40% of the game and got tired, should you really do all the side missions? i tried to and it burned me out

tfw you collect all of them within a region

Don't do them instantly when you unlock them, come back to them later

I want him as a story boss, NPC companion and secret boss in Nioh 2. Complete with an unlockable "yokai transformation" which is actually a Saiorse/Nekomata Living Weapon with a properly designed moveset.
It's not even strictly a question of being harder, the game just played better before. Some of it was due to not having as much advantages like Dodge Pulse on all stances and turning while running and locked on, but you also took a bit less damage on average since Defence (the stat) had an impact. Overall it just put far more focus on the best parts of the combat. But we'll have to wait and see.
Mission levels aren't comparable to player levels and gear makes up most of your actual strength. You never have to grind unless you really want something specific and even then it's easy and engaging.

Does the Nioh lore ever mention or reference monsters or spirits of other cultures like the newest God of War? That shit fascinates me.

It's entirely up to you really and how into the game you are. You get decent stuff but there's a lot there.

Nope, nippon mythology only with the exception of Saoirse

depends, if you're playing it like souls and can't exploit the combat system this game can get boring as fuck

my first attempt i did that and put the game away for like 8 months. decided to give it a second try and saw some advance combat vids on youtube....took me a minute to get used to all the button combinations as well getting quick with them for weapon swapping, stance swapping, and ki pulses. shit is a legit challenge. but once you get it down...fucking shit its fun. ai can still be a cheesey cunt though.

Not as much as glorious Zipangu but there's Saiorse and the Atlas Bear.

watch nioh 2 have corrupted versions as enemies

i just defeated magical cat friend that mutated because he took in a million souls boss, how far am i into the game?

Around 60-65%, not counting DLC or other difficulties.

oh hey what do you know, how do i access the dlc? will it be obvious when it's time?

Literally just like unlocking a new region

I only watched gameplay of the alpha so I cant attest to the differences in the final game but I think the core gameplay is great. My biggest gripe with it is just the amount of cheese that exists in the game. Onmyo/ninjutsu/living weapon are all broken as shit and make the game a joke. How many people actually learned to stance change mid fight to take advantage of an enemy pattern or how manage their ki properly? Most first playthroughs end in people spamming sloth on the bosses and trivializing the fight. I'd like all that toned down so that people are forced to actually learn to appreciate the combat. But there is the problem with how cheap a lot of enemies feel, in the end its hard to be upset with people who use the cheese strats when you die in 2-3 hits from a mob or boss.

were you guys posting your williams when the game first came out? cant even lie, i literally only spend money on refashioning and thats it.

got my dojo apparel for when i need to slap up some teachers

got my infiltration special ops gear for when its time to get sneaky and rescue kowajimjams and samurai lords

got my beat down gear for when its time to reck shit

most of the apparel is too flamboyant for my taste though, youngblood top, frontline top, bandit top, the jon snow top, archer top, i think think thats all my main tops..

hope nioh 2 has more grittier and less flamboyant gear

Here's my William.

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>Huh, is that it?
Based Spanish kunoichi

I can't say the Alpha entirely removed a lot of the cheese strats (Sloth was still in there, just many people cried instead of looking at skills), but due to a ton of gameplay decisions it did a hell of a better job at it than the release game. Less damage on both fronts with more enemies meant the big stuff like Ninjutsu, Onmyo and LW had less overall impact and you were more likely to run out. Ki management and positioning mattered far more with the lock on movement and how running out of Ki worked, which even helped balance LW further. It wasn't perfect but it was far far closer to it than what they ended up with. It's still a fantastic game, but mainly off the back of what it was, and if they had spent that time polishing what they had instead of chasing issues that don't exist only to create them through their efforts, the game would have been truly special.

Why are you upset that everything can be viable or fun and call it cheese? Not everything has to feel like using a cottonswap and in the end, playing through the game is not really supposed to be challenging because there are 3 more difficulties ahead of you (the last invalidating sloth talisman & co), including the abyss. Try not to overlevel if you don't want to steamroll enemies during the normal game.

>have shit ton of amirita
>a few enemies away from having enough to level up
>game gets noticeably more cunty and cheesey to prevent you from touching your grave

fuck you to the cunt who added this mechanic, just out of no where the turbo aggression kicks in on random enemies. shit makes me rage so hard.

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read this book

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I played all three of the demos before release and the final game was still just as good. Nothing was ruined.

Everything can be viable and fun without it entirely reducing all gameplay to a bare minimum. That's just poor balance and not what makes such things fun to begin with. The game had so much opportunity to do severe damage from using the base mechanics as is, not every game should be based around half minute bosses and the ttk of a snowball in hell. That's just not satisfying especially in a game with these systems and mechanics that actively go against it. And don't even try to claim it wasn't intended to be challenging, that was literally the mission statement from day "1" onwards, the additional difficulties were almost all added with DLC and don't change the core mechanics. Half the reason the balance sucks is kneejerk changes to retain that reputation. They don't even make any real dent in Sloth's power, much as I'd love to propagate otherwise so I don't keep running into it in co-op. Levels have the least impact on player strength, you have to try very hard to fix just a small part of the balance.

They tried to copy the souls games, realised they didn't have the skill to do it and then we ended up with this piece of shit game.

this isn't lords of the fallen

At least that game looked good, this looks like a 360/ps3 game.