What a dogshit place Yea Forums is.
What a dogshit place Yea Forums is
why doesn't anybody want to talk about video games
>far left on the second row
These fucking threads never fail to drive me fapping.
Yeah, I didn't really like it either. I thought that it was a bit repetitive in parts, and that some of the weapons in the game are really unbalanced (as in, too strong or too weak comparatively).
It also feels like ultimate abilities are kinda just a tack-on to market the game better, but don't end up having much of an impact.
>tfw you actually use the catalog and the only off topic shitpost thread is this one
What did the crybaby op mean by this. Whinging because somebody shitposted like a week ago. Holy fuck you virgin go outside.
I don’t think you understand how a joke works, you’re doing exactly what 14 is, you stupid faggot
It probably depends on how your catalog's sorted. I have mine sorted by last reply so it's no surprise the first posts I see are twitter screenshots and robutt threads
this is terrifyingly accurate. nice job
I can't wait for Hiroshima to turn Yea Forums into a red board, or better yet just delete it.
Why talk about games when you can mindlessly spout forced memes, talk down to everybody, and bury yourself in every flavor of irony known to man?
Accurate you should have added OAG to the list as it's always rumors and bullshit. Also on this noses You have way too much template posting and not enough actual discussion, Hangouts or silly shit like djrave. That's what makes this board great. Not repeating copypasta and falling for politicized bait.
the gacha waifu dump threads make me angriest
On this board*
Seething Discord tranny.
Most of these type of threads have been around since I started lurking Yea Forums in 2007 (political shit and mobile gaming notwithstanding). But you missed the important one that has been around just as long: whining about how Yea Forums is shit metaposting
well said my friend
>sorted by last reply
But it's chaos.
I have sorting by date of creation.
Don't engage it.
your posts consists of five buzzwords and no content whatsoever
how can your hands unironically create this time and time again for days and weeks and months and you not feel complete helplessness and hopelessness as a person
I have found that if I put genuine effort into making a video game thread I get a guaranteed 500 replies worth of discussion, but then again I have good taste and you probably have shit taste.
It's not just one person, it's waves and waves of them. As to why, it's the satisfaction of knowing they can piss people off with minimal effort.
but im not angry i'm just disappointed
Always sort by reply count and use big thumbails. The threads at the top will usually be decent ones and it will only get worse as you scroll down.
>top middle
literally toe jam and earl
Close enough for them.
You're a faggot.
You forgot the "Do you play as a girl user?" followed by faggy erp and arguments over if someone is a tranny or not
mandatory reply
Yea Forums - Video Games
the weeb raid thread got deleted so it's not that bad
Its our home though
LOL! threads are quality. The rest are usually shit.
Only 149 to go
we literally had a pepe thread minutes ago
Actually, it lacks an absolutely fundamental thing:
I wish I could autohide weebshit.
I wish I could hide every single of OP listed threads except for the last one desu
Then leave.
There's "on top" filter alongside with "hide". Just put title of your fav game here and use checkbox top.
Hey man!
I'm sorry that no one liked your thread.
Sorry that nobody replies to your posts.
This place stinks, but it is what it is.