Why are gamers like this?

Why are gamers like this?

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fuck off resetera tranny nobody cares

manchildren grew up realizing they fucked up their lives over from playing too much vidya so they had to find a source to vent their anger.

why is this buzzword spammed in every thread on this board?

>politics only good when it conforms to my views

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Go back to your dicord


politics are never good
politics are not video games

dicord? you mean discord?
what the hell are you trying to say?

Games used to be more neutral

>leftist developer bad
>right wing developer good

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fuck niggers

kys stupid dickgirl

name a right wing developer

Santa Monica
CD Projekt Red
Devolver Digital

>EA bad
>Lootbox bad
>No brown people or politics (I disagree with) in my video games please
>Obsidian and CD Projekt good
>Nintendo good

Now repeat after me. "I'M A FREE THINKER"

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Who are you quoting

I hate that people can't divorce themselves from politics and try to shove it into hobbies meant solely for entertainment.


Are you just here to shitpost? Why are you and everyone else on this board shouting these words?

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>left wing developers are trash
>as are right wing
>the only good ones are VIDEO GAME devs, who don't spew their politics everywhere

and what do I mean by "politics"? I mean anything that involves storytelling. Make a GAME before you make a movie.

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How are they right wing

why is he wrong

I'd wager a lot of people here enjoy MGS, but it is political. And it is good because it is.

all of those devs ban you for saying nigger on their official forums so they are ineliminably left wing

You're stupid. for example, people that say negative shit about EA usually explain why they hate that company.

>go to a gaming board
>talk about politics

>EA bad
>lootbox bad
>no brown people
That's unironically based though

Remember how everyone here sucked kingdom come deliverance because Vavra instead of acting normaly when a few idiots complained about no black in middle-age romania got himslef to shitpost like a retard on twitter with a BASED t-shirt ?

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i'll say it again so all you mouthbreathers in the back can hear

>politics in video games that reflect the fictional universe the game takes place in
>politics in video game that reflect the fictional universe the game takes place in but can also be applied to current events
also fine
and now we see the shit

you really don't understand this meme at all do you?

Fantasy and science fiction games are not the same as historical games.
I bet you like playing as a girl, you discord tranny.

based and cute

I would but they never made it because of left wing gate keeping preventing them from make games

>brown person in vidya means white genocide

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Honestly, this picture just proves the point further. All of those games fucking blow.

>Assasins Creed
>not a historical game

>tfw no actual left wing vidya about a debased, spectacle-enamored consumerist society of soulless atomized husks on the brink of, yet completely indifferent to, complete ecological annihilation thanks to multinational capitalist exploitation

naturally such a game cannot be made as it would be self-defeating, being part of the spectacle and all

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>it is NPC to be racist

Saying nigger ingame is a human right
Called FREE speech

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>Hey, remember when Vavra blew the fuck out of that retarded SJW? Well, that was actually cringe! Am I right, my fellow trannies!
No, you're not.

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LITERALLY prove that it doesn't you S O Y - leftie discord resetera shill

That's not what anybody's saying though.
Games used to be neutral ground, a medium for entertainment. Now it's just preaching.

>games used to be more neutral
>implying this is an excuse for politically neutral games being bombed for not having 100% straight white casts

what the hell is resetera and discord tranny??

>ass effect andromeda
>talk to an NPC, "Oh hi im trans btw"
the game takes place like in 200years in the future at that point i dont think anyone gives a fuck about someone being a trans, at that point i think technology its advanced enought to become a biological woman.

again why do you people come to this board when you clearly don't like the culture? You can go to anywhere else on the internet but you choose to come here. The only place where you can say thing like nigger and "gas the jews"

You on the bottom

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Why ARE there no openly right-wing game devs, considering there are dozens of left-wing ones?

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Boomer detected

Who cares? Deal with it trumptard


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>put girl in game
why are retards from /pol/ retarded like this?

Name one case ever where that has happened. Note that forced diversity inherently makes a game political.

>making everyone black in a game about egypt
there is only black and white in this world i guess, brown people and asians are not a thing.

Righties are uncreative, not because they’re dumb, but because there are better ways to make money

damn right it ain't

Probably because right-wingers often endorse some bizarre policies that will never come to fruition in the modern world. Not saying they are wrong, but I mean at some point you have to look at the whether outside. It makes them look like crazy people.

because of left wing gate keeping preventing anybody that thinks differently from getting jobs in the industry

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>it's just culture wars and identity "politics"
fuck off, nobody actually likes politics

You have a right to like Vavra but his game was a broken pile of trash
and he acted like an attention-seeking child at that time

He ain't wrong
EA and lootboxes are bad tho, CD seems like a good developer, dunno about Obsidian as I didn't play their latest games

>note that vague term that I can arbitrarily apply makes a game political

Wow super honest argument you got there buddy. Truly I have been defeated.

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Watch your dirty mouth, young man.

economics-obsessed people probably don't get into the arts very much.
That said, I'm sure all of the CEOs of companies like EA are pretty right-wing.

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>criticizing corporate cancer is basically on the same level as being a white nationalist

cut the shit user. what are you even trying to do? are you a real person?

>Halo 3 is an allegory for 9/11
This is why commie retards should be fucking executed on sight, they are so fucking stupid that every shitty meme and post they make you dumber when you see them

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Okay, but why don't they make videogames?

You don't need to be creative to make games. See Annual Military FPS #34563

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Imagine loving shitskins only to appear as a contrarian

Because of NPC logic.

There's plenty of right-wing game devs, they just know that preachy videogames are an inferior product and should not exist in a rational world.

This thread is literally about 4 or 5 discord trannies talking to themselves. Please sage this thread

Are you referring to indie games? Plenty of right wingers make indie games. If you mean AAA then it is the aforementioned reason. You have to be hireable to get a job as a dev and if you look insane you won't get hired or you will likely get fired.

you lot are still not explaining what those discord trannies are.

maybe because he's non white himself? 70% of steam users are from non western countries.

I just remembered that one of the member of Zenimax's board of director is a Trump

not that user but it's because they're normal. Anyone one who isn't left wing is right wing to these people. That's why gamers feel uncomfortable when political shit is pushed into their games. It was a neutral space

Imagine hating someone just to appear contrarian

Imagine taking the time to make this image while not realizing the difference between those games and battlefiled V. Must require a room temp IQ

they want to sit in their dark rooms and pretend the world doesn't exist

This meme will never catch on. Especially since everyone knows about the alt-lite discord raids and I haven't seen any evidence of your boogeyman. But I'm always open to it.

>if you look insane you won't get hired

But SJWs look insane to any normal person and somehow they get hired.

>lootbox bad
why do you pose as leftists when you're corporate shills in reality

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a girl in a ww2 game is political posturing.

Whoever said they didn't want to look at a chad? I'm pretty sure that was the left wing roasties who act like they play video games.

Trump will win 2020 and there’s nothing you can do about it.

same goes to girls in fighting games

so comedy, art, movies, music shouldn't have politics in them because they can be used as entertainment? gamers, grow up. your hobby is and so should you.

Pretty much been that way for thousands of years, user.

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>politics despite not being in a governmental position

pic related is you all this is what you all are regardless of what """"side""" or being a centrist.

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Because not everything has to be political and many things are more enjoyable when they aren't.

>error processing

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Most people who put politics in games don’t realize that they’re doing it very ham-fistedly. The more on-the-nose you get with your politics, the less said politics would stand the test of time. The reason people still talk about 1984 is because its politics were timeless and said more about general human nature than about whatever political boogeyman who was popular to hate at the time. If you generally think that people in the future will look back on all this “fuck drumpf” babble and think of it as anything other than a cultural curio of ages past, then you are deluding yourself.

They look mentally ill/unforutnate, there is a difference between mentally ill and spitefully crazy.

Precisely. For what reason would one of them become code-monkey or game artist? There's no money in it, barely any room for social and job advancement.

>assasins creed is history

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>Not Kanye

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>Devolver Digital
Hotline Miami is my favorite right wing propaganda.

I made this thread to ask why gamers make these kinds of videos, and I forgot to ask why they always pop up in the sidebar, and I still haven't got a real answer.
Instead, I got people arguing with each other and yelling weird catchphrases. What is so controversial about my post?

politics are immaturity at its finest


Where is the raid evidence though? There's been tons of screens of raid evidence for the alt-liters.

His game was awesome and his twitter posts were hilarious.
Sorry that nobody likes you dumb SJWs.
Wait, no I'm not.

tell us how lootbox good then

>Night in the Woods
>fixtional universe in which animals act humanoid
>homosexuality is a focus topic

>Mass Effect Andromeda
>alternate reality / future or whatever the fuck, it's not our current universe now
>transgender people exist

>Dishonored 2
>fictional steampunk universe
>character who you haven't seen undisguised before is black
>you know the drill

>women didn't exist in the 40s

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