Pokebong posting is not funny

Even the unfunny Nia posting is better than this shit.

Also Pokemon SnS thread
> :)
> :D
> :O
Which starter will you choose?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kill yourself newfag

kek what a funny image.

you're objectively wrong but its ok

I love this shit lol

:O is the patrician choice

fuck off, ya daft cunt

These are yank tier attempts at British accents. Makes anyone with a brain cringe.

spot the redditor

Yanks are so fucking cringe with their obsession with brit accents

i genuinely feel terrible for doctor who watchers. what a sad life they must lead.

Honestly it’s such a fucking shit show that only virgins and wankers watch over here.

I'm at work what do you want me to do bro?
I'm not gonna uses my computer to browse 4chin.
I got it from here you retard.


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Best meme since Baneposting

To be fair, the accents are very nice. As an example, I always pay more attention to a youtuber and give their opinions a little more weight if they have a British accent. It makes them sound intelligent and educated. Like, if I were in an argument with a Brit, I'd be intimidated and would automatically assume that I'm wrong, which sounds a little sad. British humour is also a little more nuanced compared to American slapstick shit so it's no surprise why people gravitate to those accents. Every American wishes they had one.

Americans when they say "bloomin'" and "bloody".

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I find it hilarious.

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Why do americans hate english accents? It's like having autotune on a language, from the point of view of a non-english person it's so fascinating.

Brits are just as bad as the French. Their silly accents are their only redeeming quality.



The Brits have too many accents for you to consider them all to be the same british accent. what your talking about is an accent, one region of the UK, (iunno which i ain't a brit), while the accent pissing off actual brits is like, what?, Welsh or where ever cockney comes from in Britland. It's like boiling every american accent to like heavy New Jersey, thinking all americans sound like that.


>Brits make fun of Americans
>Americans complain

>Americans make fun of Brits

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But that's how you sound like though to the rest of the world. You're nothing but a bunch of rude and obnoxious sounding cankers who are akin to niggers when it comes to saying the word "mate" similar to "nigga" this and "nigga" that.

this is one of the most pathetic posts i've ever read

I watched during the 11ths reign for a while, but lost interest eventually.

>"Why do americans hate english accents?"
>Americans are actually OBSESSED with english accents, all the women love the BEA (big english accent)

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Bong speak barely classifies as English. You fucking tea guzzlers didn't even have the words OK or dumb before the United States fixed your French, German, and Latin Hodgepodge of a dialect.

lol they really can't handle it

i went to sussex last summer and made some acquaintances and bantered with them until some guy got asshurt when I jokingly told him to kill himself when he told me that he didn't get into the grad school of his choice, since top schools are all that matters and anyone going to a sub-top 10 is a peasant and of low genetic stock (obviously joking) dude was passive aggressive the entire evening afterwards

How do you know a Brit made this thread? We love being the centre of the world's attention. Why would we suddenly not like it?


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From what I've read, I think you're just being an asshole, bro.

I'm pretty sure this is pasta

>this is what americans think banter is
terminally retarded.

The Sugimori style really wraps this whole joke up in a nice warm alcohol-festering, herione-riddled blanket and drives it home like a needle through yer arm

>big tiddies

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It isn't. Check the archive. I just really like British accents and think Brits are much smarter and superior to Americans.


Sounds like some ESL retard wrote that. Gross!


>British humour is also a little more nuanced compared to American slapstick shit

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Yuck, do brits actually found this funny?

It's not even 'bongposting', it's just a bunch of americans pretending that a Scottish accent covers the entirety of England and then somehow managing to completely fuck up typing the thing out anyway

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Asked the burd in Hau'oli for 5 Nutella malasada and she says "have you got any nut allergies" aye pal I'm planning suicide by malasada

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Just as you wouldn't want chavs to be used as the brit standard, don't let our tards be our example. We got good bantz.

>'british accent'
>mfw johnny foreigner thinks someone from cornwall, east london, glasgow, edinburgh, cardiff, birmingham etc. sound the same

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cause they do, fucking wanker

If you all stopped skipping syllables maybe the variety would be more apparent

fuck foreigners, and fuck the EU

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I’m visiting the UK this summer and need to know which UK girls are the sluttiest and most likely to want their shitters stuffed.

I think it's hilarious so you can fuck off.

Antit piss yer naptiem?

Essex, just remember to heavily sanitize after the fact and visit a clinic

east london


I'm betting on Welsh.


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It's actually hilarious.

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Worse than niggerspeak. At least the American urban youth don't try and tell me I'm speaking incorrectly.

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Welsh. Dated one of each. Welsh girl gave head on first date. Scottish girls are the biggest prudes based on my experience. Had to wait weeks to shag this one Scotch bitch. Not sure about southern Irish, but Northern Irish girls take about a week to bed. English girls depend on the region, tbqh.

Northerners, if you can stand the accent.

Only twitter using mutt think it's funny.
Also Pokebong is a normalfag meme so that meant that it's shit by default.

british women don't like americans, don't bother.
they associate american accents with low class and stupidity, especially southern accents.

>too pussy to say SS

First question: are you white?
If not, then lol.

S/S, or Sw/Sh.

Summer is ere' an' its fuckin' fuckin' buzzin'
Have a can of ether' i'll kick me' poke's head in
I'm only mezzin' when I'm 'angin out wif' Weezin'
Listen to what im sezzin'
All the girls are lezzin'
(show us ye' muff!)

It's Pokemon /ss/ you tools

Northern English sounds amazing to my ears.

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Cockney is London and might as well be a dead accent now.

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I like that this is at least going to spawn good OC thanks to Brits being massively overrepresented on this site.

Why would I be afraid to say SS?
It's just what I've seen from other threads bro.

Well no accounting for taste. Where are you from, out of interest?

>tfw Scouse on a man is the mudt vile thing to assault my ears but Scouse on a woman is so.ehow oddly charming


Quintessentially british

Go to bed user you're drunk.

>pretending that a Scottish accent covers the entirety of England
You're right about everything but this, the feMC is Scottish so it makes sense.

It depends on the woman. And what part of Liverpool. There's a southern and northern Liverpool accent. And the more working class they are, the more disgusting they sound.

The Netherlands.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Is that supposed to be "get it"? Cause "get it" doesn't sound anythink like "gehTuh".

Half White/ Half Mexican. Family calls me “guerro” cause I got light skin, green eyes and light brown hair. Does that matter in picking up UK girls?

>*the feMC wears Scottish clothing
can beliv I need to slo down alredy.


I know what it's from mate.
Sfill doesn't sound like gehTuh to me.

The one he's probably talking about is the received pronunciation i.e the posh accent. You get them in Oxford and Cambridge.

Will the new Pokemon game adopt the metric system since its in bongistan?

I know it's a skit but this man looks so sad someone help this man!

Guess you're just a bit special then. He's clearly swallowing the 't' at the end.


Yes. Their idea of 'American' is a white, blonde haired chad.

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oh shit

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cute anime scottish girls are cute!

akchuarry kg is a metric of mass and not weight, steel is heavier than feathers when they have the same mass

I fucking love this

To churros it probably is. They're pretty anorexic

Post norfs

Sure as hell don’t look like that, but I’m no slouch myself.

You might be all right if you use phrases like 'I'm no slouch'. Good luck to you.

I cunt believe you've done this

Who has the cutest girls?
Who has the nicest bums?
Who has the best Braps

>Scottish accent
But what about full on cockney?

>British humour is also a little more nuanced compared to American slapstick shit
nice try bong lol

I think you mean minge

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Based and redpilled

kys faggot

The grass starter? Turns out he was a little monkey fella all along

They are brown fatties who smell like deep-fried oil and age like butter outside of the fridge

Holy kek it just keeps getting better

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Not him, but it's probably because they wrote "you are" instead of "you're", which makes it sound very unnatural.
>Playing Pokemon?
doesn't really make sense given the context of the joke. If it was written as
>"Playing" Pokemon?
,it would make more sense because it helps build context to the scenario despite being 4th-wall breaking. It's as if she's questioning your claim that you still play Pokemon.
Also, scoff is a verb not an onomatopoeia. You can't use it like that in that context. To scoff is to look down upon something verbally or audibly. It's like writing *joke* or *laud*
It should be something like
>You're telling me you play Pokemon? Pfft, you're just here for the porn.
>"Playing" Pokemon? Yeah, right. You're here for the porn.

Thanks. I’m staying their a whole month, thinking about doing a few days in Wales, a week in London, a week in Belfast, a week and a half in Glasgow

I'm legitimately curious on how you guys in the UK make fun of burger accents.

Britain smells
Scots are based
The welsh don’t exist
Irish are a walking meme but fun

I want to battle the Scottish lass

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>Welsh or where ever cockney comes from
>these are the people posting in Nia threads

I think they just focus on the whole gun violence and obesity thing.

When is japan going to start making porn games with scottish voice actors?

Will the Pokemarts be Greggs?

I'm loving these

britain includes scotland, wales and n.ireland

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This thread is dildos.

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>a week and a half in Glasgow
You can do Glasgow in a day. The West end is nice, but the rest of its shite. You need to explore areas surrounding Ben Nevis. Incredible scenery. Scotland's all about scenery.

I dont understand this emotion shes conveying, she looks like she has to take a really mean shit.

I think he means the paellas a.k.a actually Spanish

hehehe Limmy

It's not so much your accent, but rather your two digit IQs and three digit waist sizes.

That, is, fucking, CUTE!

haha, le epic pokemon girl speaks in le epic british accent :)

Put me in the screencap, reddit!! :^)

You are instead of you're sounds like it's being used for extra emphasis if anything

Sorry, I keep making that mistake
The English smell. I smell too.

Then it's the same but replace brown with white

>he hasn't read one of the best succ doujins made

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>tfw shut-in neet who's lived in essex all my life and only became aware of our reputation a few years ago

Left is Scottish.

doesn't exist anymore outside of novelty

>Spanish people
>Not being just twigs

Then it should be written as
>You are here just for the porn

Meme kino. Will sobble turn into a kelpie??? In his final evolution?

Maybe you are cause you're poor

I'm sure the scenery's grand but Edinburgh is an amazing city if you're at all cultured or value aesthetics. Decent food scene too. I study there and the place is utterly stunning, especially now that the weather's improving.

Topkek. I'm a little disappointed in the lack of yee-haws or other cowboy slang thrown in though.

Thanks teacher

Went to East Anglia and found quite a number of people with full cockney.

Recently it’s been about your drinking culture being limpwristed.

Dont be rood to people who work
Gud physical work is good for your mind and soul. I wish I had work

>Chameleon turning into a horse
Somehow I really doubt it


Some of Essex is alright, I'm told. Colchester, for example.

saucenao works, user. You can get there real easy by reverse searching to iqdb.

I just might do that, thanks user. I know it’s a stupid question but, do you know where I’ll have an easier time picking up red heads in Scottland or Ireland? Pretty much literally everywhere, right?

An American friend of mine who studies over here told me that it's actually been easier for him to steal alcohol than legally acquire it because of the mental age restrictions in the states.

Tried this and now my back hurts and I want to kill myself.

Received Pronunciation > Liverpool Accent > Who cares

I've seen this weight meme a lot lately but where is it from?

*sinks a shot of Smirnoff Ice*

What now pardner.

>Falling for the Recieved Pronunciation meme

A Scottish sketch comedy show called Limmy's Show. It's actually pretty great.


Was nice read user, thanks

Stretch and don't work too hard!
Proper form is important as well~
Is gonna be alright user, you can do it! c:

It's just cringe laughter and cynical humour which is the total opposite of American more positive and hearty slapstick comedy.

>south east londoner
>this is what Americans believe we speak like

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>I study there
So does everyone else living in Edinburgh.

based and redpilled
minge threads are xenoblade exclusive
pokeniggers need to get a hobby

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it works the other way too. americans are the first to call muhammad at euros but the second someone uses the mutt meme they cry.

its not funny its hilarious.

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Shield is cute, but Sword is the cooler design. Prove me wrong.

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>now /ss/
game freak is based


Not so fun when the tables are turned, right.

Like a more grown up Brendan

It's literal tumblr humor.
I was on Tumblr for 5 years, I should know

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>To be fair, the accents are very nice

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I say, guvna, the wee bairn's a right shaggin' cor blimey haggis, toodle-pip, wot?

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It's great, the native Scots are basically an indentured underclass.

Which would be heavier? A kilogram of water? Or a kilogram of steel?

mingeposting is hilarious

I have never in my life mimicked an American. I'd l laugh if it did modern slang of today in the UK, but this shit is garbage. As a bong, it's easy to know modern American slang since most media here is American if it isn't Emmerdale, Eastenders or etc... Don't do this "m-muh turned tables" shit. Now you're making it sound like some autismal country war. Still, I want to slay these retards. Kill yourself.

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*tips you*

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holy shit
I only now realize that "mate" is literally just "nigga" for brits

nia is distraught now that you dumped her for some pokeslag, she's wondering if you were a fotmshitter the whole time, and if so what does that make her

kill lassie

why did this give me a boner
is something wrong with me

kill jester

>no loadsamoney related images
That's all I want

This post is fucking cri-

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>english accent
>alternate the spelling of words
Hold the fuck up.

>English slang for our Scottish waifu

Attached: shield1.png (644x707, 246K)

>you will never find your own for-life fuck-grookey


oi m8 u guf a loicence fur dat pokmun?

I wanna see a Pokemon version of pic related.

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I don't get it.

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For me, it's the outdated slang. That's it. It's like spewing outdated rageface memes. I can handle the bants, but just not the cringe. Large difference.

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Would you prefer we go back to big Chungus?

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You can really tell which of these are actual brits and which are really bad attempts

This is the best post so far

its neither, its Galar slang luv.

Going "ha ha isn't slang funny" isn't a joke though.



those 2 quantities will always balance a scale as long as the gravitational force acting on the 2 plates is the same

Stop trying to appropriate her. Keep your hijabs in North Galar

You're not funny but you're still here.

>implying the South Galar National party isn't pro-paki

We Americans do that with our own accents though faggot.
>Boston in general
>Southern redneck shit

At least the two of them are laughing. Good shit.

God save these mad cunts.

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Kill Mr Mime

Actual Brits will think its unfunny, Americans think its hilarious

Lmao they can be pro whatever they want since the reality is all the sevii islanders live in North Galar.

I do not like that it happened
but it happened

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It might be bias but I do have not seen that shit before. Maybe for Canadians, but not Americans.

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>Your new journey awaits
>It won't be out for another 9 months
God this shit is gonna torment me.

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It's pretty funny when it's done with the actual vernacular and not an American's bad attempt at it by just adding in "bloody" and "sod"

I can only think of him when hearing a Scottish accent

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It's pretty common

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If you at all understand what the sort of person it's trying to represent, yes.

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>Actualy brits think it's unfunny

Speak for yourself, I fucking love this shit.

People mock southern hick accents all the damn time, pardner.

This. Nothing cringiest than seeing shield with generic "English" slang. At least the limmy references are teaching the yanks how she should speak.

Question: are british and Aus accent the same?

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He's probably Welsh and utterly seething that japs do t know he exists

Yes, indistinguishable.


Not in the slightest.

No they sound nothing alike

>British accent
Which one?

Sort of.

Australians are just working class brits who are forced to drink shitty lagers and avoid going to the shitter because of spiders.

There's a lot of variation with the British accent as I'm sure there is with the Australian accent. There's some similarities with general "British" and "Australian" accent but overall nah

Maybe if you guys expanded your vocabulary, we'd use more words when making fun of your accent.

Fair, fair. Then again, those memes were brief, and weren't expressed in full sentences. And please if you're mocking english accents (while using english??(what???)) please using modern slang. This is outdated shit
>no bruv
>no blad
>no booky
>no peak times
>no beef
>no 'beating'
>no fucking BRAP

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What's the best accent for a British bird to have and why is it Geordie or Yorkshire

Be honest, how many of you didn't realize this immediately?

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>Ali still hasn’t been done

Fuck you, i am a west yorkshire lad and i love this.

You taking the piss mate? There's fucking loads of British slang and the main way I'm picking up the Brits making these posts is when they're using some of the ones that aren't pasted around the internet all the time

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Australian accents have some similarity to cockney, since all the prisoners that were sent there were East Londoners, but even then they're still distinguishable.

I did

dude america literally has a restaurant chain named beef o bradys

But this is African slang.

lol I get it. Because all English people sound like chavs and swear all the time heehee



Keel Bianca.

This is not how Scottish people speak.


That's what I'm saying. Roadman speak would make me laugh. I don't know about other slang talk, I won't lie. That's why I'm deadpan as fuck here.

why are they both angry it was funny when they spoke in that accent but they are angry why?

But scots are british, ergo that is how you speak.

Fuck, they finally figured it out lads.

It makes the sex more exciting.

Are Bongs really getting pissy about this? This isn't even the first time Burgers, Leaves, ect. have done Bong posting before.

This feels like an attempt to shitpost simply because Pokemon is the catalyst now

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Australians hate Britain so will tell you otherwise, but it’s really just South London speech with a bit of a twinge. Australian culture is literally British culture but in a desert and they say cunt a lot.

Either you're a falseflagging britbong or a faggot pretending to be one.

it's the shitty slang that doesn't represent everyone its autistic i know

I prefer classy French sluts, thank you

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You'll get them once the scragglys get confirmed to return in Galar.

>Are Bongs really getting pissy about this?

Every English speaking country spells it with a 'u' besides us.

Just good fun, nothing worth getting pissy about

yep pretty much

That and /pol/ has the whole goalposting and norf thing.
The memes just collided with Britain at the center. A lot of people, even bongs, find it hilarious though so it'd no big deal.

No. It's non-bongs getting upset yet another board is obsessed with them.

Scotty 2 Hotty

I am so mad that pretty much all her art is the shitty anime Serena.

Nah i love it, the bong meme always makes me crack up.

Bongposters please brexit this thread.

I'm not even British; this meme just fucking blows.

Now I need to fap

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ye ever wanty just wrap yersel up in tin foil nice and cosy then just fucking get right inty the microwave and blow yersel up tea fuck

Good one

based chad poster

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I dont know, probably do your fucking job

Norf FC and Bongposting was started by brits, it's fucking hilarious.

Woman speaking with a Scottish or Irish accent might be some of the hottest things in this planet.

But having anime girls speaking like that?
My dick has left orbit, brother.

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Here's your rival, bro

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>doctor who
That's still relevant?

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No, it's p much dead. The Whoman was a massive failure.

I'm an american who pretends to be an 18th century british naval officer daily for a living and this doesnt bother me one bit.

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she has a nice bum

I didn't even get past the first episode, but the show had been nosediving for a while now.

>Diana used high jump kick
>it kept going and crashed

reddit is using SwSh, /vp/ is trying to kick it out

Just seen a leaked photo of the 'youngster' characters:
>Youngster Callum
>Youngster Connor
>Youngster Carl
>Youngster Kev
>Youngster Tom

Attached: Britons.jpg (578x549, 109K)

The only thing that bothers me is non-bongs memeing her as scottish.

>We're choosing red version tonight

My fucking sides

Thread link for that?


Not choosing Swsh is dumb. It literally sounds like Switch

That sounds like a very fun gig.

Replace Carl with Jay and Kev with Will

sounds like a lot of fun actually
it pay any good?

Reminds me of a few months ago some guys from the Capcom UK office were talking about how Birdie's accent pulls from multiple parts of Britain and how off Dee Jay sounds as a Jamaican.

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It is. The smiles on klds faces make it worth it more than the money


>mad perfidious albion replies

>t. reddit

>hilarious OC and triggering pommey cunts
I'm actually looking forward to pokemon now, thanks masuda

This is even more cancerous than "SuMo"

Jay and will don't sound like chav names at all.

I don't think brits give a fuck. It's just that this isn't even reddit tier funny, it sucks fucking dick.

Imagine Jamaican Pokémon accent humour

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That's the proper way to say it if you're a MHchad.

Why? She's obviously Scottish

>everyone gets it
>the only person with a low IQ that doesnt get it is a numale incel weeb poster

Stay on your containment board.

It has. It's just that casting a Woman Doctor was a desperate attempt at reviving the franchise. They might try it one more with another minority, maybe a pakistani, but unless they can pull another Eccleston it's going to remain dead for good now.

because it came from reddit and they brought it over to /vp/. some literal redditor was trying to force it all over the board and it pissed people off. people got mad enough that they started spamming threads about it last night until the mods dumped them all


This. someone's watched too much Inbetweeners and not enough Crimewatch

Ey? I thought it was a wee bit of a meme that made me have a slight giggle

What got me was that they had a really good marketing tactic of not addressing that it was a woman doctor which I honestly think is the best way to play it. Then about a week before it aired they kept playing that one where she literally shatters a glass ceiling and "It's about time!" appears on the screen.

I like brits much more than Muricans
But everyone has their own taste and preferences


Words cannot express how much I despise Scotland.
Yet retarded yanks romanticise them just because their great-great-great grandmother was a jock.
They're a horrid nation of retarded inbreds who do nothing but drink and laze around and babble in their ebonics.
The reason they joined the UK in the first place is because they spent all their money trying to establish a colony in South America that failed miserably and England took pity on them.

So it pisses me off that the first Pokemon game I'm genuinely excited for in two decades has to be ruined by having a subhuman as the MC.
It would be like if Pokemon suddenly had a nigger MC.

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Don’t you have some chickens to be running from?


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This post reeks of Londonite.

I worked in the UK for a few months and especially when out drinking with my colleagues my NY accent came out and they all had a laugh.



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Except Londoners love jocks because they're equally as immigrant and EU loving.

>Solway moss

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Where abouts did you work lad

They're both trans too btw.

Because you fuckers had it coming, especially with you suddenly hating your own monarch and Brexit

>UK loses EU to be a bunch of pricks
>Start being pricks to themselves
O man

>he doesn't have the image

Here is your award for the funniest post of all time.

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>out drinking
One big criticism I have is that going out drinking in the UK anywhere that isn't a dive is expensive as shit.

I can't imagine how depressing it must be for you being such a boring paki

You realise Scotland loves Pakis more than England does, right?


I do get what you mean though, I worked in a import shop for shit from Scotland, and you would not believe the types that came in there.
>Americans that say "bloody" or "blooming"
>Americans that are "direct descendants"of (the childless) William Wallace
>People who wanted to get married in a glorified skirt for some reason
>"Oh, I'm 75% Scottish, 25% Irish, and 25% Welsh"
>Genuinely scorns Brits for their "takeover" of Scotland

The only people I liked were the ones actually from the UK. People are really scared to identify as "American" for some reason.

I'd much prefer Pokemon SS

Having been out in loads of places over the UK it's less about the quality of the place you are and more where you are in the country in general


England is full of pakis. Outside of Glasgow everyone is white here. It doesn't matter if some retarded politicians virtue signal when England is literally a caliphate. Stay seething Mohammad

rap yer neck roon it ya gobshite

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>Mfw I am scouse and find strong scouse accents on women to be fucking vile

Hard times lad

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Can smell the curry coming off you a mile away

Alright fair but how many bongdollars do you think is reasonable for a pint in a night establishment?

>Scottish tomboy animegirl

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burger here. how is irn bru compared to clapistan energy drinks? you know other than the sugar.

In a pub? ~£3 is the standard where I am. In a club it's going to be more expensive

>some retarded politicians virtue signal
That your shithole overwhelmingly votes in every election because "MUH FREEEEEDOOOOOMMMMMM" which you still rejected when you voted on it.
Literally the only nation in history to vote against it's own independence.

Definitely was. I was shocked at first thinking it would be like midtown but with a shitty exchange rate, but boy was I wrong.

The Arndale is still open that's not even that late at night.

Jesus Christ Manchester

I haven't tried the new version of it but the old one was hangover medicine.

A rucksack full of Frosty Jack and an abandoned mining depot is all you need for a night out pal.

Based Chad

Years since i have had some but i remember thinking it tasted vile.

SnS is going to be the funnest gen because of the bongposting.
This shit is great.

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Why are you so angry abdullah? Its really sad. Everyone is enjoying the Scottish main character for the new games. Stop being such an angry paki cunt.

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Anywhere between three quid to three fifty is reasonable. Nights out in Sheffield felt cheap to me but nights out in Chester I got used to paying more than that every time.

>getting this mad because shield chan isn't a quitessential English girl in a hijab pushing a pram with a shitskin child and a bomb in it

Clearly cut from the same cloth but far from the same.

British accents in general are super varied despite the country being so small. You can drive 40 minutes in any direction and be in a place with a completely different accent (up north at least).

>fucked up teeth
its the little things

so does everybody else
this stupid shit started because dumbass redditors thought kids googling pokemon SM would get a bunch of sexual fetish pictures. and now they're doing it again with SS.

It’s closest to Lucozade if you have that.

moltres is only 6 feet tall and made mostly of fire. the other is basically a dumbell. it makes fine sense.

It's funny you can't refute anything I've said about your shithole "country" so you resort to pretending I'm a paki.
Maybe we'll give you some more gibs soon, Haggisfag.

Ya know i wouldn't know how to describe but i did give to a lass from New York said it was like some medicine called pepto bismol or something like. Don't know if anyone else can confirm a similarity. Recently it got a bit shit cause the recipe now uses less suger cause the bloody gub mint put a suger tax out to stop kids getting fat.


I guess you like STD's then mate

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What is this meme? I haven't been keeping up to date with Shield/Sword. Were the differences between the two games announced?

The SnS/SwSh started because we already use SS you underage faggot stop trying to make up other reasons. You're as bad as that faggot on /vp/ that keeps trying to reference nazis


i was waiting for this

>Pokemon SnS

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we use HGSS faggot

bongs talk funny lol

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Only a paki could be this undeniably seething. You're getting angry about a pokemon game. I don't need to engage with your mad ramblings about politics because that's not what I'm here for. Now go pray or something.

It still does really good for hangovers. They say it was made for miners who couldn't drink booze, personally i reckon thats shite and it was made to sober up the drunk miners.

is this SuMo shit all over again?

Fan theory that the new Pokemon region is based off of Britain. That's about all you need to know.

Depends where in the country you go. I find Liverpool dead cheap for drinking. Birmingham was alright too.

London is the most expensive place I have ever been for drinks

that's fucking brilliant

No, it's to mock MonHun dweebs

Might need to try it. I tend not to drink fizzy shit anymore so I've not wanted to waste the few I do on discovering it's awful.


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I’m pretty sure it’s just AZ finding a library and shitposting with the free wifi

Remember, that hobo was the King of Kalos that waged war against the Galar

It's confirmed you cheeky tart

Yeah, only pakis hate scotland because ????
No white people could hate scotland because ????
We're on a video game board and a video game I was excited for is ruined, why would I not be mad?

I paid like 5-6 pounds a beer in london at decent bars and avoided the even more expensive stuff. I thought it'd be less but the people I were drinking with were sorta posh Londonite types.

ShSw is the SuMo shtick all over again except this time the contextually retarded are the excuse. I don’t understand what’s wrong with just saying S/S.

>The game is ruined because a character has tartan socks on




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Ah okay. If they add voice acting then I wouldn't be surprised as every Nintendo dub for some reason is English(UK) actors/actresses. Kind of odd I do admit.

Slashes aren't really part of the naming convention and SS is obviously retarded on its own. It's pointless arguing about this though because all that will matter is what sticks and it's too early to tell that.

Just stop
It ain't worth it if you don't know what you are talking about
You only hear negative things about countries as those are only things that gets news
Its like saying that in Murica you can get shot whenever you walk outside your home, niggers are everywhere, everyone is a mutt, half the country is SJW-Cancer, Hollywood is full of pedos, your government is corrupted af and Muricans enjoy and glorify killing civilians inside and outside of US
That is what media wants people to see because it generates lots of clicks

Yes it's about what it represents.
Look at Yea Forums, it's been nothing but Scotland this and Scotland that since the reveal.
They made a Pokemon game full of idyllic English villages and towns and made the player character a subhuman.

Imagine if they made a Pokemon set in the USA, but made the player character a Mexican.
Would this bother you?


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nah fuck off

convention can be broken or accommodated

Thoughts on the gym types we could be getting?
So far there's only 6 confirmed gyms, so not sure if the last three are even gyms or not

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A surprisingly wholesome fap.

>phoneposter has shit taste
Barely anyone's mad outside of crybabies, only thing to really get mad is if you fuck up the bongposting accents a bit, like the OP image, but other than that, it's good fun.
Something about SoulSilver but it never fucking matters since it's always just called HGSS together and context is always a thing.

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>Yea Forums has been using wojacks and pepes for years now
>Noone gives a shit
>New meme that will probably last 3 days at best shows up

The whole southern third of the map is Scotland. Mexico is not in the US. Scotland is in Britain.

>Being this mad

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You say this as if I don't interact with Scots in real life.
You say this as if there aren't objective figures on how obese and lazy they all are.
You say this as if they don't speak in a retard babble.

I want to feel okay about this, but a game I was really hype for is ruined.

The tower looks like where story events will happen and potentially legendaries. The flats will be an abandoned victorian/spooky manor themed area with ghostmons. The final building will be the elite 4 equivalent.

I'm a bong who's never left the country and Americans often think I'm Australian

Probably because I come from London and Australian accents are just cockney criminal accents that have gone a little funny over 200 years

Those socks look smelly.

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But what about the contextually stupid??? Think of the children! And the nazis or some shit. Fucking reddit.

>looks exactly like a quaint English village, something Scotland doesn't have
>but it's Scotland

What accent did she have?

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I'm a burger that has had IRN BRU before. It's alright, it tastes similar to orange-flavored liquid medicine. I like American sodas better.

I keep seeing fanart of Shield but not a lot of Sword art online

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>last not blue guy was Lucas
Huh, and even then he got a blue jacket for Platinum

Man do i want you out of the EU

>Scotland doesn't have quaint villages
Holy fuck you're deluded. And that's ignoring all the lochs and farmland and hills and mountains. You're right though Scotland isn't known for villages and farming and hills and mountains and lochs.

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How come none of these memes are in Arabic?

Epic post.

Me too.

It really fucking isn't.
Scotland is known for drunks having fights in Glasgow. That's it.
Literally no one thinks of Scotland and thinks "nice quiet village" because Scots aren't nice or quiet.

Oye, let's colm down huh loidies?

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Do you think Scotland is some sort of bustling megatropolis? It's literally just hills and lakes.

I want a young UK dom gf, but what a dom Scot sound even better.

The characters are Scottish not English

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Literally 99% of them live in Glasgow or Edinburgh.

Attached: Population_density_map_in_Scotland_from_the_2011_census.png (690x1024, 311K)

Your bang on the nose about Glasgow but Scotland is still a majority farming country and that's how your Asian tourists see it as well, but i mean if you want to take credit for quaint villages and being a sheep shagger be my guest.

He's right about the SNP though mate, they're a fucking embarrassment and that little troll thing that calls itself their leader, it's like someone took Hillary Clinton but left her intelligence, crafyness and politcal know-how in America, turned the social politics up to 11 and then made her an even uglier cunt for good measure.

I mean our whole scene is fucked with crony capitalists and socialist scum, but that fucking thing is like something out of Gremlins. And on top of that we've got more immigrant-loving numales than England and higher obesity levels.

On the other hand MC is cute, tartan socks are god tier and I don't play Pokemon, just here for the bants.

Alright, but the question is, how does a britbong minge taste like? is there a difference between a Scottish minge and a Welsh minge?

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Yeah, i can't wait to have Gibraltar back into Spain

You're right southern Galar looks nothing like Scotland

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I also want that in all honesty
How far I have fallen

>Think of the children!
Now I'm just trying to remember where's that translated version of this is

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It's called SS.


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Why would that literally ever happen?
It couldn't anyway.
UK has nukes, Spain does not.
End of story.

I want a gang of rollie-smoking chubsters wearing grey tracksuits to sit on my face while shouting and laughing at me.

Yeah and it's not even close to the populations in the English cities which you have more of.

>he's right about the snp
Who cares they can't do anything. Them virtue signalling vs the demographics of engpakistan? I know which I'd take. You can be right wing/anti snp without being a sniveling toad travelling to the engpakis user. Grow a pair and stop talking about politics in a fun pokemon thread

Good cunt, EU will never be in a Pokemon game, you don't have ultra balls only mincy, little faggot balls, now fuck off.

What am I seeing here

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One's doesn't shave and the other has taken horsecock. You can guess which is which

What is with your weird formatting and broken typing pattern? How new are you Amir?

Yes, England has a higher population. No shit.
More of it's population lives rurally than Scotland's does though.

You know that one of the points to spain not shutting down all the exportations to the UK, was that Gibraltar returned to Spain dont you?
You know that you loved Theresa said yes don't you?

That's the English lad

Then it makes sense that the empty part of the map is Scotland and the populated part is England.

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It doesn't matter how hard you try to cope. Reality is the japs associate the features of southern galar with Scotland and have made the best protag in ages Scottish because they wanted to design clothing more interest than a black sheet.

I don getuh...

>someone that doesn't live on this shithole 24/7 is not up to date with all the latest may mays better shit on them

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Realtalk though brexit is a huge fucking mistake and more trouble than its worth.

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As this lad said
You're disproving your own argument

God I want her to ride my cock while insulting me in british

It's hilarious how angry the engpakis are getting every time this white scottish lass gets posted

This thread makes me want to shag a UK girl with a thick accent.


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How so? Populated country side ain't quaint or quiet.

It's almost like the guy is mad that they whole map dosn't represent England and they wonder why people from Scotland, Ireland and Whales take issue with them.

no it's just 3 year olds pretending pokemon sword and shield are bong due to england inspiration for the new map even though it has no fucking bong dub or anything, they are injecting personality in a fucking void game with no soul to shill it as hard as they can and do that with a borrowed meme from xenoblade nonetheless, this is how far down they have fallen, truly fucking pathetic

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I met Professor Oak at a charity do once. He was surprisingly down to earth and VERY funny.

Ok but can she say niggers?

>all these people seething over accents

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Aye they just represent the people and run the country your retarded inbred, and their virtue signalling is fucking our demographics, it's WHY they do it. You can defend Scotland without pretending we're in any better position than England, grow a pair and realise politics is in everything, so if you can't take it don't dish it out.

On an unrelated note it's a shame they used that terrier pokemon from Black/White so soon, would have been fitting, so would Wingull.

Stop tainting Kermit with your gay posts.

stay mad faggot

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And yet Scotland, Wales and Ireland are the vehemently nationalist ones.
Who is in charge of Scotland's parliament right now, user?

there is none, Its an edit

No only sooties.

Oh, it’s retarded.

>this mad over bongposting
>introduce the sword and shield pokemon before the SS games
Just as weird as Unovan 3 musketeers before Kalos was a thing

Of course he is.
Everyone here is retarded.
Even you

I'm Irish but isn't some nationalist woman that wasn't voted in? England being least nationalist is also not a good thing these days.

A childless fanny who filled the islands up wi blacks. Her 'nationalist' government helps cover up when they murder young lassies, too.

>it's wrong to give personality to a game or series you like

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Realtalk the EU is a beauracratic nightmare ran by an unelected marxist and anyone who voted to remain should be kicked out of the UK

He's not really. The map has at least three populated villages with gyms in the northern part (so that's the English part right) and the one village in the southern part will be the most empty i assume because it is a starting village.

It's things like this that remind me of why I enjoy imprisonment here.

She was voted in last election.
And I know it's not a good thing but it proves my point about the other nations of the UK being far more proud and nationalistic than England is.

And since you're Irish you must know how you lot fucking bombed us for years because we dare keep a slice of your island that wants to be British.

correlation is not causation is the most libcuck thing to say
>j-just because all shitskins HAPPEN to be violent doesn't mean anything!

I never said it was weird you daft bastard, I said it would have been fitting, I doubt they've been holding on to fucking Wingull for over a decade to show us he was the main protagonist of Sword and Shield all along.

>MFW americans call pickey pockey poke-catchers "pokeballs"

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The IRA will rise again!I'm fine living in that small slice for now, i hear southern Ireland is being ruined by some communist tendencies.

New Yawkah heah, I do it all da time.

I disagree with you but I guess we should move to /pol/ before I start calling you a gigantic niggerfaggot.

Mate I'm british and this is fucnny as fuck.

All us brits are laughing.
Its probably a false flagging american butthurt that the memes aren't about his shithole country.

UK pokemon is going to be fucking great mate