Went from a legendary memorable melody to a few random piano notes

>went from a legendary memorable melody to a few random piano notes

what the FUCK happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I hate how they got rid of the old red logo

Right is unironically better.

actual music producer and writer here
this isn't an argument about the game and its soul (as nonexistent as either one's is) but rather the mentality to reflect what it's doing. You're comparing the ambience when you're exploring rather than the opening track, which is the actual melody of BOTW.
basically, you're a fucking retard and i'm ending the thread here.

op btfo

They had to reboot the series due to constant complains from the autistic fandom

It's actually the overworld theme vs Hyrule Field theme, which is what you'll be hearing during most of the gameplay


actual music producer and writer here, as well as someone who actually plays video games
fuck BotW soundtrack and it's minimal ambient style. I guarantee you ZERO people will look back on this soundtrack fondly years from now. Not a single tune can be hummed or identified quickly. Great games almost always have memorable tracks, and BotW is sorely lacking in that department. I don't give a shit about your pseud opinions on how artistic or fitting it is with the game.

Nintendo music was never good.
Just think nintendo was releasing midi fart soundtracks while everybody else was fuckign with CD quality audio.
Just every mario and zelda song is just shit baby fol music noises. Not to mention how the ocarina of time main theme is plagiarized from songs for plants and the people who love them. the SNES and n64 audio is a fucking joke.


A link to the past's soundtrack is boring and forgettable just like the rest of the game though
At least use OoT's god tier soundtrack if you're gonna try to pull off this thread

You guys really can't let this game go can you?

Shut up. Shut the fuck up.

Holy fucking based

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only women and neckbeards hum music.

Not that first music producer, but I'm a music composer. You DO realize that most of BotW's music is ambient arrangements of existing Zelda themes, right? Even if you hummed the music for BotW, you'd be humming music from earlier works, at least for the majority of the game. The sound design took a different direction when it came to coming up with the music. It took existing timeless melodies and deconstructed them, which is pretty neat. Sure, a full piece is better, but in context, it's perfectly fine.

>Nintendo music was never good
Someone hasn't played any of the Mother games. Also, regarding your example, not only was Tim Follin an actual wizard when it came to working with shitty soundchips (The Genesis NOT excluded, because it's garbage.), he's also made music for Nintendo games, you fucking fool, so your argument makes no sense.


The soundtrack is phenomenal. You guys are pathetic, hating on this game every day for the past 2 years.

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t. N64babby

ALTTP is better than OOT in every single category and especially music

Textbook seething

But that's totally false, I totally remember a few tracks from BOTW, most notably Sidon's or Kass' themes, or the remix of the Dragoon Roost Island.

Just because it has fewer songs, and usually quieter ones doesn't mean it's not remembered as such.
The sound design in this Zelda is excellent (as opposed to older Zeldas, which indeed had catchy tracks and memorable songs), and when someone is playing on the switch with the sound as low, I can immediately detect BOTW with just a note.

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>disliking literally any aspect of Based of the Wild
Fuck you, you're retarded, you have shit taste, you're seething, you're a Sonygro and/or PC Cuck and/or butthurt nostalgiafags, BotW is flawless and exactly like Zelda 1 which I definitely played

>The Genesis NOT excluded, because it's garbage
Hold up


>OoT's God Tier soundtrack
>Most of the songs were either rearranged from previous titles, plagiarized, or rearrangements of songs from previous titles that were plagiarized

BOTW's labyrinth theme is god like.
Same with FE15.

The soundtrack was probably BotW's most disappointing aspect, and why I would never award the game a 10/10

The seething reached new levels. Thanks to /ourguy/ Matthew

I'm not saying the compositions are bad, they're solid. But just fucking listen to the guitar in that first track. That shit is a total mess to work with. My point is that great Genesis music is never good because of the soundchip, it's always good DESPITE the soundchip, so claiming that it has some inherent superiority to Nintendo tracks on a technical basis is wrong.

Nigger most of the temple themes alone are amazing in their own right. I would kill to have the old fire temple music back.

obvious bait post, but let's post based nintendo music to btfo this guy's RP anyways


give it 10 years. you will not remember. hell, even 5.


I bet the music you make is fucking dire.

Some say BotW's soundtrack, or lack of same, suited the game. That may be so. But I still think it was a massive downgrade.
Same can be said for most of BotW compared to past games, really.

it's not great but I'm more qualified than 99.99999% of this crusty board to speak on the matter

Is Yea Forums running out of shit to bitch about already?

I look at it a bit differently. The guitar in that song way outperforms basically anything on the SNES trying the same.

These are just fan arrangements, but still.
Lacks the punch in the drums,, feels like it's kind of underwater and the guitar absolutely lacks the same ferociousness. Sure, sounds a bit gritty, but it works with the kind of music it is supposed to be.


That's hard to believe since nintendo just did two directs.

>a non-Nintendo game has a story-focus/cutscenes/walking sections/realistic graphics etc
>"where are the VIDEOGAMES these are supposed to be VIDEOGAMES where is the gameplay I don't want this cinematic shit they're VIDEOGAMES and they're supposed to be VIDEOGAMEY Nintendo games aren't childish they're VIDEOGAMEY"

>BotW's soundtrack is not only not videogamey, it's not there at all, there's no coherent music at all
>"b-b-buh-but it's SUPPOSED to sound like shit!"

Every time!

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It makes me sad that Mark Hollis just died and guys like you walk the earth and call yourselves "music producers".

>actual musical producer here
Stopped reading there.

I'm the guy you responded to.
It does have a memorable song, the very opening theme as i mentioned earlier. The soundtrack is not a 100% necessary addition to the overall quality of the game. Not every track has to be this god tier memorable melody. The tracks you hear while exploring contribute to the atmosphere, and they play exactly as they're intended to. The tracks that play during big events are the ones that matter, not the ambience.

>there's no coherent music at all
You're unbelievably stupid.

>famous musician died therefore hobbyist producers aren't allowed to have a hobby
damn, I guess I'll sell my gear

>I guarantee you ZERO people will look back on this soundtrack fondly years from now. Not a single tune can be hummed or identified quickly.

Objectively wrong.

>this is the kind of person in charge of music for future games


botw ost is in the top100 vgost music of all time.
Stfu idiots.

If you really loved music, you wouldn't have said the shit you said here:

>retro incel opinion

no thanks

>I make music so I'm more qualified to speak on the matter
As one of the other musicians in this thread, that shit is really dumb. A real musician invites discussion and analysis. Anyone with a love for music can learn and appreciate music, you don't need to know how to make it for that. It's why I normally go out of my way to not mention that I'm a musician when discussing video game soundtracks. It shouldn't matter.

Yeah, but the point is those tracks were composed for the Genesis and, therefore, worked around those limitations. Using SNES instruments and just inputting the same notes on them is gonna obviously not do as well. There are some compositions on the Genesis that wouldn't sound as good on the SNES (primarily rock stuff) while the SNES also has that going for them (I noticed it with orchestral and wind stuff)

of all the examples you could've posted you post something gratingly repetitive

i do and i did. 2late stay mad.

>Sony games aren't moviegames, they do have gameplay. The gameplay is not a 100% necessary addition to the overall quality of the game. Not every second has to be this god tier videogamey section. The cutscenes you watch while playing contribute to the atmosphere, and they play exactly as they're intended to. The gameplay during big events is what matters, not the cutscenes

it's supposed to represent the game

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>There are some compositions on the Genesis that wouldn't sound as good on the SNES (primarily rock stuff) while the SNES also has that going for them (I noticed it with orchestral and wind stuff)
I agree with this. I think the advantages for the Genesis is that it's basically just a synth, whilst the SNES seems to work a bit with samples that kind of downplays the potential in some music. Not for every genre, of course.

it doesn't fucking go anywhere
what a boring ass track. it's the same 2 measures repeated forever with the occasional synth sound or wood block sound haphazardly tossed in to try (and fail) to break up the monotony. get your ears checked retard.

It's hot garbage. Pathetic how you defend this game every day for the past 2 years

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>simpsons poster has bad opinions
wow color me surprised

I get teary eyed listening to the soundtrack of BotW. I wish i could forget everything and replay it.

Lol yeah he’s the pathetic one LMAO

Gameplay =/= music. Gameplay will always be necessary, but the implication that every track of the ost needs to be memorable is downright retarded on your end. And the fact that you're comparing soundtrack to gameplay proves that you haven't a single brain cell in your head.

just for you user

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I have heard 10 year olds plinking at a piano produce equally enjoyable results

>Same 2 measure repeated over and over
Yeah? Could you count those for me?

>give it 10 years. you will not remember. hell, even 5.
user, most people won't remember melodies after 5 or 10 years unless they're consistently listening to it. I've been doing band and choir almost all my life and I struggle to remember half of what I played 6 years ago, and that music was fucking drilled into us.

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This shit is kino

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it's brain science, nigga. our brains like certain gameplay patterns and our brains like certain sound patterns. combine them for an even better experience. music is important. anyone who disagrees is disabled or an apologetic indie dev with no musical chops.

Too many notes.

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music in video games is only meant to coincide with gameplay, generic and nonmemorable, or one with soaring melodies to go along with it- its all made to work hand in hand with it. Music will never be as important as gameplay and there are several good games that don't utilize soundtracks 100% to its greatness. Good music in a good video game is a plus, not a necessity.

I don't think I'm particularly smart but I remember old songs very well. There's been plenty of times that I dig up something from my childhood and listen to it, only to find that I can remember it unbelievably well despite not having heard it in 1-2 decades.

band isn't a great example, most band tunes are obnoxious and samey to the casual listener. choir can be better but really depends. a ton of that material is still forgettable.

>most band tunes are obnoxious and samey to the casual listener. choir can be better but really depends

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>only to find that I can remember it unbelievably well despite not having heard it in 1-2 decades.
Well yeah, but I believe user was talking about being able to bring it up immediately on the fly after 5+ years of not hearing it.

>judging music based on the waveform
i didnt know v could get this retarded

You spend maybe 20 minutes at a time tops in Hyrule Field, it takes like 2 minutes just to cross it. You'll maybe be in it for an hour or two in a normal playthrough, a few more for a completionist.

In BOTW the overworld is 90% of the game. You spend literally dozens of hours walking around in it. A big bombastic theme would get extremely fucking grating, not to mention that it completely ruins the atmosphere of calmness and mystery you have while exploring.

They're two totally different types of games and the music was crafted to suit those different goals.

sorry, bandlet. harsh truth.

>He hasn't heard any wind music past High School
I've been in all of them in my years, Orchestra, Band, and Choir, user. Band is by far the most exciting.

The only truth that might have is that if you're in a choir you're expected to perform the songs from memory without music.
That said, trying to actually find good choral music is a pain in the ass and finding good symphony music is really easy.

if by exciting you mean loudest and most grating on the ears, then yes I agree.

but why are we limiting our discussion to boring ass school memes? did I miss something or was this thread about vidya music

you're a fag
also teach how to into chords and shit

>Dynamiclet can't listen to anything because his wittle ears hurt
Maybe this music thing isn't for you, snowflake.

That's not even an excuse. Oblivion had great overworld music that's memorable and not grating.

>being so mad about wasting all those years in shitty band that he needs to believe strangers on the internet must have a disability just to cope

>current year - however many years it was since your high school or college
>not being music idiorts
Feels fucking good having been in choir, symphony, and band. Fucking musiclets can't even do more than one thing.

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Oh. My. God. Look at that waveform on the right. That's it, I'm going to throw my BotW game card in the trash right now.

I said I was on all 3, though. Band was just the most fun.

Our band director was a fucking uptight chode, so choir much was better for me. The orchestra director was also baller, making half of symphony fun.
>pay hundreds of dollars to go to hawaii for a band trip
>restricts us to a 3 block perimeter around the hotel
Fucking dick.

No shit. A bad director will sour every thought you have on the subject. Don't take it out on the music though. Choir was my least favorite, but I still have pieces that I adore. I'm sure you have some wind charts you like.

>or the remix of the Dragoon Roost Island.
I didn't even notice it was supposed to be a remix of Dragoon Roost Island until someone mentioned it.

Also I fuck around a lot and never stood in one place for a long time and it takes forever for that tune to actually start

The BotW main theme is great though. Also the best Smash track now.

I mean the hyrule field sucks, not to mention extremely annoying horse theme. But none of those are the main musical theme of the game.

Not him but nice argument

>Nintendo music was never good.
The got worse once they started to recycle old tunes/themes for nostalgiabaiting.

there's a 4 part video essay on why your opinion is pleb

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>The soundtrack is phenomenal.
Too bad that track isn't used often

>I'm sure you have some wind charts you like.
Yeah, they were mostly played by the better high school.

I think it is an appropriate choice considering what kind of game BotW tries to be. Personally I do prefer the memorable, melodic soundtracks of older Zelda games, but this game prides itself on letting the player experience the game for themselves, without being told what to do, and appropriately, without being told how to feel with a bombastic soundtrack.

>4 part video essay
>first part is only 7 minutes long

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Video essays mean nothing anymore and are frequently just some random douche with a microphone ranting nothingness with the veil of substance for an hour+

>thread about Zelda music
>brings up Sony for no reason
Rent free.

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>Content creator separates parts of his video essay into different videos for ease of access
>2 of the videos aren't 10 minutes long, so the ad revenue is forgone in order to be user friendly
Unironically based

>actual music producer and writer here
t. soundcloud faggot who makes terrible "songs" about sardines


maximum cringe and lies

>Person I agree with good
>Person I disagree with bad

Although true, games with memorable music are still better. Even a generic game with memorable music will be favored over one without. Just look at Nier Automata and RDR2.

user... how is this not the case with everything 100% of the time?

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I seriously can't be the only one that thinks the ACTUAL overworld theme is fucking kino, right?

Because in the real world (outside of your containment board) everything isn't a zero sum game.

>I like to post and rant without looking at the evidence presented
lol projection

>I'm such a snowflake that person I agree with is bad and the person I disagree with is good
fuck am I reading

>Great games almost always have memorable tracks
>almost always
Okay cool so that means there are exceptions. BotW is a great game without a memorable soundtrack.

Oh boy I would just fucking love having the overworld theme blasting on repeat for 90 hours with no music volume control.

except it's a lazy, trash-ass game with uninspired open world meme mechanics

>Imagine unironically hating BotW's OST

Attached: it's you.png (500x293, 209K)

>timestamp skipped past the best part

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>1 hours of rushing wind sound

Reddit faggot kill yourself

MIDI is easier to remember than orchestra.Also modern games use the music for background and don't try to make it memorable.

>Also modern games use the music for background and don't try to make it memorable.
many of them do. and i would argue many of them are making a mistake.

BOTW doesnt have a soundtrack. It just has soundeffects stringed together.


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Nintooddlers are so fucking pathetic, just try to read this post with a straight face

Walking husk.

Now kill yourself, OP.

Here's the argument: no one who is really into music would think music is only good if it's catchy and you can hum it

BotW's soundtrack is the ultimate pleb filter.

Its a song, a rarity for BotW, but also its neither good nor memorable. There is no harmony, its just a slow autism violin or predictable note progression. Theres not really a rhythm either, just an offbeat time signature bongo slapping. Neither the violin or bongo capture an asian motif.

Literally fuckin elevator music.

And yet you're the one most like a toddler.
>slow clap

>When the filter is at the bottom of the ladder
Jesus christ. This board is beyond saving. The creatures here are worthless.

>autism violin
what the fuck are you even talking about

Hold that shit.


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music != video game music

Nintendo drones are always going on how their rehashes are better than the rest of the industry because they're actually videogamey unlike the "cinematic" bullshit the west puts out, but suddenly not being videogamey is a-okay when Nintendo does it!

Its no surprise that stupid fucking tweens are too braindead to understand BotW's sound design.

>Music != video game music
So what the fuck is it? Literature?

>Its no surprise that stupid fucking tweens are too braindead to understand Sony's kinogame design.

>music != video game music
>it doesn't count as music if I say it doesn't!
Describe music then.

>actual music producer and writer here
>t. Tyrone with pirated FL Studio

actual music producer and writer here


I thought it was really clever of Nintendo to use a cat to make the OST, keeping the “wild” theme of BotW.

Look at this minimalistic piece, for instance, genius work youtu.be/-Y7-wLUlfZE

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It's good for the setting. It's minimalist and suits the theme of the game.

I liked BotW but I thought its Soundtrack was underwhelming

Had a few really damn good tracks, though.

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I hate the BotW field theme because it reminds me too much of all those pretentious indie games about a sad child who goes on a perilous journey and dies.

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Games aren't supposed to be minimalist. They're supposed to be spectacles of entertainment. I agree, the music matches the gameplay: they're both garbage.

You're better than retards like this

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>most kino final boss theme in the zelda series
>second most underwhelming final boss in the series

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ambient is the brainlet genre

Vah Ruta's theme gives me immediate chills. That's end game boss tier music.

>brainlet genre
And yet it's too much for you to comprehend?

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nobody who ever posted this bitch made a quality post.

>That main theme melody
>That piano going crazy behind it
I don't know how someone can't like this soundtrack. This is perfection.

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Applefag detected!

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Did they use different composers or have the usual ones gone to shit?

The lead composer of BOTW is the lead composer of New Leaf. She had two others helping her.
>The original score was composed by Manaka Kataoka, Yasuaki Iwata, and Hajime Wakai. Kataoka and Wakai had previously worked on the Zelda games Spirit Tracks[54] and The Wind Waker respectively.[55] The soundtrack was primarily written and performed on a piano, with a focus on ambient music and sounds rather than the melodic and upbeat music in previous Zelda games. According to Wakai, this helped add "authenticity" to the environments, and was taken on as a challenge by the rest of the sound team.

don't all Jap games have elevator music soundtracks user? excluding MGR

hire this cat nintendo

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I've put like 200 hours into this game and I remember like two songs.

What a massive fuckup of a soundtrack.

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I put zero hours into this game and I have the soundtrack burned in my memory. What an amazing soundtrack.

>I guarantee you ZERO people will look back on this soundtrack fondly years from now.
I guarantee you are fucking WRONG
>actual music producer
>I don't give a shit about your pseud opinions on how artistic or fitting it is with the game.
no wonder so much of actual music is garbage if people like you is in charge

It only needed one memorable theme, and I didn't need to hear it fifty goddamn times an hour for it to be memorable. I've played most games in the Zelda series and whilst I sometimes find the silence of BOTW a bit chilling and empty, I also feel and resonate more with the music when I do hear it. Does BOTW feel like other Zelda games, with its minimal environmental notes? No. Does BOTW lack memorable music? No. Just because you don't have it shoved in your face literally every second of the game doesn't mean it isn't there. Shrines, Divine Beasts, Towns, Hyrule Castle, etc, all have their own music. But the WILDerness has only delicate flutters of notes and suggestive beginnings of musical motifs because all WILDerness is comparatively lacking in the kind of noise, literally and figuratively speaking, that is found in places built by and inhabited by people. The lack of distinctive melodies in the WILDnerness is to make you feel like you're in the WILD.

It did that pretty well In my opinion

actual music is too "videogamey".

Except great music is kinda memorable, just look at the greatest compositions created so far. Sure, not many people can hum Dvorak's New World symphony but a lot of people would know certain parts.
It's just with the arrival of film and the pretentious fags with inflated egos, they asked for forgettable music that just sets the mood at best so people would only appreciate the moving pictures.

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WW was all over the place, but ST was pretty good. BotW may have been too if Kondo was around and they didn't try that "ambient" trash. Authenticity is such a shitty excuse.

Seeing that the comment is as wrong and lonely as your life. I decided to give you a pity (you).

Attached: (you).webm (350x262, 1.27M)

ACTUAL actual music producer here. Video game music isn't real music. If you want real music, I suggest looking up a little-known band called Queen.

Almost every fucking Zelda has a better soundtrack. Ganon castle is maybe the only thing I will remember and loving.

It doesn't hold a fucking candle to games like wind waker, link to the past, majoras mask, or seasons or ages. Or shitty ass skyward sword with its soundtrack.