Damn, lifeline looks like that?!
Damn, lifeline looks like that?!
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Didn't the girl on the left get the memo? Real girls don't have big tits, big tits are just the fantasy of misogynistic incel pedo manchildren. Also, she's unrealistically pretty, real women don't look like that.
is she not a black asian with a piss-poor caribbean accent?
that chick is black with some european admixture maybe up to 50%
i just googled blasian
this chick could pull it off. this one is failing to properly ape(x) the look, and frankly it is racist
the game sucks major cock btw
they are obviously fake tho
Neck yourself, race traitor
t. femincel
t. Stupid virgin
upon further inspection, i think if you are a black and asian woman you could be a female protagonist in any videogame, any movie, and any tv commercial nowadays
this is the current genetic goldmine
octaroon women absolutely dominate television commercials these days
Her gloves dont match, what a shit pathetic attempt at lifeline who dresses up their pet monkey anyways its cruel to the animal.
Does it make money? I avoid whatever movies they're on.
that's what im driving at, big rig
i saw an ad for a fucking toothbrush today at the gym and it was like oh yeah this will make your breath so good
first shot was a negro whispering sweet nothings into the ear of a blonde white woman
i was like oh ok
looked around and nobody had any visible problem so my next set was one of the best ever
So is this game dead or wut?
it isn't about making money
but this is the videogame board so we don't want to get into it
but it's not about making money
>cosplay thot
But I’m black???
It's consistently fallen below Fortnite on Twitch for the last week, so it's not doing that well. I wouldn't call it dead though, it is still like the second most popular game out right now.
wtf I love diverse representation in my video games now
The day 3D won over 2DPD
Seriously. That game character is sinfully ugly.
I would fuck anything
>EA telling you what black people look like
>What black people actually look like
She looks like she fucks white boys
I want a black gf
>it's not doing that well
>it is still like the second most popular game out right now.
>that belly
disgusting, ingame is much better
Nah her bra is just pushing them up. If they were fake theyd have more curvature on the outside young friend.
Fucking this
Thats because Fortnite just released their nee season
Apex Legends still has yet to have a single content update
>Make semi-ugly characters
>Cute girls still cosplay them
Checkmate, feminists.
wow looked up this girl, she a fucking goddess
yea would be PERFECT for Lifeline cosplay
hopefully she does for fan service
new season just came out on fortnite that's why
I mean, basically yeah. Look at how everyone was acting like Fortnite was dead when it fell down to second place for a few weeks.
First is all that really matters now.
She's way too young to have "obviously fake" boobs, our breast augmentation techniques have developed a lot more than people realize. They're normally visually, and sometimes mechanically, indistinguishable from "real" boobs
Pretty cute for a negress.
wonderful cosplay.
what is it about then
neck yourself, nigger
in that case neck yourself even more
this is your new doctor, say something nice to her
>being this mad over the internet
What are you, virgins?
Let us make mulato children
>lifeline and wraith on every winning team
huh maybe its cause they're half the size of everyone else
but im just running the casting couch. she has the absolute minimum cgi requirements to make her star in my low-budget gayplex bellends movie
are you trying to get me banned or what
You guys should neck yourself for being the most privileged and easy race there is, and still end up as racist failures
I’m not Jewish tho
>twitch is the measurement of what is successful
this is a bad meme
nobody is getting banned here, so fire away
>i don't understand the difference between race and religion
You don't have to like it but it's the truth. That's just how gaming is now.
>tfw Caustic main
twitch viewers are not playing the game nor do they really care
>he doesn’t realize Jews are a religion organization, an ethnicity and a culture
There's no accurate way to tell with the clothes she's wearing.
I really hate that they keep putting horrific goblinas in games instead of cute girls like we have irl
>passive tells me when people are aiming at me from any distance
>ability lets me escape any situation for free
>hitbox is half the size of everyone else, just wiggle in place and nobody can hit me
apex legends is hideous and it is evil
fucking kek
Wraith is sexy af. I've never been attracted to a video game character in my life but I think I'm falling in love with her. I don't want to be like this.
>he doesn't realize race has nothing to do with all of those things
One of the rare times where 3D >>>>>>>>>> 2D
Left is A CUTE even in her own regard though.
>3dpd looks better
What fucking reality is this
>shitty camera + filter
> 3d>2d