>want Assassins Creed Japan
>some how get Assassins Creed it ain’t me edition
Does Ubisoft hate the Japanese?
>want Assassins Creed Japan
>some how get Assassins Creed it ain’t me edition
Does Ubisoft hate the Japanese?
>AC series is now going to do what FPS games do when theyre out of ideas
wtf I love Assassin's Creed now
I want this to be real
It is real it’s the newest comic
>tfw no modern day Desmond arc
you fucked it up
>in vietnam
I'm starting to think I'd actually be a better "ideas guy" than the fucks working at Ubisoft
Wait why would the Assassins support the Americans wouldn’t they be Vietcong?
So if I remember correctly the Assassins used to support communism heavily. However during the Russian revolution the communists betrayed the Assassins and the Assassins have been butt hurt ever since.
>wanting ANOTHER samurai game
there are THOUSANDS of places on earth that still need to be a game setting
>Assassins Creed Japan
I've been saying it for more than 10 years now but fuck off. The only acceptable Japanese period for Ass Creed would be Bakumatsu but all the weebs only care about the Sengoku period
>Wait why would the Assassins support the Americans wouldn’t they be Vietcong?
The Viet Cong are some pretty bad people, you don't want to make a game where you play as literal terrorists murdering people who dare to have their children vaccinated from small pox, polio
such as?
So I haven't played any of these games since maybe Assassins Creed: Pirates of the Caribbean edition. What the hell has the plot even been for the past 4 or 5 games if the main character from the original trilogy that actually tied all this shit together is dead?
You guys are shitting on it but this seems cool fuck the weebs
You sound like a weeb
For Black Flag they pretty much dropped the story so far and made it a new thing where the Animus shit is all VR video games, that game had this whole corporate espionage conspiracy subplot going on but IIRC it wasn't some big ebin plot like it was before, more low key and mysterious like the first game
I didn't play any of the ones in between but Origins starts a new arc where you have tomb raiders tracking down DNA of ancient Assassins, IIRC they aren't actually connected to the Assassins and are just sort of a resistance movement. Involves lots of ancient aliens gobbledygook.
This guys knows whats up.
Just because America had absolutely no business being in Vietnam, and the president of the Republic of Vietnam was an autocratic piece of shit, doesn't mean that the Vietcong and their Soviet puppet-masters weren't God awful.
There's a really great memoir written by a North Vietnamese soldier who joined the *actual* communist NVA (North Vietnamese Army). He returned to his home village after years away fighting and found it completely replaced by jungle. The VC had liquidated the entire population of the village and bulldozed it beneath the dirt because they weren't "committed" enough (i.e. sending all of their sons to die wasn't enough, they had to send everyone capable of holding a rifle).
There's a reason that communist Vietnam fought a war with the People's Republic of China after we pulled out: and it's that the actual patriotic members of the NVA realized how batshit insane the hardcore commies were.
All of this could have been avoided if FDR had just listened to Ho Chi Minh in the 40's. Instead he laughed him out of DC and backed the perfidious Frenchmen. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people died for literally nothing, because Vietnam still ended up relatively capitalist, liking the united states, in the long term while being le epic gommies in the short term.
The French Comic is in another timeline anyway, they started doing their own stuff after ACII
desmond dies in AC3 and it's confirmed in AC4.
The entire assassins creed universe is over after black flag. Assassins lost.
People want Edo.
Assassins hate commies surprisingly enough
>implying the Soviets wouldn't be filled to the brim with Templars
Have you guys played Farcry 5 Vietnam it’s kino
Even ubisoft know they’ll fuck it up
Let’s just hope japan figures out how to make a good ninja sim
Ninjas are dead
It’s not fair
I want AC during the War of the Roses. Fuck weeb shit
They already did.
North Vietnam didn't fight the Chinese over ideological issues, the Chinese were just doing their usual asshole strongarm shit because Vietnam was aligned with the USSR instead of them.
AC Barry Lyndon edition would be the shit.
I was excited about the new AC leak being in Italy again but apparently it's not the next one but the one after that, so guess they've got one left for this gen then new Italy AC on next gen.
i want an Ass creed in ancient rome
lucky you it's supposed to happens
There's like a 90% chance that it's next
No Templar
No buy
Because french are still mad at Vietnam
No user, the fuck. Rome is either next or not coming at all. Next gen is for Asia or Vikings.
A Meiji Restoration AC game would be pretty good
Jesus Christ that is so retarded.
>have hidden gun as a thing
>not have a hidden gun in AC: Japan
but the assassins are bad people they fight for absolute freedom not justice assassins believe in a world where all ideas are equally allowed Slavery genocide and all those other morally corrupt ideas are encouraged but spying on a potential terrorist crosses the line templars are all for justice and order but at the behest of giving up all privacy they're two extremist groups with extremist ideas and they fight in a secret war that's been going on for pretty much ever even though that very concept goes against keeping an absolute order (templars) and keeping an absolute state of freedom (assassins) also aliens
>you don't want to make a game where you play as literal terrorists
then why do all ww2 games let me play as russians
the daytime parts in revelations were god tier and really got me hyped for city traversal as desmond in ac3
instead we got dindu boi and his axes in the woods, what a fucking mistake. still mad.
When has a comic ever meant game????
After Egypt and Greece, it seems like a natural continuation.
Have you read 'Gaijin'? It's all you could wish for.
The Darkness