Each game is $30 American United States Dollars

Attached: RE-Switch_02-25-19.jpg (600x337, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They should be released as a collection for $40.

A collection for $30 I could stomach
There was a Steam sale before RE2Make and these games were under $5

wow, thats only $25 more than it is on Steam sales

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Nintendo knows they can milk their users.

Jew Nintendo games are always super pricey and never go on sale.

Why are they $30 each if they released for $20 on PS4, Xbox, and PC for $20 years ago?

leon practically confirmed for smash

I love to shit on Nintendo as much as everyone in this place, but Capcom is the one fucking with people this time.

Honestly I'm going to buy them. It's worth the money; 3 more games to play on my Nintendo Switch, and more games means more fun! Where else am I going to get a portable version of resident evil that I can take anywhere I go? Only on a Nintendo Switch! Probably my favorite console of this generation.

Nintendo doesn't make Resident Evil, user

>objectively the best versions since they're the only ones you can take with you on the go
>poor kids on Yea Forums think this is unfair

They're a business gentlemen, not a charity.

Nah, my insider sources say Nintendo takes a huge chunk of the money that developers make on Nintendo hardware.

The only possible way for companies to make money is to raise prices.

still disappointed re4 wasn't on the wii u

>the nintendo tax doesn't exist

I paid £14 for RE4 new on PS4

It was

Except this ALWAY happens only to Nintendo platforms. RE2 and RE3 gamecube were full price on release.

thats not RE1 Deadly Silence though.
REmake 1 is alright, 0 is fucking worthless, and 4 is overrated mediocrity.
also, i dont understand why youre pretending carrying around a tablet to play ports like an autistic kid is somehow a plus.

>a subjective feature such as portability

Retard. Its not objective at all.

Right. Companies are trying to artificially create this stigma of Nintendo machines being for old, overpriced ports while the '''''real'''' consoles get the new shit.

I simply do not believe third parties when they say that they COULD NOT have foreseen the success of the Switch.

>even more ports
>this is a good thing

Jesus Christ, you people need to stop praising Nintendo for basically allowing you to play old games with zero improvement or effort involved.

Attached: MAMA MIA.jpg (291x310, 10K)

>few games cost more on Nintendo's consoles
>teh Nintendo tax is real!!

I know this is bait, but I know people like OP will keep throwing it.

Nintendo fans really shouldn't have to put up with this type of shit from Capcom. There is only so many times they can treat Nintendo consoles like a second class citizens before the fanbase just stops giving a fuck about them and look elsewhere for similar type of games.

RE4 wasn't $30 on PS3.
RE4 wasn't $30 on 360.
RE4 wasn't $30 on PS4.
RE4 wasn't $30 on Xbone
RE4 wasn't $30 on PC
For some REASON RE4 is $30 on switch. Hmm.

>Based Nintendo

There is literally no reason for RE4 to cost $30 on switch but nowhere else you cuck. I bet it runs fucking worse than PS4 too doesn't it?

>implying it isn't crapcom being greedy niggers

reminder they couldn't even be arsed to put all of the megaman X games on a single cartridge

Curious that they are ONLY greedy niggers when their games hit a Nintendo platform though.

I would not be surprised if it's just a straight port of the Wii version at this point.

Curious that only Crapcom games have this fee.

>It's Nintendo's fault that a third party game is charging more money for their games

>port games


You mean Capcom

thats a lie faggot

>what is Wolfenstien II switch on store shelves for more than full price PS4 games cost while on PS4 it was £10

Capcom charged me a reasonable price on PS4 for the same games. Xbros and PCguise can claim the same.

Wait weren't both Megaman collections split up on PS4 and XB1 too though?

At some point, you just have to wonder if Capcom have some sort of grudge against Nintendo or something.


Okay, that doesn't change the fact that capcom is the one who determines the price

This has happened too often for it not to be a thing at this point.

Why no RE5? RE6 can fuck right off but RE5 is a fun game and local co-op would be great.

If it has gyro aiming (though I'll miss GOAT IR aiming), it'd be worthwhile.

Nintendo NPCs are so used to buying the same game on repeat, with only some gimmick added on, that they will also buy literal re-releases.

Yes because Nintendo charge devs a FUCK OFF EXPENSIVE licencing fee. The cost is handed to the consumer. I choose to buy the same game on a platform that runs it better then thank you very much.

Because Nintendo is the only one doing local coop now and Nintendo can never have nice things, ever.

Because it probably fucking cant and who cares about RE5 pleb?

I really only need one RE game before I start getting RE fatigue so this is perfect.

Im pirating them so i don't care.

If it was, almost all games on the Nintendo Switch would cost double, especially the Indie games.



looking forward to your damage control

>people are blaming nintendo as if this isnt capcom trying to make an excuse as to why they should drop support due to their games "not selling well"


This is the europoor tax. Probably cheaper in the US.

No its nintendo that milks their users. Capcom does it because of the precendent that nintendo set with their console.

More people care about RE5 than 0. And RE5 ran on the 360. There is no excuse.

It's not the 90s anymore, grandpa

They do.

Capcom, alongside other Japanese third parties, are almost entirely reliant on payments from console manufacturers to stay afloat. Sony and Microsoft pay developers millions to ensure support for their platforms, but Nintendo has always refused to cooperate.

Nintendo is downright toxic to third party creators.

I just paid that for RE2 Remake on Steam.
Usually Switch prices aren't much different than Steam so I'm surprised, maybe $5 more sometimes like Undertale is.

This just means it's going to be $95 dollarydoos here. Fuck that, I have both RE4 on GC and on the Wii, I don't need it again because they're both two different playing versions.

*slurp* *slop*
*crunch* *slurp*

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Retarded even for a google search, colour me surprised

If you wouldn't have posted (((Eurogamer))) I'd might consider it.

>in all fields

They've tried these tests several times now, when will they give up?

>digital stores

Lmao ok m8 some of us get a choice in the matter.

Why is Capcom so passive aggressive with Nintendo this gen?

>gets told
>im not retarded, you are

lmao kid

kill yourself anytime

I stand corrected. It’s $30 in the US too. I swear the origins collection was $40 on xbone and PS4.

>uses Canadian price for Sony

Tell that to Nintendo

Their investors keep bugging them to support the Switch so they’re looking for any excuse to pull support.

Deadly silence better than remake? Please tell me your high as a kite?

>moving goalposts

cope faggot

It's a shill thread. Don't forget to type [sage] into the options field.

£30 =/= $30

It's even more in USD

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>This gen

This is nothing new. Remember the Capcom Five?

"We're going to make five exclusive Nintendo titles senpai."

"No JK we're cancelling two of those games, porting RE4 and Viewtiful Joe to other platforms, and keeping the shitty one that no one cares about exclusive."


Attached: MovingGoalPosts.jpg (3772x2648, 697K)

What's your point?

They're all 49.99.

seething iliterate retard

This really cannot be said enough.

Investors NEED to be made aware of just how much money companies are losing by refusing to support Nintendo hardware. We see this every generation where these retards always make some kind of excuse to not support Nintendo consoles.

>literally three separate stores for three separate platforms all with the same price

no really

you should really unironically commit suicide

your parents WILL understand

For $30, I am thinking about getting Kenshi, a game that has been in development for 10+ years and looks like it has extreme depth, and plenty of mods

For $30, nintendr*nes will buy a linear shooter that has been copy and pasted from another platform.

>RE4 Wii sold over a million copies
>Follow it up with rail shooter spinoffs
>They flop
>lol well I guess there’s no audience for RE games on Wii

They’re $30 each I just checked the eshop

Everyone thought it was gonna flop and Nintendo would go the Sega route
Unfortunately they forgot how strong Nintendo’s brand power is

It was $40 on those two.

I'm just curious as to why Nintendo just doesn't go and make their own first party monhon game at this point. Maybe then Capcom will finally be forced to stop being so passive-aggressive.

How about you cunts stop being a jaded fucks and just enjoy the game? $30 sounds like an amazing deal and it's not even on sale.

Nigga this is Capcom

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You are funny, disable and mentally ill, but funny

Then we're getting it 5 dollars cheaper than Britbongs.

That's a really good example. The Wii years were FILLED with nonsense like that.

*ignores all the ports Capcom made in the past 2 years*

The eshop and Nintendo's website say $30. Looks like you're the one paying more :^)

>tfw bought the REmake for like 7 bucks in a sale for PS4

I don't think so. Those games are all $20 on Steam.

And I’m still waiting on the battle network legacy games

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>Buying meme games because a Yea Forumstuber told you to

What? Why the fuck would i buy bloated price digital licences when physicsl new is cheaper. Sorry cucks.

30 EUR
34.09 USD

So Europe is the one getting charged more.


Yikes! That's some serious cringe here! A real oof.

Bitch to Capcom
Nintendo literally has no power of them outside the power of suggestion

Are you implying nintenso sets the prices on capcom games?

>So Europe is the one getting charged more.
That's what I was saying.

They can't even say this is a Switch tax, this shit is digital pricing. Capcom is awful

REmake is one of my all time favorite games. Why the fuck is it $60 on Switch when on PC and PS4 it's $20?

Nintendo doesn't make clone games.

If BOTW is any indication though is that when they DO make something like that its going to completely rape the competition.

Grandpa the licensing fee is 8% total sales revenue and 300$ per dev kit and Nintendo gave Capcom Dev kits for free
Steam charges more than Nintendo

Buy it on those platforms then.

Sorrg why is the REmake and 0 bundle $60 when it's $30 on PS4

I mean if this was the 90s I would understand that, bit havent nintendo made amends with Japanese 3rd parties since the switch dropped?

I already have it on PS4 and PC. As well as a Gamecube copy. Why are you defending this?

You said "you're the one paying more"

I'm American. So don't make assumptions, kid.


>discussion is about why capcom selling games $10 more
>everyone says its with all third party nintendo games
>user posts proof that its not the case and its just capcom
just because you got btfo doesnt mean you should try moving goalposts

To be slightly fair, RE0 is being released on catridge in a $60 bundle with REmake as a download code and no RE4

It’s $30. Still overpriced.

Investors want more MHW tier money and feel retroactively burned despite MH on 3DS kept the company afloat after RE6 nearly tanked them

Resident Evil is overrated

Lol no. Third parties want Nintendo out of the industry. There's a very good reason the industry is constantly talking about Nintendo going bankrupt and stop making new consoles, even though that is clearly nowhere close to happening. These people are DESPERATE for that to happen.

Are they seriously not putting them both on the cart, and doing one as a download like they did with Revelations 1/2?


Welp looks like I'll just stick with getting ace attorney trilogy. At least its updated and changed. These 3 are straight ports with nothing special about them to be asking 30 a piece. Seriously why the fuck are they raising the prices on these ports when theres nothing that sets then apart from the ps4,xbox, and steam ports? I can understand the charts being a little bit more expensive than blurays, but still having them 30 bucks on the eshop. Fuck that... i was def going to double dip on all of em thinking they wouldn't be more than 20 because why should these be 30 when theres nothing different about them? Also why the fuck aren't they giving us the origins collection for remake and 0?

The PS4 bundle was originally $40. There's no excuse for this to be $60 though.

>x company does a thing people don’t like that is released on PS4
>people blame x company
>x company does a thing on a Nintendo console

Every time.

Im not defending anything. Im csllingn you a retard fro buying it on switch at all.

It wss in the wii section

Seriously why?
Shit does well and they follow it up with a complete dogturd?

>Download code
Fuck this company

BotW is practically a monhon game already. It just needs breakable monster parts, deeper combo for each of the weapons and more weapon/armor upgrade and the work is 90% done already.

>0.05$ has been charged to your account
I don't usually shitpost but man you sure are a disgusting boot licker
If Japan is getting a code, we sure as hell are too.

>goes from dragons dogma being only 40$ on switch to this

What the fuck capcom?

Can't blame them. They want some of that lucrative microtransactions and DLC money.

The Ace Attorney update is just port of the mobile edition. Some of the new art is fine and clean, but at times you can see how lazy they were. Just looks airbrushed.


Now a MonHunter game in the BOTW engine holy fucking shit.
I hope the have a lot of Mecha bug like ahtal ka

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I literally bought RE: Re and Zero for $50 combined on Gamecube, 15 years ago

I thought DD was $30.


Who said I'm going to buy it on Switch?

I too blame Nintendo for Capcom jewery.

A port from last gen game with all DLC included and extra content should cost more than RE4 that has been around forever and was ported to every machine in existence. You can get a steam key for 5 bucks.


Monster Hunter World already exists and is better than any clone Nintendo could muster up. Also the BotW engine is shite, it'd probably look and play worse than Dauntless

No fucking way? Why does Nintendo do this? Give us 2 carts or something.... I picked up la noir last month and when I put it in i still had to download the whole game. Why fuck is Nintendo sucking clock when it comes to physical? I just want put the cart in and play it right away while also having a physical copy of the game fuck these download codes for these double pack games. Couldn't even give bayonetta 1 it's own cart.

I guess
They keep looking at GTA V and it’s DLC and mircotransactions have made them more money than new successful games

>MH with a Chemistry engine
Would be fucking kino

>Go check on eshop
>see the file size for both games
Literally all they had to do was just use the ps3 versions of both, barely anybody would be able to tell the difference

The Japanese edition of Bayonetta gave you 2 carts. And a nice steelbook

I imagine it was just easier to port these versions.

The format is too violent for a Pokemon reskin. And GF can't be trusted with something on that scope.

What about

Considering World is fucking trash compared to 3U I’ll take my chances

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Replace Nintendo with Rockstar
It’s their fucking game

Why would they have Game Freak do it or even consider Pokemon?
It could be a new hunting game developed by some internal team

Still a better deal than what they're asking for these 3 games. They didnt even bother to add or do anything to raise the price up 10 dollars. Along with the fact remake is a code if you buy 0 physical. What a joke.

People will pay it. And they'll justify it to everyone else forever.
You are correct, they are a business. As such, I can choose not to give them my money for overpriced ports. Simple.

Nah nigger. People will just buy exclusives and 1st party games then Capcom will use their RE ports bombing as a excuse to stop trying.

They'll be back later in it's life cycle with more ports to try and make easy money after one of their AAA titles flops.

>le portability meme

Gamefreak controls like 60% and never go for it.
At best Nintendo will get the Smash Pokémon, Eevee and nothing more.

>BotW just needs to be complete different and then it can be an MH clone

In MHW, when Kushala Daora and Lunastra's elemental abilities collide, it creates a vortex of blue flame. Also you can douse Lunastra's fire pools with water pods, water based attacks, or bombs, Lavasioths' gimmick is based around heating and cooling weakzones via elemental weapons/torch pods, and there are other small things like updrafts+glider mantle, torch pods+effluvium, etc

It'll be free on my hacked switch

Nintendochilds BTFO

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why do you care then

What does rockstar have to do with Nintendo being retarded when it comes to physical double pack games? Codes are a joke if you're buying physical you should be getting both games on the same cart or have 2 carts instead. What's the point of owning a physical game if it's just a code?

>t. I haven't played the game
Don't get me started m8, I have thousands of hours across each entry and MHW does everything right, including post launch support and free content, weapon fluidity, and not being a copy+paste of 20 year old assets on a 240p screen

When a high rank MH game makes harder content than G Rank games, you already know Master Rank is gonna rustle some jimmies. Can't wait

I have yet to hear a reason as to why Capcom would raise the price 10 dollars for Switch and not other platforms. Gee it’s almost like there’s some sort of ‘tax’ for Switch because Nintendo is a shit company to work with.
>b-but no Capcom has a grudge REEEEEE
this is why no one takes tendies seriously

Ah yes, I too like being immersed in survival horror games while being on public transportation, sitting in a park, or at a bar.

What does Nintendo have to do with third parties being Jews, you fucking capshill?

Yeah I know but, what's the excuse for US not doing this?

I find it actually beyond belief that they're releasing RE4 again and people will buy it again. I honestly can't imagine anyone not owning it twice or more already.

You do know you're offering nothing but conjecture too, right faggot?

If thats the case then why was L.A noire significantly cheaper digitally than physically when it released? This is 100% on capcom

>Capcom does it because of the precendent that nintendo set with their console.
Yes, how dare they. Poor Capcom's not to blame for the prices they chose.

No, you just have a crippling victim complex.

Or did you want them to make a downgraded version of RE7, MHW, DMCV, SFV just for Switch, when Switch owners are primarily comprised of children who only buy Nintendo first party games?

I'm complaining about the way Nintendo releases download codes for physical double pack games along with them being over priced but some how I'm shilling for capcom? You're not retarded by any chance are you?

Those will be ported next dumbass. You're stupid to think otherwise

user, most of the stuff is already in the game but at a superficial level. You can already target individual sections on the dragon for different drops, the weapons do have unique attacks and combo's, and you can already upgrade armor from using different monster parts/drops. It just needs to focus more on the action instead of adventuring and puzzling, and it's practically a monhon game. It needs more work still but the foundation is there.

Ground, environment and chemical systems are already done
Plus I just had an Idea so crazy it might just work
Splatoon X BOTW X MH X Evolve but good
4 player hunting parties using inking weapons for mobility and BOTW style swords spears and heavy weapons to hunt down either a learning AI monster or a real life 5th player as the help the Hero of Hyrule hunt down the dark as the squids retake the world from gaint sea air and land monsters

Yes, I do.
>Only buy 1st party games
>Every week there is some news about how a third party or indie game is selling best on Switch
Oh no, your narrative!

They've literally only done it with that one game, though, retard, and in only one region (dual carts were also available in EU for Bayonetta 1 and 2)
Please stop defending Capcom

Rockstar are bigger jews than Nintendo ever heard the expression
“It’s a nigger but not this nigger different nigger”

RE4 should be five bucks at this point. How the fuck can they charge 30 dollars for it in 2019? What idiot consumer will pay that price?

>What idiot consumer will pay that price?

Nintendo fans, they literally get excited for paying $20 bucks a year for NES Roms

Attached: soyboy.png (1024x683, 282K)

Outside EX behemoth literally everything is piss easy when I can have
Attack L
Defense L
HG Earplug
Flinch free
Quick reload
Light eater
Distance runner
And Evasion + 2
Literally everything outside 1 Hit carts are just too easy and that’s before Normal S+ food bonus

don't underestimate the stupidicy of nintendo fans

>Nintenbrokiketranniedroid unironically believe this

Nigger stop being dense for 2 seconds
This is Capcom and nobody else

>release a 4 year old indie game on Switch
>it's selling better than on other platforms thanks to a new audience that just discovered indie games last year
Yeah no shit doofus

Nigger did you have a stroke at the keyboard?
No more (You)’s for you today

You guys can complain, but honestly its the smart move. They just remastered all these games, porting them is zero effort for all the money its going to make them.

Your solo Lunastra, AT Xeno, EXtremoth, Ancient Leshen proofs??
>Defense L
>Attack L
>HG Earplugs
>quick reload
>as LBG
lmao you can stop posting anytime, you clearly haven't played MHW. By your logic double Apex Rajang is piss easy since you can run standard earplugs (or use dispoable), tremor, eat for moxie, use MDJ, and run optimal attack skills, cycling two wystones. And that's in a G Rank game. And yes, I find that easy, whereas some attack strings in MHW are straight up unfair and unpredictable.

Why this make people so butthurt? Why do you care that the Switch is getting another port?

I am just going to buy RE4 and enjoy it.


No RE2Make.

you expect an underpowered tablet to run it?

re4 on steam is 20 euros why the fuck would i pay 30 for a shittier version ?

because user you can play it ON THE GOOOOOOO

I thought it's just wide screen support and better textures.

>people seething when Capcom ALWAYS drops their RE titles to like $5-15 in a year
come on now

no it's a full blown remake

I would pay the extra if it comes with the Krauser auto knifing mod like the wii version.

>people pay for NES roms


Can I run it with 4 ram and a a Gtx 670?

how the fuck should I know

These are cheaper on Steam and the games will look and run much better than on Switch

but can you play them on the go?

I don't know man you seem to know a lot about RE2make . I don't want to torrent it if it's not going to run on my computer

fuck off nigger


I love my Switch but I won't pay a dime for a non-Nintendo exclusive. More expensive than they should be for the weakest platform, fuck off. Make more good Nintendo games you sons of bitches.

just because its portable doesn't mean it shouldn't be cheaper. Its still the same game

Fuck off nigger

it's capcom fault!11!!!

Honestly curious what the problem is, was that too harsh on Nintendo? I love them, man. It just makes their shortcomings more glaring

Really? Fuck, how did I miss that?


Nice fake news you got there OP.....

lol. so threatened.

Literal Switch tax.

If you buy this shit before it's on sale for $5 you're creating the problem.

you sound like you resent the people who make the games you play

These games are 15+ years old. The devs don't even get paid.

You're right, why should people who give us the games we play make any money, right? We are sure to keep getting great games - ever increasing greatness - with this approach. 100% guaranteed.

I mean I was kinda curious for 0 since I never played it but having to buy it with ReMake made me reconsider so fuck that
and yes 20-25 tops would've been perfect for 4
I still bought it because I really want to replay it tho

no way fag is the only one that appeals to me. Why the hell would I want to play survival horror on the go?

The only precedent nintendo set was bayonetta making it ok to cheap out on the bigger cartridges by making half your game a download

>this is now the 7th re-release of RE4

Are you guys really so stupid? Capcom sets the price. And they set it high knowing they'll bring it back down to $10 when its on sale and convince games to buy it because it's "75% off!"

Few games I only multiple copies of, Bayonetta 1, Resident Evil 4, and the GTA Trilogy.

>they're the only ones you can take with you on the go
They've been on iOS already you retard.

Why blame Nintendo. it`s probably 90% on Crapcom thinking they can get away with more more money doing it on the Switch and Nintendo is just stupid and let`s them do it.

How does it feel to be paying for a full game for decade old games?. It's Nintendo too. Capcom even released MM11 for $30 so there's no reason for these games to be more expensive than that.

I don't own multiple copies of any game but I am seriously considering it for bayo for switch.

>7th re-release of RE4
what? really? I guess it goes to show just how good the game is

Sure, laptops exist.

I already have all these on my Gamecube. What's the point?

It's a shame too. All those rail shooter spinoffs on the wii were actually pretty great.

How many versions of resident evil 4 do we have now?

Fucking please, Nintendo, jesus christ

The price of the nintendo bonus, they will be scored 10 points higher than usual on metacritics

yes i too love playing the RE4 ios port on my $1000 phone with half the model quality and draw distance of the ps2 version