Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a comfy new vegas thread

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a comfy new vegas thread

I just sank 25 hours into my new playthrough this week, it was fun and comfy.
Doing a playthrough where I pretend to be Revolver Ocelot, betray every faction I help, and use only .357 magnums.

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RPing as an ex enclave member who really hates the NCR. here are most of the rangers i killed

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he's also a drug addict, he was a mad scientist type person in the enclave. he loves jet. this isnt even all of it

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real cool

That's really neat user, NCR truly is the worst faction. You're doing god's work by removing them off the face of the mojave.
What's your build?

My only issue with this game is that the difficulty is dumb
You either get bullet sponges or else just kill pretty much everything in one or two hits

Deathclaws and a few DLC enemies being the exception

aren't there good mods that fix that issue?

Even then theyre just bullet sponges. Playing through the jsawyer mod so far, it was pretty good about damage and armor rebalancing.

since hes a scientist he has low as fuck END and STR. He's also autistic, so low CHR, and 10 INT. I think it was something like

S 2
P 7
E 3
C 4
I 10
A 8
L 5

roughly. Tag energy weapons, sneak, science. Make your own drugs and energy ammo. I had to sneak around a shit ton in the early game because I was so fucking soft and I couldnt use metal armors that werent power armor because I reasoned he wasnt strong enough to wear it. But I got my first set of power armor finding a dead brotherhood paladin at repconn so then I switched between sneak and juggernaut.
He also fucking hates the brotherhood, muties, and ghouls

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Not really. Just gives more bullet sponge enemies or else adds in more enemies/one shot kills to both you and the AI

I don't mind it - it's not really a good FPS game like Fallout 3.

but is it comfy?

best that I've found is combat enhancer (AI revamp) + jsawyer ultimate + bleednv + a mod that increases DT power. Chnage the DT in the game so that you let in only about 3% of blocked damage so that with the increased damage of everything to you, you arent getting mowed down by ghouls when youre in power armor

I've been dying to replay New Vegas for a while now but I can't be arsed to sit down and mod the game for a day it takes to get every single neat mod installed. Also, there are a bunch of games coming out I'm interested in so this isn't the best time to start a 100h+ RPG.

I have

>iphone 6

and for this last one month I've been craving to play something like new vegas again for the idk 20th time maybe. What can I play lads? I have played wasteland 2 and I hate F4 (tho Far Harbor is goddamn amazing)

I don't want to halve my mac but i have 2018 macbook pro 128gb, could I run NV and some dank mods if i were to halve it? Is it easy to do this?

Also pic related, best gun

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i know that feel user, just take it easy, and play what you feel like playing. Don't overthink it, just do.

damn, i wish i could immerse myself as much as you can.
Do you ever increase your other stats, like strength or charisma with intense training, or do you just leave them as they are for roleplaying purposes?

Any of you bros has any quest/story/new lands mod worth checking out?

I know I won't be discovering anything new to most off you, but this are some of my favorites:

Autumn leaves
Boom to the moon
The someguy series. which I honestly believe should have gotten that guy a job in obsidian/bethesda/any company that ever made an rpg.
The Enclave's mod was also decent, nothing too crazy, but you can see the effort.
FFallout New California was made out to be the greatest mod ever made and it turned out to be a bit shitty. No hate on the guy an his ego, but after playing the version 200 years ago and playing the newly released version, I honestly think he lost his min after sinking so much time and released the most elaborate dish ever only half cooked.

Can you install windows on mac? Yes.
Can a macbook pro behave like a normal windows pc and not go batshit crazy with the fans and other annoyances like how shitty the touchbar becomes and how slow everything is because it hasn't been optimized at all for running on a macbook? Nah.

Pretty good.

Honestly, whenever I build my chars - they just start out as a blank slate and I just develop them as I go on.

"This is the greatest handgun ever made: the Colt Single Action Army. Six bullets, more than enough to kill anything that moves*

* With a shitload of perks and high luck and agility to offset the terrible reload speed.

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Who here /FistoftheNorthStar/ build?

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I can't replay this game. I get swarmed by the ultimate "been there done that" feeling and drop it.

mods, my man, mods.

Recommend me some lad

how do you manage to start off with an unarmed build? I always get killed early on, because people shoot at me

>not taking That Gun, which is easier to get and has a lot better ammo options while doing the same damage and has the same crit rate as Lucky does

I wish you could just play the game with bare fists, but they seem to do fuck all damage.

check out, pretty good story/quest mods to add some new content

or if you feel like it, just browse the nexus

What is the best mode for New Vegas that makes the women look like anime?

people are generally fucking ugly in new vegas, and all the mods that make women cute are pretty bad.
Skyrim has more of that kinda stuff

>Skyrim has more of that kinda stuff

I know, but Skyrim is a fucking awful game.

Don't scar the game with that horse-shit. Use Fallout Character Overhaul if you want the npcs to be less ugly

I think I increased strength by one because at STR 2 or 3 or whichever it was I couldnt shoot most guns straight, including energy weapons even if I had high level in it. The rest I left
As for immersing yourself: just think up a character, then give yourself like 5 rules or quirks you do religiously in the game. Drug addict, always take chems and always buy chems. Crazy, kill anyone you perceive might have insulted you. Retard, kill anyone who calls you stupid. Stuff like that. Makes you forcibly close some avenues and thus have to take others to navigate quests

>doesn’t want characters to be ugly
>uses FCO
The best mod for making people less ugly is New Vegas Redesigned 2

FYI you can play the most basic of the basic vanilla version on Playstation Now ..
very scaled down but it's definitely still fun if you get creative about it.

FCO is a pretty dramatic overhaul. Unless you carefully mod the rest of the game, the characters can look out of place. NVR2 is good if you want to keep the look more or less similar but improve the faces.

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someone post the fucking roll chart

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I don't have mods for unarmed but I've taken to just hiding behind things and waiting for enemies to get in close so I can punch their arms until they drop their weapon

Roll away, friends.

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how do i get this to not stutter on W10?

>comfy new vegas thread
stop that

Be more creative you boring fuck.


That looks pretty sweet but I just started a new playthrough with a fuckton of new mods.

i never rp so gimme this shit nigga


oh wow what dogshit results
>have to do some gay math shit
>no house
>same faction i always choose




Roll, also FUCK NCR

c'mon c'mon, daddy needs a new week to waste

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i hope its not shit

More popular than NV though. Can’t be that bad if people like it.

It's a shame about New California. The prologue is really good and it just falls the fuck off after.

The House wins


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>Can’t be that bad if people like it

Yeah, and shit tastes good because flies love it. I have played Skyrim, pirated version, and I was so bored that I couldn't stand it more than two hours. I also pirated New Vegas, and liked it so much that I ended up buying it twice. NV > Skyrim by orders of magnitude and I'd rather mod a game that's good than a game that's dogshit, even if the dogshit game has mode modders working on it.

I liked it, even though I felt like the optimal path to seeing most content was too science heavy. But I gotta admit, the Vault looked sweet, the graphics were awesome and it really felt like they squeezed most of what the engine could do in that vault.

ah thanks, gay village people cowboy NCR Ranger it is.

>powerful energy weapons unheard of by your average raider

average raiders in NV have Laser RCWs so I'm not sure that ones applies

how did nipton go for you when you first passed through

I liked vulpes' hat so I killed him and took it

Just run PlayonMac
I do the same with my linux and NV works perfectly.

....what about the pups?

>Only MY opinion matters, everything popular is bad and everything unpopular is good!
I bet you sit in your basement doing nothing because you mom and dad told you to stop being a manchild.

Maybe if you didn't have such a shit taste you wouldn't get so butthurt when people call it out.

What? FO3's FPS mechanics are garbage second to none

Popped the guy who said he won the lottery because he was being mouthy. Killed Vulpes and wore his hat.

Anyone else really like Project Nevada's slo-mo? I very much prefer it to vanilla VATS since changing between full real-time and pseudo turn-based has always struck me as extremely janky.

Is there a MAGA hat mod? I have a great idea for a character



I heard some shit about the MC being the Courier and he's a fucking God or something?

The courier and a clone of the original Fallout's protag.

Wait what the fuck.

I also hear you get to blow up Hopeville which seems kinda neat I guess.

On my very first playthrough I let them go because they seemed pretty chill and weren't planning on attacking me at the moment. Though later on I decided to raid Caesar's camp with Boone since I had already made the Legion permanently hostile after advancing Yes Man quest line far enough.

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>a clone of the original Fallout's protag
Based albert cole returns, one of the biggest chads in vidya

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In the Epilogue leading into the main game, you accidentally Hopeville because of the Platinum Chip or whatever the fuck it was. You get all of your friends killed and your super special genetics from being the clone of FO1's protag die off in the fallout. You then retire and become a courier a few years later, setting the stage for the main game.

No it was cause of the key, wasn't it? Either way it's incredibly retarded which is a shame because it could've been a cool idea.

Also the fact that he'd be old as shit by now.