>yfw The S3 plan is back
What the fuck is Kojima planing?
Yfw The S3 plan is back
Other urls found in this thread:
He's planning to reveal that he's always been a total hack, and that he wasn't actually responsible for making the games he worked on good, just like Inafune
>strand game
I'll believe it when I see it
Is he even working on a game?
This is entering into such inflated ideas guy territory that I'm not going to grant credit for anything until there is footage or a game to played.
S3 DOESN'T STAND FOR Social Strand System
>Kojima is now a soulless kike shill
Selection for Societal Sanity ftfy
I honestly don't know what the fuck he does anymore. He HAS to do some work, or else people would outright refuse to work with him. He's doing something right. But then you get the impression that he does very little except show his face and splat a sticker of his name onto game titles and credits while he takes trips on company money to meet celebrities and music artists to fanboy away. I dunno, man. I just hope the game is good.
>people STILL take this crap seriously
Kojima probably is just parroting whatever his favorite director friend recommended.
>People absolutely SEETHING in this thread for no apparent reason other than KOJIMA MAN BAD basically
Anyone who calls him a hack is basically going to pretend that the game is terrible and double down on their shitty opinions without actually playing it when the game comes out.
and watch as a lying AI claims that "Social Strand System" is not the "true" S3.
Just like how the lying AI in MGS2 claims that S3 is not "Solid Snake Simulation" but some other bullshit
only if you believe a person who has been lying to you the entire game
Yea Forums circlejerking
really it's a bad meme, at least wait until kojumbo drops more info.
>People absolutely SEETHING in this thread for no apparent reason
would you expect anything different?
Who gives a fuck about this game? It's been YEARS and not a single second of actual gamelplay has been shown, just cinematic bullshots.
I would, this is the one game we don't know much about and the information that's been given to us is interesting but just leads to more speculation. There's no gameplay or trailers for anyone to analyze, and the vast majority of people on here are waiting for more information to come out.
Then there's this vocal minority who make this thread every 1-2 days and shit it up with Kojima being a hack (for whatever reason) because they didn't like the idea of a story being inserted into their gameplay (low IQ). They scream cinematic game for every metal gear solid, despite the overarching themes in their terrible AAA game dev FPS games and shitty MMOs being linear tunnel bullshit fests where the only thing that changes is the amount of enemies or numbers popping up on the screen.
Absolutely the worst threads on Yea Forums, and that's taking into account Chucks Suck and Fuck threads and Epic Games store.
Fuck everyone in this thread
I think people have a fucked up perception of what Kojima does because they read his twitter and he tweets continuously about everything EXCEPT the game he's making. They don't remember that making a tweet takes like 2 seconds.
how where and when are we supposed to get any new reveals for this game if sony isn't showing at E3 this year?
He's director, obviously. The reason people are working for him is Sony is paying the bills. His work is is likely micro managing every aspect for his "vision."
Mark my word, Death Standing will be the biggest flop in the games since ET. Sony is spending billions to get famous actors into this game as well as the long development time to make this game. It's going to be a PS5 launch title and it's going to be an absolute shitshow that will make Kingdom Heart's story seem compressible. It's going to crash their new system, tank their stock and put Sony in a real risk of bankruptcy (they have a shit ton of debt, something most people don't realize). Remember, MGS5 was in such a state that the they spent 80 billion to make 2 levels and had to release the prologue as a stand alone product to make some money.
Are you a ROPE or are you a STICK?
Here's a perfect example of why Kojima isn't releasing any gameplay to you fuckwits and the general public
He doesn't want to release a dishonest alpha build with graphics that would be downgraded. The story is also very important to Kojima, my guess is from minute 1 you are immersed in the story so any actual gameplay would spoil whats going to happen. There probably aren't any areas that don't show his trademarked systems and therefore he doesn't want to give that shit away.
It's like, you all get fooled by this "OH LOOK THE GAMEPLAY LOOKS GREAT" shit now at E3 despite the fact that 99% of the games you see get downgraded or watermarked with "Alpha build" because these AAA fucks realized people wanted to see gameplay but don't want to actually show off the product without sprucing it up.
They know they can get away with this shit.
My guess is somewhere closer to the release, there will be a "DEMO" which features the mechanics and gameplay much like MGS5's prequel and a cinematic trailer which is Feature Movie tier and contains all the big actors that will be shown in the game.
>inb4 avengers or sarcastic capeshit post which completely ignores the fact you just lied and some mental gymnastics to prove you were just shitposting
You're mad because of the Sony logo
this guy only watch shity and sometimes pretentious movies, post pictures about food and shity actors, and his drones think he's a genius or something.
ET was a great movie and a huge blocbuster. It wasn’t a flop
I own a PS2, PS3, and PS4 and the last MS console I bought was an OG Xbox. I'm mad because people huff Kojima's farts after the shitfest that was 4, V, and Peacewalker.
Fact: You literally don't know what he does most of the day. You only know what he tweets about. He doesn't tweet about his work.
MGSV costed 50 millions which is 1/10th of GTAV's budget and it is the best selling konami game ever without even taking the microtransactions into account, they could have ridden MGSV for years just by releasing mission packs and actually giving support for the multiplayer but they decided to drop out of that business model entirely
Regardless of what you personally think about the game MGSV was a resounding financial success that could have generated even more revenue if properly followed up on
Now I would agree that Death Stranding will probably sell nowhere near MGSV amounts mostly because of PS4/5 exclusivity, not having a well known brand name and looking kinda obscure to the general audience, but we have no idea how much it costs and if it's just as much as mgsv, believe it or not, that's a low budget for a AAA game nowadays
>Pretentious movies
>Shitty food
Holy fuck I can smell the pleb from here. My guess is you can't actually handle anything that isn't spoonfed to you or constantly reminding you of whats been happening because you can't keep up with it. The type of person to hate Raging Bull because it was in black and white, or unironically go to McDonalds more than once a month because it tastes good and is cheap.
The man does everything right, doesn't gloat about anything and constantly reminds people they can have likes and dislikes not related to their immediate focus and still be successful. Does your small brain comprehend the idea that you don't have to double down on your stereotypes and expected outcomes of what liking something entails or are you too busy nitpicking at the fact he watches movies and eats food frequently while also maintaining a professional attitude towards video gaming? Maybe we should be more like Blizzard and fire everyone we hired because it turns out they don't fucking do anything, or do anything well despite literally dedicating their lives to going ALL IN on fucking video games.
Itd be interesting if Kojima could write an actual fucking story. he hasnt done anything interesting or worthwhile since MGS3.
I bet the story in the end will have an anti videogame message, something about all us being stranded in videogames. The message and the whole journey before it will be so strong that it will make us quit games and fix our shit irl. He's planning to end videogames.
God I want to marry her
delete this
t. asshurt yakuza idiot
Go back to duel links
Technically it means both, they confirm in the next sentence anyone can be made into solid snake and that was the test but it's just far more general than that. So they can take any situation to mold anyone however they want, it isn't barred just to snake simulation but un this case it was. If that makes sense.
You'd be complaining that the story was the only thing interesting if the gameplay wasn't good enough, contrarian fag.
There was nothing wrong with MGS V, I'm sure you could nitpick a few points here and there but from someone who actually played the entire game and wasn't totally invested in the "story" most of the time (because you can skip the cutscenes) I had more than enough fun with it. Game was well rounded, featured all the previous mechanics which made it successful and added things like the FOB and online. God fuckin forbid someone tries to expand on an idea, instead of expand on the fucking market.
>There was nothing wrong with MGS V
Other than being blatantly unfinished. The entire last third of the game is nothing but placeholder content.
>that text
holy shit i can smell the drone from ISS, i bet you also wear a fedora the way you defend kojima and suck his dick in the same time faggot, you effectively defend one who has built his career on the back of another man, pic related, after Tomokazu leave, the game goes to shit overall and never get finished. Now fuck off and back to redddit/youtube/twitter, where you can suck kojima and everybody will clap
everyone on Yea Forums claims everyone is a hack.
you can't make mgs 1-4 and make a bad game, no matter what Yea Forums wrongly thinks of mgs4.
Why do people on Yea Forums blatantly lie about numbers you can easily look up?
This is such a tired meme, Fukushima's role was not that big and people hugely exaggerate. He did some optional codec calls in 1-3. Kojima wrote the story and actual story dialogue.
>Technically it means both
IF you believe the AI and that is a big IF to sensible people.
et the game.
The game is going to be journey X metal gear and forced online
>Fukushima's role was not that big and people hugely exaggerate. He did some optional codec calls in 1-3.
was Fukushima responsible for the shitty Rose codecs where she nags you about relationship bullshit all the time?
The entire fiasco behind Konami kicking Kojima out drove up sales for the game as it was Kojima's last MGS game and fanboys were made at Konami for doing the fucking logical thing. By the way, you may want to learn how to do fucking math because 179 million for a $60 game is less than 3 million units sold. Mario Kart 8 did 5 million from April 18 - Dec 18.
You also forget that Konami fucking cut him off for the reason he was spending so god damn much. The game was got was far from completion. Sony isn't being a reserved as they are were.
>looking kinda obscure to the general audience, but we have no idea how much it costs and if it's just as much as mgsv, believe it or not
Im talking about ET the game. The one for the Atari 2600.
It was 80 million for game development. Marketing was probably more. Here's an article on it: forbes.com
Kojima was always a hack. Nothing new.
those codes make perfect sense when you take into consideration the ideas of the game, but it would take too long to explaina nd you probably wouldn't understand.
Probably not for the most part, but that's not shitty anyways. It's central to the games amazing ending and is actually done well.
yeah, apparently there are copies of that game buried in a landfill in mexico, legend has it.
>those codes make perfect sense when you take into consideration the ideas of the game
How does shitty relationship drama make "perfect sense"?
>I'm autistic and can't relate or empathize so it's shitty
yikes from me
>Fukushima leaves Konami, presumadly killed by the Yakuza
Can someone give me the rundown. Google comes up nothing.
>i was 12 when I played the game at the time so rose nagging Raiden was annoying because I was a kid who didnt understand relationships
MGS2 was too kino for the player base back in its days
but to answer your question Kojima wanted those code calls in there due to his relation with his wife at the time
Some dumb shit nobody will care about in the final game. Kojima is a fucking hack fraud.
>has to resort to personal attacks against someone who criticizes an aspect of MGS2.
It's a myth, people want to blame someone because they don't like the games after a certain point. They see Fukushima's name dissappear and boom the conspiracies are born. The japanese are known to be very low key and don't like to be in the public eye for the most part so it isn't a huge shock you don't hear about him much.
>amazing ending
>done well
Holy shit, you're fucking worthless.
He's going to trademark walking simulators and at the same time retro actively rename them to "strand" so everytime someone makes or plays a walking simulator you'd be reminded of his latest blunder "Death Stranding".
the drama is a manifestation of the player's inner psychic struggle and distorted identification with the legendary hero solid snake against his own shaky sense of self and the doubt that comes with that. something like that.
Saying "it's shit" isn't criticism no matter how much this place makes you believe it is
there's more to it than that of course.
Transfarring returns.
plus he is trying to say that the shitty relationship drama is central to the clusterfuck that was MGS2's ending.
Please, that nagging THOT wasn't central to anything.
>the drama is a manifestation of the player's inner psychic struggle
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I can't take your post seriously with that shit. Besides it's the whole Rose/Raiden shit, not about the "Why am I not snake" Strawman MGS2 fans make all the time
>Besides it's the whole Rose/Raiden shit, not about the "Why am I not snake" Strawman MGS2 fans make all the time
but it's the same thing basically. you find out who snake is and you find out who you are, as a player.
it's an inner spiritual journey.
It's central to the idea of forging your own path, creating a legacy to pass on, knowing yourself and your reality. MGS2's ending is pretty simple past the digital society philosophy from the AI. Raiden's speech to Rose at the end in NY was kino and so was the entire ending in Arsenal Gear. It's easily one of the most profound endings in the medium and one of the best games of all time. And I only think more and more people will be able to resonate with the message at the end from Snake mainly, I think it's something many people could hear. It offers a lot besides just being a fun and exciting game.
>It's central to the idea of forging your own path,
I don't even how you got to this from relationship drama. This is some retarded ass leap in logic.
oh get a clue. the drama itself is metaphorical.
Transfarring was ahead of its time.
understand it as a metaphorical and suspended and not literal and grounded, or at least not grounded in that sense.
It's not though, once Raiden finds out she's an AI he begins to question himself entirely and almost breakdown. Snake offers his speech where he goes into all of that, then Raiden eventually gives it back to Rose at the very end. It all works together.
>once Raiden finds out she's an AI
She was real but then got replaced by the AI at Arsenal Gear.
doesn't matter but yes
but it is an amazing ending. it deciding to break the game universe's cohesion completely just to deliver a message shouldnt be enough to dismiss the actual content that was produced in the ending. the game is disregarding its continuity because it is just a game and it doesnt matter, what matters is the person playing the game. thats the central point of the ending. even raiden is sick of the game in the end when he discards the dogtags with your name on it. go outside and experience real things.
exactly, the whole thing is artificial as is the death of ee. look at the way the whole ee thing is played out, it's almost like laura palmer death levels of grieving, so over the top, they're all virtual, all elements of the same thing.
>it deciding to break the game universe's cohesion completely just to deliver a message
and picked the worst fucking speaker to deliver it.
ee isn't real, neither is pete stillman, although the loss is just as felt. think about what pete represents, the false crutch and the bombs on the struts and the self doubt, and guilt, and second guessing, the misplaced c4, they're all elements on a psychic journey to be overcome, understood and cancelled out, the loss is still real, but it's hyperreal, it's a journey an inner journey of understanding and self discovery. the relationship drama is part of that.
well that is to say any one of the characters aren't real is a bit over simplistic, they are real, it's just that they're more illusory in a sense.
Part of me hopes he blows all the faggots saying this out, but another part of me *really* wants to see Death Stranding flop because I love the chaos
Wait, where is it ever shown that EE isn't real?
also just because something flops, doesn't mean it's bad. plenty of great films have flopped over the years.
He's just using Sony money to fulfill his dream of hanging out with hollywood celebs
I should have said I hope it's bad then, poor wording.
>ee isn't real, neither is pete stillman
this is wrong
>Part of me hopes he blows all the faggots saying this out
In case DS doesn't end up being an underwhelming moviegame (it will) that still won't wash away the fact that he's a hackfraud behind MGS4/PW/GZ/TPP.
>Wait, where is it ever shown that EE isn't real?
He's just making shit up under the "MGS2 was all a VR simulation" theory (that got debunked thanks to MGS4)
that's not what i meant, i replied to myself ot explain it in a later post, what i meant was that ee is more of an entity of the player's psyche. she is escorted so she can plant the virus before dying, and then the rest of the thing unfolds and the artificiality of what has played out unfolds as a result of the virus. it's all super meta.
mgs1 babs still crying I see
Death stranding is silent hills
Hell I'm only just now playing through MGS4 but I know it wasn't all a simulation. Certain portions of it were at certain points, but the entire point was to make you question what was and wasn't real, you don't know exactly what was and wasn't reality, but it doesn't matter, because it's all over with now.
>Yea Forums adores Kojima and his games
>MGS V comes out
>Kojima Twitter gets endlessly shat onto the front page
>people now scream that he's a hack who has had zero worth in his career
What the hell happened?
>what i meant was that ee is more of an entity of the player's psyche
aka "not real"
>the death of ee is artificial
Are you just baiting? EE's entire last segment was heart wrenching, you may actually be autistic.
Imagine the fidelity of Horizon mixed with the tech of MGSV.
i didn't say that, they are real, damn that backpedalling, they are both real, just that they're not real in the way that you think they are, they're not literal, but rather metaphorical entities, which makes the characters no less real.
I think that game broke you or something my dude because I can't tell what the fuck you're talking about, it just sounds like the ramblings of a madman.
yes it is but it's meant to be, don't call me autistic,you're autistic. that's the whole idea, it's the artifice of the loss of the player's own identification with EE, what EE is, is a kind of female sort of..AAAHHHH!!!!
no, they are literally there
unless you're talking about from the Player's perspective but then what you said applies equally to all video games
>Certain portions of it were at certain points
NONE of MGS2 was a VR simulation.
Was it a training simulation? Yes, Solid Snake Simulation confirms this
>i didn't say that,
>ee isn't real, neither is pete stillman
Can't take him seriously anymore
Kojima please stop shilling. Mgs4 was garbage and mgs5 is a disaster.
Alright I just realized how badly I fucked up what I said, what I meant was certain parts were at the very least altered by whatever's going on with Raiden's head/nanomachines/whatever.
Like there are very clearly parts of MGS2 near the end that are supposed to look like they're in a simulation, hell, the fight with the MG-RAYs is absolutely ridiculous if you don't conceded in your mind that part of this entire thing has to be in Raiden's head.
>You also forget that Konami fucking cut him off for the reason he was spending so god damn much.
No, firing people in Japan is ilegal.
Konami simply wanted to stop making Triple A and make only smartphone games, which is why Kojima bailed out.
From your posts it sounds like you're just explaining what the characters are. Like yeah stillman represents guilt, but that's guilt because of his specific story arc with fatman; how he trained a gifted man in skills alone not any ideology or memes(which directly ties with the ending as well), and then he ends up using those skills for evil, guilt over faking an injury so people would feel bad for him and not want his head for making fatman. The way you describe it seems like a weird and long winded way just to describe the characters and how they fit into the game but I could just be misunderstanding you.
I'd be totally ok if this ends up being a movie instead of a videogame
It's happening!
WELL YES, that is true but it's a game about games and about the medium itself so therefore in a way they are not literal, even thought they can be taken both ways. mgs2 is about the player, and what it means to be the player, and what the player is, and who you are , man.
>Sony is spending billions
Anyone find hilarious just how stupidly hard Yea Forums has been trying to shit on Kojima at every single chance since MGSV?
It comes off as a bunch of crying children after being rightfully BTFO by MGSV being crap.
Well user it’s almost like people’s opinion changed as his games got worse. That or they’re not in their 20s anymore and don’t find tactical espionage cool now. Yea Forums isn’t one person.
shut the fuck up read later look at what i said, i corrected myself on a statement.
I don't get what you're laying down here. I don't identify with EE at all, I just think her story is very sad. In the end she just wanted to be with her big bro, but that never got to happen because of their history. It always fucking kills me when the parrot starts saying "hal, I miss you" and otacon breaks down, fug.
He means that the only reason anything Inafune was involved in was good is because of the team, he's saying the same thing will happen with Kojima now that he doesn't have the team at Konami.
having a metaphorical meaning and presence doesn't suddenly make them not literal anymore, they're not mutually exclusive and the way you're going about trying to talk up the metaphorical aspects is being entirely dismissive of the absolutely real not metaphorical aspects
Absolute genius, almost Shakesperean.
Seriously, all those stupid codec calls with Rose really made me think a lot about what it means to be a blonde fuckboy.
Didn't some of them come to Kojipro with him anyways?
So I haven't played MGSV yet, am currently playing through the entire series and am on 4.
What's so bad about MGSV exactly? I've heard some things about the game being empty or something.
Frankly I'm only playing the games for the story and ridiculousness at this point since I find myself not personally enjoying the gameplay all that much outside of a few really impactful moments and a couple good boss fights at most.
oh shut the fuck up, it's all a show man. getting seriously tired of all your shit.
>thread related to MGS, Death Stranding, Kojima or YongYea
Report, sage, hide.
Remember that mods DO delete these threads that are only populated by manchildren who take, or at some point took, MGS seriously.
Keiji Inafune was eventually exposed as the con man he was. Do you think Kojima will succeed where Inafune failed?
Some probably did, yeah, frankly what the dude is saying makes no sense, there's obviously a difference in what Kojima's doing and what Inafune did.
She cute but that's probably legitimately the only reason Kojima is interested in this Imagine Dragons tier band. Remember their absolutely awful game awards performance?
The entire game has much more focus on gameplay than previous games.
You own a PMC (private military company) and you need to build up your army and such.
It's set in two open world maps which don't have much to do beyond some secondary missions, they are pretty much just there for the main missions.
There's not much story in the first place, and it's left unfinished because some plot points were going to be resolved in a DLC that was cancelled.
If you like the idea of an "operator simulator", you might have some fun with it.
Well, Kojima made Snatcher and Policenauts, those were nice.
Inafune has worked on nothing but garbage throughout his entire career and his popularity is completely incomprehensible.
Why did this make me laugh?
Go to bed, Oakland.
Is that the based dude from boondock saints?
Ah okay, makes sense then why many were disappointed.
I'll probably still enjoy it now that I know not to go in for story reasons, since I imagine the whole operator thing might actually be cool, but that thing about DLC fucking sucks. I assume that had something to do with the Kojima fallout?
MGSV didn't match the fanfics they thought up before release.
B-b-b-but he's the father of megamun
For real though, Inafune is a fucking retard who, as far as I know, was like a character designer or some shit, and should never have been trusted with more than that for any project.
>villain's entire motivation is that he has no fucking idea how DNA works
MGS is one of the franchises that focuses the most in the plot, and at the same time it was one of the stupidest plots ever made, even by videogame standards.
And what it does is executed awkwardly more often than not.
Mega Man, Dead Rising, Onimusha, Lost Planet, etc? Yeah you can assume they might've been good in spite of him, but to say he hasn't, in some capacity, worked on anything good is ridiculous.
I feel like you kind of missed a lot about it, frankly. Liquid may be a moron, but he's a moron likely because of what he's been told, how he's been treated his entire life, told he's garbage, told that he can never be better than what his genes will allow, and he wanted to defy that, to surpass even his own "father", who was supposedly leagues better than he could ever be.
>if you make good things it means you can't ever do anything wrong in the future
Please, reflect really hard on this.
you can shit talk all you want, but Hot Coldman is a great villain name.
The whole DNA thing was a fuck up and I believe Kojima himself said that he got it all wrong, but the message of the first game was still there. Genes do not necessarily make you predisposed to certain things.
How does any of that convince someone that your skills as a soldier are part of your DNA?
There's no possible way to explain that, MGS1 has some of the most retarded plots in videogame history.
It makes shit like Call of Duty campaigns look smart.
yeah ok, man. real life doesn't matter, the metaphysical is the only thing that exists, and heaven is the final destination for us all
Which he hired and gave him like 500 lines of dialogue, what a waste.
>hayter doesn't sound like total shit
What does this have to do with Kojima or Fukushima?
Kojima barely knew who Hayter was.
Hell, he barely cared about the English dub until the whole ordeal with Kiefer.
Not a waste, Kiefer is a B lister who is only popular for one TV show, just like Norman Reedus.
Out of all the actors Kojima has ever hired the only actual big one are Mads and Lee Meriwether.
I don't think anyone LITERALLY meant that the skills of being a soldier are like some kind of genetic memory asscreed bullshit, they meant more the *ability* to learn those skills.
Also, lest we forget, MGS is fucking science fiction.
I mean in a sense that he didn't really talk much where it was obvious like he should've had some lines of dialogue there.
You could argue the extent of Inafune;s involvement with vidya, but to say he has only worked on "garbage" is stupid when he's put out Megaman, Onimusha, and Lost Planet.
Yeah, right. Next you're going to tell me The Boss didn't lead the charge of Normandy in world war 2.
This is a fact. Kojima's grasp on concepts he used throughout Metal Gear became clearer to him on every game he produced. It was clear he was fanboying on MGS1 and was awed with the scientific advances of the time, he just had to put pseudo-scientific stuff in there.
MGS2's codec system using the middle ear bones was fantastic, and I actually questioned it until, well, I knew about bone conduction. Quite feasible and unintrusive.
>Solidus reads Solid Snake Simulation from the AI logs themselves, which can be and are obviously faked
>Ocelot later disproves whatever bullshit Solidus said anyway while he unfolds the Patriots' masterplan to revel in laughter and self-absorption
What did you mean by that?
You fucked up
>MGS2's codec system using the middle ear bones was fantastic
That was LITERALLY a carryover from MGS1. The AI also corrects itself because it was quoting the previous game wrong by saying "when we need to reach you" instead of "when we need to contact you".
I thought it was Ocelot that said it was Solid Snake Simulation
It forgoes the carefully crafted overworlds and environments of the previous games for the open world meme
The game has little to no focus, in story or otherwise
This looks familiar, is this the excerpt from that interview with the person who translated mgs2?
>carefully crafted
MGS2's level design is boring as hell.
I barely remember anything about the Big Shell.
And MGS3 only gets kinda interesting in the base at the end.
MGS4 is a complete clusterfuck.
You haven't read the Surgeon General's Warning have you.
its the multiplayer meme for Death Stranding
>the multiplayer meme
Did we go back to 2014, when retards where replacing random words with "meme"?
>The AI also corrects itself because it was quoting the previous game wrong by saying "when we need to reach you" instead of "when we need to contact you".
Yeah, I wondered why he did that. I fired MGS2 an hour ago because I wanted to double check some stuff, since it's been so long since I last played both MGS1 and 2, and I was confused on that.
Who wrote this?
He also doesn't mention the VR training raiden received if you skip the tanker chapter. Lots of cool stuff I didn't pick up on even after playing dozens of times.
I wonder what the Fukushima apologists have to say about this.
Gotta run that simulation flawlessly I guess. In Japanese he goes "When we need to reach you -- I mean -- contact you...". For some reason that instance of "I mean" (やー…) is omitted, and a later one is translated as "that is..." which while not too bad, doesn't portray the AI as disraught and fishy.
Overall, the western MGS2 might have been much better if only it was left in competent hands. People in the west actively hate Raiden for absolutely stupid reasons that are not existant in Japan.
It says right there, it's an anonymous dude who supposedly worked on MGS2.
That was because in the original JP/EU release, people who didn't play MGS1 had the choice of stating so in the new game screen, for which the game automatically chose the Plant chapter for you (and activated more tutorials). IMO playing the Plant chapter first is the perfect way to experience MGS2, even if you played MGS1 first, but that's just me.
>not a single second of actual gamelplay has been shown, just cinematic bullshots.
That's actually not true. The segments of Sam walking through the open world and climbing mountains and shit is gameplay. So is the end of the trailer when hes trying to sneak past those floating guys and ends up getting overwhelmed by those oil monsters.
Oh look someone who isn't fucking retarded.
Nothing about MGS V screams disaster and you're literally exaggerating to make it seem like the game froze and glitched out on every run. While it's definitely nowhere near my top 50 games ever played, it's not the worst game I've ever played and I got 46 hours of gameplay out of it. That's not 46 hours to complete the game, but me fucking around and just in general having fun or playing missions over and figuring shit out to unlock.
If I need to remind anyone, the original games were nowhere near that long and while I never was a huge MGS fan it's definitely a fun series to play through if you have the time.
the only good thing about 2 was the story
shut up, MGS2 is arcade stealth kino
Even if you dislike the gameplay the graphics and performance are objectively good for an early PS2 game.
>anonymous dude who supposedly worked on MGS2
Fucking with guards in 2 and 3 is still the best. I can't remember if it was as good in 4 or not.