Predict which two shitty games we get this month
Predict which two shitty games we get this month
Does anyone even play these?
Boomers and that's it
I have 40 friends added on Switch and they only play Smash/Fortnite
Donkey Kong Jr. Math
I play them on my Famicom
Why didn't we get 3 games again?
Because one of the games that month was Japan-only. Fuck gaijin.
I probably would if snes games gave me a reason to turn on my switch in the first place.
Man, if they had snes and 64 games out right now everyone would be singing nintendo praises but nope we have to drag this shit out with fucking nes roms.
I really really want tecmo super bowl. I know that its unlikely because we already have tecmo bowl but tecmo super bowl was MILES UPON MILES better than regular tecmo bowl. Tecmo super bowl is the best sports game ever made.
Why couldn't they add a game like Startropics in it's place then?
Fucka you whittu piggu
We are down to two a month now while paying the same price as nips who get 3 a month
i like to play dr mario vs mode with my homies
Based as fuck, Famibro.
I don't want to think about this shit. It only reminds me that they're too fucking cheap to give me any worthwhile games, I've already played all NES games I'm ever going to play and honestly they don't have much replay value outside of maybe Mario 2 and 3. Hell they're not even giving us the good ones like Megaman.
Only one time each month
Manic Miner and MC Kids
I've been playing both. Shit is so cash.
Just fucking do it already.
Kirbys adventure is fuckinh great you faggot.
Urban Champion and Clu Clu Land
Seconding those picks.
Does 360 still have that "Games For Gold" thing going on? That shit was cash, at least it gave you games that were actually on the platform.
this and deadly towers. make me want to play my switch again pls
>Deadly Towers
I hope Ninja Gaiden 2 and 3.
Urban Champion and Qix
I beat Metroid for the first time a month or two ago on switch
This but Zelda 1
Why didn't you play Zero Mission? It's far superior
Kung-Fu Master and Kirby Air Ride
I ain't buying that online shit until a few months after Mario Maker 2 is released which as far as I'm concerned is the only reason to buy the online.
And Pokemon Shield and Sword I guess