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COD waw is the best ww2 shooter to date

Based telekinetic Russian

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>PU mosin
>straight bolt

Like it or not, cod wow and the trilogy of moderno warfare have good story, memorable characters and Best cod


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a shame it has that shitty health regen system. is there any mods to fix this?


Hidden & Dangerous 2 begs to differ

Patrician taste my dude

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do you think it’s at all possible that the red army was just attaching scopes to whatever rifles were available at that point?

we need a new H&D
are there any other games like it?

MW3 was ass. They turned Soap into a fucking joke.

at least he didn't get shoved into a gas chamber and killed by his own side.

Conflict Desert storm 1/2 and Conflict Vietnam play kinda similar

No, all sniper nuggets began their lives in the factory when they got their bolts curved.
Also a curved bolt wouldn't work with a PU scope, and the Soviets didn't exactly have crates full of high eye relief scopes to mount in front of the action

>have to put a scope on a bolt action rifle to deal more damage

Thats how you balance hitscan guns.

Was it Kino Yea Forumsros?

>what is united offensive or cod2

don't bother user most posters here are underage

will check those out. thanks.

the best WW2 shooter? fuck no
the best cod game? yes

How? The dude kicked major ass in every level he was in before he died. Hell even as he was dying he was still getting kills

>liking a game from nearly 11 years ago makes you """underage"""

My nigga. We need to bring back realistic WW2 shooters.

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>mw2 and 3
>good story

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MW3 > MW2

get some taste faggots.

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Reading comprehension?

I FUCKING LOVED COD 1, COD UO AND COD 2 MULTIPLAYER... then it all went downhill

for their genre it's fine
techno-thriller is either trash or atlantic propaganda

When it comes to grounded ww2 shooters maybe
but overall ww2 shooters? nah

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its probably a custom

Dumbass zoomers

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>zoomer game

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>arcade shooter
Go away, the adults are talking

now THIS is technology

All Treyarch made CoD's are shit.

watch it big guy

Was there ever a mainstream ww2 fps with a german campaign?

Black ops campaign was kino foh

*was there ever a ww2 game with a german (or axis in general) campaign?


>Implying COD isn't the fucking essence of an arcade shooter
Okay, retard.

cod 2*

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>commissar why do we have to use potatoes intead of real nades?
>because real ones cost, in fact they are a lot more valuable than you are

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CoD UO had the best multiplayer tho, almost like battlefield.
>objective based
>big maps
>vehicles and artillery strikes
Not gonna lie, it was good.

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What the FUCK was his problem?

This is how the game should‘ve been, showing the truth.

hidden&dangerous 1 was literally my first real pc game that I got with a gaming magazine, before that I had shitty games included in an old green screen computer that flickered a fuckton

I remember being blown away from the graphics and how fucking hard the game was

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every rts?

intro kino

zoomer game
now piss

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incompetent comrades

its 11 years old

and cod was already popular with kids in that era
zoomer game
now get out

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thats cheating

>we will never have pre-multiplayer bullshit CoD ever again

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doom,quake and mk2 were also popular with kids
are those zoomer games too?

no one cares about this

there are also flight sims
and silent hunter

This is peak cringe

I played a bit of that yesterday during daytime hours. Still found a full game, but man is that game getting scarce.
I only hope that Hell Let Loose comes out and isn't completely terrible and has a decent dedicated playerbase.

Wolfenstein enemy territory bros assemble

CoD WaW > RO2 > MoH Vanguard > CoD2 > BF1942 = CoD1 = MoH EA = CoD 3 > MoH Airborne > MoH PA = MoH AA = DoInf
daily reminder that wolfenstein is not actual ww2


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if you don't follow his instructions and just wait he kills you.

Spear of Destiny > every other wolf game

too many potatoes

don't bother in trying to understand boomer logic

Too much Adventure Communist.

Dumb faggot me thought this was a stalker thread
I was disappointed

WaW had the best ww2 atmosphere in vidya. No heroic bs, just brutality.


I played WaW late, the nazi zombie mode was unlocked after you finisht the last level no?


left or right?

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right, THEN return to left for lmg.

Post Cod mods
I've been playing a lot of Cod Spanish civil war is fucking great