King Crimson is coming to kill the last video game character you played as

King Crimson is coming to kill the last video game character you played as.

How fucked are you?

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Wario can't die he only loses coins. Checkmate King Cuckson. What you gonna erase?

Look at this autistic stando

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depends. what's his combat level

>Dokkan battle team
>Both banner Broly
>Full power Boujack (AGL)
>two (2) Turles one of which can turn in a giant ape
>SSJ2 Chadhan (young)
Nothing personnel.

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on the one hand, im extremely satisfied with how they portrayed KC and the stand power
on the other hand, HOW DOES IT WORK was a funny meme and I'm certain it will die out now

Can he act his way out of this one?

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>any meme
>ever dying
That shit will be repeated until the end of time, user. Just like how the doge image has had a resurgence.

Oldfags will use it as a reference to single out other oldfags, newfags will latch onto it because they're getting introduced to it.

If he kills my Pokemon trainer from Pokemon go I guess I'll start over. If I can raid him with others then he'd have a harder time, fighting all those Pokemon.

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>dirt rally 2 mini cooper s
??? so I crash, big deal, I'm used to it.

>Freelancer from Anthem
I'm sure he'll have some stupid quip right before kicking the bucket. Holy fuck I figured I'd at least fun with friends but the dialogue is fucking early Marvel quips everywhere, most of the characters are just bland and unlikable, and they all fucking fidget and twitch during conversations in a way I've only seen tweakers do.

>Bruno goes upstairs to get out of KC's range
>The only reason Giorno knew something was up was because he and the others, from much further away, were experiencing the time skips

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>keep seeing jojo memes for a year
>fine ill watch it
>randomly watch stardust crusaders first
>watch golden wind next
>its shit because there is no Dio in it
why is he so perfect?i hope ill see him in other arcs

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im not fucked at all, pyro on the other hand...

wraith from apex legends.
Seems like the girl can hear enemies pointing at her from a far distance.

She can get into another dimention for a few secs and run away. then put a portal to run even faster and further.

She can't kill bossu or king crimson,

is this bait? please tell me this is bait

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>dark souls guy
KC is going into a world where everyone has the ability to lag. even playing field.

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Oh my good he still looks terrible

Diavalo gets the stand arrow and unlocks King Crimson Requiem, which stutters time and speeds it up
Giorno kills him during this, causing time to spin out of control which causes the alternate universes in parts 7 and 8

Read the fuckin manga

Hes lying, but you should stop watching part 5, it sucks and you shouldn't give money to araki for that part

Amaterasu. I'm totally fine.

>Rex and Mythra

Yeah Rex is gonna get rekt

>people still don't understand how Made in Heaven works

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welp seeing as I played as sora in kh3 I think he could beat the trash out of him with his keyblade.

*Challenges KINGU KURIMUZON to Pocket Circuit*

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MiH works by speeding up time and forcing it to “revolve” around the user. Killing the user while they’re using MiH is like making a wheel come off an axel, time just goes out of control for a bit before ending up on an alternate reality

He wasn't making distance to get away from the effects of King Crimson's ability, he was making distance so Diavolo wouldn't be able to catch up to him in the ten seconds where time is erased.

he'll go down, I just have to throw enough men at him

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Seriously though, you can't just fucking erase time Araki you hack.

time skip occurs for everyone, KC's "range" in this context is how far he could move in the 10 seconds to attach bruno

Polnareff dies
Mista dies
DIO’s ghost saves Giorno during the final battle
Giorno unlocks vampire powers like Space Ripper Stingy eyes and combining creatures a-la part 1 DIO

plus Donald could annoy the shit outta by saying THIS MIGHT BE A GOOD SPOT TO FIND SOME INGREDIENTS lmao

i never read any manga and i dont plan on doing so any time soon

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Part 5 has the weakest villain personality/motivation wise. Just watch all the parts in order.

>watching jojo because of the horrible secondary animefag zoomer memes
I don't care what anybody says WRY was never as bad a meme as all the shit the ironic xforts fucking children spoout. Jojo is basically dead in the west. If I see anotehr ironic fucking epic zoomer jojo video I swear to god....

Come on, man, that's not the kind of spoiler that people get upset about. Apply yourself.

King Crimson doesn’t “erase time”
It creates a small instance where Diavalo is removed from causation aside from the actions he takes. In this instance he is aware of what is going on around him because Epitaph allows him to see 10 seconds into the future, meaning he is aware of what is happening during when he removes himself from causation before he removes himself from causation. During this period no action taken affects Diavalo except his own actions. If you were to shoot at him the bullet would pass right through him. In addition, any action you take during this time is only perceived by Diavalo, you only get to see and experience the results of your actions. There is no cause or action aside from Diavalo’s choices during King Crimson’s effect, only effect and reaction

Ok fine.
Everyone besides Giorno dies.

shut up old man

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>DIO’s ghost saves Giorno during the final battle

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Just keep watching.

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Let me make this clear... I'm sorry, but none of us will board that boat. We can't let our 「emotions」 sway us into doing something irrational. You aren't facing the facts, nobody can survive in this world on ideals alone.

W-WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! Where will you go!? No that doesn't even matter, you'll never leave Venezia alive. This is madness! What are they thinking!? All for a girl we met two days ago! A girl we've never even really talked to! Shes nobody to us! We don't even know what kind of music Trish likes!!!

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>araki remembering something from part 1

almost had me

doesn't this mean it already happened and nothing I do will change it?

King Crimson does erase time, it just can't erase causation. King Crimson can change causation, but only on Diavolo and itself. This is then manifested as time "skipping".
"Time" and "Causation" are different concepts based on how we observe things around us, they are distinct but both describe the same situation which is where the confusion comes from. We assume for the sake of KC that if you remove time, causation equal to the amount of time removed will then play out instantly.

JoJo rules state that this ability also prevents people from experiencing any deleted time. This is the actually the confusing part because this is where the "it's magic I aint gotta explain shit" happens, and it needs to happen because the ability is only useful if your enemies can't change their actions, which they would do if they could see you changing your own causation, they would then change their decisions and ruin your prediction, and then it would be no different from real life.

It's incredibly easy to overthink and if you've never glanced at stuff like the cosmological argument it's nonsense.

i was wondering when fugo gets written out of it. I guess this episode was it

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Hold the fucking phone. When does this happen exactly? I read the horrendous translations of old, but I do not remember DIO ever appearing.

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This part was fucking incredible. I feel that Gio really was just DIO, but with better intentions.

>Giorno notices something fucky and starts running to the building
>Bruno gets donutted
>Elevators himself to the first floor such that the entrance of the building is closer to him than the staircase to the basement
>Therefor Giorno and gang were able to get to him before King Crimson could get back in range
What's the issue?

Can he kill the entire Eastern roman Empire?

Even after the anime's flawless explanation, there are people who still don't understand how King Crimson works.

Also the best stand reveal in the anime so far belongs to Aerosmith.

>Avoids keyblade
>Teleports behind you

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did you just copy that from Yea Forums you sad cunt

Those translations cut that part out. Gotta google the newest ones and pm the scanlator for them.

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And Fugo gets a version of Purple Haze that doesn't suck.

That touhou girl from Luna Nights, she's like Dio already.


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read the manga.
it's an edit of a page from part 6, when Jotaro saves Jolyne

Literally shitstomps most anime verses

Essentially, King Crimson controls “fate” because it lets Diavalo know what everyone is going to do and then force them to do it while removing any negative consequences he would have experienced from those actions

could he hit through protect from melee?

Fugo did NOTHING wrong

He skips ahead until your shield breaks from holding it down to long and then beats your ass

I don't think Robert Fripp is much of a threat.

stop right there chief

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Stands are weird psychic punch ghosts

How the fuck do you even stop this? Any space time event is simply redacted from existence whilst he just moves behind you to kill you instantly upon the outcome of the sequence.

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Fugo a bitch
But he's also probably the smartest of the bunch since half of them get fucking merced

Isn't king crimson a band? What the fuck are you even talking about?

Thanks for spoiling me asshole, I'll never open a Jojo thread on Yea Forums again. And yeah, I get that it's partly my fault, but honestly FUCK YOU. Before you spoil me further I'm closing the thread, don't even try. At least I get to see Dio again, but that moment in the series is now forever ruined in my heart. Asshole Yea Forumstard.

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Not fucked at all considering I'm not the last video game character I played as.

By outwitting him.

A realistic answer would be a method of trapping him so that he is unable to avoid something killing him within the next ten seconds
But Araki can't write ends for shit so lmao never ending is an ending

>he doesn't know

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WRYY was basically tiny compared to how big meme-sphere is this decade. Nobody fucking cared about the property back then except for a bunch of fags who could read runes and people waiting hungrily for shitty translations. It was just a spammed inside joke among a relatively small number of individuals. Hell, remember that long as fuck wait for the final D4C fight chapters? Even back then nobody really gave a fuck about JoJo and that was 2010-2011. No JoJo meme before Part 1 adaptation could have a ghost of a chance to be that big.

JoJo is an anime where people fight vampires by breathing until their body vibrates at the same frequency as sunlight, and then people start manifesting ghosts based on their will to fight named after bands or songs (except part 3 where they’re mostly based on tarot cards and Egyptian gods)

>tfw too smart to get yourself killed

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He can't go beyond 10 seconds, so if you have any way of making things happen in advance then he can be beaten.

Unironically something like Purple Haze. Just keep him in the cloud for 11 seconds and he's done for

Developing the superpower of negating literally any action taken against you and then punching the user so hard that they get stuck in an infinite loop of dying

how much time can he skip? I can keep it up for over 2 hours with potions

What would his stand be?

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Thank you, found the page. Thought I had gotten amnesia for a second.

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>going into a thread about something you care about and haven't finished yet
you did this to yourself retard

>Bruno Bucciarati?
>More like Bruno is a walking corpse

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Its a manga series with sunlight magic, vampires and ghosts with weird powers. Who fucking cares.

>we don't even know what kind of music she likes!

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>What is Epitaph

He can also see the short term future as well, poking a Doppio sized hole in that plan.

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>protag hacker in Exapunks
if he knows where i live, i'm dead unless EMBER-2 can help me relocate and leave no trace. all my EXA's dont work because the cycles where the KILL command is executed are skipped, and the phage is hard to catch so i can't infect him and call it a day.

I'm so glad they didn't use the yellow color scheme for King Crimson

Is fugo even confirmed alive? He stays on an island alone with Diavolo, who wants to remain hidden. I can only imagine Fugo gets dropped as soon as they leave.

Aerosmith is best stand

post the page please

>kill the last video game character you played as
>How fucked are you?
Apparently not at all?

Can I trick him into him skipping to the future where I kill myself, only then to use my power to resurrect myself from the dead, but literally on the same spot he stands at the moment, and since my body is rapidly expanding from the smallest possible particle at infinitely large speed, right inside of him, I use this mass physics fuckery to literally telefrag him?

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>fugo was a try-hard avant-teen "200iq" the whole time
That explains so fucking much. Sod off, Yea Forumstie.

>The little pilot is called Mr. Smith

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He didn't really do anything. He was a third wheel during the Man in the Mirror fight (not that he could control his stand anyway) and did literally nothing else after that.

Purple Haze could've fucked him over. Any stand that covers a wide radius where 10 seconds isn't enough time to get away would have the upper hand.

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He's alive as of Purple Haze Feedback, and while it's not canon I can't imagine Araki having any problems with having Fugo survive considering he was so concerned with him not turning traitor on the group.

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im not crying, you're crying...

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The virus doesnt cover that large of an area and dissipates kinda fast too. Fugo would also be putting himself at risk since he can get infected too.


>megaman battle network

The fucks my tamagochi gonna do to save me

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>unironically skipping parts

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Doomguy? i dunno, hes pretty resourceful

>Araki makes an ally with an extremly broken stand that could solo the main villain efforlessLy
>They either get less than three fights throughout the whole part or is forced to hold the retard ball.
Why is Araki such a hack?


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At first I didn't understand it, then I thought I understood it but now I again think that I don't get it

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not that guy but thanks user
you know why


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Return spacetime redactions to zero

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Soma Cruz

Yeah I think he’ll be ok, Dracula bullshit and whatnot.

Best part of Part 4 was Okuyasu showing up during the final battle, banishing the bubble bombs and just 'yoinking' Stray Cat away from KQ after Josuke had spent multiple chapters using elaborate schemes just to hold out against him.

he's after your tamgochi user

You try to hit DV in the face with a fat haymaker
DV doesn’t like it, so he activates KC after seeing what you’re gonna do with Epitaph
[KC removes DV from the situation, making your punch not hit anything. You stumble past where DV was and smash into the wall face first]
DV ends the time skip

and kills you by punching you through the chest

You aren’t aware of anything that happened between the [brackets], from your perspective you just started to throw a punch and ended up with your face smashed into the wall and then a fist through your chest