Would Sonic be an actually good series if Yuji Naka never left?

Would Sonic be an actually good series if Yuji Naka never left?

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Probably. I recently found out that Sonic Advance 2 is the only game he directed, which may or may not explain why it is easily one of the best Sonic games.

Jesus Christ, Iizuka looks like a fucking troglodyte compared to the majestic Naka-san.

How the fuck do all the japs have and see teeth like that and see literally nothing fucking wrong with that at all? Brits roo I guess.

Seriously, am I in the wrong here? I don't even know. Is it something that I shouldn't be disgusted by?

>Those teeth

Didn’t he direct the original sonic riders too?

It definitely had the best implementation of boosting. You only get to go SUPER fast if you're good at going fast to begin with. Good, good stuff.

in person you get used to it

I've seen gravure pics of 10/10 jap girls with disgusting rotting teeth. Seems like dental care is just not a thing in Japan.

Naka was never that important to Sonic. Yasuhara, Iizuka, Oshima, and Mark Cerny were way more important.

Do orthodontists exist in Japan?

>Sonic Riderswas also the lastSonictitle produced with the involvement ofYuji Naka, who left Sega shortly after its release.
This might be what you're confused by

>leaves after Sonic 1, hoping for Nintendo to pick him up
>never happens, returns to Sega
>jumps ship during Sonic 06
>now presumably part of some mobage company
What was going on with him?

It'd be mediocre and consistent compared to what Lizuka has done to it

It's something that's actually been pretty heavily documented and studied historically, I don't personally know the details but what I read was that the perception of perfect teeth was essentially something invented in America in the era of advertising becoming a massive thing that influenced culture.

It's probably something difficult for Americans like us to understand since we view straight, white teeth as perfection and pay thousands of dollars for them, but in other countries they just don't see it like we do.

>Advance 2
You meant Adventure 2, right?

Advance 2 was "holdright2win" ad infinitum compared to 1 and 3.

If you try holding right to win you'll die immediately. It's easily one of the most difficult Sonic games to simply play, never mind actually git gud at. So difficult they added Cream in fact.

This. It’s one of the hardest games becaue it punishes you super hard for not having fast reactions while going fast. Usually with spike walls and death pits in later levels.

Better, not good, but better. The problem was all the Japs wanted a different kind of Sonic ever since the 90s, and hated all the American influences at the time. At best if he stayed exclusively programmer, he'd be the best there is. Iizuka can gtfo though. Only allocated is being associated with S3K and all he did was just the spectacle locations in those games, and why all the modern games ended up making that the core asspect instead of just a nice small attention to detail.

Only level that felt this way to me were the Cyber zones, otherwise it was the easiest from what I recall. And not even with Cream.

Ironically enough it did have the best bosses of the 3 games, personally. Those were pretty great.

Naka programmed Classic Sonic's physics engine, how is that not important?

Naka didn't leave until the middle of 06's production, so...

Figures all American stuff is contraindicate to real life. This makes my teeth appearance feel more comfortable, though it looks lightyears "better" than Zuka's from an American view.

>spectacle locations

Attached: anime_saywhat.png (473x675, 361K)

Naka deserves better than his career after Sega.

You're out of your mind, replay it then. It was well noted for its difficulty, and it's true.

The Flying battery section in act 2 of Angel Island, the death egg crashing down at the end of Launch Base? Basically the in game cutscenes was done by Iizuka for story telling purposes.