Have you ever fallen in love with a girl from a game you've never played?

Have you ever fallen in love with a girl from a game you've never played?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hana is 15 years old and falsified her age to sign up for the military and defend her country. You can't fall in love with a 15 year old

Shut the fuck up, you stupid BLACKEDfag

I wanna fuck DVa

How could I do that without knowing them?

My grandfather pulled my grandmother out of high school to marry her when he was in the army in his 20s and she was 15. Then he went to Vietnam and killed a bunch of brown people.

That's quite based.

>You can't fall in love with a 15 year old
try me

That's a drawing.

So? You can love drawings.

What, are you telling me that you love "real" people? You fall in love with sensory signals that get delivered to your brain? Sad!


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Yes. I love her so much.

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>It's bleached
Top kek

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Bleached is so fucking cringe. Also their discord is literally filled with furries and larpers.

Its embarrassing. One guy on the discord literally got modded because he erps as a gay cuckold Asian. Also they constantly cry BBC is a meme myth by da juices while at the same time claiming all Asian men have small dicks and that all Asian women want to be with white men.

Tldr; the niggers of white people showing their glass fragility

D.va is all natural fucking idiot

Major cringe.


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Huh? Your brain is already fried, stop masturbating to 2D user.

>You can't fall in love with a 15 year old
>saying this on Yea Forums(nel) of all places
top kek my friend

I've been physically alone for so many years now that of course I become infatuated with video game characters easily, D.va isn't one of them though

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Most of them are mutts and fatso's too. That one guy who larped as a girl and then posted a few of those losers pics proved it too.

Love, no, but D.va is absurdly hot.

Fuck i need to keep working on clearing the yakuza games from my back log, need to get back to 5.

No difference. Well except for the fact that blacked is real and bleached is a meme invented by butthurt faggots. But they're both still shit

imagine falling in love with a cardboard shape that is literally designed to sexually appeal to certain demographics
that must be really pathetic, luckily no-one is that stupid to fall for such a cheap corporate selling tactic, right?

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Give me one reason why 3DPD is any more real than 2D.

"Because 3D is real, I can see it" - how do you know?
You don't know for sure that they're really there. Your senses tell you so, but how is that any different from VR?

"Because I can touch 3DPD" - you can touch 2D too. When you close your eyes and imagine touching 2D, the same neurons are activated in your brain as when you touch 3DPD. Effectively, it's the same thing, it's just that with 3DPD you don't need any mental effort. 3DPD is the more casual form of woman.

5 is really good but if you're playing them all in a marathon you could probably get burned out pretty easily

Tbh i like blacked more

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>literally designed to sexually appeal to certain demographics
IRL humans are literally designed to sexually appeal to each other. Nature made us that way.
We even deepen that by designing our appearances to be more attractive. It's why you wash and groom and dress yourself a certain way.
So, I'm not sure what your argument is.
Actually I do know what you're really thinking, beneath these illogical points you've presented: you're thinking "2D girls are a lot hotter than me and I can never compete." You are right about that.

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Seek help, you are delusional.

yeah i was trying to speed to 6, but it has been some months so i am probably refreshed for it.

>fallen in love with
>fapped to


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>3DPD is the more casual form of woman.
Epic gamer reference bro. Nice way to justify your eternal virginity. But wouldn't imagine be more casual than actually making an effort to not be an ugly loser?

Kill yourself cringy faggot

I love Kass!

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Not an argument.

It is likely that I'm significantly more attractive than you. I simply choose not to fraternize with 3DPD.

6 is an odd bird in the yakuza family, it's still a good game but it feels like a yakuza3-2.0 scenario as it jumps into a new engine and loses some stuff in the process, kiwami 2 refines that engine a lot though

you literally cannot ontologically prove 3DPD superiority so you have to resort to soccer mom tier histrionics
>g-g-g-g-go to therapy
literal cope

Fuck no that makes no sense.

why do normalfaggulas think everyone who doesn't buy into the normalfag social contract is ugly
i got hit on by good looking girls all the time when i was in school, i just don't like the whole "cut away all incompatible parts of your personality so you can be compatible with normalfags" meme so i don't date

>generic rehashed not-another-teen-movie tier high school insults

lol holy shit dude, you going to call him a gaylord next?

>Western devs can't make attractive wo-

Attached: Your+dva+is+best+girl+_1c28a782c7393b6d1030848b1f443023.jpg (1000x694, 165K)

What's there to argue? It's a drawing, you need to be very sick in the head to love one, you are on the same level of delusion as religious fanatics.

>I'm significantly more attractive than you
>more attractive than you
>I simply choose

Post a shirtless image of yourself and then I will post mine.

Look, they'll likely never understand 2D love, but you have a severely flawed notion of 2D love as well. You're confusing delusion for love, 2D isn't real in the same way 3D is real, and you have no evidence to suggest that 3D isn't real. However, 2D is real, just in it's own way. It exists as a neuron receptor in your brain, it exists as a fictional entity, it exists as a digital photo on tangible hardware, it exists as a painting, etc.

True 2D love comes from accepting it for what it is, and it is not the same as 3D love. Both can be good, both can be bad. Don't let it be bad for you.

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I'm not retarted user

>You have no evidence to suggest that 3DPD isn't real
You have no evidence to suggest that it's real, at least not in any capacity greater than 2D.
Eat shit, failed normalfaggot.

Who's the artist? Google doesn't want to tell me.

>bleached is a meme invented by butthurt faggots


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T. Fat, ugly and possibly balding discord faggots

Why would I argue with a delusional person? Also, same response furfags give, disgusting.

You sure about that?

You can't argue because you don't have an argument. You seem like a dim person that knows he's out of his depth. Good boy.

You made the claim faggot, you go first.
>And now he never responds again

How about you """choose""" to be in a loving relationship with a real human being instead of a drawing, you fucking loser weeb.

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you seem like the delusional one 2bh, being unable to defend his stance yet still desperately clinging to it

While it's socially unacceptable, being in love with a fictional character doesn't mean that you're a social outcast. It can be a positive influence on you that you unfortunately have to treat like a skeleton in your closet. I lift, eat healthy, work, and choose to live a happy life because of the one I love, even if they aren't real, they effect they have on me is as real as the emotional effect any piece of media has had on you.

Suppose that it isn't real, it still doesn't matter because it's an entirely different kind of not-real as 2D. You're comparing apples to oranges.

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This is not a debate, you are delusional and that's a fact. Keep coping, fooling yourself must be easy for you.

Stop posting in this thread you idiots.

Those are perfectly normal interracial relationships that exist outside of your cringy meme fetish you autisic discord fatso.

>loving relationship with a real human


About half of all marriages end in divorce.

On average, 41% of marriages contain a spouse who say they have committed infidelity.

About 68% of women say they would commit infidelity if they knew they would not be caught.

This is now a cute girls thread

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perhaps even...redpilled?

Yes we do have evidence it is real. We feel and see it. That doesn't mean it is real, but it's more evidence than 2D is.

>About half of all marriages end in divorce.

And think of how many only stay together because of the kids, or because they're afraid to change their lifestyle, lose their money, etc.
Truly sad. 3DPD is the path to doom.

I love anime girls

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>We feel and see it.
You feel and see 2D as well. It doesn't matter that it requires effort to do so.
Even if 2D is only real within your brain, it's still real.
After all, your perception of 3DPD is also an effect that takes place within your brain.

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I don't choose to be in a relationship with anyone other than Kass because I'm happier with Kass. Kass motivates me to live a happy life like no one else can, and he's there for me when I need him. I choose to be with him because all the people I've given the chance to try and become partners with have failed me, and while I'm sure there's someone out there who can, I've already grown so much and been through so much with Kass that I feel I have no reason to.

You can love something fictional while acknowledging it's fictional, user. While the user you are arguing with certainly suffers from a delusional variant of it, it's not inherently delusional. He does need to get some help.

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Honestly I appreciate you recognizing that loving 2D is no different than being religious.


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Imagine being such a cuckold you apply real couple's to your disgusting fake fetish. You'll never lose your virginity without paying for it


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Women prefer uglier men?

No, women think all men are ugly (except for 7% of them)

Well let me re-phrase it
I may dumb as a stump but I don't have autism

Life is but a meme.

I don't fucking get it
Explain it for a retard

>Uses online dating as a point when the majority are literal whores and gold diggers and generally the worst people to date
Congrats on winning the special Olympics. Btw are you apart of that statistic?

kass is cheating on you with link


basically men are willing to actually rate women in a fair way and women think about 75% of men are below average attraction

user, the sample sizes of "ok cupid" can not be an accurate representation of the entire population, especially when you consider that the kinds of people that use these websites range heavily in terms of age, location, culture, etc, and aren't likely to be used by people with developed social skills and a social network. Dating websites exist for people who HAVE no social network, and I don't mean a digital social network, I mean a real one. A connection of individuals that people know and spend time with, whether it be going to parties or college.

You should not have to put 3D lovers down in order to love your 2D love, that just makes you seem petty, and your love seems insincere. If you're content with your 2D wife, why would you feel the need to care about how "bad" 3D relationships are?

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Probably more desperate ugly dudes than ugly thots on that shithole and all meetnfuck trash in general.

the funniest thing about this to me is the perfect accuracy of the male rating

>tfw spend hours in the gym hoping one day a girl might like me for my body since apparently my charisma won't do the trick and then I see shit like this

>are you apart of that statistic?

I am... apart of, or apart from, that statistic.
Very well put.

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Or, like men, women have specialized tastes in men based on standards and principles they've formed about what makes their ideal male their ideal male, based on experiences, and therefore think anyone outside of those standards are unattractive.

What might be ugly to one woman might be beautiful to another.

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14yo is the consent age in my country, my youngest gf the latest one was 15, and the older one was 17. I didn't start dating until past 18.

Don't be a cultural imperialist, user.

Draft is mandatory in Korea. The only thing you'd need to sign up is for staying on.

The dick is like a dowsing rod for good genes.

>user, the sample sizes of "ok cupid" can not be an accurate representation of the entire population
The sample size of okcupid is in the hundreds of thousands. A sample size that is considered "good" for an anthropology study is 80. "excellent" is 300.

so they showed women photos of different men or their usual rating of men.
I'll be honest, if it's using online dating, attractive or even actual humans are rare.

>Nitpick a typo because no argument
Typical bitter bleached faggot clinging onto meaningless propoganga. BAKA desu famalia

false equivalence, humans evolved based to their own sexual attraction and a few other "mate choosing" deciding factor. such other deciding factor are what causes us to truly fall in love, a person's personality he shaped growing up, the choices he was forced to make, all the experiences he had in his life.
it's fully understandable to have a fetish-boner for certain ow characters, that's what they were made for if you didn't know, each of these girls: their bodies and "personality" for how much of it they have, have been crafted with the goal to attract as many people to their product, nothing you can do about it. however to consider themselves "in love" would mean going the step further, you are now a devoted to a fictional character that was made by a company to lure you to consume their product, fallen in each and single trap laid just to have you purchase a videogame, not to imply that this is the only reason people did, but that was their goal and they completed it, you have been fooled by the most brain-dead mermaid sing in history.

Uhh, dude, the chart is right there. 7% of men are attractive to women. The data is quite easy to understand, but perhaps not easy to confront.

that's because yer a faggot

I don't normally pick on people for being ESL but this is really bad dude. I have no idea what you're trying to say in some of these sentences.

No, I'm not pathetic enough for that, despite being a virgin.

God, he must be rolling in his grave knowing you are his bloodline.

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>Or, like men, women have specialized tastes in men based on standards and principles they've formed about what makes their ideal male their ideal male, based on experiences, and therefore think anyone outside of those standards are unattractive
and, it just so happens, only 19% of the population fits those standards

whereas men find 60% of women acceptable

>The data is quite easy to understand.
Not exactly, if I'm actually confused about what the chart is saying.

Suppose there are 5 men, A, B, C, D, and E, and 3 women, X, Y, and Z.

Suppose that women X and Y rated A through D as Least Attractive, but rated E as Most Attractive. However, Z rated A as most attractive, and B-E as least attractive.

How does the data account for that?

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Bros... I just wanted a waifu thread...

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

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Virgins pretend a bunch of handsome guys getting laid means they will get laid simply for having the same skin color.

Both bleached and blacked fags need to be executed

Could you leave out the never played part next time, please?

Go to /c/.

>The sample size of okcupid is in the hundreds of thousands.
But the point is that 100% of those people signed up for and use OKCupid.

>>Suppose that women X and Y rated A through D as Least Attractive, but rated E as Most Attractive. However, Z rated A as most attractive, and B-E as least attractive.
Uhh, the data would be averaged.
This is like kindergarten level stuff, I think 7 year olds learn how to do averages now.

it's all averaged in. what you see is the aggregate of all women's responses

>Opened with bleached shit
No you didn't faggot. It was another attempt to shill that shit here from your trashy discord

>men have shittier standards
Irrefutable desu

Evidently there was no bias in the male sample, because their results show a literally perfect bell curve of female ratings. Why would the female sample be so horrifically, incredibly lopsidedly biased, while the male sample is perfect?

i'm not disagreeing with you.

No, the standards are not universal. It's as subjective as someone's taste in videogames. While it might be true that only 19% of the population is attractive to any particular woman, that specific 19% are different for every person. Heck, if you've found true love, you might only be attracted to 0.000001% of the population.

That.. what? I'm saying that the data on the chart doesn't present itself as having accounted for that data, it's just a random graph.

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>While it might be true that only 19% of the population is attractive to any particular woman, that specific 19% are different for every person

I hate retards so much. I literally fucking groaned out loud. I'm exiting this tab now.

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I agree that the results are probably a pretty fair representation of reality, I just take them with a grain of salt.

I know, I'm not Kassfag

Okay, so on average women have higher standards for their partners than men.

What's wrong with that?

I only like 5% of videogames, does that mean that someone else who likes 5% of videogames has the same exact taste as me?

You've made this dva bleached thread multiple times. Kill yourself you delusional virgin faggot.

>I just take them with a grain of salt.
It seems like you take them with a lump of denial.


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that's true as well. all the chart is saying that, according to the average woman, 7% of males are attractive. which precise 7% of the male population that accounts for will obviously vary from average woman to average woman

>Give me one reason why 3DPD is any more real than 2D.
Holy shit the delusions and mental gymnastics waifuniggers and weebshitters will go on just to cope with their sad, pathetic lives
lmao what am I even reading

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How is this bleached shit? I just picked the first hot picture of Dva I could find. I don't know how this fucking argument started

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You're right, I was being stupid.

I actually agree that, if anything, all this would prove is that women have higher standards than men.

So I don't see the problem.

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This, there are some seething hapas ITT

>What's wrong with that?
i'm not the game who posted the chart, but all it demonstrates is that the dating game is asymmetrical, lopsided, etc. it's easier for a woman to find a man who finds her attractive than vice versa.

>not the game
not the guy*.... brain malfunction

I just said I suspect they're right, dammit. Fuck me for nitpicky shitposting to while away the last of the work week

>Such a ccck you have to use cherry picked images from actual handsome men (not you) to pretend your meme fetish exists
You're unironically a cuckold. Sex is a personal victory you faggot. If you aren't getting your dick wet personally and celebrate someone else's sex you're actual cuck

No but goddamn, I've been really interested in D.va ever since I saw her. And by that I mean porn.

>Fuck me for nitpicky shitposting to while away the last of the work week

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Fuck off nigger.

What the fuck is that abomination on the right

That's a Korean girl with a little too much plastic surgery and a great body

>tfw Latino and fucked over a dozen Asian women on my trips to Japan guest houses
LMAO. Just look Western and don't be ugly nigga. You faggots spamming pics of other couples will never get laid

>great body
dunno about that, her ass seems pretty fat
>inb4 THICC
lmao'ing @ u

Jesus christ no, that's the most pathetic shit ever.

you are a virgin, you don't know how being in love feels and you never will, pro tip it has nothing to do with how hard or wet you pepe is

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I have and I am not ashamed to say.

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This. Based

ok fair and simple, we'll use d.va and an example but this is valid for every waifu in digital media
d.va was designed, drawn and written with a goal in mind: not to make an interesting and likeable character but to be a lure for males that were into that kind of girls so that they would buy her game. while sexual attraction is completely normal as you don't really have control on it, "love" is much different as to be "in love" with another person, said person would need particular set of personality traits that are compatible with yours and some that you might admire. now in d.va personality, for as one dimensional as it might be, every trait of it is designed as a complement of her body to be attractive to as much people on the internet as blizzard marketing team's research said it was possible.
now "you", generic person in love with d,va have failed to se through any of this, and more, have fallen in love with a character who's personality is as bland as a it could possibly be and only consists of the very things you like in a woman, which is also kind of sad

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>not ashamed
Of course you're not, you're delusional enough and detached from reality as it is :^)

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>Not posting the superior version

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>Have you ever fallen in love with a girl

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I love how anti-waifufags never respond to Kassfag when he talks about waifu-loving because they know he's right.

Well, that's because he actually loves Kass. D.vafags don't, she is a product made to be sexualized and has no personality.

Either don't use D.va or make it a d.va exclusive thread and try to post more pics than the memes

Kass bro is legit
D.va fag is some discord cuckold trying to force bleached here

> you are now a devoted to a fictional character that was made by a company to lure you to consume their product, fallen in each and single trap laid just to have you purchase a videogame

the whole point of the thread is that the game was never purchased. none of this expert-level marketing worked if you never actually shelled out any money.

Yes, my wife (picture)

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the problem is it results in inceldom. on both sides, to a certain extent, but mostly for males

Why bother with others when you have yourself?

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Easy; Aqua.

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>women talk non-stop about how men have unrealistic standards for women's beauty


>51% of women are attractive to men
>7% of men are attractive to women

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what a perma Yea Forumsirgin holy shit

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>Yea Forums can't even waifudump anymore without whining about politics

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i mean it's not like the mods give a fuck anymore

if I would, it wouldn't be with such a shitty fugly character like dva

your attraction to children is indicative of your own gross immaturity. you all need therapy.

that said, cammy is ideal wife.

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What the fuck was with the "waifu" spike in mid 2012
Was that due to the tulpa meme?

>your attraction to children is indicative of your own gross immaturity.
All men are grossly immature?

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I wish tulpa were real

>>Yea Forums can't even waifudump anymore
good waifufags get the rope

>You can't fall in love with a 15 year old

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This. It's impossible to love someone only 15 years old.

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user, you should know that the existence of people failing at any particular thing was always going to happen, regardless of what it is you want to do. This isn't just in relationships, this can happen with any hobby, any career, etc.

Yes, there might not be someone for everyone, but that doesn't mean you don't try. It's better to try and fail than to never succeed at all. Plus, most incels suffer from entirely fixable issues, such as personality flaws or unhealthy behavior.

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Me too.
In the end it was basically a religion, except the premise wasn't "If you believe the religion and spread it you will get into heaven" it was "If you believe the religion and spread it you will get your waifu"

>All men are grossly immature?
yes. the content posted on this forum is proof enough of that.

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I want to be dva

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Why do all of your posts sound so condescending and full of smug wisdom when you're actually not saying anything thoughtful or useful at all?

Can you just fuck off to with your general for mentally ill incels? You're spamming these garbage threads every single day

>Have you ever fallen in love with a girl from a game

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>D.va has a USFK flash on her ass
Look, I'm sure D.va has fucked US GI but that's dumb.

IRL south korean military basically sucks american military's dick.
so its accurate

>nearly 100% of 14 year olds are sexually attractive
>30% of 14 year olds are obese/overweight
ya'll motherfuckers don't have standards

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looks like freedom fries

>30% of 14 year olds* are obese/overweight
*american 14 year olds

Y I K E S! dont worry user, your true VR is coming soon

As someone you would consider a "normalfag" relationships are about compromise. If you can't assert yourself in one -- and you can't -- you're not actually going to hang on to one anyway.

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).
But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.
Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.
Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

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who dat?

>As someone you would consider a "normalfag" relationships are about compromise.
This sentence doesn't parse at all. Get out, ESL.

You're a LARPing tranny male and actual (female) lesbians are 0.2% of the population. Most of that 0.2% are in a gay-for-attention phase and will later become heterosexual.

>implied female
False and homosexual.

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I don't know, but I don't think I'm saying nothing thoughtful or useful. If there's anything to take away from here is that most women you meet will likely not think anything of you, and that's fine. Just refine yourself and be a better you for yourself and those you care about. Practice socializing, it's a skill like anything else, and develop your own social network. Doing those two things will not only make you healthy and happy, but it will increase your chances for finding the one for you.

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cope harder missy

user where do you think you are?
You are in good company no longer
There is nowhere that is not infested by normalfags anymore

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>The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men:

Stopped reading there. I’ve always been massively attracted to men. Speak for yourself lezzie

My wife and I have picked up girlfriends using OkCupid and it's honestly one of the better places for internet dating. Surprisingly high amount of good-looking people who happen to work real person jobs instead of being instagram models.

women are largely solipistic perma-children, that's what it comes down to

Not even ATTEMPTING to make an argument

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I would have been willing to try Overwatch if it had a single player campaign or something. I'd rather not deal with tryhards getting mad for not following everything they say.

post feet

Kill yourself you mentally ill furry.

I don't think they showed the men in the test every single 14 year old in existence.

facts don't care about your feelings

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>written by a larping fat boy

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post kitchen tiles

Harley from Fairy Fencer F

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okay then
>show pictures of 14 year olds who developed early and sprouted huge tits
>show a picture of a 30 year old woman who had 8 kids and smokes a carton a week
boy, strange how 'science' can be manipulated

Attached: ThOwOnk.png (401x401, 31K)

thanks fren

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>owo poster is seething hag

Does it count if I picked up the game because of her, then fell way harder in love with her when I learned about her as a person?

What's your bias then? Conformist who wants to believe whatever the socially acceptable age to be attracted to is the most attractive? Married/relationship with a post-wall woman and trying to deny that they're worn out compared to younger women? Post-wall roastie yourself? Did you buy into the whole "pedo=attracted to anything under the AOC"?

The truth is males are the most attracted (instinctually) to young but post-pubescent girls, and females are the most attracted to older experienced but still virile and healthy men.