Damn shame. Was hoping they’d be as a collection for an attractive price.
Damn shame. Was hoping they’d be as a collection for an attractive price
That's the punishment you get for buying the same game a fifth time.
They were what I was expecting. What did you want? 5 bucks
Sad thing is I’m still gonna buy it
It's portable, stop complaining. Can you play anywhere on ps4 and xbox one? No. So shut up, enjoy the benefits.
Joke's on you, I only bought it 4 times and don't have a Switch.
Arent they in catridges? Of course they arent going to cost pennies
Final fantasy games are a rip-off too.
Fuck Capitalism
>attractive price
they are like 5 bucks every few month on steam sale
you have to be retarded to pay more than 30 for collection
cringe and bluepilled
REmake the only one worth anything out of the 3
can't wait to play those non-existant communist games while I starve to death
cringe and redpilled
>Capcom being greedy fucks as usual
>f-f-fuck capitalism!
Dissapointing because the other switch capcom made are usually priced more fairly.
>Want to get a physical copy of REmake
>the case apparently only has a physical of 0 and a download code for REmake
god fucking dammit
It should have been 15 bongs at most like the recent Onimusha remaster
Imagine actually owning a switch, nothing but port after port after port
just get origins on ps4
>Want to play FF XII zodiac on switch
>It's £45
Shouldn't be surprised really. As if it wasn't bad enough they were charging full price for Wii U ports.
I don't know why publishers do this shit
Because some whales will still buy it
They figured the money gained from charging more will be greater than the money lost from less people buying it.
Motion controls?
Its been a long time since i played RE4
It might be the first game i pirate since smash came out
>Criticising modern capitalist practice being shit means they want to throw out the entire system and replace it with communism
capitalism is fine, the problem is democracy, even fucking monarchy is better, democracy would only work if over half of the population wasn't dumb, and that's definetly almost never the case
It's also 60 fucking dollars for the physical
>only get 0 physically
>REmake is a DL code
>sixty fucking dollars
You're only option for a physical copy of REmake is a gamecube version, PS4 copy, or used Xbone copy.
Good thing it's easily piratable