So apparently there's a bioshock-clone set in the soviet union being developed by a literally who russian developer

So apparently there's a bioshock-clone set in the soviet union being developed by a literally who russian developer.

Reminds me of an old game "You Are Empty" which had a similar premise but the execution was shit so I didn't even finish it.
I honestly like the idea of a "sovietshock" but being the first game of a literally who russian developer sound like a huge red flag

What are your thoughts on this Yea Forums?

Attached: 1524348001546.png (1920x1075, 2.56M)

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looks more like if Wolfenstein was a horror game

looks really cool, would rather it not be episodic

As usual the development is a shit show.

Shill your game better Ivan

It's not
Confirmed fake, but you fags want every game to be a new TORtanic so fuck off

Seems neat, I've been keeing an eye on it. Honestly wasn't too impressed with the first gameplay video however.

same, it was a little disappointing considering the quality of everything else shown prior to that

Hello, shills.

Attached: 1551401431973.jpg (419x480, 52K)

It seemed super floaty and the impact on the melee weapons seemed completely nonexistent.

I'm hoping the game is based more around exploration, but the trailer gave me the feeling that it railroads you pretty hard as far as its level design goes.

hearing lots of bad things, that the trailers are either completely fake or heavily doctored with, and that the team has no clear direction, also they lost a lot of people who could code as opposed to those that are still working on it.

getting mad singularity vibes i.e. a game that doesn't have much of a personality to stand out but still looks fun to play

>rumor comes up, developers deny it
>"Confirmed fake"

You been under a rock the last year or two?

yeah we know it looks like garbage

looks pretty bad desu reminds me of we happy few without the characters which was bad even with the characters and the charm

Yeah, that's what tends to happen when the developers themselves state something. There's multiple interviews online of journos seeing the game live on the devs' studio, you can look them up if you want to.

Gameplay looked very clunky. But I’m waiting for that slav magic polishing. Maybe I’ll check it out in 6 to 9 months again.

>What are your thoughts on this Yea Forums?
I get heavy You Are Empty vibes from it
It's the same fucking shit at it's core and a finished product will be just as shitty

>Bioshock clone
Excuse me what?
What does that even mean?

BioShock was baby's first Immersive Sim

>here's some literal who game by literally who I found
>"some search results come up with these videos"
>that's literally fucking fake retard everyone knows this fuck you